Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1457: Evil Dragon War

Qin Yun saw the evil spirits of the patriarchs rushing over, and the Zhenyang God arrow clenched in his hand suddenly trembled.

"Wangpeng!" He snorted and threw the Zhenyang God arrow in his hand and stabbed him to the evil patriarch.

When Zhenyang Shenjian flew out, it suddenly produced a strong force of swallowing, and inhaled all the energy from the ground and the surrounding area into the arrow of Zhenyang.

When flying in the past, Zhenyang Shenjian also became more terrible. Some of the evil-yang people of low-powered people, the energy of their bodies, were also sucked away by the Zhenyang God Arrow flying over.

The Zhenyang God Arrow that I saw was so terrible that the evil spirits chief suddenly felt terrified and turned and ran.

call out!

Zhenyang Shenjian flew past and swallowed the energy of some evil-yang people around the low-lying area. Some even were sucked up, and a large group of people fell in the blink of an eye.

After Zhenyang Shenjian swallowed a lot of energy, he also took a strong force and rushed to the evil patriarch.

"Damn, stop the town of Yang God arrow!" Chouyang clan screamed.

At this time, they also understand that the evil sun Shenglong said that the true sun heart could not be found, because the true sun heart is in the hands of Qin Yun.

Qin Yun cultivated into the fairyland through the heart of the sun, so he can now inspire the special ability of Zhenyang Shenjian.

When Zhenyang Shenjian attacked, he could swallow the power of all things!

Qin Yun uses the mental power to control Zhenyang Shenjian, which consumes a lot! Because the energy inside the Zhenyang God Arrow is very strong, if it is not his mental strength is strong enough, it is impossible to control the Zhenyang God Arrow to fly so far.

The evil patriarchs ran very fast, and several elders suddenly rushed over and threw all the weapons in their hands.

"Get rid of you first!" Qin Yun controlled Zhenyang Shenjian and stabbed an elder.


After the Zhenyang **** arrow fell, the powerful energy that had just been swallowed broke out.

A large black-violet lightning bolt, like the power grid, covers a few kilometers around!

A large group of people rushing to Qin Yun, the body suddenly black and purple lightning through.

The scary thing is that the black-violet lightning seems to have the power to swallow. After entering the human body, it quickly devours energy and then strengthens the entire grid!

"Ah, ah-"

The huge black-purple power grid, which covers hundreds of people, is a evil-yang family. At this time, it is swallowed by a strong electric shock.

It was not long before, in the dark purple power grid, more than 100 people were burned by electric adults. The energy in the body is swallowed up, and the body is also smoked.

Qin Yuntou’s special ability to use Zhenyang Shenjian was also shocked.

The Xu family and the evil-yang people who were hiding in the distance were scared and scared.

"How did Qin Yun suddenly come out of this guy? Has he been shut down for more than a month?" Xu Tiangao rushed to the evil patriarch, and yelled: "In your evil dragon mountain, there is something in it. Why is Qin Yun so powerful?"

"I... How do I know?" The evil patriarch, who had a chill, had been scared by Qin Yun.

Anyone can see that Qin Yun is now a repair of Jiuzhong Dixian, and it is still stronger through the heart of the sun.

The Jiuzhong Dixian, who has the Zhenyang God Arrow, has a good strength. The evil spirits and the Xu family are very clear. They just saw the power that Qin Yun showed!

Originally, the evil spirits thought that the ten evil dragon warriors would resume the injury, but now the ten evil dragon warriors were killed by Qin Yun!

When Qin Yunyi waved, he exchanged the Zhenyang God Arrow, and then stepped on the death of the shadow, suddenly disappeared!

Seeing the disappearance of Qin Yun, the evil spirits shouted: "Quick defense, Qin Yun is going to attack!"

There are still thousands of people in the evil spirits and the Xu family, but there are not many people in the Jiuzhong Xianxian, and there are still many injuries!

The disappearing Qin Yun suddenly appeared, just in front of Xu Hong.

"Dead!" The long arrow in Qin Yun’s hand spurs forward and penetrates Xu Hong’s body like lightning.

Zhenyang Shenjian quickly swallows the energy of Xu Hong's body, and then condenses that energy in the arrow, and then burst out!


Zhenyang Shenjian shocked, and the energy that swallowed in broke out, shredding Xu Hong’s body and the strong armor.

General Xu Hong is a very strong nine-pointed immortal, with good equipment on his body, but now he has been killed by Qin Yun!

Xu Tiangao was shocked to the extreme, because he knew that he was in front of Zhenyang Shenjian, and certainly could not support ten strokes.

"Xieyang Shenglong, save us, the Sun Warrior was born, and quickly destroyed him!" The evil patriarch suddenly shouted.

The evil dragon and the dragon, the huge body wrapped around a heart of the sun. After hearing the help of the evil patriarch, he also noticed Qin Yun and then snarled at the position where Qin Yun was.

Long Xiaoyin wave with a black wave of air, instantly hit Qin Yun.

Qin Yun Meng injected his own power of the sacred yang, and spurred the Zhenyang **** arrow forward, piercing the black air wave.


The group of gas waves suddenly settled, and then madly drilled into the interior of Zhenyang Shenjian, swallowed by Zhenyang Shenjian!

The speed of the yangyang **** arrow is fast enough, so it can stabilize the strong air wave.

The speed of phagocytosis depends on the power of Qin Yun.

Qin Yun bit his teeth and clenched the Zhenyang arrow of the knock.

After the Zhenyang God Arrow swallowed a very strong energy, it became very arrogant.

"Go!" Qin Yun looked at a group of evil-yang people in the distance, and then shot the Zhenyang God Arrow.


After the Zhenyang **** arrow flew past, the black-violet power grid with swallowing power and destructive power appeared, covering hundreds of Xu family people over there.

The people of the Xu family are all immortals. After being covered by the black and purple power grid, the body quickly dried up and then smoked, and finally turned into fly ash!

There are hundreds of other people from the Asahi family who are killed!

This is to make Xu Tian get angry.

"Manic humans!" The evil dragon Sheng Long screamed, only to see the top of the evil dragon in the distance, suddenly a whirlpool appeared.

The evil spirit chief shouted excitedly: "Great, the reinforcements are coming!"

The reinforcements really came, and the speed was very fast.

Ling Yuner said: "Xiaoyun, that evil dragon mountain should be the biggest threat, only to destroy the evil dragon mountain, it is completely annihilated evil spirits!"

"Yes! That should be something like an altar. If it is destroyed, they can't continue to send things over!" Qin Yun saw a group of black shadows rushing, his face gradually dignified.

The ten groups of shadows are very fast, flashing like lightning.

Only Qin Yun can see what it is. They are dragons who look like lizards and dragons. They are all black scales and have a lizard tail.

Compared with the previous evil dragon warriors, the scales of these lizards are very thick, and they still have a large lizard fascia knife in their hands.

At this point, the evil patriarch also saw what it was, and excitedly shouted: "It is the evil dragon war, Qin Yun is dead, we won, we won, hahaha... ten evil dragons will!"

"Don't be too happy!" Qin Yun heard the long-lost evil spirits yelling and sneered.

Qin Yun did not dare to underestimate the enemy at this time, because those evil dragon wars will be very strong, and every scale on the body is engraved with very complicated grotesque.

He used the eye to see the evil spirits, and he saw the energy flow in the body, the veins and the blood veins, all forming similar patterns.

This kind of evil dragon warfare will be produced through very superb techniques, and it needs the cooperation of the singularist and the refining spirit.

It can be said that it is a kind of deaf person with flesh and blood and strong defense, and has its own soul and can fight independently.


Qin Yun suspects that these evil dragon wars are all refined by the gods or the singularity of the holy land!

Xiao Xuanqin said: "I used to help!"

She has a holy knife in her hand, and the seven-stringed Yuqin also has a strong ability. Even the evil patriarch and Xu Tiangao dare not face her directly.

"Let's go too!" said Yang Tianshi, and then rushed over with a group of Yangjia's Jiuzhong Xian.

"Don't think about it in the past!" the evil patriarch shouted, and then with Xu Tiangao in the past to intercept the Yang family.

Ten evil dragon wars will be rushed over, and Qin Yun will be surrounded by all of them. Three of them will attack from three directions.

Qin Yun quickly controlled the Qiankun Fengqun to fall, covered a dragon warrior, and then released the tree and vines to tie one.

In the end, it is the crazy piercing of the Zhenyang God Arrow, which instantly pierces hundreds of times and hits the explosion!

To his surprise, the scales of the evil dragon warfare can defend against the piercing of Zhenyang Shenjian, especially the black gas shield that is produced, which is very powerful, not only able to withstand the Zhenyang **** arrow Wear it and prevent it from being swallowed.


The Qiankun Fengmo Bell will be blasted by the powerful evil dragons inside, and another evil dragon war will also break the tree vines.

Then there are two evil dragon wars to join the battle.

Qin Yun casts a light on the holy shrine and leaves the encirclement. After the contest, he also knows that the evil dragon war will be very difficult to deal with.

If you deal with two or three, he has no problem.

But it is very difficult to deal with ten now.

Suddenly, the hearts of the three suns in the air made a burst of muffled sound.

After Qin Yun looked at the past, he was shocked by the heart, and the three sun hearts suddenly became a small circle.

The true heart of the sun is inside, and the shell on the surface only plays a defensive role. Now it is suddenly a small circle, which means it is corroded by the power of evil spirits.

"Xiaoyun, rescue the companions in the heart of the sun!" Lingyun shouted: "You will not be able to deal with the ten evil dragons, and there will be evil dragons... Evil Dragon Mountain will also be the source." Constant support, this way, you will be killed!"

Ten evil dragon warfare, with very good cooperation, like one, the attack is rapid, the offensive is like a thunder!

Qin Yun casts a shadow of extinction, and then uses the sacred sacred scorpion to let himself quickly break away from the encirclement and rush to the ruined heart of the Protoss tribe.

He wants to let the people inside the heart of the sun come out!

Qin Long, Xie Qi soft Xiao Yuelan, if they are all nine cents, then the strength must be very strong, and then use the Zhenyang God arrow, you can deal with the ten evil dragon wars, and then destroy the evil dragon mountain.

"Don't let him go!" The evil patriarch knew what Qin Yun had to do in the past, and shouted.

The evil dragon in the air constantly vomits a strand of energy from the mouth and hits Qin Yun on the ground.

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