Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1474: Mountain god

Lu Jiayan was pierced by a spear and was lifted up in the air. The pierced chest kept bleeding. He was full of painful eyes and shouted: "Grandpa, you run fast... there are several cents here. Wang, there are still a lot of Jinxian, Tianxian and Xianjun, and I will enter the stone building..."

Yao Fang took a shot of Qin Yun’s shoulder and said coldly: “You are going to save people, others are handed over to me!”

Qin Yun turned his head and glanced at Yao Fang. Seeing her beauty flashed with a strong killing light, he suddenly felt that this was very similar to Xiao Yuelan’s killing.

This is the case with Xiao Yulan’s killing. He suspects that Xiao Yuelan and Yao Fang have definitely learned a mysterious practice.

"I am going to pass!" Qin Yun waved his hand and collected the floating cloud tower, and then turned into a long stick.

The people of Tianhuxing came to Tianfeng Mountain in such a large position that people who have been wandering around have also known it, and they are watching in the distance.

They all know the horror of Qin Yun, and the land fairy is invincible. But in the face of Jinxian, Tianxian and Xianjun above the immortals, it must not be beaten.

The people from the Tianhu Star will not obey the rules of the fairyland. They come to the fairy land of Jiuyang and Jiubao from the extraterrestrial starry sky, just to plunder the resources here. It is like a robber.

One of Qin Yun’s eyes blinked, the white light flashed, and the body turned into a white light flashing past, rushing to Lu Jiayan, a quick stick to interrupt the spear, vigorously grab Lu Jiayan, and throw it backwards.

After Lu Jiayan was thrown into the Tianfeng Mountain by Qin Yun, he was caught by a large white pig that suddenly came out.

The big white pig glared at Lu Jiayan and ran on the mountain road of Tianfeng Mountain. It disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After Qin Yun’s floating cloud stick interrupted the spear, the fairy power that had accumulated in it broke out, and the big man who pierced Lu Jiayan shook the blood.

The terrible thing is that the stick fell on the tiger under the big man and directly interrupted the tiger's head.


The long stick in Qin Yun’s hand swept to the side, and the body of the big man was broken.

The people who were watching in the distance were amazed. Qin Yun suddenly flew in the past to save Lu Jiayan while killing a Tianhu star. This happened in an instant.

The more than a thousand people of Tianhu Star did not expect that Qin Yun’s land fairy was still so daring in front of several kings.

They also thought that with their powerful battle, they could shock Qin Yun and let Qin Yun beg for mercy and then return to them!

"You are dead!" The old man, the king of the lead, screamed, and the power of the king of the king broke out. He just raised his hand and kicked it out, causing the earth to shake.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed, wearing a black robe, with a mask of Yao Fang, standing in front of Qin Yun!

She was just snoring, and the delicate body under the black robe burst into a murderous murder.

Xianli, the old man who was beaten by the old king of Tianhu, was also smashed by the murderous moment.

After the old man Xian Wang was shocked, he sneered: "Qin Yun, you have a powerful fairy behind you, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant!"

In the blink of an eye, Yao Fang suddenly appeared in front of the old man Xian Wang, punched out.

I saw her fist filled with a black gas, the black gas is full of terrible destruction power!


That punch on the old man's head, issued a shocking sound, the terrible power of destruction, turned into a black air wave, tearing all the others around!

The fairy king was killed in the blink of an eye, indicating that the person who shot was a fairyland!

People who watched in the distance, while exclaiming loudly, flew into the air, away from the battlefield!

The power of the Emperor is terrible, and it is normal to raise a large mountain range between the hands.

Qin Yun quickly took out a big soul-souling ball, and then let Lingyun lock those souls and **** them over.

A middle-aged fairy king of the Tiger Star shouted in horror: "You...who are you? We are from the Stars of the Tigers, and...we have a good relationship with the fairyland and the magic fairy Tianmen, you ......"

When he didn't finish it, Yao Fang flashed over and killed him.

"No matter who you are, as long as you destroy the rules in the fairyland, anyone can punish you!" Yao Fang chilled, then jumped into the air, slamming against the palm of the hand.

The huge palm of the black shadow, as if it was covered in the sky, with a terrible killing force and the power to destroy the world!

Qin Yun has retreated to the distance, but still can sense the terrible momentum of the momentum. What surprised him the most is that Yao Fang can release nine kinds of suns!

It is indeed terrible that Jiuyang is extinct and the power of nine suns gather together to destroy the power of the world.

Qin Yun can be sure that Yao Fang has mastered the Jiuyang dynasty!

The black palm shadow pressed down the ground, and the land seemed to jump, and the huge Tianfeng Mountain was shaken violently, rolling down many stones.

Those who are suspended in the sky, who saw the tigers in the sky, are covered by the black palms, and they know that the group is going to die!

Although I knew it, I saw the group of people being black and gray by the huge palm of the hand, and still felt terrified.

This is the power of the Emperor!

The few kings in front of this immortal, really like ants!

Many people just heard that the emperor's horror, now seeing it with his own eyes, is even more fearful of the Emperor, but also more eager for that level of terrible power.

Qin Yun and Ling Yuner cooperated to bring all the souls from the group of Tianhu Star into the soul-blocking beads.

This can be reserved for the next death to the gods.

Surprisingly, after the group of Tianhuxing was black and gray, the black ash flew to the Tianfeng Mountain.

Qin Yun knows that it is the Tianfeng Shenshan two cargo mountain gods are absorbing, he secretly glad that he is moving fast, otherwise he will be taken away by those two goods mountain gods.

Lu Jiayan, Ximen Da Zhuang and Pipi pigs in a cave in the mountains saw the group of people being slain and screaming...

"Uncle is the uncle, his friend is really powerful! It is too much stronger than me!" Simon said with great excitement.

"It's much more powerful than teaching!" Lu Jiayan was also healing at this time.


Suddenly, a large black ash flew over and flew to the cave where they were.

"What happened?" The West Gate was strong and the three of them wanted to run, but they were sucked into the depths of the cave by a suction.

The depths of the cave are red, but the ground has a pale face, messy hair, and a red-eyed head!

"Ah..." Ximen Dazhuang saw the head of the man, his eyes turned, and he was fainted on the spot.

Pippi pigs also scared and slammed into the wall, squatting on the ground and constantly trembled.

Although Lu Jiayan was shocked, he immediately thought that this man was the mountain **** and suddenly calmed down.

So many people in the Tianhu Star attacked the Tianfeng Mountain, and they were all killed before they could go up the mountain.

The people who are watching in the far air are all scattered. They can't dare to play the idea of ​​Tianfeng Mountain again, lest they should be killed by the mysterious and powerful Emperor.

Qin Yun once again took out the Yunyun Tower, and Yao Fang went inside.

Yao Fang continued to inject his own fairy power into the tank to destroy the holy scent.

"What is this? I seem to be able to sense a special destructive power!" Yao Fang said.

"Destroy the holy inflammatory liquid!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "This is a god-dead thing!"

"Is the evil spirit?" Yao Fang knows that Qin Yun cooperates with the evil spirits.

"No, I am not mixing with the evil spirits now!" Qin Yun told Yao Fang about his cooperation with Xingshen.

Then he talked about going to the heart and the heart.

Yao Fang was also very happy to learn that Xiao Yuelan got a Zhenyang arrow.

"Yao Fangjie, I heard that the Guanghan Palace is in danger. Is this really okay?" Qin Yun whispered: "I still hope that you will go to the Guanghan Palace, which will make it safer!"

"I don't go! Because practicing Jiuyang's annihilation, I will be in trouble at any time. I will only be tired of going to the Guanghan Palace!" Yao Fang said: "As far as I know, Yueyou and Ice Star are very strong. Emperor Xian, and they control the Lushen Mountain, more people can become stronger in a short time!"

Qin Yun nodded: "Because the mirror can't be used, I can't understand their current situation. Since they control the Lushen Mountain, it will definitely become stronger!"

"The person who made the mirror is no Xiaoding, this guy is your apprentice!" Yao Fang said: "He told me that the center of your previous life was destroyed, so the mirror is invalid!"

"Yes!" Qin Yun sighed: "It's a good thing for the two **** of the Magic Immortal and the Immortal Emperor!"

"They are looking for Yuetiansuo!" Yao Fang sneered: "The two **** have been so many years, actually have not given up!"

"Yao Fangjie, do you know the thing of Yuetiansuo?" Qin Yun had some accidents and asked quickly.

"Of course I know! Yue Tiansuo was originally a fairy, but for some reason, he exchanged with your past life, and intends to grab it back later!" Yao Fang said: "He did not expect you to be very capable, so has been Didn't take it back!"

Qin Yun was very surprised: "Yao Fangjie, then do you know where Yue Tiansuo is?"

"I... I am not sure, but definitely in Tianzhou! I know that you have more than one hundred treasures in Tianzhou. I have to find them one by one! Also, the most important central base for the operation of the mirror, On the top of Yuetiansuo!” Yao Fang said again: “I will help you find it!”

"Great, thank you Yao Fang!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "How do you know so many things about my past life?"

"Hey!" Yao Fang snorted and did not answer.

Qin Yun was very curious. Why did Yao Fang know so many things about Yuetiansuo? He suspected that he could get Yuesuo in his previous life. Maybe Yaofang would participate.

"Yao Fangjie, if you have time, please do me a favor!" Qin Yun took out the severely damaged Wraith Blade and handed it to Yao Fang: "Help me hand over to my righteous father. His meditation is also in the fairyland." It!"

"Good!" Yao Fang nodded.

Yao Fang's fairy power is very powerful, and it is still with the power of destruction, which can make those who destroy the holy inflammatory liquid stronger.

It wasn't long before the cylinder destroyed the sacred liquid and it became a crystal.

After Yao Fang helped Qin Yun, he hurriedly left, and he also smashed Qin Yun before leaving.

Qin Yun was very happy to return to Tianfeng Shenshan. After coming to the top of the mountain, he saw Ximen Da Zhuang and Pipi pig, sitting on the side of the fire and shivering.

Lu Jiayan’s injury is also much better, and on the edge of the fire, there is a man with a messy hair and a white face, which is the second mountain god.

"I am invincible!" After seeing Qin Yun, the mountain **** laughed loudly: "Quick trembling!"

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