Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1503: Under the clouds

"Great elders, how was your leg injured? Can you cure it?" Qin Yun suddenly asked.


"I don't want to cure, it's good!" said the old man: "Teach you, worry more about yourself! This is a lot of bad luck!"

The old scorpion and the thin cat are walking very slowly. If you follow this way, it may take several days to go to the distant sky.

The thin cat is very thin, looks like a skinny, plus the beard on his face, it is a bit like a cat. It is not surprising to be called a thin cat.

Qin Yun secretly sighed, and the two same doors with him, one is a lame old man, and the other is a middle-aged woman who is thin and not a few.

The old scorpion is a Taoist, and it seems to be a bit more powerful than the previous scrap.

The thin cat is also a Taoist, no wonder it will be sent to bring Qin Yun to Cang Xuanzong.

The thin cat said: "Teaching, we just go with you this time, but we are not responsible for the fight! Don’t you say that the cloud door is very weak, let alone the chief disciple of Cang Xuanzong, even if it is a second-rate disciple, you can The cloud door is gone!"

"Isn't it just a fight?" Qin Yun said: "If you can't beat it, would you still be killed by the other party?"

The old nephew said: "Teach you, you don't know! Cang Xuanzong and our Yunyunmen have an agreement, and every thousand years will play one! It was a battle between the teaching and the teaching, but later because our teaching is too Weak, so they are challenged by their chief disciples!"

"Can you win the chief disciple of theirs, will they be killed?" Qin Yun smiled and said: "Not at all?"

The old voice snorted: "If the chief disciple is a man, it will not be! But the problem is that the chief disciple of Cang Xuanzong is a woman! And you are a man!"

"The opposite is a woman, will kill me? What logic is this?" Qin Yun asked.

"Because there is an agreement, as long as the person invited by the other party is a woman, if the woman loses, she will be your cultivation!" The thin cat sneered: "Teach, you think the other female chief disciple will let you go." ?"

After the completion of the cultivation of the furnace, it is a practice of yin and yang, the ability to **** the woman to quickly gain powerful power!

Qin Yun stunned and frowned: "Who is this agreement? Why do you have to make such an agreement?"

"The first few floating clouds taught it! He set this agreement, that is, he wanted to make the female master of Cang Xuanzong become his cultivation, and he lost, and also lost our mountain!" Angry said: "At that time, the teaching was very young and very proud, and the female master of Cang Xuanzong was very young, so I only played such a bet!"

"In order to humiliate us, Cang Xuanzong invites us to participate in their grand occasion every thousand years. By the way, we can play with us! If we do not fight once, they will destroy the mountain!" The skinny cat said: Going to teach, this is something you should know. Do you know that this cloud is not good for you?"

If Cang Xuanzong ruined the floating cloud Tianshan, then the disciples of the floating cloud door will suffer.

The disciples of Fuyunmen seem to be afraid of some kind of retribution power, so they will go to war every thousand years, otherwise the clouds will be destroyed, and they will be killed by the power of retribution.

Qin Yun now understands the situation, but he feels that there is nothing. To defeat the other party's chief disciple, the pressure is not great.

"If the other party's chief disciple is a kind-hearted woman, she won't kill you, because she won't be your cultivator if she beats you!" The old nephew smiled and said: "Of course, if the other party hates evil." , that's not necessarily!"

Qin Yun said: "Do not worry, I will not have anything!"

He took out a compass, which was used to probe the clouds, pointing to the mountain.

"If I beat the female chief disciple, I can get back to the control of the mountain, is it?" Qin Yun asked.

He is now sure that the sky is in the high mountains.

"Not only that, you can let the female chief be your cultivation!" The thin cat smiled and said: "But it is just a whimsical!"

The strength of Cang Xuanzong is very strong. The thin cat and the old nephew are all Taoist. They are very aware of this. And Qin Yun is just a land fairy, there will be no chance to win.

Qin Yun looked at the towering blue peak in the distance, and suddenly there was a familiar feeling. He couldn’t tell what it was like.

"I am very familiar! It seems that there is not only the seal of the clouds in the mountains, there are definitely other important things!" Qin Yun secretly grasped the fist, he must take control of the mountain.

He suddenly speeded up and ran wildly.

The old nephew quickly shouted: "Teach, don't go so fast!"

Qin Yun stopped and asked: "Why? Is it better to go early?"

"Let's go slower! If you go too early, the battle doesn't start, we will only be jokes!" The thin cat hurriedly said: "We walk slowly, just went, just started fighting, this is the best of!"

The old nephew said again: "Look at the two of us, but they are all unhappy!"

"I will go on my own, you don't have to follow me!" Qin Yun said: "I will hurry to see the mountain!"

"Teaching, we really can't go must bring us! You go alone, don't understand the rules there, will cause trouble, maybe you haven't started playing, you are bullied!" Go around and go.

"Teach you how to be so capricious? I have already told you the worst situation, do you still don't understand?" The thin cat also ran up.

The old sigh sighed: "We are all poor people. We were fooled into the cloud door at the beginning, but who knows that it is a tiankeng! We are all from the fairyland. Once we join the cloud door, we can't leave, and we can't Leaving Honglong Wasteland!"

The thin cat also said: "Teach you, listen to us! This will allow you to live a few more days!"

Qin Yun looked at the old scorpion and the thin cat. He also knew that they were not easy. He hesitated for a while and said, "You wait, I get something!"

Said, he took out a lot of animal bones and celestial iron, are of relatively poor quality.

"Teach, what are you doing?" asked the old nephew.

Qin Yun did not speak, and then took out Tianding Town, Tianding, and put those materials into the incineration.

Soon, he refines the four big wheels and then builds a big one.

Just before and after this time, I saw the old nephew and the thin cat horrified, they can see that this master teaches a little skill.

After Qin Yun got it, he painted the outside of the car with some golden paint, which looks golden.

"Well, go up!" Qin Yun opened the door of the carriage and jumped up. He smiled and said: "We are not tired like this in the past!"

The thin cat and the old nephew quickly went up, sat on the cushion inside, leaned against the iron wall of the carriage, and praised it again and again, because they have been here for so many years, but they have never seen such a good thing.

"Teaching, you are very powerful!" The thin cat said, and sighed: "I hope that you can get through this level, if you have successfully passed, then you have a good life of a thousand years!"

The old nephew said: "Teach, you do what I said, don't want any face, go to the top of Cang Xuanzong, and you can justify it. The female chief may not kill you!"

Qin Yun smiled and said: "I have my own way, there will be nothing!"

In order to hurry to the giant mountain, Qin Yun only got the car. He wanted to leave the old scorpion and the thin cat, but found that they were also suffering, so they brought them.

After half a day, the car came to the bottom of the mountain.

The Honglong wilderness cannot fly. If you want to go to the top of the mountain, you have to take the long stone ladder, which is difficult to go up.

There is a door under the stone ladder, standing two squatting men wearing armor, and repairing is also a fairy.

They saw a golden cart and thought that it was a big man who came, and quickly walked with a smile.

And when they saw the old man and the thin cat, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared!

"How are you?" A man smiled and said: "Where did you get the car? Right, what about your scrap?"

Qin Yun finally got off the bus and then took the car up.

"I am a new cloud teacher!" Qin Yun faint.

"Hah, the original scrap material teaching finally flickered to someone else to take over, hahaha ... or a young person!" The big man who kept the door laughed.

"This guy is very confident! Does he want to beat the sister?" Another man who guarded the door ridiculed: "He wants the sister to be his master of cultivation? This guy will die very badly!"

Qin Yun didn't talk anything, said to the old nephew and the thin cat: "Let's go up!"

He had just moved forward two steps, but he was stopped by a guard.

"Go up? You haven't given a toll yet!" The guard sneered: "This is our rule. Don't you understand this new teaching?"

Qin Yun looked at the thin cat and the old blind, only to see them nod.

The old nephew struggled to get a black iron from the sleeve and said, "Two big brothers, this is for you... this is the best iron!"

"We don't want this kind of garbage!" The guard looked at Qin Yun and said: "You, give us the car, and the treasure of the store, or you don't want to go up!"

Qin Yun brows and wrinkles, said: "On this mountain, there are such rules?"

The guard laughed and said: "This is of course! Like the scum of the clouds, you are not qualified to go up!"

"Who rules that going to the mountain to pass the toll? Call out the person who made this rule, I have to ask him in person!" Qin Yun cold channel.

"Ha ha ha..." The two guards laughed.

"Who is stipulated? Of course, it is your uncle's stipulation! If you don't give us something, don't think about it! If you are strong, then we have to do it!" A guard said, he took out a sharp knife. It looks like a very good fairy.

The thin cat and the old blind man saw the big knife and could not help but step back a few steps. The eyes showed the color of fear, but they were envious.

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