Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1509: Ming Yang

Momo flew around, accompanied by Xie Nian芸, Qin Yun is to enter the top floor to see.

He originally wanted to enter the second floor, but he was blocked by a force. He used many methods and could not enter the second floor.

Qin Yun can only go down the stairs, Momo is flying around the Xie Nian at this time, releasing a very beautiful light, Xie Nian芸 is very happy to sing.

"Little thoughts, why can't I enter the second floor? Can you go in?" Qin Yun asked.

"I can't!" Xie Nian芸 shook his head and whispered: "If you want to go to the second level, you must enter the second level!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Qin Yun did not know what he could cultivate in this area.

What makes him gratified is that he found that the Jiuyang shrine can absorb a lot of the power of Jiuyang. The energy inside this Yunlong Tower is still very rich.

After Xie Nianqi and Momo played for a while, they stopped and Momo entered the Jiuyang shrine, and Xie Nianyu began to practice.

"Brother, I want to start practicing!" Xie Nian芸 sweet smile: "I want to become stronger, then go to the fairyland to see, I also want to find a cute and beautiful elf to be a partner!"

"Well, you can find it!" Qin Yun laughed, then took out a soft cushion and let Xie Nian芸 sit on it.

At this time, Xie Nianzhen was not afraid of Qin Yun at all, but there was a feeling of being close to her. She couldn’t say why it was like this. It only felt because of Momo’s sake.

Qin Yun thought that he would like to give pointers to Xie Nian's cultivation, but he found that after Xie Nian's eyes closed, the body was surrounded by a burst of cool moonlight.

"Curious special... Why can she directly absorb the moon Hua Xianli?" Qin Yun was secretly surprised.

“It seems that Sui Rujie is really a luna!” Ling Yun said: “She should have a kind of magical power, maybe it is the memory she has born!”

Qin Yun began to practice, through the Jiuyang gods, absorb the power of pure yang into the body, and then run the exercises, with the meditation, refining the power and strengthening their own power.

After half an hour, Xie Nian芸 suddenly shouted: "Brother... I have a mysterious practice, I need to practice with you, but I am not sure if I will hurt you when I practice!"

"Is it the heart of the sun?" Qin Yun hurriedly asked.

"Well! Brother, how do you know?" Xie Nianzhen was surprised.

"Let's try it!" Qin Yun laughed, then walked over.

"I... I don't know if I trust my brother. If I don't trust you in my heart, cultivation will go wrong, it will hurt you!" Xie Nian芸 was worried.

When practicing the heart and the moon, if there is an error, it is a mistake of the man.

"Nothing, try to know!" Qin Yun has been sitting in front of Xie Nian, and extended his hands.

Xie Nian芸 also extended his hands, and Qin Yun palm applauded, then shouted: "I want to start... Brother, you can run your exercises!"

Qin Yun now understands why Xie Nianzhen is qualified to enter the Yunlong Pagoda in Cang Xuanzong, because in her natural memory, there is the moon god's practice, and the exercises are still integrated, so she is only a girl, she can Outstanding among the many disciples!

Qin Yun thought that his guidance to help Xie Nian芸 became very strong, but now it seems that Xie Nian芸 gave him no small help.

“Begin!” Xie Nian芸 took a few breaths and started to work on the Sun and Moon.

Soon, Qin Yun felt that he was thankful to the gentle warmth of the body, and entered the body, blending with the power of his body.


Under the mysterious operation of the sun and the moon, the two geniuses are in harmony with each other, which breeds a stronger force.

Many of the sensations that have been born are very strong. Entering the body of Qin Yun and Xie Nian, they can get them to improve quickly.

"Successful!" Xie Nian's sweet and gentle face, slightly charming, smirked: "Brother, great, we are very smooth!"

Qin Yun looked at Xie Qirou, the girl in front of her eyes, and sighed in her heart! He had seen the appearance of Xie Qirou’s little girl before, and now she sees her girl...

"Yueer, there is a singer in the Honglong wilderness, it is really strange! Because this avatar is too young!" Qin Yun suddenly said.

“Is it the wrestling soul of the moon god?” Ling Yun said: “Xiaoyun, it seems that the Honglong wilderness is not only as simple as hiding the clouds, but the sturdy body of the sister will not appear. it's here!"

"The evil spirits guys got a sinister yang here, they are not looking for the clouds to mark the sky... It seems that the thing they are looking for has a lot to do with the sturdy sister and my past life!" Qin Yunxindao .

In the blink of an eye, Qin Yun and Xie Nianzhen practiced for a few months, during which Momo often ran out to play, and also wore a little jade rabbit that woke up.

These two cute little things also absorb the strange moon power released by Xie Nian's body, which is very useful to them.

Qin Yun and Xie Nianyi are also very familiar, so he is not going to touch the pretty soft face.

Finally, they broke through to the two wonders of the Tao, and then entered the second floor together.

There is nothing else on the second floor of the Yunlong Tower, but the energy here is much richer than the first layer.

After entering the second floor, they will stop for a period of practice every day, and then explore various martial arts exercises together.

Qin Yun also has ample time now, to strengthen his own martial arts exercises, such as the nine-step, the sky refers to these powerful exercises often used.

Originally, he wanted to understand the Tianshi totem martial arts, but he could not understand it. He suspected that the Tiens had a problem with the totem.

He got the middle and the second volume of the nine-minded heart, but it was too complicated, which made him somewhat confused. He could only wait for Yang Shiyue to help her plan the cultivation points.

During the cultivation, time flies, Qin Yun and Xie Nianzhen have been together for repairs, and they have spent five years without knowing it. They have reached the Five Wonders of Taoism!

Five years have passed!

At this time, the thank you also became a beautiful and beautiful beauty.

Qin Yun finally saw the Taishi sister who was a child again!

Xie Nian's sweet face is always so gentle, and the twinkling of the autumn wave always reveals a warm soft light. When she laughed, the gentle and feminine was very fascinating.

Although she wears a simple white dress, the innate warmth and dignity makes her own beautiful and elegant.

This feeling, let Qin Yun could not help but think of childhood... The gentle sister of the water, often caressing his little face and telling him stories.

At this time, Qin Yun and Xie Nianzhen are in the process of repairing. They are also on the fifth floor of Yunlong Tower.

Qin Yun found that there is also a black curtain on the sixth floor!

He didn't dare to try it out, worried that he would leave this Yunlong Tower, and he would not be able to accompany him to practice.

In the past few years, the relationship between Qin Yun and Xie Nianzhen was so good that they often practice together.

Qin Yun also often talks about the fun of the fairyland, especially when talking about the Guanghan Palace, so that Xie Nianzhen is very yearning.

Just when Qin Yun and Xie Nianzhen were seriously repairing, suddenly, both of them had some pain in their arms.

They both straightened their arms and put their palms together, but at this time, their palms were black.

"Brother, what is going on?" Xie Yan opened his eyes and looked at the black air.

Qin Yun used his mental strength to control his sleeves to roll up, only to see many black crepe lines on his arms.

It was the totem of the sun, and it came out unconsciously.

Later, he used his mental power to control the sleeves of Xie Qirou.

I saw her soft jade arms, and many black grotesques appeared.

To his surprise, the totem of Xie Nian’s arms is actually a moon totem!

He and Xie Nianzhen have been training for so many years, but they have never found that there is a moon in the body of Xie Nian, and they did not ask.

But now it seems that Xie Nian's body should have a moon, and it is still very powerful.

"The totem patterns of Mingyang and Mingyue are combined..." Qin Yun said: "Look, you know what is going on?"

"I... I don't know! There are two moons in my body... These totem patterns appeared in my body very early, but I ran out for the first time!" Xie Nian芸 shook his head: "Should nothing be done?"

"We continue to repair!" Qin Yun said, there are two moons in the body of Xie Nian, which surprised him.

I don't know whether it is cultivated or the kind that is captured from nature.

What surprised Qin Yun was that he felt his spirit in the moon and cultivated a small needle! That little needle and the cloud of the gods are a bit like!

The floating cloud gods usually use more spiritual power, and now the moon is actually based on the cloud of clouds, and cultivates the form of "potential".

Qin Yun has long mastered the moon totem, but it is rarely used because he does not know what the main purpose is.

"It should be after you have been training for many years, so you have reached the key to the fit!" Ling Yun said with a smile: "This is a good thing!"

Qin Yun originally thought it was a good thing, but then he made him depressed because his cultivation could not be improved.

But Xie Nian芸 can improve, but it also improves quickly.

"Brother, what is going on here? Did I take up some of your strength?" Xie Nianqi is very guilty, because she is now improving the speed of promotion, much faster than before, and Qin Yun is a little There is no promotion.

"Nothing... we continue!" Qin Yun quickly figured out why his repair could not be improved.

That is because, in the time of the repair, the energy is transformed into the spirit, and it is absorbed by the moon to quench the small needle.

Qin Yun is not proficient in the cultivation of the moon, and Xie Nian is the cultivation of the moon.

At this time, it is a great opportunity to cultivate the spirit of the moon, and the spiritual moon of Qin Yun has taken away that part of the power.

What surprised Qin Yun most is that the Moon Moon Totem and the Ming Yang Totem can be combined. What happens after the combination? He is still not very clear.

Because it is only part of his Mighty Totem, and it is a preliminary contact with Xie Nian's part of the Moon Moon Totem.

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