Nine Sun God King

Chapter 151: Yuanshen condensate

After the announcement, all the students, put their hands out, pressed on the big crystal beads, and madly poured in the internal force.

If filled with internal force, the big crystal beads will shine!

Just at the beginning, inside the nine large crystal beads, there was a faint mist.

These nine squads, with more than a dozen martial arts and six heavy people, entered the madness and rapid injection, and soon made the power reserve beads change.

Only Qin Yun, their crystal beads, did not have any improvement, and this is what everyone expected.

Master Wei looked at Yang Shiyue, who was cold and cold, and smiled: "See you, four of them are this level!"

Yan Guogong also smiled very happy, watching Duan Qian: "The big manager, I am sorry, you lost!"


In the martial arts field, the other teams looked at Xie Wufeng on their side and could not help but laugh.

Xie Wufeng told Qin Yundao: "Cloud brother, let's get started!"

Qin Yun nodded, then closed his eyes and controlled the release of the gods. His body suddenly overflowed with a crystal thread, and the scorpion rose and rose very high.

Xie Wufeng is the same, just the silk thread that overflows, is thicker than Qin Yun!

This is their god!

The Yuanshen is connected to the Inner Yuan and rises into the air to quickly ingest the Aura!

"They actually used the Yuanshen!" Zhang’s eyes lit up and he smiled. "Qin Yun has already cultivated Yuanshen. I didn't expect this young man named Xie Wufeng to practice."

"Yuan Shen can quickly ingest more aura, it is said to be ten times in the ordinary case!" Duan Xiaoxiao said.

Master Wei sneered: "Hey, Qin Yun is just a pulse, how much can he ingest? That is called Xie Wufeng, a single-armed person, and only two spirits... They can cultivate the Yuanshen, it is a waste!"

Even if many of the martial arts here are heavy, they may not be able to cultivate the gods, so they are secretly screaming!

After Qin Yun and Xie Wufeng released the Yuanshen, there was an aerosol inside their large power-bearing beads.

"Not enough!" Qin Yun whispered, then looked at the long silk thread, and when the heart moved, he closed his eyes and controlled the silk thread to become a spiritual pattern!

This spiritual pattern is the most common gas pattern, and it is not complicated. Therefore, under the control of Qin Yun, the Yuanshen silk line will soon become a gas-filled pattern.

Sure enough, after the Yuanshen silk thread became a gas-filled pattern, it was crazy to absorb the nine-yang aura, which was several times faster than before.

Qin Yun was surprised and said: "Thanks to the boss, you relax the control of the gods. I use my mental power to turn your gods silk into a form of gas gathering."

Xie Wufeng also noticed that Qin Yun’s rate of injecting internal forces suddenly increased a lot, and he nodded.

Qin Yun soon turned Xie Wufeng’s Yuanshen silk into a gas-filled pattern...

Then, when they were over the sky, there were two cyclones of aura, and the aura of the valley within ten meters was led by them!

Huo Zhong smiled and said: "Our power reserve beads, now the darkest color!"

Originally transparent, it is now beginning to appear white fog, it is not transparent!

Murong Daren also laughed: "Xie Boda, Yun Laodi, you two really, we can definitely pass the first round!"

Those who watched the assessments were all moving, letting the gods turn into a gas pattern, and the speed of introducing the aura was so terrible!

The funny thing is that many of the martial arts and martial artists here have not been able to cultivate the gods!

Duan Ganhaha laughed: "Yan Guogong, I think the results of this assessment have been very clear!"

Yan Guogong and Master Wei, the face is ugly to the extreme, if they lose, they will die!


On the other side of the wooden house, Zhuo Chuan, wearing a red robe, smiled and said: "Old Hou, this Xie Wufeng is also a very weird guy. He has two souls, no Wuhun, but he can cultivate the gods, but also To enter your star Xuanwu Academy!"

Hou Xingfeng nodded: "He and Qin Yun are very hardworking people! Du Ghost told me that Xie Wufeng's inner yuan is terrible, and the power contained in it is comparable to the strength of the martial arts!"

Zhuochuan’s face changed slightly: “What is the situation? It’s so terrible!”

Hou Xingfeng shook his head and he didn't know.

Below, other people in the squad saw Qin Yun's power-bearing beads, which were quickly poured into the internal force, and they were very uncomfortable. They thought that after this round of assessment, Xie Wufeng and a few of them could get out, but now they are faster than them!

That column of incense, there are still half!

Among the ten crystal beads, the most white fog inside is Qin Yun, and they are undoubtedly the leader.

Especially the sky above them, the two auras visible to the naked eye, the most amazing, because even the people of the Seven Yang Lingmai, it is difficult to take such a crazy aura.

"This kind of assessment is really very aimed at us. If we have not cultivated the Yuanshen, we must not be able to complete it." Xie Wufeng sneered, and he is now relieved.

A middle-aged Huang Yi, came to the White Dean, he is the teacher of Tian Xuanwuyuan Liu Ning!

When Qin Yun saw Liu Ning, he knew that no good things happened.

Sure enough, Liu Ning sneered and said: "After filling the internal force, it is necessary to test the strength of the internal force before it passes. This test is carried out by me!"

"Qin Yun, like your temporary intake of aura, the internal strength cannot be guaranteed. The internal force in your power bead may not have any strength."

Hearing this, the above Master Wei and Yan Guogong also breathed a sigh of relief. Liu Ning and they are quite familiar, and they hate Qin Yun very much, so they will definitely not release water here.

Qin Yun asked: "How do you test the strength of the power-bearing beads?"

Liu Ning treacherously smiled and said: "If the power storage bead is filled with a strong internal force, it will be stretched very strong, can not withstand the shock, as long as a palm, you can smash the power reserve beads. So, by then I will play three palms in the past. If the three palms are unable to break the power-bearing beads, the strength of the internal force is unqualified."

Xie Wufeng's face was slightly sunk, whispered: "If you don't have to work? And, if you break the power-filled beads, you will be hurt! This test method seems to be unfair!"

"I am a martial art martial artist. I will protect myself. You don't have to worry about me!" Liu Ning said with a smile: "I promise to test it fairly. There are so many strong people here, I can't deceive them."

Seeing that he laughed so treacherously, he knew he was going to swindle!

Qin Yun’s heart moved in secret, releasing a large amount of shocking internal force, pouring it into the power-bearing beads, and then releasing a steady stream of spiritual power, which was also injected into the power-bearing beads with the shocking internal force.

Xie Wufeng also saw Qin Yun's face white, seemingly overpowered, but he did not ask anything.

Qin Yun is really too hard, because it is crazy to the inside of the reserve beads, injecting shock and internal strength!

One column of incense burned out, only five of the ten power-bearing beads were pure white, and the other five were somewhat thin, meaning that the five teams could not pass this round of assessment.


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