Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1522: Mysterious call

Xie Nianxi knows that Qin Yun is a singularist, but he has not seen Qin Yun refining things.

She was also at the same time, curiously watching Qin Yun refining those instant iron mines.

Qin Yun put the instant iron ore given by Hong Quangang into the Longding of Tianshi Town, and then put it on the Dinggai. Through the fire of the Sun and the Heavenly Road, the fire of the strong sun was released and injected into the Dragon Ding of Tianshi Town.

The fire of the meditation can quickly dissolve the impurities of the instant iron ore and extract the most pure sage.

The use of the empty space iron is very important, and it is one of the important materials for refining the transmission symbol or various space magic weapons.

If there is no instant empty iron, you need a very complicated and cumbersome space grotesque or totem, giving the material a certain space ability.

For example, those magic mirrors, there is no instant empty iron, so there are many complicated space grotesque inside, but also consume a lot of energy.

Qin Yun used the fire of the sun to quickly dissolve the iron ore and separate the iron from other impurities.

The instantaneous empty iron turns into a red liquid, which is poured into a container by Qin Yun and made into a square iron brick.

"Brother, what do you want to refine with the empty sky iron?" Xie Nian芸 asked: "I heard that I can make a transmission array... I can go to another place soon!"

"It is more troublesome to make a transmission array, and it needs to consume a lot of instantaneous air iron. I will not get it for the time being!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "I want to refine the transmission!"

"Transfer?" Xie Nianxi said: "What is this? I have never heard of it!"

"When I get it, I know what it is! Little thoughts, you go to practice, I have to toss for a while!" Qin Yun said.

"Yeah!" Xie Nian芸 nodded, then took out a cushion, went to a corner, sat down and practiced.

She originally wanted to work with Qin Yun, but see Qin Yun in the refining device, I did not ask.

"There aren't many of these short-lived celestial irons. I have to save some points!" Qin Yun said: "One with two or two cents, should this be enough?"

Hong Quangang gave the instant empty iron, the quality is very good, but Qin Yun is the first time to use, so I do not know how much is appropriate.

Then he began to try to mix the empty iron and other materials and start making the transfer paper.

The papers required for the transfer are different from the other ones.

Need to be able to store very strong energy, and then those energy will be released through the space grotesque, to be able to smoothly let the space work.

If there is a short-lived iron, it can be easily done when storing energy or releasing space, and it is not easy to make mistakes.

Qin Yun tossed himself a bit and found that it was appropriate to join the three-two instant air.

"Three or two only, not a lot!" Qin Yun took out three pounds, intends to make ten sheets of paper.

When making the paper, it will add other materials, which can be animal bones, or other stone or solid materials. The main function is to lock in the powerful energy stored.

There is a large space inside the transmitter to store energy, so that more energy can be stored.

Qin Yun got a transfer character before, so he also studied it. It is found that the space in which energy is stored is very expensive to produce, and that is where the empty iron is used.

"Xiaoyun, do you want to refine a conveyor? You can use it repeatedly!" Ling Yun said: "A transfer character, it will be gone in a few times!"

"Transportation equipment requires a lot of materials, and a lot of time to refine... I don't have the conditions to refine it now, and the production of the transmission is much simpler, and the required materials are not too much!" Qin Yun smiled: "If you find that hopping Tissot in the future, you don't have to make a conveyor."

After Qin Yun intends to return to the fairyland, he will contact Yao Fang and ask if she has made any progress.

After Qin Yun made a good paper, he began to ponder the combination of space and strange lines.

The space grotesques he mastered were all made by Momo. Before the magic mirror Xiandi also gave him a set of space totem patterns.

"Perhaps a separate totem is enough, and it can be stronger and more stable!" Qin Yun said: "The strange pattern plus the totem will become very cumbersome!"

"The fineness of your engraving totem is very high, you don't need too many odd lines to make up for the missing! Plus you have a short-lived fairy iron, you can make the transmission more concise!" Ling Yun said.

After Qin Yun pondered for a while, he took out the cloud of the gods, he did not use the soul, this is also for the sake of more stability.

Not long after, he painted curious lines on the paper.

The next step is to deliver powerful energy, usually by transferring your own force.

"If there is space, it will definitely be better!" Qin Yun said: "There is no need to directly convert the power of space, the distance can be transmitted farther, and the number of uses can be more!"

The pattern on the paper symbolizes the power of Xianli into space, and the load on the pattern and the paper is very large, so after a few times, the pattern and the paper will be damaged.

"Xiaoyun, take the table out!" Lingyun smiled and said: "Before you read your fairy power before the small chanting, isn't that table the power to release space?"

Qin Yun quickly took out the stone table, which is the one that carved the image, made of instant air iron.

"Small talk, you come over and help me!" Qin Yun said.

"Good!" Xie Nian芸 immediately came over.

"You put your strongest force into this table!" Qin Yun said: "Try to control, don't let those Xianli lose!"

Xie Nian芸 nodded, and then did what Qin Yun said.

Qin Yun himself also injected a strong Xianli.

Soon, the table overflowed with a burst of space.

Ling Yun controlled the yang, swallowed the senile, and injected it into the transmitter.

It’s only a short time ago, the space for the transmitter to store energy is full.

"Great!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "Small thoughts, let's go out and try the effect of this character!"

Xie Nianxi was very happy to follow Qin Yun and came to the clouds under the Tianshan Mountains.

Under the clouds above the Tianshan Mountains, Qin Yun grabs the transmission character, controls the transmission to release a spatial fluctuation, and marks a transmission point.

In this way, the next time he uses the transfer character, he can transfer it here.

"Little thoughts, let's go to the distance!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "Come up, I will fly you back!"

"Brother, why are you flying? I want to learn too!" Xie Nian芸趴 was on the back of Qin Yun, and Qin Yun took her back.

Xie Nian's body is warm, soft, and fragrant.

Qin Yun carries such a gentle and soft beauty, and also has a very pleasant feeling.

He used the ability of the floating clouds to sneak into the air and flew away.

When flying, Qin Yun released an energy shield to prevent the wind from blowing, so Xie Nian芸 was very comfortable to be carried by Qin Yun.

"Fast!" Xie Nian芸 sweet smile: "It's fun!"

"Small chanting, I will go back and refine a set of clothes for you, but also let you fly!" Qin Yun intends to use the floating singularity to go to the refiner.

"Great, thank you brother! You are a very strong singer... Before the sacred Xuanzong of Cang Xuanzong, they said that they were more powerful, but they couldn’t get the magic weapon to fly. I have to rely on those long vines!" Xie Nianzhen is very admired Qin Yun.

Qin Yun flew with Xie Nian芸 for a long time, far away from the clouds and clouds.

"I have been here before, running on the ground, it takes ten days to get here!" Xie Nian芸 looked at the mountains below and said.


"If you go to the dead forest?" Qin Yun asked.

"Go to the dead forest, there are several days away! The nearest to the dead mountain forest is Honglong Mountain!" said Xie Nianxuan.

Qin Yun nodded and took out the transmission character and smiled: "Small chanting, the transmission can let us immediately return to the sky below the clouds, do you believe it or not?"

"Ah? Really? I believe in my letter! Brother, you are the best!" Xie Nian芸趴 on Qin Yun's back, looking forward to look at the transmission of Qin Yun's hand, chuckled: "Brother, we Go back now!"

"Good!" Qin Yun urged the transmission, and the surrounding space fluctuated wildly.

Qin Yun and Xie Nianqi suddenly flashed a lot of light in front of them. In the blink of an eye, they appeared under the clouds.

"Successful!" Qin Yun laughed, and then put down the Xie Nian芸.

"It's too powerful, it's much better than the legendary transmission line!" Xie Nian said with a smile: "It's my brother!"

"Go, let's go back, I have to make a few more!" Qin Yun took Xie Nianzhen and returned to the Yunlong Tower.

Qin Yun took out the Gemini mirror and carved the set of patterns on it. When he made the next time, just take a photo.

In this way, he quickly made nine transmissions, gave him three cards, and taught her how to use it.

Then I have to give Tseng Nian to do two sets of clothes, wear them inside, and engrave floating grotesque, which will allow her to fly.

Xie Nianyi listened to Qin Yun to refine her flying fairy costume, she was very happy, and also took out her own collection of silk cloth.

The silk cloth is made of materials from some powerful beasts.

Qin Yun has a floating grotesque for a while. This group of floating grotesque is a natural combination that he can feel when he closes his eyes.

He also carved this set of strange patterns for the first time!

Qin Yun mastered this group of floating strange patterns through the way of fusion. So the carving is also handy, but because it is too complicated, it took a full three days.

He did not carve on the clothes, but let the Gemini mirror record.

Because he plans to make more in the future.

In the holy land and the mountain of the wild, as well as some places where flying is restricted, the ability to use floating squirrels can fly, and the demand is still very large.

Xie Nianzhen has been quietly practicing alongside, and I am looking forward to the flying fairy costume.

Qin Yun used a pair of mirrors at this time, according to a set of clothes.

Suddenly, thank you for your fierce standing up.

"Little thoughts, what happened?" Qin Yun hurriedly asked.

"Brother... I seem to hear someone shouting at me!" Xie Ming frowned: "Is... there is a feeling, like calling me!"

"Calling you?" Qin Yun thought for a moment, and his heart was shocked. If this is the case, it is very likely that Xie Qirou is calling this to her deity.

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