Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1524: Doll mercenary

Qin Yun and Xie Nianzhen were also very surprised and hurriedly helped the old man.

"Grandpa, you are getting up, what are you doing for us?" Qin Yun yelled.

And he already guessed in his heart that this old man might not recognize him and Xie Qirou's past life.

The old man was very excited and was sitting on a chair by Qin Yun and Xie Nian.

"Floating clouds ancestors, sturdy girl... When are you coming back? Why don't you come to me!" The old man said: "Don't you recognize me? I am the old man of Song! You all call me old Song!"

Xie Nian芸 frowned and shook his head: "Grandpa, do you admit the wrong person? My name is Xie Nian芸... You can call me thank you girl!"

Qin Yun also felt very surprised. In the past, not only his shackles came in, but Xie Qirou’s scorpion avatar also came in!

"Old Song... I was born again and reborn, there is no memory of past lives, but I know that my past life is the floating cloud fairy king!" Qin Yun sighed.

"Ah?" Song old man stood up very surprised and looked at Qin Yun: "The ancestors of the clouds, I did not expect you to have died once!"

Qin Yun smiled and said: "Old Song, the situation is very special now... I am not the King of the Clouds of the Year!"

"You will always be my ancestors... I was dead if you were not you!" Song Laotou said: "Have you seen it? I have this body, you helped me to refine it! That year, my The body is destroyed, only the soul is left, you keep my soul, and then refine this body for me!"

“Really?” Qin Yun smiled and said: “It seems that my previous life’s level is quite bad, and it’s not good at all!”

"Where is it bad? I am amazing. After so many battles, I have not been beaten! My ancestors, your past life is very good!" Song Laotou was very happy and smiled: "You finally took it away from the clouds. That thing, that's fine, that's fine!"

Xie Nianzhen listened to her side, she was also confused at the moment, but she could guess something.

The old man of Song said: "The ancestors of the clouds, you also taught me the technique of grotesque, but I was really bad. After so many years, it was just a strange pattern of Xuanzong!"

"To the old Song, where is the Honglong holy gun? Is it really amazing?" Qin Yun asked.

"Honglong holy cannon, in the hands of Hong Quangang's teaching! But you give us Honglongshan!" Song old man smiled: "I don't know where you got from the past life, in short, it's very useful, let us Killing the enemy many times means you need to consume a lot of holy crystals!"

Because Qin Yun has a lion gun, I want to see what the Honglong Sacred Gun has to learn.

Some of his lion guns can't keep up with him, and he needs to improve.

Sometimes, he needs to use his lion gun to fight his own fairy power, and the lion cannon can't bear the power of his powerful Taoist now, let alone boost the power of the Tao!

"Song Grandpa, Hong Lao is doing something outside, he is facing the North Winds, the Cang Xuan and Li Yuxuan and the bad guys of the evil spirits!" Xie Nian芸 whispered: "He will have something? ”

Song Laotou said: "Thank you girl, you don't know, that North Wind Valley and Cang Xuanzong are a group of ungrateful guys! They were not the ancestors of the clouds, they could not exist; but they often Do it right with the cloud door!"

Qin Yun frowned: "Old Song, Cang Xuanzong and Beifeng Valley, are there any older people like you?"

"Beifeng Valley still! It was an elder, and the body is also refining, just like me!" Song old man sighed: "I had a conflict with him, and he had a fight with him. Later, there was no contact!" ”

Xie Nian芸 whispered: "Song Grandpa, my brother's past life is really powerful, saved so many people!"

"Why isn't it! At the time, this Honglong wilderness was full of great disasters, and there are still many ghosts! It is Xie girl, your past life, and the ancestors of the clouds came to make it better!" Song The old man smiled and said: "Thank you, you are still the same as before, nothing has changed!"

"Song grandpa, Hong Lao is outside, do we want to go out and help him?" Xie Nianzhen is very worried.

"Okay, let's go out!" Song Laotou said: "The evil spirits and the strangers of the strange world have come. Hey, this group of guys wanted to destroy the Honglong wilderness, so we joined forces to stop them!" ”

"Old Song, is there a mysterious head in the dead forest evil forest? How much do you know about that mysterious head?" Qin Yun asked.

"The ancestors of the clouds, your shackles in the past, have been here for many years, just to find the head, but did not find it!" Song Laotou said: "I have been looking for it all these years!"

"Is there a little progress?" Qin Yun asked.

"Of course not! I sneaked into the dead forest several times, there are many discoveries!" Song old man went to the door, going out to see Hong Quangang.

"What did you find?" Qin Yun asked.

"There is a strong seal in it! The whole dead forest is in the seal! The strange thing is that when you were still there, the dead mountain forest did not exist! It came later. "Old man Song opened the door and let Qin Yun and Xie Nianqi go out first."

After the old man of Song came out, he did not say anything about the dead forest, because there was a middle-aged person standing outside.

"The Great Elder... How did you come out?" The middle-aged was very surprised, because the old man of Song rarely walked out of this gate.

"I went out to see Xiao Hong. I heard that he faced a group of enemies alone. I can't let him fight alone!" Song old man laughed.

The middle-aged was very respectful to the old man of Song. What surprised him was that their great elders were very respectful to Qin Yun and Xie Nianzhen.

The body of Song Laotou is made from a very strong holy material, so it is very powerful and can be preserved for a long time. As long as the soul is immortal and constantly stronger, he can live for many years.

Song Laotou took Qin Yun and Xie Nianzhen, walked out of Honglong Mountain, and then rushed to the black ship not far away.

After Qin Yun passed, I felt a remnant breath. It can be seen that I have experienced a battle here.

When Song Laotou came, Hong Quangang and other Honglongshan elder disciples were busy and respectful.

Even the North Winds and the Cang Xuan taught, and all walked over to the old man of Song to greet him!

They are very surprised. The Honglong elders who have not appeared for many years will suddenly appear.

We must know that there are rumors that Hong Long’s elders have long since died. Hong Longshan has always been concealed, that is, he does not want the other two sects to come in.

Because Hong Long’s elders followed those ancestors, his generation was extremely high. Even the people of Beifeng Valley and Cang Xuanzong had to be polite to him.

Hong Long's elders can live for so many years without dying, so his strength is also unfathomable, so that the two masters are very respectful to him.

"Great elders, how come you?" Hong Quangang whispered.

"Xie said that you were besieged, I came out to see!" Song old man smiled and said: "Cang Xuanzong, North Wind Valley, you do, even with foreign enemies besieged me Hong Longshan!"

"Hong Long elder, you misunderstood!" Cang Xuan teaches quickly: "We are just learning!"

The northerly winds that have always been cold and cold, with a smile: "Hong Long elders, you must not misunderstand, we do not mean to besiege Hong Longshan! Everyone gather here, is to communicate with each other!"

The old man of Song looked at the hundreds of people of Li Yuxuan and the evil Yang people. He said coldly: "Communication? The villains of the evil Yang people also have the qualification for communication?"

"Old is not dead, your mouth is clean!" A middle-aged of the evil Yang family, suddenly angered.

"I said that you are villains, what happened?" Song old man smiled and said: "You don't accept it? Come hit me!"

The Middle Ages of the evil spirits wanted to shoot, and the North Winds, the Cang Xuan, and Li Yixuan shook their heads.

In the face of the old man of Song, even Li Yuxuan has a lot of pressure.

Li Yuxuan is a mysterious Xuanzong. He is very clear why the old man of Song can live for so long. Especially when he saw the old man of Song today, he knew that the body of Song Laotou was a body refining the holy material.

This is a humanoid sacred soldier. If you fight it, anyone will suffer.

"Beifeng teaches, is your old cow? Is he still alive?" asked the old man.

"The elder of the big cow is still alive, and he is on the way..." Beifeng said, "There is no difference. We are conducting a comparison test, mainly to divide the site of the Honglong wilderness!"

“Dividing the site?” Song Laotou frowned. “Isn’t it already planned?”

"Hong Long elders, I have to enter the Honglong wilderness area, so I also point to the site!" Li Yuxuan said.

"My evil spirits have to stay here for a long time. In order to avoid future conflicts, they must also have their own territory!" said the middle-aged of the evil spirits.

Hong Quangang said: "Because the clouds have taught us the Yunyun Mountain, they feel that we have the largest territory, so we are not satisfied!"

Everyone looks to Qin Yun!

Qin Yun nodded: "I have given the Honglong Mountain to the site of the clouds and the clouds and the clouds. What is wrong with this?"

"The site of the floating cloud door is too big and too wide!" Li Yuxuan said: "Now all of them have been eaten by Hong Longshan, then we have no place at all!"

"Where do you come from where you come from?" Qin Yun sneered: "Where is the Honglong Wasteland where you have your site? Why do you come here to grab the site?"


Song Laotou nodded: "The singularity and evil spirits are indeed not qualified to come here to grab the site. You are all right!"

Li Xiaoxuan laughed and said: "Then you have to have the strength to let us go! We are now calmly divided here by way of discussion. Is this a very peaceful way? Do you want to fight a battle? ?"

Cang Xuanzhang taught and sighed: "Hong Long elders, peace is not easy! If you fight, our three local sects will be very disadvantaged!"

The North Wind teaches and nods: "The evil spirits and the strange lines, the constant reinforcement of energy, we can not afford them!"

"You are not just looking for the mysterious head? Tell you, that person is in the dead forest evil forest!" Qin Yun said: "Don't grab any place, you go in and find the mysterious head, you can go home!" ”

"Don't want to lie to us to die!" Li Yuxuan said coldly: "Who doesn't know that it is dangerous... Besides, the dead mountain forest is formed later, there is no such a mysterious head!"

Speaking of the mysterious head, everyone is coming!

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