Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1536: Evil dragon bloodthirsty

Qin Yun took out the two slate and handed it to Li Yuxuan. He said: "I have made out the dark lines and dark lines. This is the complete two-level dragon totem!"

After Li Yuxuan took over, he was very excited.

"I can't let these two holy dragon totems merge for the time being!" Qin Yun sighed slightly, saying: "Because my repair is too low!"

Not only is his cultivation low, but also the mysterious sky can not be upgraded, he feels it is necessary to find a night invite snow!

The night invites snow to have the mysterious sky martial arts, even if there is no cultivation of the holy level of the mysterious sky, it must be almost.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!" Li Yuxuan looked at the two slate, excited and trembled, very excited.

Qin Yun took the thank-you out and the two looked at the sky outside.

The gray sky in the distance has a huge black shadow, and the black shadow is the dark evil.

"The evil yang of the evil yang family really appeared in the Honglong wilderness area? Is it just an illusion?" Qin Yun frowned: "What is the evil yang?"

Li Yuxuan collected the two slate, and he said: "Predecessors, you can think of that meditation as a huge and powerful artifact... and can cross the space!"

Xie Nian芸 whispered: "Like your big ship?"

Li Yixuan nodded: "Not bad! But it is much bigger than my big ship, the internal space is also very large, can store a lot of energy and things! And ... can also create some magic slave warriors. Those evil Yang Shenglong, too Made by evil spirits!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Qin Yun said: "In the inside of evil spirits, is there a god-level or holy-level guy?"

Li Yuxuan shook his head and said: "No! They must follow the space rules of the Honglong Wasteland. The evil sun is now appearing in the Honglong Wasteland. There can be no stronger guys here, otherwise the space of the Honglong Wasteland will be cracked. Squeeze evil spirits out of space cracks!"

Qin Yun smiled and said: "So, can you destroy evil spirits?"

Li Yuxuan was shocked and nodded. "It is possible, but it is more difficult! After all, evil yang is a huge defensive artifact, which is made by many powerful gods!"

"There are nine evil yangs in total. They have made one come to the Honglong wilderness area. It seems that the head of the holy sage is very important to them!" Qin Yun laughed. "I might be able to take that evil yang." Come down!"

Qin Yun feels that his floating cloud stick is not weak. If the floating cloud stick does not work, there is a Jiuyang Shen hammer! qL11

Li Yuxuan’s mouth twitched slightly and secretly admire the ancestors of the floating clouds. He actually thought about smashing the evil yang and saying it was like a ostrich nest.

"Let's talk about it later! In short, the group of guys will come to me sooner or later, I will not let them go!" Qin Yun said.

He is now Jinxian, and he has enough strength to hurry and thank you for going to the dead forest.

"Old Li, you should go back to the singularity world!" Qin Yun said: "I am very stable in this floating cloud, and the evil sun can not destroy this mountain!"

"Predecessors, or I will stay for a while!" Li Yuxuan whispered.

"No need to use!" Qin Yun smiled and smiled.

"Well, let me return to the singular world! Seniors, if you go to the singular world, please use this to contact me!" Li Yuxuan handed Qin Yun a square mirror.

"Magic mirror?" Qin Yun secretly surprised, the odd-grained world actually used this kind of thing.

"It's similar to the magic mirror of the fairyland? In fact, we have used the singularity world... Of course, the mirror of the fairyland is stronger and bigger, but I heard that it seems to be invalid, and I don't know why! Li Yuxuan said.

Qin Yun has always wanted to repair the magic mirror of the fairyland, and to control the news of the fairyland. In this way, the power of the fairyland can be gathered to fight against the evil spirits and those extraterritorial forces, and even against the fairy and the magic fairy. .

"Well, I will go to the grotesque world, I will definitely contact you!" Qin Yun said, he felt that his predecessor, Yunyun Xianwang, must have been to the sci-fi world.

"Predecessors, let go!" Li Yuxuan was very excited at this time, because he mastered the precious holy dragon totem, after returning to the Li family, the status can certainly be improved.

"Old Li, you go back, remember not to hand over the two holy dragon totems at once!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "If you hand in one, you will be able to improve your status and keep a good flow of water..."

Li Yixuan nodded: "Thank you for reminding my seniors!"

He jumped on the big ship, then flew away from the clouds, to the weak space, and crossed the space to return to the strange world.

Xie Nian芸 smiled and said: "Brother, this old Li really respects you now!"

"Little thoughts, this is the power of my brother! So you should not be afraid of what evil spirits!" Qin Yun laughed.

"Yeah!" Xie Nian芸 shook Qin Yun's arm, his face was full of sweet smiles and said: "Brother, when are we going to the dead forest?"

Qin Yun shouted at a stone building in the distance: "Hua Tongan!"

Hua Tongan immediately came out of the stone building. He was rescued by Qin Yun, and then he knew that Qin Yun was the ancestor of the floating clouds, so he was also extremely respectful to Qin Yun.

"Old ancestors..."

"Call my predecessors on the line!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "I am going to the dead mountain forest, you have been in before, should you be familiar with it?"

Before Hua Tongan’s escape, he was considered to be a rebirth of the fire. He still broke through to Jinxian, and cultivated the legendary Honglong Jinshen. The future is also promising.

"Well, I am very familiar with it. I am willing to enter the dead mountain forest with my predecessors!" Hua Tongan said.

He was secretly surprised because he felt that Qin Yun and Xie Nianyi were both Jin Xian. And Xie Nianzhen is still a double golden fairy!

"Let's go to Honglong Mountain first!" Qin Yun said, taking out a set of holy armor and a holy knife and handing it to Hua Tongan.

Before Qin Yun attacked the altar of the sun, and got some holy armor and sacred soldiers, they were a bit broken, but they were still very useful.

Hua Tongan was very excited and thanked him!

Subsequently, Qin Yun took Huatong An and Xie Nianzhen and flew to Honglong Mountain.

Qin Yun returned the red dragon gun to Hong Quangang, and met with the old man of Song. He greeted him and went to the dead forest.

Qin Yun confessed to Hong Quangang, do not have to pay attention to the clouds and clouds, let them keep their own sites on the line. Because the evil spirits can not break the enchantment of the clouds.

Hua Tongan also got a flying cloak. He was a burly middle-aged man. He was wearing a black armor and a cloak.

Xie Nianxi saw that there was a Chinese Tongan follower, and she was relieved. She knew that Huatong was very strong.

Xie Nianzhen and Hua Tongan were once disciples of Cang Xuanzong.

At the beginning, Hua Tongan also took care of this little girl.

"Uncle Hua, first take his brother to Honglongchi, he is very interested in Honglongchi!" Xie Nian芸 shouted.

"Good!" Hua Tongan laughed and said: "Little girl, I used to be stronger than you. Now you are very high, it is much better than me!"

"This is what my brother helped me!" Xie Nian芸 Yan Yan smiled and said.

"Predecessors, Hong Longchi's situation is more complicated! The evil spirits of the guys wanted to occupy, I have not gone during this time, I don't know what it is!" Hua Tongan said: "But don't worry, no one can stop Let's go to Honglongchi!"

Qin Yun asked: "The disciples of the three major sects, often go to Honglongchi?"

Xie Nian芸 shook his head and said: "It is rare to go because many people can't bear the dragon's blood and they all die inside!"

Hua Tongan suddenly speeded up and flew in front, saying: "Only the little girl and me can bear the violent violent blood of Dragon Blood!"

They are from Honglong Mountain, and Honglong Mountain is very close to Honglong Pond.

Flying in the air, I will soon be there.

Huatong Anfei is in front, just to check the situation ahead.

"The evil-yang people are very evil, they can withstand the violent torrents of Honglong blood, and they are very comfortable!" Hua Tongan said lowly: "The group of guys must use Honglong blood to cultivate evil skills!"

Before Hua Tongan was sinister by the evil-yang people, he hated the evil-yang people.

"Does the water in Honglongchi be Honglong blood?" Qin Yun asked: "I heard that there is a stream flowing out of the dead mountain forest and there are many Honglong blood!"

"I am not sure if it is Hong Long blood, in short, can make the body become very strong!" Hua Tongan said.

Before Qin Yun asked Xie Qirou, Xie Qirou did not hear of any Honglongchi, which should have appeared later.

Qin Yun suddenly felt that the Honglongchi was related to the head of the Holy Landlord!

"Xiaoyun, after going to see Honglongchi, try to open the fifth bead of Jiuyang Shenque! Open the fifth bead and then enter the dead mountain evil forest!" Ling Yuner said: "If you find the head of the Holy Landlord, Put the head into the fifth bead!"

Not long after, Qin Yun saw the dead forest.

There was a large area in front of it, shrouded in dark fog, and from time to time there was a burst of thunder, and all kinds of lightning flashed.

The dead forest is very big, far away, like covering a large area!

Outside the dead forest, there is a faint red light shining from the ground into the sky.

Because the three suns are obscured, the heavens and the earth are very dark, and it is easy to see as long as there is light.

"Honglong Pool has dozens of large and small, all connected together!" Hua Tongan pointed to the area in front of the red light.

Xie Nianxi said: "The pools of all sizes are big pits formed after the battle."

"There are evil-yang people in front!" Qin Yun whispered: "We landed and walked over!"

"Good!" Huatong An Lima fell to the ground and took out the red holy knife that Qin Yun gave him.

Xie Nianxi also took out the long sword that Qin Yun gave her and entered the combat state.

Qin Yun took the floating cloud stick and whispered: "I feel that there is a lizard dragon here!"

Hua Tongan said: "No, the evil-yang people, do you want the lizard dragon to drink those dragon blood?"

"Go, we killed the dragon in the past!" Qin Yunxing rushed: "Don't let the evil spirits guys succeed!"

After the three of them turned over a low mountain, they saw a red giant pool in front of them, and there was a lizard dragon, who was swallowing the dragon blood in a crazy way.

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