Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1545: The encounter of the Lord

After Qin Yun and Xie Nianqi entered the golden curtain, they came to a golden space.

Inside, floating a bigger head!

Qin Yun finally saw the head of the Holy Landlord. He had a long blond hair and a fat head. He had a pair of curved but thick eyebrows. His eyes were very serious, with a faint arrogance. Potential.

The head of this sacred lord looks very strange, his hair is long and dancing, but only one person is floating and has no body.

After seeing this person, Xie Nian芸 had an inexplicable fear. She held Qin Yun’s hand tightly and did not dare to speak out.

"Take your **** out and let me see!" The Holy Landlord spoke up, his voice was thicker and he was a bit low.

Qin Yun immediately took the figurine out.

After seeing the figurine, the Holy Landlord shot two golden lights in his eyes.

After the statuette was hit by the golden light of the eyes of the Holy Landlord, it suddenly trembled and swayed a strong power!

Qin Yun’s heart is in awe, he didn’t think that inside this god, there is such a powerful power!

"Is this true?" Qin Yun asked.

"It's true! And it's still intact, no damage!" The Holy Landlord snorted with disdain: "I really don't understand, why are you a weak chicken, why can you become the **** of the sun!"

The predecessor of Qin Yun’s past life was the **** of the sun. He had heard before that this **** of the sun was the most watery one, so it was done very early.

"Sin of the Holy Land, I want to ask you, if the gods are damaged, how to fix it?" Qin Yun asked.

"Your **** is not damaged, what do you ask this?" The Holy Landlord said: "You have been searching for me for so long, is it to ask this?"

"I... I haven't been looking for you for a long time!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "I haven't come to the Honglong wilderness area for a long time!"

"I said your past life...that is what kind of cloud, got a avatar and came in. I have been looking for me for many years. I know that your past life was looking for me, but I deliberately disappeared!" said the Holy Landlord.

Qin Yun can feel that this Holy Landlord is a bit prejudiced against him, and some despise him.

“Why should I deliberately not see my past life?” Qin Yun said.

"Because he has no gods!" said the Holy Landlord: "You have found the position of God in this world, I only met with you. You have been looking for me for so long, please ask if you have anything!"

Qin Yun said: "The **** of the moon is damaged and needs to be repaired. How can it be repaired?"

"That depends on the extent of the damage! The **** of the moon is also in your hands?" asked the Holy Lord.

"No, it was sealed in one place!" Qin Yun said: "I will get it back!"

The **** of the moon is in the land of the funeral fairy in the Yunlong Mountains!

The sacred lord of the sacred land said: "Even the gods can't keep it, what kind of **** is it? Your **** is really weak! The damage to the gods is damaged, don't fix it, you don't deserve it!"

Qin Yun is a little angry, but it is not easy to say anything. He must help Xie Qirou to repair the gods, otherwise Xie Qirou will be dangerous!

"Sin of the Holy Land, have you been without body?" asked Xie Nian.

The Holy Landlord said: "Little girl, are you saying that I am weak, is there only one person left?"

"No... I just want to say that my brother can refine the shackles and help you to make a good body!" Xie Nian whispered.

"Little thoughts, don't care about this guy... This **** is really weak, and it's still a coward! After being damaged, you can only shrink in this place!" Qin Yun said: "Small minds don't care about him, waste Your kindness!"

He thought that he could communicate with the Holy Landlord, but the Holy Landlord was very unfriendly to them.

"Hey, you god, the **** of the sun, is also very funny to laugh at me? How many times have you been reincarnation? No matter how many times you reincarnate, you can't regain the throne!" The Holy Land Lord is also very angry: "You This guy has died so many times, it must be offended by the heavens, not honestly as your **** of the sun, all day against the heavens, no wonder it is always alive!"

"Dead head, what do you say?" Qin Yun shouted: "You guy, I didn't mess with you!"

"It's not because you gods don't have any birds. You can't fight the Jiuyang Zongmen and the evil spirits, which leads me to be miserable by these gangs in the fairyland!" The Holy Landlord is very unhappy.

"Hey, when you were killed, but the things of the previous era! I am the **** of the sun is the thing of this era, what is it about me?" Qin Yun was also secretly scared.

I did not expect that there were Jiuyang Zongmen and evil yang in the first few eras.

"That is also your incompetence! If you gods have the ability, they will not be killed!" The Holy Land Lord smiled and said: "You look at you, how weak it is now, actually said that I would help me to refine one. Very strong body!"

Qin Yun rolled his eyes and said: "I can really give you a good body for the time being, you can't believe it!"

"Ha ha ha... good body? My request is very high... I want the body, at least not afraid of the holy device!" The Holy Landlord laughed and said: "You know why my body was before. Is it ruined? It was because the group of guys cut corners when they refining my body!"

"You are refining?" Qin Yun frowned.

"Yeah! I am refining. I am guarding the fairyland and obeying the **** of the sun! Originally, every **** of the sun will help me strengthen my body so that I can hold the villains of the fairyland, but I was soon forgotten!"

"I was ruined at the beginning, only one person left to escape. The **** in the gods, there is no one who cares about me, only pays attention to the struggle for power... And there are many gods who blame me for being nosy in the fairyland. Limit them to build altars in the wild!"

When the Holy Landlord said it, it became very excited, and the voice was indignant. The loud voice: "I am here today, and I am not obeying anyone. The gods of the gods are not living for a long time. They are early. I have died several times, and none of them think of me!"


"Well, you also have your hardships!" Qin Yun sighed: "There may be some misunderstandings between us. I hope we can eliminate misunderstandings and re-cooperation!"

"You guy is the **** of the sun. When you were the **** of the sun, you didn't think of coming to me. Later, when you fell to the fairyland, you remembered me. Hey, we have nothing to talk about!" said the Holy Landlord.

"I don't have memories of past lives!" Qin Yun said: "You can treat me as the new **** of the sun! I promise, I will make up for you again!"

"What do you use to guarantee? Just talk about your mouth casually?" The eyes of the Holy Landlord are full of disdain, saying: "You have no memories of past lives, then you are even weaker!"

Qin Yun suddenly took out the Jiuyang Shen hammer and said: "This is what I got by chance, you should know!"

"Jiuyang God hammer, dead!" Although the Holy Landlord is very disdainful, but still somewhat surprised.

Later, Qin Yun took out the Zhenyang God Arrow and said: "What is this, do you know?"

In the eyes of the Holy Land, there was another astounding flash in the eyes of the Lord, and the faint road: "Zhenyang God Arrow, dead!"

Qin Yun raised his hand and a bunch of beads appeared on his wrist. He said, "Do you know this?"

"Jiuyang God, live!" The Holy Landlord snorted: "How about you?" You are the **** of the sun, you have these things is normal!"

"Do you hate Jiuyang Zongmen very much?" Qin Yun asked.

"Hate very much, I was in the wild, I was bullied by them! Although the nine wastes have gone through several times, but I know that they must still exist in the nine wilderness!" said the Holy Landlord.

"Then you know their sun altar?" Qin Yun asked again.

"Of course I know! It is a very annoying thing. I was killed by the sun altar with the help of divine power!" The Holy Land Lord recalled the past and was very angry.

"Three of the altars of the sun are in my hands!" Qin Yun said.

"Are you cheating?" The Holy Landlord looked unbelief.

Qin Yun took out the floating cloud tower.

After seeing the Holy Landlord, he frowned. "This tower seems to be the Jiuyang Optimus Tower!"

"I will take you to see the altar of the sun I got!" Qin Yun said: "Do you dare to come?"

"What are you afraid of? You can't stand me with this broken tower!" said the Holy Landlord.

Qin Yun took Xie Nianzhen and entered the floating cloud tower to the twentieth floor.

"This is the altar of the sun, changed to the altar of the star god, and there is another one, in the cold palace of the moon!" Qin Yun said.

"Don't you say that there are three? Is there another one?" The Holy Landlord recognized the little altar at a glance, which was changed from the altar of the sun.

"There is another one in the Nine Underworld!" Qin Yun said: "The altar is more bizarre, let me talk to you..."

Qin Yun told the story of the Nine Underworld and the Floating Cloud City to the Holy Landlord.

After listening to the Holy Landlord, he said: "It seems that you used to be a teacher of Jiuyang Zongmen, and was later killed by the other eight Jiuyang Zongmen!"

"Maybe it is!" Qin Yun said, he will return to the floating cloud city of the Nine Underworld.

"Sin of the Holy Land, you believe in your brother now! He is amazing!" Xie Nian whispered.

"Well, if you can give me a good body, I am willing to cooperate... Attention, just cooperation, not a younger brother!" said the Holy Landlord: "I can help the gods fix the gods!"

Qin Yun suddenly curiously asked: "Where is the Holy Landlord, who is your body refining? Why is the body ruined, and the head is still there?"

"My head is refining the temple of Jiuyang, and the body is refining the gods of the gods!" said the Holy Landlord: "The group of guys, when they refine my body, cut corners, do not say, follow-up maintenance and support I can't keep up."

Qin Yun took out the body of a ridiculous warrior who was beaten a bit.

This is the body that he laid down when he attacked the altar of the sun in the holy city of Akasaka.

"It's a bit broken, but with the strength of your holy sage, should you be able to fix it?" Qin Yun said.

"Where did this body come from? The material is very good!" The sacred Lord's eyes were light, revealing a smile: "It looks much better than my previous body!"

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