Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1547: Honglongxuequan

Qin Yun also thought that this fairy sacred lord was very tall, but he did not expect that kind of relatively wave. The mountain **** of the strange grain mountain is somewhat the same as this fairy god.

"Do you want to make a profit together? Well, I will not treat you badly! Take the weapon!" The Holy Lord smiled.

There is no strong body before the Holy Landlord. He is also worried that he will be killed after going out. After all, he has only one person left and is very vulnerable.

Now, he got a body that was stronger than before, and naturally he started to shout and became invincible!

"Give!" Qin Yun took out a meteor hammer and said: "This is a sacrament. I only have one such thing. If you are not satisfied, then I can't help it!"

"Alright, okay!" The Holy Landlord shakes a few times in his hand and smiles slyly: "I am very satisfied, much better than I used to be... God gods, the gods of the door, why?" Wouldn't you give me something better? Otherwise I wouldn't be so miserable that year?"

Qin Yun was a little surprised: "Really? How do you feel so wrong when you are a sacred lord? Are there even decent weapons?"

The Holy Landlord sighed: "Is it, you know now how deep my resentment against those gods? The Meteor hammer you gave me is very useful, very handy, I like it very much, or you Send me?"

"For the time being for you! If you want, use something to change it!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "Sin of the Holy Land, you are so wise, you certainly do not want to owe human feelings? So we still exchange comparison Suitable?"

"Who said that I don't want to owe a sin? I am willing to owe it, you send me!" said the Holy Landlord.

Qin Yun is speechless. When he first saw this sacred lord, he was still a bit arrogant, but now he started to be a little hooligan.

"Sin of the Holy Land, if you like, why don't you grab it directly? You are much better than me!" Qin Yunxiao laughed.


"You are the **** of the sun, how can I rob you of something?" The Holy Landlord laughed and said: "Well, lend me a loan. I will exchange it with you when I get something good. !"

After walking out of the floating cloud tower, Qin Yun put the floating cloud tower away.

"Sin of the Holy Land, I heard that there are a lot of instantaneous empty iron and holy silver crystal in the dead forest. If you have such a thing, you can exchange it with me!" Qin Yun said.

"There are not many empty celestial irons, and there are not many sacred silver crystals. It is not enough for you to change this weapon!" The Holy Landlord shook his head.

“How much do you have?” Qin Yun said with a smile: “If I feel right, I will see you as a sacred lord, and then let it be cheaper!”

"About seven thousand pounds of instant empty iron, seven hundred pounds of Sheng Xuan silver crystal ... Sheng Xuan Yin Jing and Sheng Xuan Jin Jing I want to leave some for personal use!" said the Holy Landlord.

Qin Yun thought about it and felt that he needed a short-lived celestial iron. If there were more than seven thousand years, he would have a tens of thousands of pounds of empty iron.

"Well, I changed it with you!" Qin Yun said.

"Give you!" The Holy Landlord took out a storage bag and handed it to Qin Yun. He smiled and said: "Happy cooperation!"

Qin Yun said again: "I have given you such a good body, you have to help me repair the **** of the moon!"

"Must be sure!" said the Holy Landlord: "I can definitely fix it, you can rest assured! Just wait for you to take the throne!"

"Strange, why can you fix the gods?" Qin Yun felt a little confused.

"Because I have the power given by the Temple of Jiuyang! You just didn't see it, I fixed the body very easily!" said the Holy Landlord: "You believe me!"

"Right, there are a lot of Honglong blood before, is it that you control the flow out?" Qin Yun remembered this matter and asked.

"Of course I control it! Hong Longxue is used to moisturize those dragon teeth. Do you get dragon teeth?" said the Holy Landlord.

"Get it, why is there a dragon tooth there?" Qin Yun also thought of those dragon teeth, but it is a very good holy material.

"I was supposed to soak it with Honglong blood for a while, make the dragon tooth stronger, and then give myself a refining body! Now no need, those dragon dragon blood will also give you!" The Holy Landlord said: "I will take you to the place where Hong Long blood is!"

Saying, the Holy Landlord is on the shoulder of Qin Yun, the relationship is very good, with Qin Yun and Xie Nian芸 out of the curtain.

After going out, Hua Tongan and the former family of the great elders of the Yunyun were very surprised because they saw the powerful Holy Landlord.

"See the Lord!" The great elder family immediately squatted down and bowed.

"Get up, you have been here for a long time!" said the Holy Landlord, and took out a few stones and handed it to him. He said, "This is the holy Xuan Jinjing, each piece is ten pounds. It is a reward for you." You can absorb the energy inside and cultivate a powerful Holy Spirit!"

"Thank you for the Lord!"

The family was very grateful to thank you. They also saw at this time that Qin Yun and the Holy Land Lord had a very good relationship.

"Go, I will take you to the Honglong Blood Spring!" The Holy Landlord seems to be eager to go out.

He waited for so many years, finally waited for a good body, and he is the most powerful existence of the fairyland, naturally going out to wave.

The Holy Landlord controlled the white peacock to fly back, with Qin Yun, and the family of the great elders, flew to the end of the end of the seam.

There, there was a huge red bead, wrapped up in a force, no longer bleeding springs.

“Is it really dragon blood?” Qin Yun asked.

"Of course it is not dragon blood... In short, there is the breath of dragon blood, you don't care where it comes from, this is a good thing!" The Holy Land Lord waved his hand and got the big bead up.

Qin Yun took out the small bottle and let the big beads go in.

In his small bottle, a large amount of Honglong blood was put in before, and the energy source of the evil dragon mountain was also put in, and the internal liquid was evolving.

And now I am going to a bead, but I don’t know what it will evolve into!

"Go, let's go out and destroy the evil yang!" shouted the Holy Landlord.

Qin Yun put the small bottle in his heart, and his heart was secretly excited. He is also very strange, why is this fairy sacred, suddenly he is so polite?

In the past, the Holy Land Lord was very despised by the **** of the sun.

"Xiaoyun, the Holy Landlord is just a small character. Don't look at him blowing himself in the fairyland. When he goes to the gods, he is a very weak little thing!" Ling Yun said: "You gave him A very strong body, and there are so many good things in your hand, as long as you don't feel good, you can see that your future is boundless! He is also normal!"

"This bastard, I still want to accept me as a younger brother, take me as a stupid hat?" Qin Yun secretly despised this fairy god.

"He thinks that you don't have the memory of the **** of the sun, so I want to fool you. If you really want to, then he is making a big profit, and there is no need for any cost!" Ling Yun said.

Listening to the analysis of Ling Yuner, Qin Yun also understands that this fairy sacred Lord is certainly poor, and he has not dared to go out in such a ghost place for many years.

Suddenly, I got a very strong body and got the Meteor Hammer that Qin Yun gave him. This made him have a powerful power like never before, so he also secretly admired Qin Yun.

The white peacock flies very fast, and it is also a very strong singular beast. Because the sacred lord has some sacred crystals in his hand, he can conquer the powerful birds and beasts.

"Sin of the Holy Land, do you want this white peacock later?" Qin Yun asked.

"I will not want to leave the Honglong wilderness, you want?" asked the Holy Landlord.

"If you don't like this, you let the white peacock follow the little chanting, she likes this beautiful white peacock!" Qin Yun looked at Xie Nianxiao and laughed.

"No problem, the white peacock is willing to do it!"

"Thank you for the Holy Landlord!" Xie Nianzhen was very surprised and thanked.

"Haha, you're welcome, you're welcome!" The Holy Landlord suddenly came to Qin Yun's ear and whispered: "Boy, you owe me a favor, I will pay back later!"

"Okay!" Qin Yun knew that this fairy **** is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

After a long time, the white peacock flew in the thick black fog, and suddenly a huge lizard dragon appeared in front.

The lizard dragon, like a floating island, has a huge wings, a stretch of wings, and is covered with armor. The dragon head is like a hill with two red-eyed eyes.

The terrible thing is that those thunderbolts are hitting this lizard dragon and have no effect at all.

"This lizard dragon is bigger than what we have seen before. It seems to be a very strong evil dragon!" Qin Yun said.

Qin Yun, they are on the back of the white peacock, can clearly see that there are many people on the back of the evil yang sacred dragon, all from the evil yang!

In contrast, the white peacock is very small and small.

"We were discovered!" Hua Tongan said.

The evil dragon in front of the sacred dragon suddenly turned around, fluttering the huge bat wings, the scales on the wings trembled, and bursts of black evil.

Oh la la!

Between the gaps of the huge scales, a black lightning overflowed with a hurricane rushing toward the white peacock.

Although the white peacock is also very large, in front of the huge evil sun Shenglong, it is like a chicken and an elephant!

The lightning-filled lightning is like a shower that is intensively hit, and the hurricane is full of violent breath, blowing on people like a knife.

"It’s been so many years, how is the evil spirits still this kind of thing? Nothing fresh!"

"Sin of the Holy Land, can you get rid of this goods?" Qin Yun said.

"Of course! I am the Holy Landlord, I am invincible in the wilderness! Not to mention this Honglong wilderness!" The Holy Land Lord laughed and said: "Look at how I destroy the dragon!"

On the huge faucet of the evil sun Shenglong, standing an old man, cold voice: "Who are you? This is the site of my evil spirits, you are good at my site, the consequences are very serious!"

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