Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1554: Xianhuang Xiaojia

Qin Yun is already Jin Xian, and he is only helping Xiao Yuemei to break through.

Dan, which was refining from the Tiantan furnace, has a good effect. When Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei were repaired together, they felt the energy transmitted by Xiao Yuemei, and they knew the effect of the Dan.

It was only a small half-day, and Xiao Yuemei entered a state of breakthrough.

Qin Yun also quietly walked to the side, let Xiao Yuemei quietly break through.

Qin Yun sat in a corner and took out the golden figurine.

"Why is the **** of the sun, why is it that I am exactly the same, what did I experience in the past?" Qin Yun looked at the **** in a daze.

"Xiaoyun, I think this is not so simple!" Ling Yun said: "You must have experienced other things in your previous life! Maybe you don't even know what you know!"

Qin Yun and Ling Yun did not believe that the **** of the sun would be so weak, even being bullied in the gods, and finally killed, had to reincarnate.

"My Yunyun Xianwang this world, told me, let me not rush to restore memory!" Qin Yun said: "Is it because of this reason?"

"Xiaoyun, do you remember what Tiandaozi said? He said that you are the enemy of heaven!" Lingyun said.

"Well, he said!" Qin Yun nodded.

"It may be related to this!" Ling Yun sighed.

Qin Yun holds the throne tightly and says: "I must understand this! I am the **** of the sun, the king of the gods, I will definitely return to the peak, and I will be proud of the nine!"

During the time, Qin Yun was ambitious and heart-warming.

He is holding the throne of the king of the gods in his hand. He only has to return to the gods and master the powerful power of the gods.

"What is the enemy of heaven, I am not afraid!" Qin Yun closed his eyes and sensed the inside of God.

The gods and the cloud tower can meet him again, and it is still in the wild, this is a great opportunity!

"There are certain numbers in the dark, the **** is yours, it will always be yours! Even if other guys kill you, you still can't get your god!" said Ling Yun.

"I think that they are killing the **** of the sun, not as simple as the gods!" Qin Yun said: "Is it the combination of evil spirits and Jiuyang Zongmen? Or is there another reason?"

"Xiaoyun, waiting for you to go to the gods, you can definitely figure out the reason!" Ling Yun said: "You must hurry to go to the gods!"

"Well, before that, I have to find my eight souls and nine scorpions!" Qin Yun shook his fist and bit his teeth: "I lost so much in the past, I must retake it back! No matter who it is, can't Stop me from rising again!"

"On the road to your rise, it must be difficult and full of danger, and it is very likely that it will be ruined!" The spirit is serious.

"I am not afraid!" Qin Yun looked at the **** in his hand and suddenly felt a strange emotion in his heart.

"Then fight on the road to rise!" Ling Yun said: "I will stay with you forever, die with you!"

Ling Yuner also found that the gods are somewhat different at this time. It seems to imply a certain emotion and is infecting Qin Yun.

Xiao Yuemei broke through and became Jinxian. I am very happy to jump around Qin Yun.

Qin Yun put away the gods and smiled and touched Xiao Yuemei's face.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Yuemei also found that Qin Yun was not right.

"Nothing!" Qin Yun smiled.

"No, you must have something to worry about!" Xiao Yuemei knows Qin Yun very well, so she can feel it all at once.

"I suddenly realized that I have a lot of strong enemies!" Qin Yun sighed and sighed Xiao Yuemei's face and said: "I am afraid that I will be implicated in you later..."

Xiao Yuemei took Qin Yun’s hand and smiled and smiled: “Brother, we died with you once! I, my sister, Yang’s sister... We have all experienced this kind of thing, nothing to be afraid of, don’t be afraid! If you are afraid, you will let you back down. Once you retreat, you will lose your determination to fight, and you will not become stronger!"

"Well, Yuemei is right, I will not be afraid!" Qin Yun nodded and smiled.

"Brother, we will become stronger, become very strong, and fight against those bad guys!" Xiao Yuemei's face is full of resolute color.

Qin Yun smiled and kissed her forehead, then pulled her out of the tower.

On the outside, the black mouse Bai Ze has made a few sheets of paper.

"Okay, very good!" Qin Yun looked at the papers and smiled: "When I come back, there should be a lot!"

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Teach the teacher, let's go, you come to my Xiao family, I will send you a letter of the letter when I arrive!"

"Good!" Qin Yun smiled slightly, then took Xiao Yuemei and followed Xiaohua out of the strange mountain.

When Qin Yun came out of the mountain, he took out the transmission character and made a space marker point, and let the mountain **** do not move during this time, which is convenient for him to come back.

The famous and powerful mountain of the prefecture of the prefecture has been swallowed up by the mountain gods. The remaining gods are occupied by those who have a good relationship with Qin Yun.

In other words, the next step is to go to Tianzhou to swallow more and more strong mountains, and then continue to become stronger, so that the fruit grows quickly.

Xiao Hua took out a tens of meters long flying ship.

Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei are on the top, and they can comfortably go to Xiaojia.

"Xiao Lao, you are really slamming, I am not willing to take us with the transmission!" Xiao Yuemei laughed after boarding the ship.

"The big sister... my transmission is only one or two times left, it is urgent! We are not very anxious to go to Xiaojia now!" Xiaohua smiled and said: "You should go to rest first, this ship I will be able to go to Xiaojia soon!"

Qin Yun’s trip to Xiao’s family this time is of great importance because he is looking for the **** of space!

He felt that only the **** of space knew his situation in the past.

Xie Qirou knows, but I don’t know much.

Qin Yun even suspected that he had been tired of the Luna in the past. Maybe the Luna had not figured out what was going on, he was killed and had to reincarnate.

Xiao Hua’s Xiao family is dedicated to the **** of space, so the singularity and totem that Xiao’s masters are also related to space.

Qin Yun went this time and planned to exchange ideas on this aspect.

Although Xiao Hua is the owner of the Xiao family, the level of grotesque is relatively average.

Xiao Yuemei also said before that Xiaohua’s core space has little grotesque in his hands. Even if he masters it, he is restricted from passing it out.

In a room in the cabin, Qin Yun took out the Gemini mirror and printed the set of characters on Xiao Yuemei's small mirror.

Before, the black rat Bai Ze made five sheets of paper, and now he also let Xiao Yuemei try to make a transmission.

Xiao Yuemei has been very successful in making her talents, and she is not bad, and her mental strength is very strong. The power of the blood soul is also enough.

After the character of the transmission character was drawn, Qin Yun took out a bead. He used to refine a large number of instant scented iron ore, and condensed the sacred beads.

After he injects Xianli into it, the sacred beads can release a lot of space power, and then introduce those inside the transmitter as the energy source of the transmitter.

With five transmissions, Xiao Yuemei only needs two. Later, as long as she has enough paper, she can make a lot of it.

After two days, Xiao Hua’s boat suddenly stopped.

Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei are all out of the room.

"Xiao Lao, have you arrived at Xiao?" Qin Yun asked.

"Xiao is on a piece of grassland, there are mountains everywhere, not yet!" Xiao Yuemei said.

"My deity is nearby!" said Xiao Hua.

Not long after, there was a black man who flew over, it was Xiao Hua’s Emperor.

After Xiao Hua’s deity came, he frowned. “Teaching, we have a problem with Xiao’s family!”

"What problem?" Qin Yun saw Xiao Hua's face and knew that the problem was a bit big.

"I have discussed with a few ethnic groups. They don't agree with the gods of the gods who touch the space!" Xiao Hua said: "Teaching, you can rest assured, I will discuss with them, patience and so on!"

Qin Yun knew before that although Xiao Hua was the owner of the house, it was only a trivial matter to manage the Xiao family. Some of the more important things had no right to intervene.

"Okay, let's go to Xiaojia first!" Qin Yun nodded.

"The **** of space has no altar? Is it just a **** platform?" asked Xiao Yuemei.

"Well, it's small, just like a table!" Xiao Hua nodded. "In the interior of a mountain in our Xiao family, open the entrance to the mountain. It takes several families to work together. I can't open it alone! ”

Xiao Hua continued to control the big ship to fly forward, and said: "Teaching, you have to talk to the **** of space, is there something important?"

"Yeah!" Qin Yun nodded, and he did not say what was important.

Because he still doesn't know what kind of **** is the **** of space.

In front, suddenly there was a blue light flying. Looking closely, it was a medium-sized flying ship.

"Who is that?" asked Xiao Yuemei.

"Ximen's home!" Xiao Hua frowned: "The guy at Ximen's house, what are you doing at our Xiao family's site? Do you want to cooperate with us?"


"I knew that I would bring Da Zhuang!" Xiao Yuemei laughed.

Xiao Hua suddenly speeded up the speed of the ship and quickly caught up.

However, the speed of the Ximen’s ship was very fast. Especially after seeing Xiao Hua catch up, he deliberately speeded up and was suddenly opened by Xiao Hua’s ship.

"His mother, Ximen's bastard, deliberately showing off their boat is better than mine!" Xiao Hua whispered.

Xiao Yuemei chuckled: "Do they know that you are the owner of Xiao's family?"

Xiao Hua snorted: "I definitely know it! It is because I know, so I deliberately! This group of bastards, in my Xiao family's site, don't give me some face!"

After flying over a large mountain, Qin Yun finally saw a prairie.

In front of the prairie, there are many huge stone buildings, arranged very neatly, and surrounded by a large circle.

Looking down from the air, it is very comfortable, like a huge circular building, this is a prosperous city.

In the east, there is a big mountain, and the location of the mountain is the villa of Xiaojia!

Many large ships are suspended in the air, making the city seem more lively.

"Xiao Jiazhu, how are so many big ships?" Xiao Yuemei asked: "Is there anything big?"

"This... I don't know!" Xiaohua said with amazement: "These big ships are just coming?"

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