Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1589: Needle assist

When Liang Shuo heard this arrogant discourse, he couldn’t help it. He shouted: "Turn your mother! Here we clean up, we must choose the first choice!"

The tall young man looked at Liang Shu, and smiled and said: "Where is the murderer? Where is the place where you talk? You, the girl, come with the master, you should be honest, your master is not Speak, what is your name?"

Liang Shu and Qin Yun both stunned. It turned out that this tall young man mistaken Liang Shu as a beggar.

Qin Yun did not expect that this war fairy school would actually arrange a mixed college for men and women.

"You are looking for death!" Liang Shumeng pulled out a long knife from his waist and shouted: "I passed the assessment and paid the tuition fee. You said what you are!"

The tall young man laughed and said: "It turned out to be like this. Then you go back to have a baby, what kind of fun? You see no, here are all men, you are a woman, actually want to choose a room, you rely on What! You are a woman, just for playing, you stay here, do you want to play for us?"

"I married you this bastard!" Angry Liang Shu, rushed over, but suddenly there was a middle-aged walk in, and quickly took the long knife in Liang Shu's hand.

The middle-aged just heard Liang Hao’s roar, so I rushed over.

"What happened?" The middle-aged cold shouted.

In addition to Qin Yun and Liang Shuo, there are three other well-dressed young people who should stay in this small building, and they all carry a follow-up.

The middle-aged cultivation was extremely high. It was the golden fairyland, and he wore the white soft armor of the Warriors. He knew that he was a warrior.

Liang Shuo shouted his teeth and shouted: "The guy is not in the first place, and this small building is responsible for cleaning. He actually has to pick the room first. Also, what happened to you in the War Memorial? I am obviously a woman. Why did you arrange for me to live with these men?"

The tall young man immediately respected the middle-aged man: "This big brother, I am from the Majia of Samsung City, my name is Ma Danteng, my grandfather is Malay Fu!"

"Malay Fu? Ma Jiajia? It turned out to be a young Ma Jun!" The middle-aged, smiling face: "Since it is a Ma family, then you should first pick a room!"

Ma Dapeng smiled proudly at Qin Yun and Liang Shu, and said: "They said that they cleaned them here. They refused, and they still want to kill me. How is this good! You can’t fight in the theater of the fairy, the woman just now Take the knife to cut me!"

In the middle age, I looked at Liang Shu and sternly said: "If you are a new student, you will not care about it. I have confiscated this knife!"

" will return the knife to me, but it is Wang Pinxian knife!" Liang said with anger, but she was hot and bloody, and her eyes were full of fierce murder.

Qin Yun suddenly said: "Just a few people want to insult the girl, this girl had to be shot, the Warriors actually cover this scum student?"

"You bastard, what do you say?" Ma Dateng angered: "You don't have blood spray!"

Qin Yun said to Liang Shu: "Sister, let's go! You will stay here, sooner or later you will be defiled!"

Liang Shu immediately understood the meaning of Qin Yun, and angered: "Yes, let's go now! I want to tell this out, let the five gods and trees know this! I am in a star city." Still a bit strong, you give me a walk!"

"Wait!" The middle-aged is a little scared. The Warriors are still very strict. If it is really big, he must also take responsibility.

He quickly handed the knife to Liang Shuo and said, "This knife is returned to you. This is the case. You will not make another trouble in the future!"

Liang Shuhui wants to return to his knife, but she still looks at Ma Dateng with sternness and says, "Why do you want to arrange for men and women to mix?"

"If you want to live well, you will pay more silver coins!" The middle-aged whispered: "You don't have any extra silver coins to pay for, so you can only live in our standard accommodation!"

“How much is the extra silver coin to pay?” asked Liang.

"Five thousand a month!" said the middle-aged.

"Ma Dateng, are you from the Ma family in Samsung City, can't you afford to pay for this accommodation? You have to squeeze this kind of broken place with me like this poor person!" Liang Shuo sneered, her heart also secretly slammed the fairy school, It’s so dark, it’s going to be five thousand a month!

"Hey, I like to live in this place, what happened?" Ma Dateng angered.

Liang Shu looked at several other young people and said, "Look at your dress, you should come from the big family, and actually live in this broken house!"

"Where is it broken?" Ma Dateng shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, the second floor is mine, downstairs is yours!"

The middle-aged also felt a headache and said, "You should discuss the distribution, I will go first!"

After the middle age slipped, Ma Dapeng was even more arrogant, and the young people surrounded Qin Yun and Liang Shu.

"The first floor is two rooms!" Qin Yun said.

"You can set up a shed in the yard!" Ma Dateng laughed and said: "You guys from a star city don't look at what we are. I am from Samsung City. They are all two-star city. What kind of enthusiasm do you have with us?"

A young man smiled and said: "The person brought by this woman is actually a man, and it is still so beautiful, most of them are the little male pets he raised!"

Ma Danteng smiled and said: "This guy is really handsome, makes me very embarrassed, I really want to smash his face!"

"Ma Da Ge, this guy just smeared us and said that we want to **** this girl, it is a mouthful!"

"Yes, this guy, maybe even talk about our bad things in the future, we will smash his face!"

Time, murderous spread.

Ma Da Teng Yin smiled and said: "This guy is just following the class. We are wounded and follow the class. The Warriors will not pursue us! The Warriors only do not allow the students to fight privately. They have not said that they are not allowed to play this kind of person!"

A few of them immediately took out their weapons.

The young man’s movements were very fast. He immediately rushed to the door, closed the door, and surrounded Liang Shu.

Liang Shuo clasped the knife and saw that the young people’s eyes were full of sinfulness, and they could not help but be shocked.

"Isn't that kid saying that we want to **** her? If so, then we will... oh!" A young man smiled and said: "This girl is really good!"

Ma Dapeng and the three young students are all three in Jinjingjing. The followers they bring are all two in Jinjingjing.

Liang Shuming is only a golden fairyland. Although Qin Yun is a golden fairy, in her eyes, a golden fairy does not play any role.

At this time, she was surrounded by several triple golden celestials, and several double golden celestials, all from the two-star city and Samsung City, which made her suddenly nervous.

She is most worried about Qin Yun, because Qin Yun has to face Ma Dapeng!

"Ma Dateng, here is the War of the Immortals, what are you doing!" Liang Shuo said.

"The Warriors Court did not stipulate that it is not allowed to teach the next person!" Ma Dateng said with a smile: "As for you... We will say that you are a slut, you volunteered to me, hahaha..."

Said, Ma Danteng put his hand on Qin Yun's head and said: "Boy, you smashed through my crotch, then called the uncle to spare, I promise to keep you a dog!"

Qin Yun stood straight, silently, calm eyes, suddenly became sharp like a knife, with a faint anger looking at Ma Danteng.

"Kid, let you drill the pants of the Lord, you did not hear it?" Ma Danteng sighed and increased his strength, to press Qin Yun's head.

Qin Yun’s fingers are sandwiched by a long needle, which is the **** of the clouds.

Just as Ma Dapeng pressed his head, he slammed his fingers with a long needle and stabbed him to the heart of Ma Danteng, directly penetrating the body!

At the same time, his two-finger condensed blasting power also broke out in Ma Dapeng's body, making a dull sound.


Ma Danteng’s body suddenly burst and burst open, and the pieces that were burnt by the flames of Xianli were splashed around the small hall.

Qin Yun killed Ma Dateng!

The group of people around Liang Shu didn't react. They saw Ma Danteng's upper body being blown up and broken, and suddenly his mind was blank, and his heart was terrified!

Liang Shuo was also shocked and stunned. This sudden shock made her feel like the heart was going to stop!

They know that Ma Dapeng is from the Samsung City Majia, and the strength is definitely strong. But now they are spiked, which makes them suddenly feel that Qin Yun's power is terrible.

In addition, Qin Yun dare to kill Ma Danteng, and that will definitely kill them!

"Run!" a young man shouted.

They just had to run, Qin Yun suddenly released a super gravity.

Super-gravity covered those people, making them feel that the body suddenly lost as a giant mountain, slow-moving, and even difficult to move.

Liang Shu was not pressed by the supergravity. After she reacted, she clasped the sword in her hand and swept her teeth.

brush! The sword crossed a circle!

The seven youths around Liang Shu were cut off by sharp swords. The blood with the power of the golden fairy lingers around the faint Jinhua, and the arrogance is everywhere!

Qin Yunmeng took out a Tianding Town Dragon Ding, with strong mental power, locked all the pieces around, and then quickly controlled to fly into the Ding.

Calling, the fire in the Ding ignites and burns the debris!

Qin Yun collected Tianlong Town's Long Ding, took out two symbols, absorbed all the residual energy fluctuations here, and quickly cleared all kinds of blood.

Liang Shuo gasped at this moment, holding the knife against the back of the door, and then sitting on the ground.

Although she is very fierce at ordinary times, but at this time, she killed in the War Memorial, and also killed a lot, there are people from the Ma family!

She opened her eyes and watched Qin Yun Ma Li clean up the scene, and her heart was even more surprised.

She knew that Qin Yun had saved Liang Xiaopeng, but felt that it was the kind of passing by.

At this time, Liang Shu knows that Qin Yun's strength is very strong, and Liang Xiaopeng has saved a lot of strength.

What surprised her was that after Qin Yun’s murder, the corpse was destroyed and it was also a familiar, incomparable professional.

"Liang's Queen, nothing! Just as nothing happened, this small building is also ours to live!" Qin Yunxiao laughed.

"Xiao still laugh, let's run!" Liang Hao hurriedly jumped over and pulled Qin Yun.

She rushed to the door and opened the door, but she saw the middle-aged standing outside.

"Ah!" This scared the soul of the beam and screamed!

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