Nine Sun God King

Chapter 163: Former **** ball

Qin Yun followed the devil, and after entering a tree hole, he immediately discovered the nine-yang aura inside, which was much richer than the outside. It was really a magical tree.

The devil said: "You can go to open a tree hole, and you can choose one of them here and use it as your residence."

When Qin Yun was outside, he also saw the bottom of the giant tree, two or three hundred meters high above it, and there were some Xushudong. The tree hole where Du Ghost is located is just a few tens of meters high.

"There are so many empty tree holes in the giant tree. There is no need to open it again. Let me choose one." Qin Yunfei went out and chose a tree hole at a height of 300 meters.

After the election, he will put the ghost on his nameplate and hang it in the hole of the tree to prove that this is someone.

Then he began to clean up.

He chose this cave house, there are two large and one small halls, several spacious rooms. Because it was cut inside the big tree, the walls are polished wooden walls with beautiful wood texture.

The cave house is very empty and needs to place furniture and other things.

Du Ghost came to Qinyun's Dongfu, saw the empty, smiled and said: "You need some furniture. You can do it yourself. This treasure forest is my site, there are many dry wood, it is very suitable for making furniture. ""

"Well, I will clean up first!" Qin Yun nodded and smiled.

Du Ghost said: "You should be here first, don't run around, I have to go to a meeting, and talk to other teachers of the Xuan-level martial arts to talk about ghosts and beasts."

Qin Yun is very aware of the seriousness of the ghost beast. The ghost king he encountered before is very terrible.

The little half hour passed.

Qin Yun finally packed up his own Dongfu and made it clean.

He stood in the hole and looked at the large green forest below. He was very comfortable. Then he saw the calm Wanxing Lake in the distance, and his heart was inexplicably frightened.

Wanxing Lake is very calm and huge, which makes people feel that there are hidden terrible behemoths.

The treasure forest is round and a few kilometers wide. It is a small forest.

In this area, there are not only many large trees, but also many bright and beautiful flowers. There are many kinds of birds in the forest, and all kinds of crisp tweets are made, which makes this forest with few people appear extraordinarily lively.

"Cultivating mental strength is very important to the environment, so Teacher Du chose to be here."

Qin Yun also feels that the environment here is very good and can make people relax.

He walked through the clouds and ran through the gardens, looking for dead trees. Not long after, I found more than a dozen dead giant trees, and then returned to Xingyang Baoshu.

After going back, Qin Yun began to make furniture.

Making wood furniture is just a piece of cake for him. Small half an hour, the original empty Dongfu, there are more beautiful furniture.

Qin Yun closed his eyes in a comfortable and quiet room to sense the two inner elements in the Tiens arm.

After the Tiens arm awakens the blood of the Tiens, he can feel that his two inner elements can be moved to the arm.

Therefore, when Yue Kai wants to detonate his inner element, he can quickly transfer the double inner yuan to the left arm, leaving only two groups of internal gas detonated in Dantian.

Now, he has successfully entered the Xing Xuanwu Academy, and naturally he will move the double yuan back...

He tossed for more than an hour, opened his eyes in horror, and whispered to himself: "Oops, can't move back!"

"Forget it, although the double inner yuan is in the arm, it is no different from Dantian."

Even so, he can still control the internal forces very smoothly into the whole body.

"Maybe I can't come back for a while... I will understand it later, anyway, this is not a bad thing for me. The Tiens arm is the strongest place in my body." Qin Yun thought about it and went with the flow.

He put this matter aside and took out the jade of the **** of the gods that Huo Zhong sent, and infiltrated his own **** into it...

"It’s a strange feeling that the jade of the gods is really strange. It seems to make my gods stronger and make me more clever!"

Qin Yun secretly surprises, motivates his powerful spiritual power, and integrates into the Yuanshen to try the power of the strongest god.

Just after he let his spiritual power merge with the gods, he was surprised to discover that the gods could leave their bodies!

You must know that when you release the power of the gods, you will spill white silk from your body. The power of the gods must be connected to the body. But now, through the jade of the **** of the gods, the gods can fly out of the body, like the spirit.

“The power of the gods and the spiritual power are perfectly combined!”

Qin Yun’s heart is ecstatic, controlling the power of the gods, and holding up his body, it is very easy to let his body float.

When he was compared with Yue Kai, it was very difficult to hold up the body with mental strength, and it was necessary to consume all the mental power to do it.

Now, after the jade of the gods, it can be easier.

"If my internal strength is integrated into it, the three are one, isn't it very powerful? I don't know if I can succeed!" After Qin Yun thought of it, his heart was so excited that he would try it immediately.

After some groping attempts, he really succeeded in getting his Jin Gang internal force into the power of the gods. However, after the integration of the three, the mental burden on him is great, the internal force is consumed quickly, and it cannot be used for a long time.

"In a few moments, I have consumed a lot of my mental strength and internal strength!" Qin Yun is using the spirit of force to control the giant hammer of nearly a thousand pounds, to forge the bone steel.

He can sit still on the ground, control the giant spirit hammer to hang up, to hit the bone steel, and the power of each hammer is very strong. That kind of force is enough to injure a martial arts six-strong warrior!

"If it is in peacetime, I will use the power of the spirit and the power of the gods to integrate. This is enough for me to control the light knife and carry out a powerful attack."

Qin Yun will collect the jade of the Yuanshen, as long as this jade is on his own body, the Yuanshen can be separated from the body and easily integrated with internal strength and mental strength.

He took a break and began to forge the spirit in the room.

"Xiao Yanglong, this bastard, dared to take me away to Yuemei's storage bracelet, and it was damaged!"

He snarled while repairing the damaged storage bracelet.

Not long after, he will enter the refining bones with Xiao Yuemei. Now fix it and return it to her.

Two days later, the devil has not returned, and Qin Yun has refined two storage bracelets.

"Xiao Yang Long, you ruin the storage spirit that I sent out, I must let you pay back, give me a wait."

Qin Yun now hopes that he can reach the martial arts territory quickly, and only then can he fight against Xiao Yanglong.

"Cloud brother... cloud brother..."

Qin Yungang took a shower and put on his clothes. Suddenly he heard a faint shouting sound from outside. He hurried to the tree hole and looked down. He found a man below.

Although he is a few hundred meters high, but with his eyesight at this time, he can see that the person below is a girl.

"It's Xiaomeilian!" Qin Yun was happy in his heart and hurriedly jumped.

After he landed on the ground, he looked at the pretty girl in yellow shirt with a smile.

Qi Meilian was tied with two long ponytails, hanging behind her waist, her face full of sweet and lovely smiles, a pair of watery eyes were very bright, staring at Qin Yun’s handsome face.

When Qin Yun was seen watching her, the lovely face suddenly appeared a touch of red glow.

"Xiao Meilian, how long have you been here?" Qin Yun laughed.

"It didn't take long for me to work outside with my teacher. When I came back, I heard that my brother was here, and I rushed over!"

Qi Meilian was very happy, but suddenly she was very sad. She bit her lip and whispered softly: "Cloud brother, I heard that your inner yuan and martial arts are gone..."

Qin Yun saw that Qi Meilian was so sad that she was crying, and her heart was warm.

He smiled and said: "Xiao Meilian, when I was taken away four spiritual veins, not many people think that I am finished? But then I have not yet cultivated to the martial arts six, entered the Star Xuanwuyuan? You can rest assured Now, your cloud brother is fine."

“Really?” Qi Meilian’s sad face was suddenly full of joy, and she said: “That’s great! I’m worried that you are being bullied, just convince the teacher to let her agree to come here with you. I’m not Very strong, but it will definitely protect you."

"Stupid girl!" Qin Yun dumbfounded, wiped the tears she dripped: "Xiao Meilian, you must practice well in the Star Xuanwuyuan, you know? Your teacher should be good to you?"

Qi Meilian nodded and smiled and said: "The teacher is very good to me. She is a grandmother with a knife and a mouth. She is very strict with others, but very kind to me."

Qin Yun was relieved a lot and smiled: "What about other students? Have you bullied you? If so, I will clean them up!"

"Who dares to bully her? I don't need to shoot you, I can't find him in the north." Suddenly a fascinating laughter, a breeze blowing, with a fascinating fragrance.

It was Monfiling. She was wearing a purple dress and flew down from the air, like a charming and charming purple butterfly, slowly falling on the ground.

"School brother, we met again, call the school sister!" Meng Fei Ling winks, giggling.

Her soft jade hand, very unrealistically stretched over, unscrupulously Qin Yun's handsome face.

"Dead slut!" Qin Yun whispered in his heart.

Qi Meilian looked at the side and smiled.

After Qin Yun’s face was stunned by Meng Feiling for a while, he was relieved. He was really worried that one day he would be swallowed up by the demon girl.

"Sister, thank you for taking care of Xiaomeilian!" He was very grateful.

"How big is it... After all, she is entering the Star Xuanwu Academy with me, and it is also your little sister. I naturally take care of her, and she is still so cute." Meng Feiling grinned and then caressed Qi Meilian’s pretty and cute face.

Qin Yun took out two storage bracelets and handed them over. He smiled and said: "This is the storage bracelet for you, hold!"

Meng Feiling had long known that Qin Yun gave Xiao Yuemei storage bracelets, and it was secretly jealous for several days.

She smiled charmingly and took over the storage bracelet: "This is very precious... Thank you Master Qin, it seems that the little woman can only report with her body..."

Qi Meilian did not dare to accept, and refused to swallow.

Qin Yun grabbed her jade hand and helped her bring it. She smiled and said: "This thing is not a thing for me. Take it well and use it!"

"Thank you Yun brother!" Qi Meilian dripped blood on the bracelet, and sent the mental power into it. After seeing the storage space inside, the small face was full of excitement, happy smile.


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