Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1662: Old friends gather

Lu Jiayan went to the site of the meditation to contact the Mirror Emperor.

These days, Lu Jiayan often went to find the Emperor of the Mirror, mainly to exchange the resources in the past.

The meditation is well managed and has a lot of resources. Lu Jiayan needs some pillars and flags, and does not want to go to the refining, they go to the meditation exchange.

Qin Yun, Xiao Yuemei, Xiao Hua and the black rat Bai Ze are rushing to the ancient city of Xiandi.

The ancient city of Xiandi not only ruined the strange mountain, but also continued to suppress the strange mountain.

Qin Yun’s heart is very hot, because their strange lines of the gods, but never went to provoke the ancient city of Xiandi, but was provoked by the ancient city of Xiandi, and almost destroyed.

If you don't let the ancient city of Xiandi know the strangeness of the strange door, you really think that they are sick cats.

On the road, Qin Yun met a lot of people, those people are rushing to the ancient city of Tianxian.

The news that Xiao Hua released, the effect is very significant, and indeed led a large number of people to the ancient city of Tianxian.

Qin Yun is easy to pass, so when you are on the road, even if you meet some people, you will not be recognized.

After almost half a day of flight, Qin Yun finally saw the ancient city of Xiandi.

The ancient city of Xiandi is very huge. The whole city is tens of thousands of meters wide and has an octagonal 100-meter high wall.

Qin Yun just overlooked the sky and could see the structure of the enchantment of the city.

“It’s not the ancient city of Shengyang that came down from the holy land!” Qin Yun frowned. “The enchantments of various formations are very powerful!”

Xiao Hua, the black rat Bai Ze, they are all singularist, they can also see it.

“It’s tricky!” Xiao Hua said: “This is the ancient city of Xiandi... It’s sure to bring together a lot of powerful geeks, so you can make a powerful city!”

Qin Yun said coldly: "No matter how strong the enchantment is, I must have this ancient city hit hard!"

The black rat said: "Teaching, we must take time to do it. Those people go to the ancient city of Tianxian. If they find that you are not there, they will soon notice what it is!"

Xiao Yuemei said: "Brother, can you go in through the use of Xuan Shen Tong?"

"No, there is a way to block the power of magic!" Qin Yun shook his head and said: "Let's get closer!"

Now the sky is dark, and if you want to break through the enchantment of the fascination and cause damage to the whole city, you must watch it close to the past.

Xiao Hua said: "Teach you, you and the big sister head over, let's go around and whistle!"

"Good!" Qin Yun nodded, then invisible, with Xiao Yuemei close to the city wall.

Although it is night, there are still guards outside the city wall or on the wall, but not many.

Most of the Emperor in the city went to the ancient city of Tianxian, but the guards of the city did not leave, but they were still strictly guarded.

When Qin Yun was only a dozen meters away from the wall of up to 100 meters, he felt that there was a strong enchantment power blocking.

They can't move on!

The enchantment power is very strong and thick, and it starts to work more than ten meters away from the city wall.

"It is no wonder that the ancient city of Xiandi dared to provoke us!" Qin Yun said: "It turned out that they have a strong defense enchantment!"

Xiao Yuemei is also using her method and wants to go through the enchantment, but it has not succeeded.

"Brother, what should we do? We can't go in!" Xiao Yuemei gave Qin Yun a voice.

"I will see again!" Qin Yun also knows that this is the strongest enchantment he has ever encountered. Even if there are weapons and weapons, there is not enough powerful force, it is difficult to attack.

“Can you get in from the ground?” asked Xiao Yuemei.

"I will try it!" Qin Yun took out a small mouse and controlled the little mouse to go underground.

After a while, the little mouse ran up and was damaged.

Qin Yun shook his head: "No, the little mouse has a strong enchantment power underneath!"

"Brother, is there really no way?" Xiao Yuemei was very anxious: "If we can't succeed in causing damage, we will be white!"

"Reassured, I must have a way!" Qin Yun took her back from the city wall.

It is also difficult to enter the city. Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei are not Xiandi, and they cannot enter the city at all.

The nine ancient cities of Shengyang, the ancient city of Xiandi is the strongest.

There are rumors that the defenses of the nine ancient holy cities are almost as strong, so they are not afraid of others attacking the city.

Even if the sun falls to destroy the holy wilderness, these ancient cities can withstand for a while, then float to the sky.

Qin Yun took Xiao Yuemei and Xiao Hua to evacuate them. In a mountain forest near the ancient city of Xiandi, they waited for the magic mirror Xiandi and Wei Zhongzheng.

"When we come, let's talk!" Qin Yun said.

"Teaching, trying to break the enchantment, causing damage to the ancient city of Xiandi, it is more difficult!" Xiao Hua said: "I have a way to wait for the emperor to come out, and then grab it and beat it!"

Qin Yun shook his head and said: "There are so many emperors inside, we don't know which one is the owner of the city!"

In the ancient city of Xiandi, the person headed by the city owner called the attacker to attack the strange mountain.

Qin Yun only targeted the people of the city.

"Only cause damage to the ancient city of Xiandi, let them know that they are afraid! Just grab a singer and beat him up. If the person who beats is not the person of the city, it is useless, and will be ridiculed!" Qin Yun said again.

"Yes!" Xiao Hua nodded.

"Teaching, the enchantment of the ancient city of Xiandi is so powerful, we might as well use the power of the array to break it!" The black rat smiled: "I have a strange pattern, I want to use the strange pattern to attack the city, this can show the strange pattern. The door is amazing!"

Bai Ze also smiled and said: "Yes! Let's teach, let's play together! You take the lead!"

"It takes a lot of time!" Qin Yun nodded. "We try to finish before dawn."

Qin Yun also thought about going to the city through the power of the array.

He is the master of the singular door, and he must arrange a powerful attacking method to attack the city to shock the opponent.

Qin Yun they discussed the array in the woods.

Xiao Hua, Black Rat, and Bai Ze are grotesque teachers who can help.

"We will mix the flag array and the array column, arrange a super large array, and surround the entire ancient city of Xiandi!" Qin Yun draws a picture on the ground.

"Well, Xiao Lu should be coming soon. When Wei Lao and the old devil join, it will definitely be arranged faster!" Xiao Hua smiled.

As they discussed, Xiao Hua suddenly felt that something was close and fiercely alert.

The black rat’s nose moved and smiled: “It’s Da Zhuang and Pippi pigs are coming!”

Sure enough, Ximen, who was dressed in white and thin, was riding a big white pig.

"Uncle, I am coming! I met Xiaolu on the road. He said that you want to attack the ancient city of Xiandi. I rushed to help!" Ximen said with great laughter.

Ximen Da Zhuang is also a member of the Qimen Gate. It is Xiao Yuemei who pulled him into the gang. Because Ximen’s Ximen’s home is also home to many good singular patterns, he can share it.

"Da Zhuang, we are discussing the battle against the city!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "When you come, what good way?"

"Yes, I can help arrange a big array and summon Hercules to attack the city!" Simon laughed.

"So, don't you expose your Simon's house?" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "This is not good!"

"Nothing, is it true that the ancient city of Xiandi is going to marry me at the West Gate? We went to ancient gardens, but we got a very powerful artifact. The ancient city of Xiandi did not dare to do ours!" Ximen Da Zhuang laughed.

Qin Yun had heard before that Ximen and Qin Jia had explored under an abyss of ancient gardens.

"What artifact? Stolen to the big sister, I play!" Xiao Yuemei listened, very interested.

"An axe... There is also a Qin family. I can't steal it. If I get caught, my dad will blow my ass!" Ximen said, "I am the treasure of my Ximen family!" ”

Lu Jiayan used the chasing soul to find the location of Qin Yun, and then came with several people.

Qin Yun thought that Lu Jiayan only called the magic mirror Xiandi and Wei Zhongzheng.

But now, there are several people coming, and they are all very strong.

What surprised Qin Yun is that Nether Emperor and Qin Long are coming!

"Daddy, righteous father!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "How come you are here?"

"I heard that you want the ancient city of Yinxian Emperor, of course we have to come and join in the fun!" Qin Long haha ​​laughed.

"Xiaoyun, when did you start? The ancient city of Xiandi was very hard. I wanted to do it before, but I couldn't start!" Nethered Emperor smiled and said: "You have a lot of means, you can definitely sneak them!"

Nether Emperor and Qin Long are dressed in black robes with hoods.

"Little mortal..." Suddenly there was a thing flying around, it was a little black cockroach.

"Little black, you are here too!" Next to the little black cockroach, there is a burly man with a height of more than two meters, and his body has a strong dragon power.

When Qin Yun saw it, he knew that the burly man was the Qinglong, and it was also the level of Xiandi.

"Please call me Xuanwu God!" Xiaohe snorted.

"Small, you are strong, is it also Xiandi?" Xiao Yuemei smiled.

"Little girl, you are awkward, your family is awkward!" Xiao Hei was very unhappy and shouted: "I am a basaltic god!"

Xiao Yuemei also listened to Qin Yun’s talk about this little black scorpion. She giggled: “Xiao Xiao, I heard that you like to eat the gods, I am in the ancient garden of the **** tree, but got a lot of big God fruit!"

"Hey?" The little black cockroach suddenly glowed.

Qin Yun snorted and smiled. "Wait later, we are now ready to start the arrangement and let the ancient city of Xiandi bleed!"

"Xiaoyun, what do we have to do?" Qin Long laughed.

"If there is a fairy in the ancient city of Xiandi who discovers us, they come out to us and need you to help hold them down!" Qin Yun said.

Xiao Hei came to Xiao Yuemei, shouting milk and shouting: "Sister, give me a big god!"

"My gods are for the disciples of the strange door, you are not a disciple of the strange door!" Xiao Yuemei snorted.

"I have been a disciple of the strange door since now. The big sister, please accept me!" The little black horse immediately fell down.

"Hey, how can you do this, you have eaten a lot of good things in my meditation, how to run and run!" Nethered Emperor smiled.

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