Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1685: Emperor breaking

After Yangyang entered the Jiuyang Shenque, he continued to spurt and fire the three dragons and tigers, and did not immediately sleep.

Qin Yun let Yang Yang leave the bones, the three dragons and tigers are dark and strange beasts, and the strange patterns are all on the bones. As long as the bones are left, the strange lines can be studied.

"Hurry up and find a place to rest!" Qin Yun battled a few games, but also very tired.

In his heart, there are still some concerns about the immortality, because the immortal and the dark mad dragon are still fighting. He thought that Xianrujing would retreat as long as he dragged the Dark Dragon for a while.

And now still fighting, let Qin Yun worry that Xianrujing is entangled, it is difficult to get out.

Dark mad dragons can certainly become human figures, and they can fight more lightly!

"Xiaoyun, don't worry too much, she is a goddess of ice and snow, there will be nothing!" Ling Yun said: "You have to leave this forest, so she will not have too many concerns!"

The dragon warriors who had entered the tiankeng before were evacuated at this time because they all knew the terribleness of the dark royal family.

Qin Yun asked the captain before and learned that the dragon's powerful Xiandi-class strong dragons were under the tiankeng, while suppressing the strong of the dark royal family, while helping the emperor to get out of trouble.

The environment under the tiankeng, Qin Yun probably imagined, certainly very complicated, so there will be continuous shocks.

The dark royal family came from the darkness, and must open the space, so the shock will spread to the space.

Qin Yun rushed to the end, and finally caught up with the group of dragon warriors.

The group of dragon warriors saw Qin Yun catch up, and there was nothing at all, they were very surprised.

"Predecessors, what about the three dragons?" asked the captain.

"Dead!" Qin Yun said: "Let's run, the black clouds appearing above are very dangerous!"

The kind of black cloud is formed by the black gas ejected from the tiankeng.

The dragon warriors learned that the three dragons and tigers died, and each one looked at Qin Yun with a shocked color. .

When they retreated, they discussed the Tianding Town Longding on the road, and it was confirmed that it was the legendary Tianshi Town Longding, which was very curious about Qin Yun’s identity.

Although Qin Yun’s cultivation is not high, these Xianlong warriors respect him as a predecessor.

"Look!" Suddenly a fairy soldier pointed at the sky and shouted.

Qin Yun looked up at the sky and saw a huge black ball, spurting black air and moving quickly in the direction of the tiankeng.

Soon after, it was covered by dark clouds in the sky.

"It is evil yang!" Qin Yun frowned: "The evil spirits of the guys actually mobilized an evil yang in the past, what are they doing?"

"Is it necessary to help the Dark Royal Family?" A middle-aged low-lying man said: "The evil spirits of the evil spirits, maybe the dark royal family is a group!"

Qin Yun thought about it carefully and felt that it was very possible.

The evil spirits have existed for a long time, and they have been playing the idea of ​​Jiuyang and Jiuyang. They want to take it forever. It is very likely that they have a great relationship with the Dark Royal Family.

There are two evil yangs in the wild, and now there is a fly to the tiankeng, which will definitely help the Dark King!

"There is something falling down!" Another fairy warrior shouted.

After the evil yang was swept in the sky, many black air masses and black air masses of different sizes fell slowly.

After Qin Yun felt the breath, Shen said: "It is the evil dragon war of the evil spirits... and the kind of lizard dragon!"

Sure enough, those huge air masses suddenly burst open, and there was a huge lizard dragon, the so-called evil sun holy dragon.

And the smaller black air masses are those very powerful evil dragons!

"This group of lizards...not worthy of being called dragons!" The captain, looking angry at the huge lizard dragon in the sky.

The lizard dragon flew in the air, fluttering a pair of huge wings, as if looking for something.

Qin Yun frowned: "These things can fly easily. It seems that the evil spirits are really related to the dark royal family under the tiankeng! This forest should be controlled by the dark royal family!"

A middle-aged nodded: "Yes, an old man of the Tetria said that the Dark Royals have created a strong enchantment field, covering the tiankeng radius, to occupy this area!"

"We are quick to stay away from this place!" Qin Yun said: "The next step is to see the Emperor!"

With the addition of evil spirits, Qin Yun is even more worried, because Xian Rujing is still inside, fighting the powerful dark dragon!

The lizard dragons in the sky, like what they are looking for, are constantly flying around.

Qin Yun also noticed that the location where the lizard dragon was concentrated was exactly where he had done three dragons and tigers.

"Is it because I exposed the soul?" Qin Yun could not help but think: "When Yangyang is strong, but her breath should not be exposed?"

Ling Yun said: "Xiaoyun, this is on the territory of the dark royal family! Don't forget those weird flowers and trees, it is very likely that the dark royal family got it, they might be able to sense what through the flowers and trees... ”

"Maybe! They just sense the breath of the sun, and should not be able to see me through flowers and trees!" Qin Yun said.

"The breath of the three yang souls suddenly appeared, enough to cause the attention of the dark royal family! Or it can be sensed by evil yang, so it will come quickly!" Ling Yun said: "The evil yang can shuttle space, so Can come so fast!"

Qin Yun is worried that the evil yang will be shot by Xian Rujing, so he has also been paying attention to the fluctuation of the atmosphere of Xian Rujing.

Although it has been far away from the fairy, but still can sense the movement of the immortal and dark mad dragons, after all, the powerful Xiandi is fighting, and the movement is very big.

"The lizard dragon is down!" an old man shouted: "Get ready to fight!"

There are several dragon warriors, which have turned into a huge dragon.

After becoming a dragon, they were also unable to fly by a force, but with their huge body, they could easily fight against the lizard dragons.


The Dragon of the Dragons, Zhangkou, spewed a violent dragon power, and also swept the huge dragon tail against the lizard dragons that swooped down.

This kind of dragon fights, and the movement is very big, as if it can be overwhelming.

Qin Yun saw the dragon's dragon can cope with the lizard dragon, and did not shoot. He used to consume a lot, and now he wants to save power and deal with the more dangerous crisis.

The lizard dragon discovered the dragon's warrior and also sent out signals to call other lizard dragons and evil dragons.

"Hurry and withdraw!" Qin Yun whispered: "There are a lot of guys, and they can fly in the air, and it is not good for us."

The old man of the Dragon Warrior, after the siege of the lizard dragon that was besieged, turned the soldiers into human bodies and accelerated to escape the forest.

Qin Yun, they speeded up, and the lizards and dragons in the sky also followed closely, constantly spurting a violent evil force and hitting the earth.

Because they can avoid, they are not going to fight back.

"When we leave this forest and deal with this group of things, it will be their death!" A dragon's old man said coldly.

The dragon of the dragon can't fly, and it is very disadvantageous to fight against the lizard dragon in the sky.

After more than an hour, the chasing lizard dragon is getting more and more!

Qin Yun did not know whether he was coming to him or the dragon of the dragon.

Suddenly, there was a familiar volatility in front.

Qin Yun was shocked because it was the breath of Lan Suyao and the breath of the purple city and the water, and they fought in front!

"There is a situation!" Qin Yun suddenly shouted, and then took out the Holy Blade of the Wraith, using the Light of the Holy Grail, rushed over.

There was a large open space in front of it, because it was because of the fierce battle that the jungle was leveled.

Purple Allure, Lan Suyao and Shui Tianzi are really fighting.

It is all human beings fighting with them. Qin Yun can't tell who they are, they are all very strong kings.

Lan Suyao has to deal with three people by himself, and the water and the purple city must have a dozen!

"It is the people of the Guanghan Palace, our alliance!" a woman from the Dragons shouted: "Get out of the way!"

Qin Yun has already rushed to Lan Suyao!

"Su Yao, who are these guys?" After Qin Yunchong passed, the electric lock sang flashed, and a lightning bolt was used to lock a fairy king in black.

"It is the **** of the magic fairy Tianmen and the evil Yang family..." Lan Suyao saw Qin Yun and a group of Xianlong warriors coming over, and he was relieved.

The magic fairy Tianmen and the evil Yang people are only seven.

They saw a large group of powerful dragon warriors suddenly rushed over, but also frightened, they all fled.

One of the great men of the magic fairy Tianmen was locked by Qin Yun’s electric lock.

Qin Yun jumped over and waved the Holy Blade of the Wraith.

"The soul of the soul..." The great man of the magic fairy Tianmen recognized the knife. If he did not finish it, he was killed by Qin Yun.

The dragon dragon warriors also chased the escaped evil spirits and the magic fairy Tianmen, and easily surrounded those people to kill.

The lizard dragons that were chased in the sky also had hundreds of heads, and they suddenly attacked the ground.

"Everyone is careful, avoid it!" Qin Yun shouted.

The lizard dragons spewed a violent energy in the mouth, pouring from the air with a stinking black liquid.

Qin Yun, they all speed up, avoiding the venom with violent energy!

At this time, there are thick black clouds in the sky, and a large number of lizard dragons fly out from the thick clouds, all of which rush to Qinyun.

"More and more of this kind of thing!" Water Tianzi shouted: "There must be two evil yang!"

Not only is there a large number of lizard dragons chasing after the rear, but also a large group appeared in front.

"Two evil yangs are coming!" The old dragons whispered: "Their goal is us?"

Qin Yun secretly felt that it was definitely the evil spirits who found the soul of the sun on him.

He had only used the power of the Yang Soul not long ago, and he certainly had some breath in his body. The evil spirits were very likely to detect the weak soul of the soul.

When there was a dense lizard dragon in the air, the huge tiankeng in the distance suddenly spewed a golden beam of light, breaking through the black thick clouds and hitting into the sky.

As soon as the golden light beam appeared, it immediately illuminated the forest covered by dark clouds!

The dark clouds of evil in the air are torn apart by golden light and are rapidly dissipating.

The siege of Qin Yun, their thousands of lizard dragons, after being exposed to the golden light, all sent out a sharp and fierce embarrassment, and then flew away, flying to the black evil sun above the sky.

Black evil yang is also at a very fast speed, away from the tiankeng spewing out of the golden light!

"The emperor broke the seal!" An old man of the Dragon family shouted with exultation and excitement.

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