Nine Sun God King

Chapter 169: Soul

Qin Yun was beaten into the sky and the land was forbidden. This matter spread quickly.

Du Ghost is very depressed. I thought I had a good student, but I was beaten into the forbidden place.

Xie Wufeng, Huo Zhong and Murong Daren have all come to the Du Ghost. They want to save Qin Yun, and Du Gui also supports their ideas. However, they do not have this strength now, so let them go back and practice.

Even if you have the strength of the martial arts, you will not be able to save people from the ban.

The sky is forbidden, located in a forest, the entrance is a blue brick house.

After Qin Yun was blasted into the stone door and entered the stone house, there was a deep vertical passage leading to the depth below the ground, more than a thousand meters deep.

He was seriously injured by the old man of the Tian Xuanwuyuan. He couldn't run the internal force at all, and his consciousness was very vague. He could only let his body fall and he thought he would be badly beaten.

However, after he fell, he fell on a very soft thing, but after a certain impact, he fainted.

After a few days, Qin Yun slowly opened his eyes and saw the white light on the four walls. He hurriedly sat up and observed the environment on all sides.

He was in a stone room with a few dim night beams hanging on the wall.

"I remember, I was hit into the blue brick house! I am in the forbidden place in the sky?" Qin Yun recalled, suddenly shocked.

"Little guy, you are really in the middle of the day!"

The voice is soft, like a woman. It can be said to come. The lack of a gray-haired old woman with a golden faucet and a white hair.

The old woman had some wrinkles on her face and a kind smile. After walking to the bed, she sat down slowly.

In the forbidden land, there is a refining madman, which is what many people know.

When Qin Yun was a child, he was very clear about this matter.

Just did not expect that the legendary refining madman is an old woman!

"Old... Grandma, how are you here?" Qin Yun couldn't believe that the old woman in front of her eyes was the infamous madman.

"I made a mistake, I was locked here, how about you?" The old woman laughed.

Her smile made Qin Yun feel uncomfortable.

"I have a conflict with people and I have been beaten into it." Qin Yun quickly went to sense the double martial arts on his left arm and found that he was still inside, and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He was also surprised to find that the injuries on his body were all good. He was seriously injured by the corpse of the martial arts before, and it was impossible to recover so quickly without the healing of the martial arts.

The old woman smiled and said: "Your injury has been cured by me! The martial arts on your body is very interesting, but it also has a lot of problems. You can fall in here, and you will be blessed in disguise!"

"Grandma, are you a legendary madman?" Qin Yun saw the old woman very kind, and asked boldly.

The old woman sighed a little and said: "Yes, yes... I am the evil spirit of the sorcerer. I used to help many people in the Tianqi Empire to get great martial arts, but they are ungrateful, in my husband. After I died, I forced me to surrender the skills of refining the soul! I refused to live and die, they put me here."

The minister of the empire is a virtue, Qin Yun is also very clear. So I believe that the words of the old woman can be believed.

"Grandma, the boy named Qin Yun, is a prince of the Tianqin Empire. I was originally a prince, but I was killed by a traitor. I was abolished by the Prince and was taken away by four spirits. But they also Constantly targeting me, it is necessary to destroy me." Qin Yun sighed: "I have a lot of enemies outside, it is much safer here."

After listening to the old woman, she frowned. Some angry said: "These guys are really vicious, and they take the pulse of others... How old are you?"

"Ten years old!" Qin Yun smiled a bit, said: "This has passed, I am still pretty good, there are also six weapons of the martial arts."

"You must remember the people who took your veins and kill them one by one. This evil person must not stay." The old woman was as iron-faced and gloomy, and she was obviously very angry about this.

Qin Yun whispered: "Grandma, I heard that you extracted the martial arts of others. Is this true?"

The old woman shook her head: "I use the martial arts or the soul of the lord... I never take the martial arts from the stranger. Of course, if you are against the wicked who harm me, I don't feel merciless."

"I was one of the four nephews of the Tianqi Empire. In the harem, the Queen was the biggest under me. Later, the emperor died, the Queen worried that I would fight for power, not only killing my two sons, but also I am forced to surrender the skill of refining the soul. This group of idiots, if I have not killed my son, I may cooperate with them."

Qin Yun looked down at the records he had seen from the books. He whispered: "There is indeed such a period in the history of the Tianqi Empire! Qiao Ruiwen, one of the four monks, and his son conspired to the throne, so they were all executed."

No one knows, the refining soul and the scorpion are actually the same person!

"At that time, I knew that there were not many people who knew how to refine the soul. They worried that I would use the technique of refining the soul to draw people's hearts. So I took a very decisive shot and removed our family. Then I made the refining spirits look like evil, and people dare not Looking for my soul refining." Qiao Ruiwen sneered.

Qin Yun was surprised: "Joy Grandma, you have been here for more than two hundred years, and you are not so old! The Queen, should it be dead?"

Qiao Ruiwen smiled and said: "That is, I have kept my soul active through the practice of refining the soul! As long as the soul Wuhun will not age, you can live for a long time!"

Later, Qin Yun also told her about her encounters, which made her very sympathetic and hated the queen.

Qiao Ruiwen said: "Xiaoyun, the martial arts in your body is very special, you should be clear about yourself."

"Because I was too critical at the time, I moved to my arm and I can't move it back now." Qin Yun was very upset: "I don't know if it will affect me in the future!"

Qiao Ruiwen quickly said: "Of course there is an impact, the Wuhun is all concentrated in the arm, if your future arm is cut off? Can you guarantee that your arm will not be injured?"

Qin Yun was full of sorrow and asked: "Joy Grandma, can you help me to bring Wuhun and Neiyuan back to Dantian?"

Qiao Ruiwen smiled and said: "What do you want to move back to Dantian? I intend to move your shocking martial arts and inner yuan to the heart! The sleeping flames of the soul are left in the left arm!"

"Why don't you move back to Dantian?"

Qin Yun is very puzzled and secretly happy. If the martial arts can be moved to the heart, it is really good. The heart is the key point. If there is shock inside the element protection, it will not be so easily injured.

Qiao Ruiwen smiled happily: "Do not move back to Dantian, it is to stay for the third martial arts! This is the best place to absorb the third martial arts, and you will know later."

"Really?" Qin Yun excited.

"You lie down and cooperate with your grandmother. In this process, you also need your own consciousness to control the martial arts." Qiao Ruiwen said.

After Qin Yun lay down, Qiao Ruiwen put his hand on his arm and released a special mental power to lock the shocking inner Yuan and the shocking Wuhun inside.

Later, she slowly moved the inner yuan and whispered: "The shock inside is originally in your fire. Now you have to rush out. It may be painful. You can't bear it. In any case, you can't let the shock Yuan goes back!"

Qin Yun nodded quickly and then frowned. Not long after, he felt the shock inside the Yuan, with the slow movement of Qiao Ruiwen's hand, he quickly touched the inner wall of the fire inside Yuan, to tear open the inner yuan...

"Ah!" Qin Yun whispered.

"Resist, it will be very soon!" Qiao Ruiwen was also sweating at this time, shouting.

After a while, the pain slowly eased. Qin Yun sighed with a big mouth and sweated. The shock inside was finally separated from the fire inside. With the control of Qiao Ruiwen, he slowly moved to the heart.

"Joy Grandma, my fire inside the yuan is now sleeping, is it necessary to integrate into a strong Wuhun, in order to let it wake up?" Qin Yun asked.

"Yes! And this martial art must be strong. If it is not strong enough, it will destroy your fire martial arts and fire inside." Qiao Ruiwen said seriously: "Well, you meet me, otherwise you will go looking for Wuhun." The consequences will be very serious."

Soon, Qin Yun felt that the heart had a strong influx of energy, and the shocked inner yuan entered his heart perfectly.

Qiao Ruiwen wiped the sweat and smiled. "If you are not cultivating the mysterious heart, I can't help you move this way. Only the Xuanhuang heart can withstand the shock. Even the ordinary diamond heart can't bear it. It will definitely be torn. Cracked."

The heart is the hub where energy runs in the body. Nowadays, it is integrated into the shock, which means that the shock internal force can reach the body in a flash to protect the body!

"Thank you, Grandma Joe!" Qin Yun laughed.

"What kind of politeness to me? You guys have eaten so much bitterness, it is very difficult to have today's achievements... Unfortunately, trapped in this ghost place!" Qiao Ruiwen sighed: "Even if I have the strength of martial arts, Can't run out."

"Joy Grandma, what is the main force to stop you from going out?" Qin Yun mastered a lot of spiritual patterns, he wanted to see if there is any possibility to break the seal inside.

"There is a very strong array here, releasing an enchantment, shrouded the underground palace, and can only come in from outside, can not go out from inside." Qiao Ruiwen said.

Qin Yun touched the walls around him and poured in the power of a **** to explore and infiltrate the gods, but there was no success. This place is much stronger than the tower.

After he probed it, he walked out of the room, and there was a long passage outside, and there were many cornices in the passage, extending in all directions.

Qiao Ruiwen saw what Qin Yun was looking for and walked over: "Xiaoyun, I have been here for more than two hundred years, and I know the underground palace very well! There are one hundred and nine stone rooms below, one of which is the largest one." Six square stone rooms are also relatively large, and the other seven stone rooms are round and relatively small."


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