Nine Sun God King

Chapter 171: Going to the peak

When Qin Yun saw the crack in the stone wall, he hurriedly put away the slate of the Jiuyang Julings and came to Qiao Ruiwen.

"The last blow!" Qiao Ruiwen was excited at this moment. She was detained in this place for more than two hundred years and will soon see the day again.

Excited, her palms trembled a little, condensed a strong force, slowly pushed over, touched the stone wall, burst into a huge shock!

There was also a "beep" sound in the underground palace, and many stone chambers suddenly collapsed.

The largest stone room in which they are located does not stop dropping huge pieces of stone.

Qiao Ruiwen condensed the shield with internal force, shrouded himself and Qin Yun, and then hit the cracked wall again, hitting a big hole and going straight to the ground.

"We have succeeded!" Qiao Ruiwen could not resist the excitement, laughed and pulled Qin Yun Meng to rush out, and suddenly came to the ground.

"Joy there may be people with the Tianqi Empire, we must be careful!" Qin Yun whispered, wary the Quartet.

When Joe Ruiwen was in the underground palace, he also heard Qin Yun mention the Blue Lingxing Palace. I also know that there are many powerful martial arts in the Star Palace, and I will definitely marry her refining skills.

"We can't let people know that we are out!" After Joe Happy was happy, he calmed down.

Qin Yun looked at the blue brick house and collapsed. As long as the people of the Tianqi Empire came here, they must know that they broke open and could not hide.

"How can we cover up this matter? Just now the palace collapsed, the movement was not small, and the surrounding was violently turbulent. There must be people in the vicinity of the Qiqi Empire patrolling, they will come soon." Qin Yun condensed his eyebrows and looked around, Let the spirits force to sense, if someone comes over, they can also kill in time.

Qiao Ruiwen’s face was dignified and said: “It seems that I can only use the ancient ban of the blue ancestors!”

Qin Yun asked: "An ancient ban? What is that?"

"It can attract the meteorites to fall...but after I showed it, the loss is very huge, it will take some time to recover!" Qiao Ruiwen said: "If they are told that I am out of the sky, they will definitely chase me everywhere... Even you are very dangerous."

Her lips fretting, the crutches in the handshake, the body bursting with powerful energy, making the surrounding winds raging, the situation is surging!

Suddenly, a very depressed atmosphere appeared, and the surrounding trees were instantly broken.

Qin Yun looked up and saw a huge meteorite appearing.

"Ah..." Qiao Ruiwen screamed, the energy of the body overflowed more violently, and then the whole person seemed to be evacuated, lying softly on the ground.

Her weak road: "Come... leave here!"

Qin Yun carrying her, stepping on the fire, and rushing in the air with the fastest speed.

When he was in the air, he also felt a burning wave of air, and the broken pieces of trees below were instantly ignited and turned into a sea of ​​fire.


The meteorites landed, and the flames of the flames, such as the big rocks falling into the calm lake, set off a fierce flame wave, drowning the forests of thousands of miles.

Qin Yun walked in the air, shrouded by hot sea waves, below is a lava and fire sea, surrounded by a kilometer-high mountain, all flattened.

"This ban is really terrible, it is a natural disaster!" Qin Yun carrying a slumbering past Qiao Ruiwen, the heart was shocking, pacing in the air, heading north.


Just half a hour after Qin Yun’s departure, Tian Qi, covered by lava, banned the sky and a large group of people appeared.

Du Ghost frowned, looking at the rushing gas, and then looked at the people of the Tian Xuanwuyuan, sneer: "Now you are satisfied! Qin Yun is completely dead!"

Zhuochuan sighed: "A good young singer, that's it!"

Hou Xingfeng said: "I have to hurry to appease Xie Wufeng and a few of them... They heard Qin Yun being beaten into the sky and almost smashed the ground."

"This matter has nothing to do with us, don't look at us!" Guo Cheng said faintly, but his heart was very happy.

"It is the teacher of your Tian Xuanwu Academy, who personally sent Qin Yun into the Tianqi forbidden place... Xiao Yuemei can think that this is the fault of your Tian Xuanwuyuan. This Shantou is now missing for so long, and it is estimated that there is still movement. Du Ghost sneered.

"Mr. Du, let's go back!" Hou Xingfeng sighed and turned and flew away.

Du Gui's mental strength is very strong. He is very familiar with Qin Yun's mental strength, so he can sense a familiar spiritual residue and extend it to one direction.

He was the first to arrive here. After sensing the spiritual power of Qin Yun, he erased it in the first place, so no one later realized it.

He did not tell Hou Xingfeng about this, because he was not sure if Qin Yun was still alive, and he will confirm it later.

Qin Yun stayed in the forbidden land in Tianqi, and stayed with the refining spirits for so long. If he is still alive, he will definitely be considered to master the technique of refining the soul!

Since the appearance of the Blue Lingxing Palace, there have been meteorites falling from time to time, but not as big as this time, so everyone did not think much, and they thought that this was an accident.

In particular, people who hate Qin Yun very much think that this is what God is doing, in order to eradicate Qin Yun and refining the soul.

For those who watched the excitement, they secretly sympathized with Qin Yun. They saw that they would be counter-attacked, but the inner yuan was abolished, and then they were beaten into the sky and forbidden. Finally, the meteorite that suddenly fell fell to death.

How to look like it is offending a certain fairy, otherwise who will toss him like this...


Qin Yun carrying Joe Ruiwen, after a day of rushing in the air, also felt a little tired, and fell to rest on a big tree.

He looked at the very weak Qiao Ruiwen, and he was very worried and shouted: "Joy Grandma, how are you?"

Qiao Ruiwen opened her eyes slightly and smiled: "Grandma is fine, I can see Jiuyang again, I am very happy! I will be better after a break."

"Xiaoyun, you can go to the soul of the star! You are very inconvenient with me, I have not recovered so quickly."

"No, I must not leave you." Qin Yun firmly opposed.

Qiao Ruiwen saw Qin Yun care about him, his heart was warm, and kindly smiled: "You find a high mountain, get a deep cave, put me in the cave. After you leave, seal the cave. I can rest safely inside."

"Hey, listen to my grandmother! It is not easy for you to take me to the soul of the stars. You must get the star Wushen in these three or two months, then go back to your princess."

"Grandma, what do you do?" Qin Yun was very reluctant to be a kind old grandmother.

Qiao Ruiwen said: "If I recover, I will go to Wucai... In those days, my enemy in Tianqi was dead. I have no attachment here! I also believe that you can rely on your own strength to overcome. It is difficult."

Qin Yun can only carry Qiao Ruiwen, fly to a relatively high mountain, and then cut a deep cave.

He put the Jiuyang Ju Ling array inside, which allows Qiao Ruiwen to absorb the aura more quickly, and then give her a storage spirit, filled with all kinds of delicious.

Qiao Ruiwen said: "Good boy, if anyone suspects that you master the practice of refining the soul, and can't really stop, tell them that the refining soul is created by the blue dragon Wu Wang, formerly known as 'The Soul Secret Code', Blue Lingxing The people of the palace must be very familiar. At that time, the people of the Blue Lingxing Palace will help you. According to your description of the Blue Lingxing Palace, the Donggong in the inside should inherit the spirit of the Lancang Wuwang."

"You should become the Donggong disciple of the Lan Lingxing Palace as much as possible to learn the martial arts of the Lancang Wuwang."

Qin Yun nodded quickly, he realized that the very powerful Xingyang Heart Sutra, let the spiritual star, has a strong spiritual power, so he is still very respectful to the Blue Dragon King.

In the end, Qiao Ruiwen told him a lot of things to lead the soul, let him know the process of the soul.

Qin Yun reluctantly bid farewell to Qiao Ruiwen, then sealed the cave, came to the ground, and ran to the north.

He traveled from the west side of the Yunlong Mountains to the north, and the road was far and dangerous. I don't know if I could catch up with the wedding at the end.

At night, Qin Yun suspended into the sky and looked at a star in the north. That was the North Star.

The Northern Star looks a bit blue and is the brightest star in the northern sky, so it's easy to see.

"I hope that the lead of the soul can really make me get the **** of martial arts." Qin Yun fell to the ground and walked through the forest in the night.

Now in the Yunlong Mountains, he must be very careful to avoid all kinds of ferocious beast attacks. If you encounter a fast-moving beast, it is a disaster.

"I don't know how the moon rose. I was beaten into the sky. She must be very worried about me. It will be very angry because of this!" Qin Yun secretly worried that Xiao Yuemei would make extraordinary things.

In front of him, Xiao Yuemei often laughs and laughs, but he is a straight-forward person, and it is also terrifying.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

In the silent forest at night, a sudden burst of canines suddenly came out.

Qin Yun immediately stopped his footsteps and released his mental strength to explore. At the same time, he used the exercises to remove all the breath around him and then hid in the dense foliage of a big tree.

Not far away, there was a pair of green eyes, a **** dog like a cow, riding a big man on the back, slowly coming over.

Soon after, there were two more big dogs with green eyes, and they walked over and sniffed the ground.

"Just your dog is calling? Is there any discovery?" asked a big man.

"Your dog is also nearby, haven't you found it?" The man said: "Maybe my dog ​​is too sensitive!"

"Be careful, it's always right. We are now guarding the best iron mines, and we have produced so many, it is a critical moment!"

"The West Palace is also true. The slaves have died hundreds of times. How can they not send slaves? They have produced so many iron ore mines, and they have not sent people to take them. They have been piled up there and they have not said anything. I have to be very careful."

Qin Yun heard the conversations of these people, and he was shocked by the heart. There is a very good iron mine here!


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