Nine Sun God King

Chapter 175: Return to the city

After a few days of rushing, Qin Yun went directly to the Tianqin Imperial City!

The Tianqin Empire is the closest empire to the Blue Lingxing Palace. The Tianqin Palace has a good relationship with the Nangong of the Blue Lingxing Palace, and the Prince Qin Zhengfeng is in the Nangong, and he is also taken care of by Xiaoyang Dragon of the West Palace.

Therefore, in the wedding of Qin Zhengfeng and Xiao Yuelan, the four palaces of the Blue Lingxing Palace will come. Donggong, which rarely has activities, will also attend, mainly because Xiao Yuelan is a Donggong disciple.

The main entrance of the Tianqin Emperor City, two large iron gates up to tens of meters open. The imperial city was fully liberalized. In the past, it was only a small city gate that was more than ten meters high. In addition, it is necessary to guard the cross-examination, and sometimes it will charge the city fee. Now it is useless, and it can be unimpeded.

Qin Yun is a few hundred meters away from the imperial city, a pair of bright and deep scorpions, looking at those who enter and leave the city.

Many people passed by him and just looked at him casually.

The current Qin Yun is taller and stronger than before. It has been exposed to the peak of the Soul Star for many days, making his skin dark and looks handsome and strong. After many battles between life and death, his handsome face has a little edge and angle, which is more mature and stable.

He looked at the gates of the imperial city, his thoughts were numerous, and his heart was full of emotions.

At this time, he is sixteen years old, and he is also an adult, or a martial arts seven-strong warrior!

He finally reversed his destiny and became stronger back to the Tianqin Empire!

"Ye Queen, your son's engagement ceremony, I will definitely participate!" Qin Yun shook his fist and walked quickly to the gate.

He was wearing a gray robe, wearing a hat, and not trimming the edges. The firm eyes and mature stability made it impossible to see that he was a 16-year-old boy. Only those who are familiar with him can recognize him at a glance.

Qin Yun entered the city gate and felt that it was still familiar, but the atmosphere was somewhat different. Although it was more lively than before, it seemed to be a little nervous.

He inquired on the street and learned about the big events that have happened in the past few months!

In particular, Xiao Yuemei, who is most concerned about him, turned out to be a murderous female demon!

The disciples of Lanling Xigong and the family of the Tianxiao Empire have killed nearly 100 people, and several small families have been killed. These families are all those who have a good relationship with Xiao Yanglong!

Then there is that Xiao Yuemei has also succeeded in killing more than a dozen martial arts eight-eighth old ministers. This is a very painful loss for the Tianxiao Empire.

Tian Xuanwuyuan was also not spared, and students were injured in three days!

In the past few months, the people of Tian Xuanwuyuan, Tianxiao Empire and Lanling Xigong have been shrouded in the fear of Xiao Yuemei.

However, just a few days ago, suddenly there was amazing news!

Xiao Yuemei was captured by the Tianxiao Empire and will be pressed into the Imperial City of the Tianqin Empire. She does not know how to deal with her.

"Moon Mei was actually caught, just inside the Tianqin Emperor City!" Qin Yun heard the news, frowning, full of dignified color.

Xiao Yuemei was caught and brought to the Tianqin Imperial City. It is obviously another picture. It is very likely that I will pressure Xiao Yuelan's sister to let her get engaged!

Xiao Yuelan looks cold and ruthless, but she is very good to her sister. Now that my sister has killed so many people, it is very likely that he will be sentenced to death.

If she cooperates with the Tianxiao Empire and is married honestly, then her sister may be alive.

"I want to save the moon!" Qin Yun immediately made a decision, at any cost, must rescue Xiao Yuemei!

Xiao Yuemei’s murderers are not the wicked veterans of the Tianxiao Empire, but the disciples of the Blue Lingxing Palace and the Tian Xuanwuyuan. After she killed those people, many people are clamoring.

There is also that she kills people for Qin Yun revenge!

Qin Yun also heard that the wedding of Xiao Yuelan and Qin Zhengfeng was held in about 20 days.

In the following period, the aristocrats of all countries, the teachers and students of the major martial arts, will arrive at the Tianqin Palace.

In addition, there is a more shocking news, that is, Xiao Yuelan's martial arts are made public, is the purple gold fire dragon martial arts, belongs to the legendary level of Wuhun!

Qin Yun learned this news, much more shocked than most people. Because he knows that in addition to the purple gold fire dragon martial arts, Xiao Yuelan also has a spiritual power!

However, her sister Xiao Yuemei said that she could not use her mirror martial arts to copy a powerful Wuhun of her sister!

Zijin Huolong Wuhun is a purple gold level. Xiao Yuemei's mirror can be completely copied. It must be stored in her mirror martial arts. Then, she also copied Xiao Yuelan's spiritual power!

In other words, Xiao Yuelan also has the third martial arts, and the mirror martial arts that is powerful to her sister can not be copied!

"Dragon Wu soul belongs to the beast soul, dragon is a beast, so this should be considered a god-given martial art. Xiao Yuelan has a purple gold-level god-given soul, spiritual power Wushen, and mysterious black Wuhun... Is it because she is buried? Did Sintu get such an adventure?"

Qin Yun thought of himself, his Jiuyang **** is inside the funeral figure, and also made him get a terrible martial!

"The martial arts of Xiaomeilian is certainly not simple! I hope she can hide it!"

He walked out of the teahouse and saw two big men coming in at the door. One of them was: "The one-armed swordsman is terrible, and he defeated the eighth-order evil beast!"

"People are the seven swords of the martial arts, and the sword is so powerful!"

"With such an evil beast, he was sold by him, and how good it is for himself!"

Qin Yun heard their conversation and hurriedly asked: "Two big brothers, what do you mean by the one-armed swordsman, in this imperial city?"

"Well, he sold the eight-order evil beast in the sacred temple!"

After Qin Yun heard it, he quickly thanked him and walked quickly to the west of the city and rushed to the strange mountain village.

Xie Wufeng can step into the martial arts seven, he is not unexpected.

At the time of Sanxuanyuan, Xie Wufeng’s cultivation was at the peak of the Sixth Body of the Martial Arts, and he entered the Xingxuanwuyuan and was vigorously cultivated by Xingxingfeng, which could quickly break through.

Qin Yun is familiar with the strange temple of the Imperial City. On the way he came, he saw many people talking about Xie Wufeng's killing of the eighth-order evil beast.

In the west of the imperial city, the more remote grotesque hills have become more lively during this time. In normal times, there is no conference held in the Temple of the Gods, and the whole village is quiet.

When Qin Yun came to the sacred hall, he saw the section that had just left.

He uploaded the sound to the past and shouted: "Deputy Grandpa!"

Duan Qian’s heart was shocked and suddenly looked at the door. He saw a tall boy wearing a gray robe and a smile on his face.

It is Qin Yun!

Duan Gan suddenly stayed, although Qin Yun has made a big change, but the perseverance between the eyebrows has not changed.

Tian Qi was banned from being banned. Everyone thought that Qin Yun was completely dead. Duan Qian also thought so. He was sad for a while.

On the occasion of the horror of the paragraph, Qin Yun has come to him.

Duan Qian grabbed Qin Yun’s hand and felt warm and bloody. After confirming that this was a living person, whispered: “Tell inside!”

He took Qin Yun and entered a secret room!

"Dec. Grandpa, I am still alive!" Qin Yun took off the fight, playfully spit out his tongue and laughed.

When he entered the city, he also heard someone mentioning him very sorry.

"Your kid's life is really hard!" Duan Qian pinched Qin Yun's arm and laughed loudly: "It is higher than before, and it is stronger than before!"

At the beginning, he sent Qin Yun to Sanxuanyuan. I didn't expect so many things to happen after that.

"Dang Grandpa, Xie Boss is not looking for you?" Qin Yun asked.

Duan Qiang smiled and said seriously: "Well! Xie Wufeng, Murong and Huo Zhong have all been there. They sell me the body of the evil beast, exchange for the crystal coins, and rescue Xiao Yuemei. They are really good friends!"

Qin Yun hurriedly said: "Duan Grandpa, Yuemei must be seen very dead, you have to help me, help me to come out, I will repay you later!"

Duan said with a smile: "You have called my grandfather, can I help you? Don't say anything, don't repay, you can live, I am very happy!"

"I have an appointment with Xie Wufeng. I met here tonight! No accident. When it was dark, the people I sent out to investigate would be able to come back. I will know the details of Xiao Yuemei’s detention."

Qin Yun originally thought that he had to act alone. Now that he knows that Xie Wufeng is helping them, he is relieved that there is not so much pressure.

Duan Gan said: "Qin Yun, among the people who guard Xiao Yuelan, there will definitely be martial arts. With your current strength, you can't compete with it. When I get in the way, I can't shoot. But I will give you clues. To help you develop a comprehensive plan."

"Well, I know! Now the emperor's city gathers the forces of all parties. If it is very dynamic, it will definitely attract a large number of strong people! We can only use the way of sneaking." Qin Yun nodded and knew that it was very difficult. .

Duan Xiaoxiao said: "With your strange talents, using magical symbols or strange lines, etc., it will be much easier, and you can also break the line, so you don't have to worry too much. The power of the strange forces of all parties is not as you think. terrible!"

"Right, how did you survive?"

Qin Yun entered the Tianqi forbidden land, but now he has survived.

If you don’t see the living Qin Yun with your own eyes, you will never believe it, because living in that situation is impossible.

Qin Yun whispered: "It's all luck, Grandpa, please also keep secrets that I am still alive!"

"I will keep this secret. But you must be prepared to face the martyrdom of the various forces. They will definitely associate you with the refining madness." I also know a little about it, and there are related records in the sacred temple.

Qin Yun nodded and said: "I will handle it well!"

Duan Gan let Qin Yun go to rest first, Xie Wufeng will come to inform him when they come.

Living in the sacred temple is very safe, and I am not afraid of being leaked.

Qin Yun lived in his familiar suite and sat in a chair in the living room. He couldn’t help but think of Yang Shiyue’s guidance here to practice the six styles of the dragon.

Thinking about it, he closed his eyes and took a nap...

It was dark, and suddenly someone knocked at the door.

After Qin Yun opened the door, he saw an old man. The old man brought a paragraph of dry words and asked him to go to the former secret room.


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