Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1752: New beginning

Yuetiansuo can go from Yunxian to Yunlong Mountain Range, but how to proceed specifically, Qin Yun does not know for a while, can only find Yuetiansuo.

"The problem is that my current cloudless sky can't be complete! The affection she has merged with the dragon statue, she can't make the **** of the dragon!" Qin Yun shook his head and sighed.

"I don't know about Yunyun Tianyin. I can only ask Xiaorou, she may have a way!" Yao Fang said.

Qin Yun said: "Yao Fangjie, how did you cultivate the nine yangs?"

"When you become a fairy emperor, I will pass it on to you!" Yao Fang said: "But before that, you must have a strong enough body!"

Qin Yun nodded: "I will soon become Xiandi!"

"I secretly approached the Magic Immortal... I am not sure if I can beat him!" Yao Fang said: "The Magic Immortal and the Immortal Emperor, these two guys are getting stronger and stronger!"

"That is certain. They used to be the best among the fairy tales. Now there is such a huge change in the immortality, they can certainly get stronger power from it!" Qin Yun said.

"With their current state, it is enough to open the door to the holy land, but they have not gone, I am very confused!" Yao Fang said: "In the wild, there should be nothing worthy of their nostalgia!"

"I heard that they are all servants, and the gods they offer don't let them go!" Qin Yun frowned.

"It used to be this reason, but now it is definitely not!" Yao Fang said: "They still stay in the fairyland, and definitely have any purpose! Maybe, they are going to the Yunlong Mountains..."

"They have seen me before!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "But they should not think that I am a floating king!"

Yao Fang listened to Qin Yun and said something, some worried: "Xiaoyun, before you have absolutely strong strength, try to meet the two guys as little as possible, it is dangerous!"

"I met them before, it was safe in front of the gate of the Temple of the Tetriarch!" Qin Yun smiled. If he met alone, he would not dare.

Yao Fang said: "When are you going to take a look at Yue Tiansuo with me?"

"A few days later, I am playing what the king of the king! After I receive the Emperor Tiandan, I will go with you again!" Qin Yun said.

“Good!” Yao Fang nodded. “I also intend to stay here for a few days to understand the situation of the Tetris!”

“Yao Fangjie, Yan Yan is in the wilderness, have you gone to find the star god?” Qin Yun asked: “You can go to the star god, she can help you!”

Yao Fang said: "Well, when I need help, I will go to find her. I am in the wilderness, and I still have some connections!"

Qin Yun looked at Yao Fang and smiled: "Yao Fangjie, why are you wearing a mask? I have seen Yan Yan before, is that your appearance?"

"Yan Yan is me, I am Yan Yan! You have seen me, and we are related... Do you know yourself?" Yao Fang said.

"Yao Fangjie, you just have the memory of Yan Yan, but I don't think you are like her!" Qin Yun whispered: "You give me the feeling, there is no familiar feeling with Yan Yan!"

Yao Fang did not speak, after a moment of silence, said: "I am her, she is me... we are all the same!"

Qin Yun could not accept this statement because Liu Yueyan was not like this to him, at least not to hide his appearance.

"Yao Fangjie, the curse on your body, is it not expelled?" Qin Yun suddenly asked, he felt that only this reason.

"No, it has been lifted!" Yao Fang said.

"Why don't you take off the mask!" Qin Yun missed the dreamy and beautiful face of Liu Yueyan.

"I... I am a bit ugly now, I have a totem on my face!" Yao Fang whispered: "Xiaoyun, or else, you will treat me as a face later, I think... that It's real me!"

The name Yaofang is known only to Qin Yun. Xie Qi soft Xiao Yuelan, they only know Fang Yueyao.

However, after many years, she felt that Fang Yueyao was already a character of the year, and Yao Fang was also her memory of Qin Yun and Qin Yun.

"Liu Yue Yan Yan, you have known me in this life, and I have known you in a state of no memory! This is our new beginning!" Her voice suddenly became very gentle: "Xiaoyun, from now on, no Fang Yueyao, there is no Yaofang, only Liuyue Yanyan!"

"I don't want to abandon you ugly, I just want to see you!" Qin Yun walked over and whispered: "姝颜, let me see how you are!"

He reached out and took off her mask!

Under the mask is a jade face full of strange lines, the beautiful eyes, full of dreams and confusion.

Qin Yun saw the dreamy beauty of the full-bodied emotions, and smiled: "Yan Yan, you are really Yan Yan! But you are also my familiar Yao Fang sister!"

“Everything!” Liu Yueyan smiled softly and said: “I’m in a state of the way. It’s going to take a while, the totem of God will disappear, and it will be hidden in my body!”

After she finished, she hurriedly took the mask. She really didn't want Qin Yun to see her at this time.

Qin Yun sat next to her, caressing her jade hand, and smiled: "Yu Yan, when you are killing God, in the wilderness, do you have any intersection with my **** of the sun?"

"Yes!" Liu Yueyan nodded gently: "Our entanglements continue, until now, we can all be together... This is our fate!"

"Right, why is the totem of the gods suddenly appearing?" Qin Yun told his father about Liu Yueyan.

She leaned on Qin Yun's shoulder and whispered softly: "That is because the **** position is abnormal, the gods are facing a crisis, and the gods will make their masters become stronger through some means, so that they can return to the gods!"

Qin Yun was somewhat puzzled because his **** did not react at all. He also knew that his **** was incomplete and there was no totem inside.

"Is the situation of God's wildness so bad?" Qin Yun surprised.

"Well, small and soft, they can feel the danger of the gods!" Liu Yueyan sighed and sighed: "Xiaoyun, you are missing eight souls and nine scorpions, so the induction in this area is very weak, but it is also good, At least don't worry about the gods!"

Qin Yun gently licked her jade waist, let her body lean over a little, then took a deep breath of her intoxicating aroma, and asked: "Why are you not in the wild, but you have to worry about the gods?"

"Because we are the gods of God, we have the gods... Even if there are other situations in the gods, we all need to be responsible for the gods! We are recognized by the gods, and we must also recognize the responsibility of the gods!" Yan said.

Qin Yun’s magic mirror suddenly shook up. He took it out and said, “It’s Yuemei looking for me!”

He released Xiao Yuemei's voice.

I only heard Xiao Yuemei shouted: "Brother, where are you? There is a guy in the ancient era who wants to give you a share, and you will challenge you!"

“Someone wants to challenge me?” Qin Yun smiled and said: “Is that guy strong?”

"The second place is called Peng Hantao! I have to gamble with you for three percent!" Xiao Yuemei said: "You havetened to collect his points!"

"Good!" Qin Yun now has more than 1,400 points, but he feels that it is not stable enough. If you take another three percent, you can take the first place.

After he took up the mirror, he smiled and said to Liu Yueyan: "Hey Yan, I am going to the ancient city of Xianwang, I will be back soon!"

"Yan Yan sister shouted really sweet, when you were in ancient gardens, but I pitted me!" Liu Yueyan Yan Yan smiled: "Xiaoyun, you will restore your memory later, you must remember, I am no longer Fang Yueyao, It’s the moon, Yan Yan, I’m going to start with you with a new one!”

"Well, Yan Yan sister!" Qin Yun laughed, then hugged her.

"Right, if you say that your soul has been hurt, I will help you see!" Liu Yueyan said, put his hand on Qin Yun's cheek, and then look at his soul.

The repair of Liu Yueyan is extremely high. Among the fairy tales, it belongs to the group of immortals.

Because she has been cursed for many years, she also has a deep understanding of the soul.

She only slightly examined the soul of Qin Yun, and found some situations. She said: "Your soul seems to be burned!"

"Burn?" Qin Yun has some doubts.

"It is a very special means of attacking the soul, mainly by borrowing the power of the sun, and burning the soul!" Liu Yueyan said: "In general, this is a force of punishment!"

"The Sun Souls got it!" Qin Yun said.

"It's no wonder!" Liu Yueyan said lightly: "This group of guys, in the sun, is in charge of the soul penalty!"

With the help of Liu Yueyan, the pain of Qin Yun’s soul has gradually disappeared, and she has a way to deal with this kind of soul attack.

"Go, I am waiting for you to come back!" Liu Yueyan took Qin Yun's hand and sent him outside.

After Qin Yun left, Liu Yueyan returned to the hall.

At this time, Xian Rujing came down from the upstairs.

"Yao Fang, Liu Yue Yan, Fang Yueyao, killing God..." Xian Rujing smiled and said: "My killing big sister, you are really a multifaceted beauty!"

"Ice snow, how about the gods?" Liu Yueyan Yan Xiao laughed and asked.

"The situation is very bad. The gods of the gods are to be occupied. The group of the Sun Souls is too strong!" Xian Rujing said: "Forget it, come back later. God is ruined, now a plate of sand, no Cohesion, worry is useless!"

"Hey, we have lived up to the recognition of the gods!" said Liu Yueyan.

"The dragons have no heads, and the gods and gods are also rushing to each other, each with their own small abacus, and they did not expect such a disaster to erupt!" Xian Rujing shook his head: "In any case, the nine wasteland will be destroyed, a public Shenshan is occupied, nothing!"


After Qin Yun’s notice from Xiao Yuemei, he used the transmission jade and quickly rushed to the middle battle area of ​​Xianwang Ancient City.

On the top of the platform, Peng Hantao, carrying his hands in the middle, wearing a black loose robes, slowly fluttering.

There is no wind on the top of the platform, but his clothes are fluttering, but not the breath, it looks very strange.

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