Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1756: Upwind

Only by participating in actual combat, Qin Yun can profoundly understand how the confrontation of the Python Warrior is.

Today, he also learned the lesson.

"Xiaoyun, support the past!" Ling Yun said: "Peng Hantao painted this Leigong, but it consumed a lot! He now wants to control Leigong to attack you, can not start to draw strange lines!"

"Well, wait for Lei Gong to finish, he will stop to start painting grotesque, and at that time is my chance to turn over!" Qin Yun said.

"Then you will start to sort out the odd lines you have mastered!" Ling Yun said: "Be sure to get it out quickly, and then defend yourself!"

Qin Yun has a lot of strange patterns, especially star and moon.

There are not many positive patterns that can be used to fight.

Although he had the soul of the Yang Emperor, but the Yangdi strange spirit was sealed, and now it is impossible to take it out.

So the speed of drawing the sun will be slow when fighting.

"This Qin Yun, really hard to fight!" Someone was surprised.

"It is necessary to become a stranger, but he has already been smashed by Leigong. If Qin Yun is trained, he will definitely become a very good singer!" The old man said.

The blue light on Lei Gong is getting weaker and weaker, and the attack on Qin Yun has also weakened a lot, and the speed is much slower.

Everyone can now see a translucent thunder, although it is a large number of dense numbness, but it seems to give a very real feeling.

Peng Hantao bit his teeth and said: "Qin brother, your body is much stronger than I imagined! No wonder you can make so many big things in the fairyland, your potential is really unfathomable!"

As soon as he waved his hand, he summoned the weakened Leigong, recovered the power of the blood soul, and began to quickly draw lines.

Qin Yun has been beaten and bruised. Xiao Xuanqin has a distressed look, biting his lower lip, and some nervously grasping Yuan Yuying’s jade hand.

She couldn't see Qin Yun injured, but she couldn't see Qin Yun lose, because she knew that if she lost, it would be a big blow to a man, especially for Qin Yun.

Xiao Yuelan is rather calm, because she has a blind faith in her own small family.

The same is true of Xiao Yuemei. Their sisters are often with Qin Yun and know the huge potential of Qin Yun.

Qin Yun, who was bruised and bruised, climbed up from the ground, raised his arms, and extended a finger to start painting grotesque!

When he painted the grotesque before, he only used one finger, but now it is the **** at the same time.

Qin Yun’s arms have many burn marks on the thunder and thunder, and some are also beaten with deep scars.

However, his arms are very stable, without a trace of shaking!

When painting grotesque, the requirements for fineness are extremely high.

If the arms are unstable, the fineness will have a great influence. If it is serious, the odd lines will not be formed.

He is not only very stable with his arms, but his sturdy body is full of scars, but it is as stable as a giant mountain.

The most admirable thing is that his breath is extremely stable.

After being beaten for two rounds, he is still so stable, and this kind of realm is unappealing.

Even Peng Hantao, admired Qin Yun, and praised it again and again!

Because it is impossible to use the power of the king of the king to fight, Qin Yun now has enough power to heal his own injuries.

Lingyun controlled the power of the yang to release the wounds inside and outside Qin Yun.

The scars on his body are covered with a faint golden glow, which is healing quickly.

"Open!" Peng Hantao's three-way painting, the speed is very fast, draw a large sword of lightning and singularity, thorns to Qin Yun.

The golden light group in front of Qin Yun, the mist suddenly spread, and there was a round black shield!

Look closely, there are many flashing spots on the surface of the black shield, especially Peng Hantao opposite Qin Yun, just like seeing stars all over the sky.

The black shields are all made up of black grotesque, with a little starlight above them, and a strong star power.


The long sword stabbed the black shield, and the lightning flashed, but it could not hit Qin Yun.

Under the battle platform, everyone cheered!

Qin Yun finally got on the road, was violently ruined for two rounds, and finally blocked Peng Hantao's blow!

"Star pattern and shield grotesque? Very good, you progress very quickly!" Peng Hantao frowned, the pressure in his heart is getting bigger.

In the face of adversity, Qin Yun has made rapid progress and can quickly draw out defensive odd lines.

"The defense is good, then attack!" Qin Yun secretly blamed himself, before too much attention to attack.

If he has experience, he will defend first, not to get the dragon totem.

He felt that he was also misled by Peng Hantao with psychological tactics.

Peng Hantao said that he gave him a chance to attack first, he was a stupid first attack!

Otherwise, he may choose to defend first.

I have to say that Peng Hantao is very focused on this battle, so I gave Qin Yun the first set.

Qin Yun is also a post-knowledge!

And then, he began to draw a stronger defense totem!

Moonlight Tree Totem!

The moon totem has a certain power to swallow, and the tree totem defense is not weak.

He feels that the combination of the moon and the tree totem allows him to regenerate his power quickly and defend at the same time.

"If at the beginning, I directly draw Xuanwu totem to defend, have a turtle shell to protect, and then draw a variety of attacking strange lines, and certainly can beat that guy to doubt life!" Qin Yun heart.

The current conditions also do not allow him to draw Xuanwu totem, because it is too expensive, and extremely complicated, after all, it is a tortoise totem.

The moonlight totem is very familiar to Qin Yun, and the tree totem is evolved into a **** tree totem in his body.

It is all he can draw quickly.

Peng Hantao soon painted another lightning giant wolf!

The blue lightning giant wolf, the body is a mixture of many blue-emitting swarf, with a strong lightning shield!

The giant wolf flew past and thundered in the mouth.


The thunder and lightning were fiercely shot and landed on the singular star shield of Qin Yun.

Qin Yun was slammed back a few steps.

When the lightning giant wolf rushed over, Qin Yun also shunned.

You can dodge when fighting, but you can't move forward, you can't cross the red line on the ground.

The singular star shield was controlled by Qin Yun, blocking the front, and the thunderbolt giant wolf was not allowed to destroy the strange air mass that he painted.

The speed of Qin Yun's grotesque is still slow, because he is painting two totems.

Even though he is familiar with the Moon Moon Totem and Tree Totem, it is not so easy to draw at this time.

Under the control of Peng Hantao, the Thunderbolt giant wolf attacked the strange singular star shield that floated away.

The squiggly star shield can't be supported for a long time, and it will soon be crushed. When Qin Yun arrives, there is no defense.

Peng Hantao did not know whether Qin Yun’s paintings were attacking or defending.

Everyone looked quietly, and they were also expecting the strange lines that Qin Yun was painting.

The thunderbolt giant wolf above the battle platform is fierce and madly attacking the squiggly star shield.

Anyone can see that it will not be long before the squiggly star shield will be shattered.

Qin Yun bit his teeth and is also speeding up.

If the singular star shield is crushed and the thunderbolt giant wolf is attacking, then the singular air mass that he is painting will be dispelled and he will be abandoned.

"Support!" Qin Yun bit his teeth, control the strange star shield to carry out ingenious dodge.

Avoid the slam of the huge wolf claw of the lightning giant wolf!

After a while, the strange star shield suddenly burst!

Thunderbolt giant wolf broke through the strange star shield, and everyone shouted for a while!

Because next, the lightning giant wolf will attack Qin Yun!


The golden air mass in front of Qin Yun suddenly burst open and the internal grotesque was completed.

It becomes a golden giant tree, which is made up of many golden singularities. It looks very dreamy. If it is at night, it is just like the **** tree.

Qin Yun is in the giant tree!

"Tree Totem!" The old man in the singular world exclaimed: "This is a very good totem!"

The thunderbolt giant wolf rushed over and wanted to pounce on the giant tree up to 100 meters.

However, the giant tree suddenly appeared many roots, entangled the lightning giant wolf!

A large number of tree vines, squatting out, trapped the thunderbolt giant wolf.

Everyone can only see that it is a tree totem, but I don’t know that the moon totem is still hidden inside.

Qin Yun controls the moon totem, and swallows the power of the thunder and lightning giant wolf.

In this way, he can restore the power of the blood soul that he lost before.

The lightning giant wolf was suddenly defeated!

Peng Hantao was in a hurry and was drawing grotesque quickly.

However, the tree vine above the giant tree was suddenly woven, forming a long giant whip, and beat Peng Hantao.

A bang!

The huge tree and rattan whip fell, directly crushing the strange air mass condensed in front of Peng Hantao.

Everyone also made a cry!

The situation has changed so much!

Anyone can see that this squadron's showdown is very fancy.

If you are not properly defended and lose the chance to draw strange lines, then you will lose!

There are two long whipes in the tree vines, all of them are madly beaten Peng Hantao!

Peng Hantao also made a few screams!

His body is extremely strong and can withstand the kind of vines and vines. Although he can avoid it, he can't hide it several times.

The old man in the strange world is stunned! Because Qin Yun, a guy who knows nothing about the stranger, actually puts a real stranger on his head.

Qin Yun is now both offensive and defensive. His strange-grained tree is not so easy to disperse, because he is in the sacred tree, and can continuously release the power of blood soul to maintain the consumption of the sacred tree.

Of course, if Peng Hantao can last, then Qin Yun will be exhausted.

"I admit defeat!" After Peng Hantao was pumped for dozens of times, it was also bruised and bruised.

His arms are already unstable, meaning he has no chance to turn over.

Qin Yun took back the power of the blood of the strange grain of the mountain, and those grotesques were drawn with the power of the soul of the blood, and they could be recovered at once, so as not to cause waste.

Peng Hantao lost, it can be said that losing is hard to see!

Because he is a strange singer, but now he is turned over by a rookie.

Of course, the most sad thing for Peng Hantao is that he lost a thousand points! He is also skeptical about life, why is he being labeled as a dog by a rookie?

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