Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1767: Foreigner

"How did they find this place?" Liu Yueyan was very confused. She really couldn't understand why there were so many powerful emperors gathered here.

Qin Yun took out the telescope device and looked at the mountain not far away. He frowned: "The mountain seems to have an enchantment. Can't they go in?"

"Yes, the enchantment there is very strong! You need to break the enchantment to enter the cave! And there is a door at the hole, it is difficult to enter!" Liu Yueyan said.

Qin Yun pinched the Chiyang Dragon Scale and was calling for the Chiyang Dragon Mother to contact her, but did not receive a response.

Liu Yueyan took out a **** long knife and whispered: "Xiaoyun, would you like me to look at it?"

"Can they really break the mountain?" Qin Yun asked.

"I can't be sure now!" Liu Yueyan said with a sigh: "There are so many powerful emperors here, and there are such guys in the dark royal family... If there is a strong foreign domain powerhouse to help, maybe it can be opened. !"

Qin Yun said: "Let's wait! Look at Grandma Chiyang, maybe it's not convenient to answer me now, let's wait patiently!"

Liu Yueyan nodded, and she and Qin Yun were also on the top of a mountain, watching the mountain directly in front.

it's dark!

The neighborhood is very quiet, but the pressure of a united emperor has been swaying from time to time, making this mountain group enveloped by a repressed atmosphere.

"The mountain looks very ordinary, but there are several layers of enchantment outside. The mountain is still built with very special materials. Even if it is hard attack, it will take a long time to break!" Liu Yueyan looked at the air, 蹙Eyebrows: "How come there is no moon today?"

"Is it impossible to see the moon in the sun's holy land?" Qin Yun looked up at the night sky and could only see a star.

Liu Yueyan Yan shook his head and said: "I came in with Xiaorou before, I can see the moon!"

"The moon suddenly disappeared?" Qin Yun surprised.

"Yuelan does not mean that there have been some changes in the moon? Is it because the Guanghan Palace controls the disappearance of the moon?" Liu Yueyan was somewhat surprised: "If this is the case, it may be that the moon is facing some threats, so it suddenly disappears!"

"They should not have something to do!" Qin Yun was secretly worried.

The red dragon scales in the hands of Qin Yun suddenly trembled.

"Floating Cloud Kid? Are you here too?" Chiyang Dragon Mother stunned: "What are you doing here? How did you know this place?"

"I came with my friends! Grandma Chiyang, what are your dragons doing here? The two great emperors seem to be here too!" Qin Yun asked quickly.

"The dark royal family and the sun soul family are all there!" said the Chiyang Dragon Mother: "There are some guys from the outer Tianyu who are with them... and the dragons who traveled to the outer Tianyu area returned to the fairyland, I came with them. They said they are going to take something!"

Chiyang Dragon Mother does not know what to take!

Actually, there is the power of the outer world, and the dragons who have returned from the outer heavens to compete, it can be seen that the things hidden there are far more than the Tissot.

"Chiyang Grandma, will you fight with the Dark King?" Qin Yun asked.

"There is a great chance that it will be played. You and your friends should be careful when they arrive!" said the Chiyang Dragon Mother: "If we fight, the movement will be great!"

Qin Yun asked again: "Is that thing sealed?"

"It was sealed in the mountain. The Dark and Sun Souls couldn't break the seal, but the strong ones from the outer world, they can break!" said Chiyang Longmu: "They are slowly releasing the seal outside." !"

Qin Yun was shocked. Those from the outer heavens were really powerful. They could unlock the seal of the mountain.

"Don't say it to you, I want to discuss the tactics with the returning dragons!" said Chiyang Longmu.

After Qin Yun and Chiyang Longmu were disconnected, they immediately told Liu Yueyan about this matter.

After listening to Liu Yueyan, he was a little heavy and had no idea. He asked: "Xiaoyun, do we want to go in the past? If they don’t pass, once they break open the enchantment, jump Tissot and the mysterious things, they will be Get it, it was yours!"

Qin Yun was also anxious to walk around and said: "If you face the so many powerful emperors in the past, it will be very troublesome!"

The Emperor of the Outland is very powerful, and they dare not guarantee that they can touch the past quietly.

At this time, the people in the outer Tianyu are beside the mountain, and they are cracking the enchantment of the array. The entrance will definitely be seen dead. It is difficult to mix in.

Liu Yueyan and Xie Qirou did not expect that the mountain was discovered so quickly, and it was also stared by the powerful Xiandi of the outer Tianyu.

Otherwise, there will be no more than Liu Yueyan to accompany Qin Yun.

"Those guys from the outer world are exactly what is coming?" Qin Yun was very curious: "It seems that the thing should be very precious, otherwise they won't want to get it!"

Liu Yueyan Yan Dao: "Xiaoyun, or else, we will talk to them directly! If I am there, I will be able to protect you from getting out. This is not to worry!"

"Well, we used to stop them and say, everyone enters the mountain together! I have God Wangtianyin, my advantage is the biggest. If we go in together, we can't eat it!" Qin Yun said.

Later, after they discussed the details, they decided to go.

Late at night, the mountain in front of it suddenly shone a white light, and a layer of enchantment was broken.

When Qin Yun and Liu Yueyan were flying in the past, they heard a burst of cheers.

As soon as they approached, the people near the mountain were immediately alert.

A fierce momentum of the stock suddenly surged over and covered the body of Qin Yun and Liu Yueyan.

"It's you, Fang Yueyao!" The voice of the Emperor of the Immortal came. He wore a black armor, and the helmet covered the entire head. The voice was full of anger.

In the blink of an eye, the Emperor of the Immortal appeared in front of Liu Yueyan.

After the Emperor of the Immortal came over, he saw Qin Yun and angered: "Qin Yun, you really is the Yunyun Xian Wang!"

The Emperor of the Wilderness also flew over, wearing white armor, and his head was covered by a white helmet. The armor on them was very strong and protected themselves.

After all, this great emperor is also very afraid of death!

"One has been missing for many years, one has died for many years, but I did not expect it to appear here suddenly!" The fairy tycoon said coldly: "You come here to take the Tissot!"

There is an angry force of the Emperor in their body, accompanied by the power, they are angry, but they did not shoot!

That is because the killing of Liu Yueyan is extremely terrible.

"Yang Tiansuo is my own!" Qin Yun smiled slightly: "That is what the **** of space gave me!"

"You are less bragging and deceiving! The **** of space? You know a fart god!" The magic fairy sneered.

Liu Yueyan’s heart is sneer, Qin Yun is the king of the gods, and the gods he knows are really quite a lot.

"The mountain has ten layers of enchantment, one layer is stronger than one layer. You break through the ten layers of enchantment, and you have to open the gate of the cave. There are various enchantments in the cave. You really thought that you can go in smoothly. ?" Qin Yun laughed.

At this time, the Emperor of the Dark and the Sun Souls also flew over.

More than a dozen powerful emperors came over with a terrible pressure.

Liu Yueyan was next to Qin Yun, and also released the madness of killing God, and blocked all the power of the more than ten powerful emperors.

The emperor of the Dark Royal Family and the Sun Soul, his face changed slightly, his pupils shrank and his eyes were slightly surprised to look at Liu Yueyan.

Because they can feel the power of Liu Yueyan.

The emperor from the outer Tianyu also flew over, and it turned out to be some middle-aged people, with more than a dozen.

On the side of the Dark and Sun Souls, there are nearly thirty powerful emperors.

However, Liu Yueyan face them, but there is no fear, steady knife, standing next to Qin Yun, the body of the killing accompanied by a cold wind, slowly undulating.

And the more than 20 emperors, at this time also released the momentum of the body, want to compete with Liu Yueyan!

Many empires, all of a sudden collide!

Liu Yueyan was able to withstand the momentum of more than 20 Xiandi by one person, but did not fall into the wind, which made those emperors even more surprised.

The earth suddenly trembled, and the collision of momentum made a strong wave!

"The friend of the foreign domain, the young man is Qin Yun, he has two sun spirits, two strange spirits, and master a lot of good things!" The fairy **** suddenly said.

He said this, but also wants to stir up the Emperor of the Outland.

None of those emperors have the meaning of shooting, because they are not too dare!

The number of them is many. If it is attacking Liu Yueyan, the first attack will most likely be killed by Liu Yueyan.

So they are just in the momentum and Liu Yue Yan Yan contest!

"The mountain was built by me!" Qin Yun suddenly said: "I think everyone wants to enter the mountain as soon as possible, right?"

The Emperor of Heaven, the Dark King and the Sun Soul are all looking to the Emperor of the Immortals and the Emperor of the Wild.

The two great emperors nodded and admitted that it was built by Qin Yun.

"That guy is Yunyun Xianwang! He had been killed by us, but I don't know how to live again! In short, Yuetiansuo is hidden in him, and what we are looking for is in the Tissot!" The Magic Immortal said: "The **** is very embarrassed, don't trust him!"

Qin Yun smiled and said: "Do you really think that the mountain can be easily broken? You can go in, but it is not so simple to come out! Friends from outside Tianyu, you should be very clear about the knot of the mountain. How strong is the world?"

A middle-aged foreigner, cold channel: "The enchantment is really strong! It has been so strong for so many years... but we can break it! Since the mountain was built by you, you definitely want to go in. Take away the things inside, those things are what we want!"

"So, you want to enter the mountain, it is impossible!" Another middle-aged foreigner, sneer: "Those things are ours!"

Qin Yun’s heart was annoyed and cold. “That’s my thing. Why is it yours?”

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