Nine Sun God King

Chapter 177: Xiaoyu Mountain Villa

Qin Yun, they all waited for good news in the secret room. When they saw the paragraph coming in, and their faces were not good-looking, they knew that the thing of shaking the soul was yellow.

Qin Yun asked: "Dr. Grandpa, is it too expensive, so I couldn't buy it?"

Duan Qian shook his head and sighed: "The man who sold the swaying soul suddenly did not sell it. Maybe he was worried that he would be found. After all, the sorrow is a banned drug. It is difficult now!"

Murong Daren said: "Can you find someone who sells the ghosts? Let's talk to him privately!"

"Can't find, this kind of seller can hide the identity very well." Duan Qian sat down and frowned at other countermeasures.

Without shaking the soul, it is difficult to deal with the martial arts warriors in Xiaoyu Tower!

Suddenly someone knocked on the door of the Chamber of Secrets. After the section opened, I saw Meng Feiling.

After Meng Feiling came in and closed the door, Shen Sheng asked: "Duan Jun, have you bought the Shakes?"

Duangan shook his head: "No, what?"

Meng Fei Ling said: "Fortunately, you did not buy, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble! This is a bureau, some people want to sell the sorrowful soul through the black market of the sacred temple, and then use this to deal with the sacred temple."

Xie Wufeng was shocked when they heard it.

Qin Yun asked: "How do you know Fei Ling sister?"

"The refiner who shakes the soul is a bit of a relationship with our family. My father and grandfather are now in the imperial city. I happen to listen to them!" Meng Feiling said: "They seem to have just known this conspiracy. !"

Duan Qianfu frowned: "The people who sold the sorrowful souls, because they withdrew from the auction, we didn't buy them. Why is this?"

"It would be like this? It seems that there must be very complicated reasons!" Meng Feiling was surprised.

"I'll check it out, there are people who want to yin our singular temple... This is mostly the ambiguous idea of ​​the Blue House." Duan snorted and then left the Chamber of Secrets.

After Duan Gan’s departure, Meng Feiling whispered: “I probably know who the shaking soul is in my hands. I am afraid that the general manager will not let us take risks, so I can’t say it in front of him.”

Qin Yun hurriedly asked: "Who is in the hand? We must get it!"

Meng Fei Lingdao: "My grandfather told me that the shaking soul is scattered in the hands of a young woman. The strength of the martial arts is very high. There is a high status in the Tianxiao Building. Only those who meet this condition are Xiao Xuanqin."

"It is said that it is Xiao Xuanqin who has made up the materials of refining the soul and asked the person to help refine it!"

Xiao Xuanqin, is the aunt of Xiao Yuemei!

Why is Shake Soul in her hands?

Qin Yun suddenly remembered that when the day was banned, Xiao Xuanqin and several other people were in the forbidden place, maybe they would use the soul of Qiao Ruiwen to ask for the practice of refining the soul!

"We can't get the shake from the hands of Xiao Xuanqin!" Xie Wufeng said: "We will act tonight! Cloud brother, although taking risks, we don't know if we can succeed if we don't try."

Qin Yun's eyebrows condensed, and the eyes turned back and forth. He also knew very well that he couldn't get the shake from Xuan Xuanqin.

"We will act tonight!" Qin Yun took out a lot of animal skin charms and distributed them to Xie Wufeng.

There are hypnotics, amulets, smoke, and fire.

"The smoke symbol can emit a large smog of smoke. In this smog, the atmosphere will be very violent, and the enemy will not be able to sense the breath temporarily."

Qin Yun explained the magical use of various charms and told them some things to pay attention to.

"Meng Xuejie, you should solve the sentinel towers should be no problem? I want to enter the Xiaoyu Tower with the cloud brother!" Xie Wufeng said.

"There are so many charms in the hands, no problem!" Meng Feiling nodded.

"Murong and Huo Laosan, you are responsible for burning the warehouse! The things stored in the warehouse are very important to the people inside Xiaoyu Villa. They must go to the fire first." Xie Wufeng is the oldest and experienced, so he is also Responsible for command.

After they discussed the detailed action plan, they left the singular hall together, and they were blocked by the section when they were not at night.

If Duan knows that they want to act, they will certainly stop them, because there are strong men of martial arts, and their strength is not an opponent.


At night, the sky above the Tianqin Emperor City is very dark and black, floating with thick clouds, completely blocking the stars and moons.

Although the downtown area is brightly lit, the place in the remote area of ​​the city is dark.

Qin Yun, both dressed in black, with black hoods, came outside the high walls of Xiaoyu Mountain Villa.

Huo Zhong and Murong Daren went to the high wall near several large warehouses, and Meng Feiling flew into the sky and entered Xiaoyu Mountain Villa.

Qin Yun and Xie Wufeng were able to fly carefully in the air. They only flew in after a moment in Monfiling.

The Xiaoyu Mountain Villa is very cold and dark, with only faint lights. Among the many gardens inside, all kinds of trees are planted. Qin Yun and Xie Wufeng sneak into the garden and carefully approach the Xiaoyu Tower.

Xiao Yu Tower is a small five-storey tower with no lights and it is difficult to see in the dark.

When Qin Yun walked out of the garden, he saw a sentry tower. Several people above were hypnotized by Meng Feiling with hypnotics.

Meng Feiling's movements were very fast, and the people on several sentry towers near Xiaoyu Tower were quietly solved by her.

After Qin Yun and Xie Wufeng walked out of the garden, they could come to Xiaoyu Tower very smoothly.

After coming to the tower, Qin Yun immediately used the spirit to explore it.

There are no people on the first floor and no institutions.

After confirming, he carefully pushed the door open. If he made a sound, he could use the spirit to block the sound.

"There is nothing on the first floor!" Qin Yun was shocked. He thought that Xiao Yu Tower was also a warehouse, which would store many valuable things.

But after coming in, it was dark and empty, and there were no people.

They walked up to the second, third, and fourth floors, and found nothing, and each layer was empty.

It’s only the fifth floor!

They came to the fifth floor, which was as dark as the floor below, but it had a strong atmosphere, which was the scent of the martial arts.

"Who?" only heard the shouts of an old man.

Qin Yun hurriedly threw a large number of animal skin charms and beasts, all of which were hypnotics and amulets.

Xie Wufeng saw Qin Yun throwing out a lot of magic symbols, and did not immediately rushed over, but called out the sword of the life, blocking in front of him, while releasing the spiritual limit.

Because it is very dark, it requires mental energy to sense the situation around.

The martial arts nine-strong warrior had to come over, but it was staggered by a lot of Chinese character charms, and the body was also entangled by a strong force. Although it could move, it was slower.

In the darkness, Qin Yun can sense Xie Wufeng’s quiet and leaping past!

"Ah!" I only heard a scream, which was sent by the nine-powered warrior.

Xie Wufeng succeeded!

Qin Yun used the mental power to sense, and found that Xie Wufeng quickly stabbed several swords and stabbed the martial arts nine-strong warrior!

He took out a luminous bead, illuminating the fifth floor, and saw the old man lying on the ground, wearing a thick armor, unable to resist Xie Wufeng's terrible sword of life.

He secretly thanked the strength of Wu Feng, and was able to stab the martial arts of the martial arts in one place!

"The magic symbol you throw is very useful, otherwise I can't get it." Xie Wufeng was also very nervous. He looked around and frowned. "Xiao Yuemei is not here!"

"Don't the grandfather's inquiring news is wrong?" Qin Yun closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. He said: "There is the residual fragrance of Yuemei here, she stayed here!"

Xie Wufeng went to the table in the middle and said: "She was transferred! It should be a while ago!"

He snorted and looked at the things on the table.

Qin Yun walked over and found that this round table was engraved with many complicated spiritual patterns, and in the middle of the round table, there was a dark key!

Xie Wufeng reached out and tried to grab the key. Qin Yun hurriedly pulled him back.

"Be careful!" Qin Yun said: "This is a terrible battle!"

He took out the giant spirit hammer and hammered it at the table.

After the table was broken, a burst of cold chills rushed out and they were cold and snoring.

Subsequently, Xiao Yuta is also shaking slightly!

"To collapse!" Xie Wufeng picked up the black key and rushed to the wall, took a big hole with the sword, and then flew out with Qin Yun.

And a large group of people came around, the martial arts were seven or eight heavy. They also found that some people were flying in the air, they were about to attack, but they heard someone shouting: "The fire broke out, the fire broke out... The warehouses are on fire! ”

The dark Xiaoyu Mountain Villa, in the south, the fire is shining, the flames are tumbling, and the smoke is rolling.

Murong Daren and Huo Zhong successfully lit several large warehouses.

The main responsibility of those people is to guard the warehouse, because the things inside are very important, so they all rushed to the fire.

There are only two or three martial arts eight-armed warriors, to chase Qin Yun and Xie Wufeng.

Qin Yun threw a few fire charms backwards, let the three martial arts slow down, and then quickly flew out of Xiaoyu Mountain Villa, and those people did not catch up.

In the section of the high-rise of the sacred temple, you can see the fires 10,000 meters away, and you can immediately guess that they are Qin Yun.

"This group of devils are actually holding me on!" He hurried down the stairs and saw Huo Zhong and Murong Daren rushing in from behind the main hall.

Duan Gan just wanted to reprimand a few words, and he saw that Meng Feiling, Qin Yun and Xie Wufeng also came in, and they all wore night clothes.

"You guys... It’s really a Hulai, what if I have an accident?" Seeing that people can come back, Duan Gan is also relieved.

Qin Yun said: "We are not doing nothing? To the grandfather, Yuemei is not in Xiaoyu Tower! Just transferred, I don't know where to go, can you check it out?"

Duan Gan was slightly shocked: "There was a shift! It is good to transfer, otherwise there will be a martial art there, maybe you will not come back!"


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