Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1806: Daoyan

The dark princess saw Qin Yun promised so fast and refreshing, and some doubts asked: "I am a dark night princess, a member of the Dark Royal Family! You trust me so much?"

"I trust you because of trust," Qin Yun said with a smile: "The night princess, I have already seen the Tianyuan array in Kowloon, then you should have something to say? I want to see your sincerity! ”

"Don't you say that the deal is over?" said the dark night princess.

"I just approve of such a transaction, but if you want to trade smoothly, you still have to look at the goods?" Qin Yun said.

The night princess took out a hide and spread it up to a table.

When Qin Yun walked over, he saw many strange strange patterns on the surface of the animal skin.

Black animal skin, golden white grotesque.

Those grotesque flashes of white light, the strange thing is that those grotesque are changing.

Is a dynamic grotesque!

"You should not have this kind of strange pattern?" The dark night princess saw Qin Yun fascinated, some proud.

"Dynamic squirrels?" Qin Yun asked.

"This kind of strange pattern is indeed moving, but it is not called dynamic grotesque!" The dark night princess can now be sure that Qin Yun knows nothing about this strange pattern, which also makes her even more surprised.

Because Qin Yunlian did not understand this strange pattern, it was able to toss out such a complicated Jiulong Tianyuan array.

Qin Yun said: "I can only see the bright lines now, I can't see the dark lines!"

The princess's hand touched the animal skin back and forth, saying: "As long as I drop blood on this animal skin, dark lines will appear! The person who has the blood of the Jiuyang royal family can make the dark lines appear!"

Qin Yun said: "Well, let me see the dark lines! Right, what is the strange pattern called this strange pattern?"

The night princess took out a small silver needle and said: "The name is Dao Yan Qi Wen, although the bright lines you see will move, but the dark lines will not move!"

She used the small needle to pierce her finger and dripped a drop of red blood that flashed outside.

The old black skin, after absorbing this drop of blood, suddenly turned white!

The hide becomes white, and the dark lines are also shown in black.

Dark lines do not move, but they are special.

"It turned out to be like this!" Qin Yun looked at the dark lines on the white animal skin, but also suddenly realized.

The night princess asked: "Can you see something?"

Qin Yun smiled and said: "This is derived from the sky?"

The night princess nodded: "It is improved from the sky, it is closer to the sky, but it is not a sky!"

Qin Yun said: "The sky pattern is a group. This kind of road is strange, it is to flatten the sky pattern, and then form the star-moon yang pattern and form!"

"Your understanding is really high, then you can see, what is this strange pattern?" The dark night princess was surprised and asked.

"It should be a kind of moon pattern!" Qin Yun said: "Is it?"

"The stars and moons are combined! You can see the part with the moon pattern, very good!" The night princess said: "There are not many traces of Daoyan. You should hold this first, wait for me to finish using Kowloon. Tianyuan array, I will give you the other!"

Qin Yun put the animal skin away. He also saw the sincerity of the dark night princess. He is also quite satisfied.

"Well, how do you use the Jiuyuan source array?" Qin Yun asked.

"I am in the middle of the Jiuyuan array in Kowloon. You control the energy of the Kowloon Tianyuan array to release the Kowloon sky pattern! Others don't care!" The night princess went to the middle of the Jiuyuan array in Kowloon and sat on the ground.

"Then I am starting now!" Qin Yun said.

The Kowloon Totem above the Jiuyuan array in Kowloon was carved out by Qin Yun with the power of blood, so he has already established contact with this big array.

He is now just thinking about it and can control the operation of the Kowloon Tianyuan array.

After the operation of the Jiuyuan array in Kowloon, nine dragon-shaped monuments immediately released nine different colors of light.

Those light beams turned into a beam of light and broke into the body of the night princess.

The body of the night princess suddenly trembled a little, not knowing if she was excited.

"Are you okay?" Qin Yun asked: "Do you feel pain?"

The night princess didn't answer, she was wearing a mask, she couldn't see her face, and she didn't know what she was doing now.

However, after using the sacred eye, Qin Yun can see her body and is rapidly ingesting nine different energies into the body.

The process is very smooth, and the night princess seems to enter a realm of selflessness.

"Xiaoyun, she is now in this state, but it is very dangerous!" Lingyun suddenly said.

"Yue, why do you say that? Is it really dangerous?" Qin Yun suddenly worried.

"That is of course, if you kissed her now, she certainly didn't know!" Lingyun said with a bad smile: "Xiaoyun, you can make bad to her now!"

Qin Yun wants to enter the spiritual world to pinch the rogue elf. The danger she said is actually such a danger.

"Yue, don't be naughty!" Qin Yun said.

"Xiaoyun, I mean, the night princess trusts you very much! Otherwise she doesn't dare to enter this completely sleepy state!" Lingyun smiled and said: "A woman, no defense against a man, this is indeed It’s hard to get!”

Qin Yun said: "She trusts me because she believes in love!"

Ling Yun said with a grin: "It is not! She is a dark night princess. Her identity is so special and she is very wary of all kinds of things!"

The night princess was very calm in the middle of the Jiuyuan array in Kowloon. Even the heartbeat was gone and there was no breathing.

After Qin Yun closed his eyes, he could not feel the existence of the dark night princess!

"She seems to be merging with the energy released by the Kowloon Tianyuan array!" Ling Yun said: "It is amazing, why is the Kowloon Tianyuan array able to make her blood more powerful?"

Qin Yun shook his head. The energy source absorbed by Jiulong Tianyuan array at that time was the kind of energy source from the evil yang. Even if the consumption was very huge, Qin Yun could also afford energy.

Two hours passed, and the night princess's body did not absorb the energy of the Kowloon Tianyuan array.

"Okay!" said the night princess.

"Really? Why didn't I feel that you are getting stronger?" Qin Yun had some doubts and also controlled the stop of the Tianyuan array in Kowloon.

At this time, the night princess suddenly disappeared!

Qin Yun Meng was shocked, but found that the night princess came behind him, but also patted his shoulder.

When the night princess patted his shoulder, the delicate jade hand, with extremely terrible power, hit Qin Yun’s shoulder as if it were to be broken.

"Ah!" Qin Yun could not help but scream, then turned his head.

Did not see the night princess.

Because the night princess flashed quickly behind him.

Qin Yun also knew that the night princess was behind him. He immediately turned around and still could not see the night princess.

The speed of the night princess is very fast, and it can always flash quickly to Qin Yun, and Qin Yun will not be allowed to see her.

"Know that you are amazing, I admit defeat!" Qin Yun touched his shoulder and snorted: "You almost broke my shoulder!"

At this time, the night princess had appeared in front of him, once again stretched out the seemingly delicate jade hand, which scared Qin Yun shouted.

This time, the night princess did not play that terrible power, but instead injected a very soft force into his shoulder.

Qin Yun had a painful shoulder just now, and suddenly became very comfortable and warm.

"You are not my opponent now!" The night princess proudly said.

"Yes, yes, I can't beat you!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "Congratulations to the night princess!"

The night princess took out a storage bag and handed it to Qin Yun, saying: "This is the singular pattern for you!"

Qin Yun took a look, there are eight black animal skins, frowning: "Some little!"

The night princess said: "A lot! These eight animal skins, plus the one I gave you before, but the strongest nine stars in the Jiuyang royal family, the singular pattern! You study slowly!"

Said, she took out a small bottle, and then dripped a lot of her blood inside, and said: "When you need it, take a drop of blood, drip on the skin, you can see the dark lines!"

"Well, we have reached the deal!" Qin Yun put away the storage bag.

"Qin Yun, you promised a love before, will take me to the Yunlong Mountains! When are you going?" asked the night princess.

"This is ...... I am not sure, because I have to wait for someone!" Qin Yun shook his head, he had to wait for Xie Qirou to decide.

The night princess said: "Qin Yun, do you know what the Yunlong Mountains have? If you are going, you must know what is going on there?"

Qin Yun looked at the dark night princess. He was a little surprised in his heart. Because the dark night princess awakened the blood of Jiuyang, it seems that there is no change.

Although it has become very powerful, the breath is still the same as before.

He suspected that after the dark night princess awakened the blood of Jiuyang, it became more convenient in the flesh, so he did not find it.

Also, maybe the soul will become very strong, and maybe there are still many memories.

"I only know, I am going to that place! What is inside, I am not too clear!" Qin Yun shook his head.

"Let's say, Yunlong Mountain Range is like a sun sanctuary, like the Sun Snake Mountain Range!" The Night Princess said: "Every Sun Holy Land contains some very important things! And that kind of thing is related to the Jiuyang Royal Family. !"

Qin Yun didn't know about it. He only knew that these sun holy places were graves, and many people died.

"I heard that the sun sanctuary seems to be built by the Jiuyang Temple!" Qin Yun said: "Is it?"

"No! Of course, the Temple of Jiuyang said that they built it, then no one would doubt it, because everyone thinks they have this strength!" The Night Princess said: "Don’t believe too much about the legend of the Jiuyang Temple. Many things will be drawn to the Temple of Jiuyang. In fact, it is also the Jiuyang Temple that deliberately makes people think about them, so as to enhance their prestige!"

Qin Yun took out his own Zhenyang God Arrow and said: "Is this town Yang Shenjian, is it related to the Jiuyang Temple?"

The night princess came out and said, "Show me!"

Qin Yun immediately handed over the Zhenyang God Arrow.

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