Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1819: old man

The square shield that Wang Xiangzhen got out, the shield has many spikes, and at first glance, he knows that it is a square shield that can be used for attack.

That is the shield totem, and it is still relatively advanced.

"Sen level shield totem, very strong!" Qin Yun heart, took a look at the shield totem.

"You lost!" Wang Xiangyu chuckled, controlling the square shield to fly over, to carry out a very strong shield.

Being hit by such a powerful square shield, Qin Yun standing on the stone table will definitely fall!

Seeing this scene, everyone shook their heads again and again.

Some people sighed: "Old Peng is also true, it is awesome, his big sun **** is gone!"

"Yeah, why does he believe in a guy who can only draw two lines?"

"The big loss, the turtle pattern on the faces of their father and son have not been removed, and now they have joined a big sun **** crystal!"

Wang Xianquan shook his head and smiled: "The fairyland is really backward, how can people here be so ignorant?"

When the square shield rushed past, the light group in front of Qin Yun suddenly burst open, and the basaltic beast, like a giant tortoise, suddenly burst into a burst.

Hearing this beast, the strange sculptists in the room were moving, and the heart was full of shock, and stared at the basaltic beast.

Wang Xianquan was still laughing, but at this time his face was dignified and he was also surprised to see the basaltic beast.

"Wang Shao... That is Xuanwu Totem!" Someone said to Wang Xianquan.

"I know!" Wang Xianquan said coldly: "That guy is really hidden!"

Xuanwu is a powerful beast of a party, and now there is a basaltic totem, which suddenly shocked the audience and made a sensation.

Peng Huxiong also laughed, but he was nervous to the extreme, and thought that Qin Yun would lose.

Peng Hantao breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "I know that Big Brother will not let us down!"

Suddenly the Xuanwu Totem, it is easy to shake the shield totem!

After all, it is a totem of the beast, which is higher than the ordinary shield totem.

The little black cockroach is in a distant place, watching the showdown through the mirror.

"Ha ha ha ... that mask is the boss, he used the totem of my basaltic god, the totem of this great **** is the bull, direct flying what **** shield totem!" Little black 驴 is very excited, to the side of the black rat Bai Ze Smiled: "You see no, see no!"

"Sure enough, the boss! Strange, so many powerful guys on the scene, did not even recognize the boss! Is it true that the Shenyu Jinshi on his body does not produce divine power fluctuations?" The black rat was shocked.

"Yes, yes, the boss is the tycoon, so solve this problem soon!" Bai Ze said with a smile: "The boss will not have to be chased by the foreigner's hair after the boss!"

The little black cockroach suddenly shouted excitedly: "Look, Xuanwu added! The basaltic totem of the great **** turned into a basaltic god, protecting the fragile body of the boss... The basaltic totem guard of the great god, the boss will Invincible in the world, hahaha..."

After Xuanwu Totem flew the shield totem, it flew directly to Qin Yun and shrouded Qin Yun.

At the same time, Qin Yun also released the power of blood soul, maintaining the Xuanwu totem, otherwise it will not be able to stand up for a long time.

The start of the match, Wang Xiangyu fell off the wind!

Her shield totem is not only bombed, but also disrupted a lot, and the shield totem will not be destroyed for a long time.

"Sister, fix the shield totem!" Wang Xianquan shouted, not so calm before.

Wang Xiangyu bit his jade tooth, took a look at Qin Yun, and then quickly made a four-way pattern to repair the broken shield totem.

"Repair? I see when you can hold it!" Qin Yun smiled in the heart, and then quickly painted.

Everyone knows that Qin Yun is painting the offensive lines!

This time, he painted the star and moon swords!

There are three kinds of strange spirits, such as Xingjun, Yueji and Yiwang, which allow him to quickly draw a powerful Xingyue sword pattern.

You must know that the Xingyue sword pattern is a sinuous pattern, and its power is very powerful!

Wang Xiangyu repair shield totem is also the best choice, because she is in urgent need of defense!

She did not expect that Qin Yunyi can quickly draw the totem of the beast, and it is only the two-way painting can be so fast, which means that Qin Yun either masters the strange spirit, or is very familiar with the tomb of the beast!

Peng Hantao smiled and said: "The outcome has been fixed!"

When he and Qin Yun were fighting in the strange pattern, they lost very badly, because Qin Yun, who he faced at that time, did not understand Qi Qidou.

However, Qin Yun can still quickly realize the fighting skills in the battle, and with the deep foundation, draw a very strong strange pattern to defeat him.

"I won't lose!" Wang Xiang's shield totem has been fixed.

"Sister, don't attack, use shield defense! Quickly draw attack singular lines to disturb him!" Wang Xianquan hurriedly said: "That guy is very weird... He is drawing a strong attacking grotesque!"

"I will disturb him!" Wang Xiangyu shouted, his hands painted four lines, and in the blink of an eye he painted an axe with strange lines.

The axe whirls in the air, with heavy fluctuations, and screams out of the whistling sound, and at first glance it is a very powerful attack.

The Xuanwu totem on Qin Yun also suddenly flew out, snorted at the axe of the spin, directly shattering the agate grotesque!

Then, Xuanwu Totem returned to Qin Yun again!

"Ha ha ha... The basaltic totem of this great **** is awesome!" Xiao Hei looked at the mirror and laughed.

Wang Xiangyu underestimated the power of the beast of the beast and also underestimated the singularity of Qin Yun.

Because in her opinion, the strange tattooist who can only draw two lines must be a rookie.

However, Qin Yun’s display in all aspects is not like a rookie, but an old vain.

Peng Huxiong and Peng Hantao, both father and son, laughed at the treacherous voice.

"Sister, release the strongest blood soul power, enhance the shield totem!" Wang Xianquan shouted: "The guy's attack grotesque is very strong!"

Everyone can see that Wang Xianquan is crazy!

The people of the singular and singular family are very surprised who Peng Huxiong and his father have found, and there is such a level!

Wang Xiangyu only felt a lot of pressure!

The light group in front of Qin Yun suddenly disappeared, and a long sword with a swaying snow flew out!

The long sword is made up of grotesque, but the singularity on the top changes in various flows!

When the dark princess sees those sacred lines, she knows that the outcome has been fixed.

"It's a singular pattern!" Wang Xianquan's exclamation was full of urgency, bursting out: "Sister, hide!"

Wang Xiang slammed his feet and quickly jumped off the table.

call out!

The star-moon sword pattern flew out, and the momentum is very scary.


The long sword that singularly merged, stabbed on the shield totem, bursting into a bang!

The shield totem was crushed, and the stone table bursted and turned into powder!

The Xingyue sword pattern did not dissipate, but flew back to Qin Yun, and the internal blood soul power returned to him. The Xuanwu totem that wrapped his body suddenly fell into his body.

The power of the soul of the blood has been collected by Qin Yun!

"Win!" Peng Huxiong laughed.

The onlookers of the singularity are stunned.

Because they saw a mysterious and rare Tao Yan Qi pattern.

The night princess was also a bit surprised, Qin Yun actually managed so quickly.

Wang Xianquan flew down and fell by Wang Xiangyu, who was lost in the soul. He felt the breath of those totems and frowned. "The soul of the guy is very strong. There are such people in the fairyland!"

"Big brother, I lost!" Wang Xiangyu rushed into Wang Xianquan's arms and burst into tears. She couldn't stand this kind of grievance.

"Sister, that guy is an old fox! He is not really only able to draw lines... It may just be for you, or let us deliberately swear at him!" Wang Xianquan whispered.

This made Wang Xiangyu even more sad, because others deliberately let her, she actually lost.

Qin Yun is really only two ways to draw lines!

Peng Hantao smiled and said: "Wang girl, you lost, you want to draw turtles on your face, hahaha... don't lie!"

"I..." Wang Xiangyu did not cry, shouting: "If you don't, don't draw turtles on my face, I will help you get the turtles on your face!"

Peng Hantao and Peng Huxiong both took off the mask on their faces, and there were no turtles on their faces!

Seeing that the father and son were full of faces and laughter, they knew that they deliberately concealed this point, just to make Wang Xiangyu negligent.

"The two thieves!" Someone whispered.

Wang Xiang stunned and could only cry with a headache. She knew she was overcast.

The fairy dragon Emperor also smiled and shook his head. He knew that Qin Yun was out of the horse, and some people would be crying and crying.

"I look so beautiful, are you willing to start?" Wang Xiang screamed and cried.

"I am so handsome, you are willing to handcuffs!" Peng Hantao grinned: "Big brother, in the past, painted a big turtle for her little face!"

Qin Yun really went over.

Wang Xianquan shouted: "Draw a turtle on your sister's face, you are just a bad breath, you can't get any benefit at all! Since you are mature people, should you value the interests?"

The turtle prints on Peng Hantao and Peng Huxiong's face are difficult to remove. They have searched many famous geeks, but they have no way.

Now the turtle lines on their faces have been removed, obviously the helpers they invited.

Although the young people of the Jiuyang Temple are more arrogant, they still have to face, so even if they lose now, they have not left.

If they really went to the Temple of the Tetris to hide, Qin Yun, they really couldn’t help them.

They don't have to lie, just want to solve this problem more properly!

"Give us such a big sun god!" Peng Huxiong said, and then shook the golden apple sun **** in his hand.

"We are not that big!" Wang Xianquan took out a long-eyed Sun Shenjing: "Only such a big one, do you want it?"

"Yes!" Peng Huxiong shouted with a smile.

Such a large sun **** crystal is also very precious. He walked over and took the sun **** crystal, and smashed it in his hand, and then handed it to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun took over and only felt that the sun was very heavy, and the inside was very violent. He was very satisfied with the collection of the sun.

"Can you come to this kind of person! Counting you!" Wang Xianquan looked at Qin Yun and snorted.

"Wang Gongzi, do you want to have a big brother with me too?" Peng Hantao sneered.

"Forget it, I am just a junior! Compared with this old guy, I will only ask for it!" Wang Xianquan looked at Qin Yun very uncomfortably and said: "It’s all old people, actually playing this way, really. shameless!"

Qin Yun is very wronged, he is really not an old guy!

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