Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1824: Loss

Wang Xianquan saw that the elephant was painting two powerful grotesque at the same time, and his heart was also smashed. He did not expect these foreigners to have such operations.

"That is like an ear person, hands and six lines of painting, is definitely a strong defense totem! And his feet are four-way painting, it should be an attack totem!" There is a stranger guess.

"At the same time, draw a powerful defensive totem and attack totem, this is too foul! Haha..." There is an old man on the side of the Yilong tribe laughing: "The Jiuyang Temple has to lose two games!"

The alliance of the Allosaurus and the outer celestial spheres, they are suspended in the air, all of them are smiling, because Jiuyang Tianyu lost this time.

The Yilong and the Alliance Army have some people who are constantly slashing the Jiuyang Temple and the Fairy.

"You guys who are sitting in the sky and watching the sky, now understand what is called heaven outside?" Wolf cried: "I said, you are not our opponents at all, still do not admit!"

The old man of the Alliance Army laughed and said: "This group of guys just took their own insults, and then sent us Sun Jingjing!"

"Look at the people who sent us the sun **** crystal, don't laugh at them, how do you accept their benefits!" The wolf smiled and said.

At this time, the people of the Allosaurus and the Alliance Army are as happy as the New Year, because they completely defeated the self-confidence of the fairy.

This is especially important because it allows the fairy tales to understand the gap between them and the outer world, and it can combat the morale of the immortal.

Outside Tianyu wants to capture the fairyland, hard attack is not enough, only two loses.

Therefore, these days, they have also penetrated into the wilderness, and they must buy the powerful forces in the fairy tales.

For example, the evil kings and the Sun Souls and other evil forces are very close to the outer world.

Wang Xianquan is carrying a lot of psychological pressure and painting his totem pattern.

Qin Yun looked at it with a brilliant eye. He can't see any chance of winning Wang Xianquan now.

"Big brother, what are they painting?" Peng Hantao asked curiously.

"The elephant is like a totem! It is like a totem! Well, both are like totems. They should be used for defense, one for attack, or two for attack at the same time!" Qin Yun said.

Elephants are also a kind of beast with strong offense and defense!

Peng Hantao frowned: "Is this guy Wang Xianquan not lost? What kind of totem pattern is he drawing now?"

Qin Yun looked at it, and some surprised: "The totem he is painting is a bow! It is a totem pattern, but the totem is improved by him! With the attributes of ice and thunder!"

"Ah? He didn't draw a totem for defense?" Peng Huxiong surprised.

"No! That bow should be very powerful!" Qin Yun said: "He should be guarded by the attack, just see if he can become!"

Peng Hantao said: "Wang Xianquan, this guy is still very powerful! He seems to be moving very fast!"

Qin Yun nodded. "I didn't guess wrong. His three strange spirits are related to ice properties, lightning properties, and weapon properties!"

"I also have the strange spirit of lightning properties, my strange spirit is Lei Gong!" Peng Hantao sneered: "I don't know if his strange spirit is Leigong!"

The strange characters of the same attribute are also different.

"The strange spirit of the lightning property, in addition to Lei Gong, is there other?" Qin Yun asked.

"Yes, there are electric mothers!" Peng Hantao grinned. "The strange spirit of that guy, shouldn't it be an electric mother?"

"It is also possible to be like you, all of them are Leigong strange spirits!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "These strange spirits should not be the only one!"

"The powerful strange spirits are unique. For example, Xingjun, Yueji and Yangdi are the only ones!" Peng Hantao grinned. "This strange spirit is very rare!"

What kind of strange spirits Qin Yun has, he can make something.

But this needs to be done with Xiao Yuemei.

Because copying the strange spirit is too much against the sky, it is easy to attract a strong punishment. Qin Yun is not a last resort, and will not go to the strange spirit.

After coming to the fairyland, the punishment will definitely be stronger. He has so many enemies now. If he is given a terrible punishment, he will be finished.

Just then, Wang Xiangyu came to Qin Yun.

The elders of the Jiuyang Shrine did not notice it because they mainly focused on the situation on the battlefield.

"Old man, my older brother, can he win?" Wang Xiangyu asked after the voice of Qin Yun.

Qin Yun had some accidents, and this little sister Ding actually came to look for him.

"It's hard to say, in short, it is possible to lose!" Qin Yun responded: "The elephant is drawing two elephant totems, but this is a very strong attack and defense!"

"Ah!" Wang Xiangyu can also imagine the power of two totems, very anxious.

"So it's hard to say!" Qin Yun thought that Wang Xianquan had lost, but he didn't want to fight this little sister Ding.

"Old man, thank you for pointing me before, I blame me for not grasping the opportunity, or I will win!" Wang Xiangyu is very self-blaming, but also a little embarrassed, and said: "My grandfather accuses you, please don't care too much, I apologize to you for him!"

"Nothing!" Qin Yun is also watching the showdown below.

Although he can see what totems are drawn, he can't see the overall grotesque, and he can only see a rough outline.

Wang Xiangyu also said: "Grandpa, can you give pointers to my older brother? Let him win!"

Qin Yun, who was suspended in the air, was called a grandfather, and his heart was very helpless. He responded: "I will not point out! Your older brother is experienced and has three strange spirits. He must have his own coping method. If I point to him, I will definitely make him messy!"

"Hey, if we lose the Jiuyang Temple, Jiuyang Tianyu will be jokes!" Wang Xiangyu suddenly felt guilty because she could have won.

"Nothing, the next time you pay attention to it! The things above the face, don't care too much, you can improve your level in the future!" Qin Yun also comforted this little girl who can correct the mistake.

Wang Xiangyu can only look at the showdown below very anxiously.

Peng Hantao whispered to Qin Yundao: "Big brother, that elephant is not a strange soul!"

Qin Yun surprised: "Why are you sure?"

Peng Huxiong smiled and said: "Tianshi, after you cultivate our secret method, you can sense the power of the strange spirit!"

Qin Yun also understood, nodded.

Peng Hantao cultivated the secret method, which can make the strange soul shape, so he can sense the existence of the strange spirit.

That is to say, it is impossible to affirm the specific situation of the strange spirits. Peng Hantao can now sense the power of the three strange spirits of Wang Xianquan.

"Peng Laodi, can you sense how many strange spirits I have?" Qin Yun was curious.

"This is... very evil, the induction is very vague!" Peng Hantao shook his head, then smiled and asked: "Big brother, how many strange spirits do you have?"

"Two!" Qin Yun said: "Fire mad and Beastmaster!"

Peng Huxiong was shocked: "Fire madness and Beastmaster are first-class strange spirits!"

Peng Hantao whispered: "Big brother, are you really talking about it? Why don't you feel like me?"

Qin Yun smiled and said: "Come and look carefully, their totems will be drawn, and then it is very important! Let's take a look at the master battle, we can learn from it!"

In the odd-grain battle, Qin Yun has only played two games, so he is still a newbie.

The fastest totem is Wang Xianquan!

After the light group suspended in front of him exploded, there was a white bow that was chilling and flashing the wire.

Seeing that the totem he painted is a bow, many old geeks are very surprised.

The totem of Wang Xianquan’s first hand painting is actually offensive!

The bow is a weapon, there is no defense at all!

The bow totem drawn with the power of the soul of the blood, like the real bow, is simply made up of many white singularities.

Wang Xianquan clenched the bow totem, pulling the bowstring, and there was a strange-grained arrow!

The bowstring shook and the long arrow whizzed away.

Like the ear sneer, the four tentacles stop the four-way pattern, quickly draw a set of strange lines, and condense into a mass of energy.


The arrow hit the group of energy and exploded!

Wang Xianquan's attack failed, and he could only continue to pull the bowstring, quickly shoot the arrow, and fired several shots in succession, but they were all blocked by the ear.

The elephant ear can quickly draw the odd-grain energy to resist.

After all, the arrow that Wang Xianquan shoots out is the power of the blood soul and the strange pattern, so as long as there is enough powerful blood soul to draw the strange lines, you can mess up those arrows.

Wang Xianquan is also thinking about quick fixes!

If the elephant can not draw two totems at the same time, then Wang Xianquan may have won, and can be pressed like an ear can not draw strange lines.

Wang Xianquan is completely miscalculated and can only continue to shoot arrows. He can only shoot arrows. He can't do anything at all. He wants to draw defensive totems or strange lines, which is too late.

Like the two ears on both sides of the ear, six lines of painting, finally drawn a totem!

After the light cave, there was a mighty elephant.

The elephant did not attack, but half of the mountain was suspended in front, blocking the arrow of Wang Xianquan.

Then, like the ear man's hands and six lines of painting, plus four tentacles four-way pattern, to draw another like a totem.

He is doing ten road paintings!

The speed of the ten-way painting is very fast, so that he can quickly complete another like totem!

The battle of the squadrons, the speed of the lines is very important, whoever can take the lead.

After the ear-like person completed the second totem, he immediately released it.

The elephant screamed and rushed over. The huge ivory, coupled with the speed of fierce collision, took the momentum of a sea.

Just rushing through the raging wind, Wang Xianquan is somewhat unstable.

Wang Xianquan did not admit defeat, but took the bow out of his hand.


With a bow of ice and lightning, it hits the elephant and defeats the totem.

Wang Xianquan’s bow is also damaged!

Like the totem, there is still a totem around him. He laughs and releases the totem used for defense.

The elephant flew out again!

Wang Xianquan bit his teeth and jumped off the stone table. He admit defeat.

It doesn't make any sense to stand on it. If you continue to squat, you will only hurt yourself and you will not be able to continue to paint.

Wang Xianquan lost this game, everyone was not surprised, because at the beginning, everyone decided that he lost.

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