Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1826: Soul sword burning

Qin Yun can only draw two lines, and when he is fighting against experienced veterans, he will really suffer a lot of losses. This is also the direction he will raise in the future.

He has seen the Royal Star King of one of the four kings before, and he can use the singular battle to fight with others, showing a powerful force.

"A guy with a two-way pattern and dare to challenge others is really self-effacing!" Leopard Dragon said with a smile: "I heard that you are an old man, but I think you are a guy who can only draw two lines, and The baby in the baboon is no different!"

Two-way painting, but the original level of the creator.

Of course, this is only the standard of the outer world. If it is in the fairyland, the strange pattern of the two-way painting, it is very good.

Qin Yun is very calm, very serious to draw his own strange lines, as long as he draws a strong attacking grotesque, he can take the lead and hit the other side can not continue to paint.

"Xiaoyun, the guy's body has a very strange wave!" Lingyun suddenly said.

"Well, I also found out that his body is really special! There are strong grotesque fluctuations, I guess his body is engraved with various defensive swarf!" Qin Yun discovered it just now.

"If you attack him, his body's singularity will take the power of the blood, and you can carry out a very strong defense. Is this a foul?" Ling Yun said.

Qin Yun is not clear, can only wait to see, if it is his attack, triggering the strange pattern of the leopard dragon body, everyone can see it, and then it has its own conclusion.

It is more common to engrave strange lines in the body.

However, in most cases, the singularity on the body needs to absorb the sensation within the crystal. In the battle of the squadron, it is impossible to use the celestial force to defend or attack, and once it is used, it will violate the rules.

The fighting between the squadrons can only use the power of the soul!

If the squiggles are triggered by the power of the blood, it is really bad to judge whether it is illegal.

Although Qin Yun can only draw two lines, his speed is very fast. After all, there are many strange spirits.

Wang Xiangyu has flew back to the group of old people in the Jiuyang Temple. She whispered: "Big brother, the old man in the mask, can you win?"

Wang Xianquan shook his head. "It's hard to say that the guy looks very old, but if he really can only draw the lines, it means he has just become a stranger!"

An old man in the Temple of Jiuyang said: "The mask is awkward. It should have been a good-looking singular celestial master. Later, it became a singular sergeant. It is also a big latecomer!"

"He may have a strange spirit..." Wang Xiangyu whispered: "When I compare with him, I can't see his strange spirit!"

"He can draw a strong singular pattern, this is not something you can do with a strange spirit!" Wang Xianquan shook his head: "We have strange spirits, it is difficult to do!"

Daoyan grotesque is a very complicated kind of grotesque, not to mention the singularity of the battle when it is painted, even in the ordinary refining of the pattern, it is very difficult.

Qin Yun has a high degree of understanding and a lot of strange spirits, so he does not feel very difficult, as long as he wants to do it, this is the benefit of high savvy.

Leopard Dragon said with a smile: "The mask is awkward, my totem is about to be completed! Once it is completed, it is your death! Before you die, you have something to say, let's talk!"

Leopard Dragon is very annoyed because he has been stimulating the other side, but others have ignored him and made him feel that he has been ignored.

When the people heard the words of the leopard dragon, they made a commotion.

Because it didn't take long before the leopard dragon's totem was completed!

"Don't be surprised, my totem is what I have born. I can draw it easily!" Leopard Dragon laughed very proudly and shouted to Qin Yun: "The mask is stunned, let's say the last words! I am this person. Still very compassionate, give you this opportunity!"

There is a totem in nature, and the speed of drawing is really fast. Even if there is no strange spirit, it can be drawn quickly.

Qin Yun still did not take care of the leopard dragon, but the light group in front of him suddenly trembled!

Under the tremor of the singular light, suddenly burst open!

A long sword appeared!

If you don't look carefully, the long sword that flashes the flames in the whole body seems to be the real holy sword!

But the singularist who was present was very clear, it was not a real sword, but a strange pattern!

Because too many powerful singular patterns are used, the singularity is too dense, so that the gap between the singular and singular lines cannot be seen, and the singularity releases the sacred fire, so it looks no different from the real sword!

Seeing this sword, the singularist who was present was making an unbelievable shout!

The blade of the singular pattern is flashing, and that is the brilliance of the flow of the singular singularity!

Only a few strange singular masters with eyesight can see that the dense and fine silky singularity is changing.

"The Holy Fire Totem! That guy, how come the torch totem so quickly? And with other very complicated strange lines to form a sword!" The singer shouted.

"Is this sword's attack power very strong? It looks like it can be compared to Wang Pinxian!"

"The sword with a strange pattern is comparable to the Wang Pinxian!"

"This mask, what kind of strange spirits have you mastered? His strange patterns are also very strange!"

The leopard dragon, who was still very proud, had a huge change in his face.

The wolf worship of the Allosaurus, and the singularity of the peacock dragon Ji, are also full of horror.

As long as it is a singularist, you can see the scary sword!

The old men of the Temple of Jiuyang are frowning.

"It's you who died!" Qin Yun's slightly hoarse voice came, and the star-moon holy fire sword stabbed out.

If the fire sword is as light as electricity, it will pierce the light group in front of the leopard dragon in an instant, and will break the leopard totem he painted!

The leopard totem that was about to be completed was suddenly defeated!

The leopard dragon is full of anger, very angry!

He screamed, his armor was suddenly blasted, and his body was full of leopard totems. The totems of the totems took a lot of blood and became terrible.

After the leopard totem he had just painted was broken, the power of the **** soul that broke out was not in the totem of the body of the leopard dragon at this moment!

The body has a totem, which is a totem that is born with nature. After the power of the soul of the blood, it becomes very powerful, blocking the sacred sword of Qin Yun.

"Want to kill me, no way!" Leopard Dragon angered, the body made a burst, the leopard totem flashed white mans, picked up the raging wind, blowing the flames of the flames.

Leopard Dragon actually blocked it!

This once again triggered the vibration of the audience, and the voice burst!

With the flesh and blood, you can block such a powerful attack, which means that he does not need to draw defensive creases at the beginning, you can directly attack!

Peng Huxiong shouted: "Is this guy a violation?"

Wolf Chong smiled and said: "The leopard dragon is born with a leopard totem, and it is in his body. Those leopard totems absorb the power of the blood to make the body stronger and release the leopard totem power. Is there any violation?"

The veteran of the Alliance Army nodded: "The Leopard Dragon did not use the immortal force within the Emperor's life to promote the totem pattern, using the power of the blood soul, everyone should be able to see it?"

The outer Tianyu people on the other side of the Alliance Army were also shocked by Qin Yun’s holy fire sword, and even some fears, because the sword was formed under the two-way painting pattern, and the attack power was very powerful. Kill the leopard totem drawn by the leopard dragon.

The leopard dragon spurred the body's leopard totem defense, which is not a violation of the rules, which makes the people of the wilderness scream.

"Pharaoh, you are a bit of a skill! But don't think about killing me like this, the death will be you!" Leopard Dragon laughed a few times, turned around and turned his back to Qin Yun, and then quickly painted.

He wants to protect his grotesque with his own body. He is very confident in his body's defense, because it is relatively easy to block the Qin Yunsheng fire sword.

The holy fire sword flew back to Qin Yun's side, absorbing the power of the blood soul to restore the loss of the attack.

Qin Yun was very calm. He had previously seen that the Leopard Dragon had a strange pattern. He also guessed that the Leopard's use of those odd-grained defenses was not illegal.

The holy fire sword flies back, absorbs the power of the blood soul to keep the strange lines from dissipating, and is also ready to attack at any time.

Qin Yun hands quickly draw lines!

This is different from what many people expected!

Because everyone thinks that he will control the holy fire sword to attack, I did not expect him to continue to paint.

Qin Yun is now painting a group of moon patterns, called the sorrowful moon pattern, which can carry out a strong mental attack.

The power of his blood soul has the spirit of the moon, and the tattoo of the sorcerer is more powerful.

The Moon Jiqi Soul can make him draw quickly and has a high degree of fineness.

Everyone is very curious, what is the strange pattern that Qin Yun is painting?

Many people have guessed that it may be a defense totem.

"The leopard dragon has a strong leopard totem, and the mask should be defended. He may draw a Xuanwu totem!"

"Xuanwu totem is a tomb of the beast, the defense is very powerful, the leopard is just an ordinary beast, and the basaltic beast is a beast, and the judge is high!" Some people agree with the old man.

The power of Xuanwu Totem has been seen before.

Wang Xiangyu’s shield totem hit the past, not only did not defeat the Xuanwu totem, but also suffered damage.

Seeing that Qin Yun had an advantage at this time, Wang Xiangyu also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and she felt that Qin Yun could win.

In the far-away little black scorpion, watching through the magic mirror, I am also looking forward to it, because he guessed that the Xuanwu totem will appear again.

However, the singularity of Qin Yun this time was quickly completed, and it was obvious that it was not a totem pattern.

The strange lines he painted, gathered together, like a spike!

Just when everyone didn't see what the strange lines were, the spikes flew out.

The leopard dragon is facing Qin Yun. He feels that his defense is very strong. He is not afraid of the attack of strange lines, so he does not bother!

The thorny moon pattern flew past and hit the back of the leopard dragon.

The strange pattern is very strange, and does not trigger the totem defense of the leopard dragon body, but directly into the head of the leopard dragon.

The leopard dragon screamed and felt that his soul was like a needle piercing!

"Sword burning!" Qin Yun's holy fire sword whistling again.

The holy fire sword with a strong flame, stabbed to the back of the leopard dragon, with a hot whistling wind!


The holy fire sword penetrated the body of the leopard dragon, flashing a flame, and the body of the leopard dragon was torn, accompanied by the flame of flying flashes, turning into a ash.

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