Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1828: I can

When everyone saw Qin Yun suddenly stopped painting totems, he painted another strange pattern, and thought that he would speed up the harassment of the **** celestial division.

When Qin Yun turned and attacked, everyone was surprised to scream.

The direction of Qin Yun’s attack is not a corner nose!


The singularity of the sparks in Qin Yun’s hands hit an empty place behind him.

When I punched out, a big red scissors appeared!

Surrounded by exclamations!

Najiao Tianshi actually used a strange pattern to draw a very large scissors early, and quietly went around Qin Yun to launch an attack.

This kind of offensive is really very yin!

If other younger singularly tattooed divisions may have been defeated in the past, they may be inexplicable.


Qin Yun quickly painted the sparks of the stars and flew the scissors.

At this time, the corner of the nose, the singer, laughed again and again, and began to paint nine lines.

If this continues, Qin Yun will definitely lose, because his defense totem has not been painted.

"His mother, this old vain goods!" Qin Yun bite his teeth and give up attacking the annoying big scissors.

The big scissors have a certain defense power, it is difficult to defeat them. If they continue to consume, the corner nose master will make a powerful totem pattern, then he will lose.

Qin Yun continued to reassure the painting of Xuanwu Totem. What he had to do was not to let the big scissors destroy the Xuanwu Totem.

When the big scissors fly over, it will automatically open, and then cut it vigorously, as if it can cut any strange lines.

The big scissors had to cut the light group in front of Qin Yun, but it was controlled by Qin Yun.

Several times in a row, the big scissors could not see the light group.

Corner nose teacher Yin smiled and controlled the big scissors to cut Qin Yun.

After the big scissors were opened, they were suspended in the waist of Qin Yun, as if to cut Qin Yun’s waist.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xiangyu immediately squinted his eyes and did not dare to look.

There were also many people shaking their heads and sighing. They all thought that the masked body had to be cut, and then smashed a large piece of blood sausage.

"Dead!" the commander of the Alliance Army shouted with a smile.


Big scissors are cut at the waist of Qin Yun!

The red scissors shimmered, the squiggles flashed, and Qin Yun’s waist was not cut.

That is because Qin Yun’s body is very strong, and the weapons formed by the singularity cannot be cut at all.

The night princess sighed a little, and she also blamed herself for being too worried, because she knew that Qin Yun could be cultivated with Shenyu Jinshi.

Qin Yun, who absorbed Shenyu Jinshi’s cultivation, has begun to move toward the path of turning the gods.

The fascinating fairy respect was also secretly worried about it. When he saw the big scissors, he did not succeed, and he also showed a smile.

The immortal people all gave a burst of joyful shouts.

The masks began to represent the fairy, so the people of the wilderness supported him!

"Oh, a real stranger, but the body is very strong! Your broken scissors also want to cut off the body of others?" Peng Huxiong smiled.

The large scissors of the **** celestial division are just singular, and they are not substantial weapons. It is really difficult to hurt a strong body.

Of course, the holy fire sword that Qin Yun painted before was very powerful, and suddenly destroyed the body of the leopard dragon.

The big scissors of the corner nose can only be used to cut the odd lines!

Qin Yun was just cut a bit, and the body was a little painful. Fortunately, he released a lot of blood and the power of defense in the past, otherwise it would be even more painful.

In fact, when the squadron fighters fight, they can release a little blood soul to defend. However, too much power to release the soul of the blood will only cause waste, because the power of the soul of the blood turns into a strange pattern to become stronger.

The **** celestial master has the control of the big scissors, and he has to carry out the nine-way painting pattern. It must be used with one heart and two, and the big scissors must go back to absorb the power of the blood soul.

Although it seems that he has an advantage, he will consume a lot at the beginning.

Qin Yun seriously painted the Xuanwu Totem, which is almost finished.

The second singularity painted by the **** celestial temper is in a large light group. After the light group is scattered, a mountain appears, which is a mountain grotesque!

Many forms of singularity into a hill are shrouded in the body of the horned nose.

The **** sorcerer also worried that Qin Yun would attack, so he also had to defend. After all, he had witnessed the leopard dragon being shot by a second, and he was not afraid of it.

The corner of the nose, the nine-way painting is fast, and now I am starting to draw the third singularity!

Although his paintings are not totems, the large scissors and the mountain grotesques are complicated and comparable to totems!

And Qin Yun is now, have not drawn a totem!

Not long after, the corner nose Tianshi painted the third strange pattern, the strange pattern into a huge white eagle showing a few meters, quickly rushed to Qinyun.

The big scissors before, at this moment, are also waiting for the opportunity to move, to cut the strange lines in the big light group of Qin Yun!

The current strategy of the Corner Nasal Master is to destroy the strange lines that Qin Yun is painting, and force Qin Yun to concede.

At this time, the light group in front of Qin Yun trembled, and Xuanwu roared out!

Suddenly the whole audience vibrated and cheered!

The long-awaited Xuanwu totem has reappeared!

The strange pattern is condensed into a mighty basaltic virtual image, suspended around the Qinyun, invincible, making a loud and fierce roar.

"Ha ha ha ... The basaltic totem of the great **** appeared!" Xiao Hei was very proud of the smile: "The boss is invincible, and quickly kill the old man!"

As soon as this basaltic totem appeared, the **** scorpion also felt great pressure!

The powerful Xuanwu totem is very complicated. Just looking at the past, you can see a lot of dense and deep singular patterns.

The singularist of the Alliance Army and the Allosaurus knew that the mask had mastered the Xuanwu Totem, but did not expect to draw it in such a short time.

Qin Yun can only be so fast in both lines, which shows that he has mastered the related strange spirits!

Beastmaster is definitely one of them!

The other kind may be the Xuanwu strange spirit!

Another kind of strange spirit that Qin Yun masters is the totem strange spirit, which is very rare. It is said to be as rare as Yue Ji and Xing Jun.

Xuanwu totem is a flash, shocking the audience!

The eagle painted by the **** scorpion, who wants to catch the snake on the back of the basaltic turtle, is stunned by the huge mighty, turtle-like head.

The turtle opened his mouth and his head stretched out as fast as a venomous snake. He bit the broken white eagle in one bite and swallowed the power of the internal blood.

And the big scissors are about to leave, the basaltic beast slams a breath, as if to swallow the sea, sucking the big scissors back, the thick and powerful turtles smashed, and the big scissors were crushed to the ground.

Everyone thought that this basaltic totem is only a strong defense, I did not expect the attack power is not weak!

The little black cockroach looked at the mirror and smiled very excitedly: "The totem of the great **** is awesome! Those grunge squiggles are **** in front of the totem of this uncle!"

Peng Huxiong and Peng Hantao both breathed a sigh of relief. After the situation reversed, Qin Yun could be made a lot easier.

"Up!" Qin Yun controlled the basaltic beast to fly over.

He hasn't painted other strange patterns now, but he has to make a bang, use the basaltic beast to break the defense of the **** scorpion!

The **** celestial teacher underestimated the power of Qin Yun's basaltic totem!

Because Qin Yun can cultivate the moon, his blood soul is very powerful, and he has a variety of strange spirits, so the totem he painted is very strong.

At this time, he casts a secret method of reading the gods of the heavens, and urges the power of the soul of the blood to the extreme, which can make the power of the soul of the blood become stronger!

When the Xuanwu Totem rushed out, it seemed as if there was spirituality, and all kinds of powerful momentum and energy broke out.


Xuanwu totem fiercely hit the top of the mountain totem of the **** nose, and it suddenly smashed it.

The grotesque pattern that the **** celestial master quickly draws is played on the basaltic totem, as if it is scratching, it has no effect at all.

The **** celestial teacher stood on the table, and the basaltic totem slammed into the vastness, like the mountains rushing with the waves, with a fierce Tianwei, just on the momentum, let the **** scorpion feel extremely huge pressure.

"You can't hurt me..." The **** singer screamed.

Xuanwu totem hit the body of the **** nose, and when the **** scorpion smashed out, it also tore the body of the **** nose sorcerer. His **** nose didn't have time to use it, and he lost!

A bang!

The body of the **** sorcerer is torn apart. His head is connected to a body and does not die. However, it takes a long time for the body to recover.

The nose nose teacher fell out of the table and he lost!

The people of the fairyland are bursting with excitement and cheers!

The sorcerer from the fairyland successfully defeated the squadrons of the Alliance Army and the Allosaurus from the outer world!

The people of the Alliance Army, the face is very interesting.

Now it is the turn of the immortal people to mock the Alliance Army and the Allosaurus.

The Alliance Army also sent people to go back and smash the broken body of the **** celestial division. After all, it was a heavenly master who could save or save.

Qin Yun Li Ma flew to Peng Huxiong.

Peng Huxiong took Qin Yun and flew to the Alliance Army.

"You lost, take out the hundred-level sun **** crystal!" Peng Huxiong said.

"Give!" The commander of the Alliance Army took out a small sun **** Jing and handed it to Peng Huxiong, which they won from the Jiuyang Shrine.

"This is only ten grades! It's still nine!" Peng Huxiong said coldly.

"Under the first, we will pay off in 90,000 years! One more for every 10,000 years, hahaha..." The commander of the Alliance Army laughed: "We are not not returning, but we have not, but don't say us. Sit!"

Peng Huxiong stunned, and he did not expect that the commander of the Alliance Army really relied on it.

"You don't give it, are you?" Qin Yunhan said.

"What if I don't give it? Can you kill me?" The coalition army commander sneered, he is very confident, there are dozens of coalition warships here, and a large number of coalition forces are there.

"You are just a few people. The Temple of the Tetris will not help you. Besides, I have not given it, I will give it to 90,000 years!"

The powerful emperors of the Alliance Army laughed.

The Alliance Army is clearly playing tricks!

Qin Yun clenched his fists, Peng Huxiong felt the murderousness of Qin Yun, and immediately prepared for the battle, and gave Peng Hantao a voice, let him go quickly.

"Come to kill me? I am standing here, have you killed me?" The leader of the Alliance Army laughed.

The wolf in the distance, hehe smiled: "That is the command of the Alliance Army, not to mention you, the sacred fairy or the Holy Landlord, may not kill him!"

"I can!" Qin Yun's cold voice fell, the Kowloon Tianbei appeared, and the Alliance Army led the way.

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