Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1845: Longlin Town

Qin Yun was very angry when he heard that the original strange door was gone.

Although he has not returned for many years, when he was in charge of the strange door, the first group of people were always worried about him.

At that time, the people did not officially get started, but Qin Yun always remembered them and gave them the strange door.

"They are still not there?" Qin Yun Shen Sheng.

"The elders of the water are still there, and the three old people of Sanyao are also there, only... but they are almost impossible!" Ye Xiaosong hurriedly replied: "Big brother, do you know them?"

"Come and take me to see them!" Qin Yun did not say much, just wanted to see a few of them.

The night princess didn't say anything, but she kept her vigilance and watched out for all kinds of sudden dangers. She now knows that Qin Yun did set up near the Yunlong Mountains that year, and there was a strange door.

"Big brother... Do you really know them?" Ye Xiaosong asked, and he could see that Qin Yun and the night princess were not malicious to him, otherwise he would be able to hurt him and get rid of him.

"I know them! Come take us!" Qin Yun urged.

"He still hurts!" The Night Princess reminded me.

Qin Yun also remembered this matter, took out the healing remedy, handed it to Ye Xiaosong, and let him eat it.

After Ye Xiaosong ate it, his face was a little better, but it didn't take long before he was very spirited, making him look a little more handsome.

"Big Brother, come with me!" Ye Xiaosong runs in the forest, and he also wants to bring Qin Yun to see them.

Qin Yun and the dark night princess followed him.

The night princess asked: "We have encountered a huge red eagle before, is that human beings become, or evil ghosts?"

"The wings of the red eagle eagle, are there many hands turned into?" asked Ye Xiaosong.

"Yes!" said the night princess: "That attack has attacked us!"

"That's a goblin! It's just a low-level one. It can't be a human! If he eats enough people, he can become a human figure! And it's hard to find that it's a evil ghost!" said Ye Xiaosong. "I want to walk safely in the Yunlong Mountains, and I often become grotesque things, pretending to be evil monsters!"

Before, Ye Xiaosong became the genie of the lion head.

Qin Yun and the dark night princess now know that the evil spirits are really strong. They thought that Ye Xiaosong was a evil ghost. When he saw him being besieged by a group of hunters, he took it and mistakenly thought that the evil spirits were very weak.

The result was a long time, the evil spirits are the group of hunters, the besieged is the human.

They have also been besieged by evil spirits. The strength is terrible. There is a strong and hard-to-destroy body. The Holy Power in the body is very violent.

There is, this powerful evil spirit, there is no evil power!

If those evil ghosts pretend to be humans, and Qin Yun’s dark night princess sets are close, then they will secretly attack, and they will certainly succeed.

Qin Yun also saw those hunters who said they wanted to eat them, so they were wary. They thought about it now, and they almost fell into the hands of a group of powerful evil spirits.

Qin Yun followed Ye Xiaosong and said: "Komatsu, you are quite strong! By so many evil spirits besieged, you can still run away, and suffered serious injuries, but can run so fast!"

"Thank you big brother big sister, to attract their attention, I can run away!" Ye Xiaosong sighed and said: "In this Yunlong mountain range, our human condition is very dangerous, so our ability to survive Very strong!"

"It's so dangerous here, is there anything important to do when you run around? And it's still alone!" asked the dark night princess.

"I heard that there are a large group of immortals, I want to go to the people of the fairyland and trust them! This...this is what the elders of the water let me do!" Ye Xiaosong suddenly said something sad: "My family is all It is a member of the strange door. It is the elders of the water who receive us. We also work hard to learn the strange patterns. Later, my family members have disappeared and never returned!"

"It is the three old grandfathers of the water elders and Sanyao who cultivated me, but I...but not enough power to protect them!"

"They are still alive!" Qin Yun said, he now wants to see Shui Yihui soon.

"Well, they are still alive, just... they are all very hurt!" Ye Xiaosong said: "I am going to find the people in the fairyland, but also to help them heal!"

For many years, Shui Yihui has been helping the fine disciples to absorb the excellent disciples. This is indeed very hearty. Qin Yun is also unable to return to the Yunlong Mountains because the conditions are not allowed.

When he is back now, he must make up for it.

"Komatsu, Yunlong Mountain has come to many people of immortality. Do you know where those people are?" asked the Night Princess.

"There are a lot of people everywhere... but I heard that those people are composed of different forces. I don't know which sects are there!" Ye Xiaosong replied.

“What is the situation in Yunlong Mountain?” Qin Yun looked at the giant trees like a knife and asked: “Why are the trees here all in the form of weapons?”

"I asked some of the older generations, the older generations said that these trees are guarding anything! The area we are in now is a mountain of weapons, and there are animal-shaped forests! When they are elders, they are hiding in Longlin District! Said Ye Xiaosong.

"How many human beings here? This is just a land of mundane, but now it can grow into a fairy space!" The dark night princess also saw that Ye Xiaosong's strength is very strong, comparable to the Xiandi level.

"There are many human beings! After the sun has fallen, only this place has not been affected. Some people do not want to go to the stars, so they are hiding here!" Ye Xiaosong said: "In the Yunlong Mountains, there are also many powerful human forces, but I want to Joining them is very strict, and you must sign a soul contract and never betray them!"

Qin Yun said: "Komat, in your condition, should you be able to join the human sect?"

Ye Xiaosong shook his head and said: "I am a disciple of the singular door. I will not join other sects! And other sects will not want me!"

"Why don't you?" asked the dark night princess.

"Because I used to be a disciple of the singular door, they worried that I would steal their grotesque, and later the complex singular door!" Ye Xiaosong said: "In short, those sects are more selfish, when the singular door helped them, but When the gates were knocked out, they didn’t say anything!”

"Who is the strange gate?" Qin Yun’s voice was slightly cold and asked.

"Tianzhaozong is destroyed! Tianzhaozong is the most powerful force in the Yunlong Mountains. It is the formation of humans and evil spirits! Later, there are evil spirits to join! Early was created by the guys with more magical waste! "Ye Xiaosong said that it was very angry when he talked about the rebellion that day."

Qin Yun remembered the darkness of this day in the heart, and the night princess also knew that the day of the rebellion was a big disaster.

In Xianxian, who has offended the power of Qin Yun, no one has a good end.

The people from the altar of the sun had to deal with Qin Yun. As a result, two altars were demolished, and the evil yang of the evil spirits was also destroyed by Qin Yun.

The ancient city of Xiandi in the ancient city of Shengyang once attacked the strange grain mountain. After Qin Yun came back, he almost collapsed the ancient city of Xiandi.

In the end, the city owner of the ancient city of Xiandi came out and lost a large amount of Sheng Xuan Yinjing to Qin Yun.

Not to mention the fact that the Alliance Army of the outer Tianyu was destroyed!

Ye Xiaosong is a very talented singularist. Qin Yun can see from the grotesque above his robes, the fineness is extremely high, and the grotesque is also very charm.

After they left the Knife Forest area, they passed through an axe forest and came to the Longlin District.

In the forests of Longlin District, the big trees are bigger, and each one is surrounded by a dragon.

If you look closely, the dragons that circulate the giant trees are formed by the gathering of many trees and vines. It is even more shocking.

Each tree is tens of meters apart, and the trunks are huge and strong, all up to hundreds of meters.

What surprised Qin Yun and the dark night princess was that this piece of Longlin District had a faint scent of dragon power, which was released from the trees.

"Before you besieged your evil spirits, what is the spear in your hand? It looks very strong!" The dark night princess suddenly remembered this matter and asked.

"It was made by Tian Chaozong! The guy of Tianzongzong can use those trees to make weapons!" Ye Xiaosong suddenly stopped and touched a tree and said: "In the arms of the mountains, every 10,000 trees Among them, there is a tree that can be made into a strong weapon!"

"Those guys, occupy the spear forest?" Qin Yun said: "Where is this Longlin District, who is the site?"

Ye Xiaosong said: "There is no place in Longlin District! It is forbidden to fly in the upper area of ​​Longlin District, and it will be punished in the battle, and enter the Longlin District. Everyone must be honest!"

Qin Yun also understands why Ye Xiaosong came to Longlin District and suddenly relaxed.

This Longlin District is equivalent to a safe area.

After a rest, Ye Xiaosong continued to take Qin Yun and the night princess and rushed in the mountains.

After they turned over many mountains, they came to a very lively forest.

There is no mountain in the forest, only some hills.

The dragon trees in this forest are even more huge. Each tree has a height of 1,000 meters. The distance between the trees is more than 100 meters. The crown is very large. The dragons that are coiled around the giant trees are more powerful.

"This is Longlin Town, and it is also a safe town in the Yunlong Mountains!" Ye Xiaosong whispered: "Two, you must not fight in Longlin Town, you will be punished!"

Qin Yun and the night princess nodded.

There are many big trees in Longlin Town. The people here live on the big trees.

They did not open holes in the giant trees, but built large houses on the branches.

After coming here, Ye Xiaosong was not running, but walked quickly to avoid hitting other people.

At night, Longlin Town is still very lively.

The leaves of the dragon trees, in the night, emit a faint white glow that illuminates the entire forest.

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