Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1866: Evil spirit

Qin Yun looked at the sacred symbol in his hand, and could feel the flow of sacredness in the singular pattern. The singular pattern of the singular pattern only flashed the shimmer, but the internal dark lines flowed.

The dark lines of this character are drawn with the Dao Yanqi pattern!

"Why can you deal with a strong evil monster? Is it useful?" Qin Yun asked.

"This sacred character can deal with the evil spirits of the eighty-nine-eighths of the emperor. If the other party can avoid it, this character is wasted!" Zhang Shengxian said: "You should have seen those evil ghosts who have become human beings." What?"

Qin Yun nodded: "The guys are like people, they are very strong in all aspects, they can really avoid it!"

"So, it's hard to deal with the evil spirits! This kind of evil spirit is not much, it can be difficult to make it!" Zhang Shengxian said: "If you encounter a very powerful evil ghost, don't fight. It is best to escape the first time!"

"If it is Wang Pinxian?" Qin Yun put away the sacred sacred charm and said: "The best evil spirits should be able to deal with some evil spirits around the four or five cents of the emperor. It is also easy. Do it?"

Zhang Shengxian shook his head and said: "No! The power of the Emperor is not enough to kill the evil spirits! The power of the Emperor is not enough to make those strange lines play a stronger power. Some of the power of the characters requires a strong Holy Spirit to inspire! ”

Qin Yun also intends to refine some of the fairy charms, because the fairy charm is easier to do.

"There is also the difficulty of making Wang Pinxu evil fairy, and it is similar to making the evil spirits!" Zhang Shengxian said.

"I understand, so I don't think about Wang Pinxian... Can you make such a singularity teacher?" Qin Yun said.

"In general, as long as it is a big singular master, you can barely make it, but you need something to help!" Zhang Shengxian smiled and said: "Qin Yun, although you are just a little stranger, I think Your talent should be able to make it!"

"Need the support of Sheng Xuan Yinjing... I can give it a try!" Qin Yun is also eager to move.

"You can make it, even if the power is not strong enough, it does not matter, it is enough to deal with the evil monsters that are similar to you!" Zhang Shengxian said.

Qin Yun took the booklet, left Zhang Shengxian's big stone house, returned to his small stone house, and seriously went to see the booklet, remembering the above.

Soon, he read the contents inside, and then handed it to Momo, letting her learn the grotesque lines.

"Zhang Shengxian's teachings to me have not many traces of Daoyan, just a few!" Qin Yun said: "Maybe because some of the singularities can not be rumored, so I did not give it!"

The creation of the Temple of Heaven, the Temple of Jiuyang and the Temple of the Gods, certainly have a lot of good Daoyan grotesque, certainly most of them can not be rumored, it is very precious.

Lingyun smiled and said: "These are not bad! At least give you some inspiration! You have nine basic singular singular patterns, which can make you feel from it, and then derive more Dows!"

Qin Yun closed his eyes and recalled the contents of the evil spirits.

The evil spirits are strange, because the dark lines are the reason of the singularity of the singularity. When the character is played out, a character can be turned into an axe, and then with some odd lines that can control the evil spirits. It caused a lot of trauma to the evil spirits.

If the evil spirits do not catch up, the giant axe that has been turned into a sinister sacred will be killed in most cases.

"Xiaoyun, you don't have to make an axe! Don't you realize the star-moon sword pattern?" Lingyun laughed. "Your star-moon sword pattern can be much more powerful than the pure axe."

Xingyue sword pattern has three attributes: star, moon and sword, and Qin Yun has three kinds of strange spirits: Xingjun, Yueji and Yiwang.

The dark lines inside the sacred sacred symbols are just pure axe crepe patterns, far less powerful than the stars and moons.

"The axe is a kind of singularity, which is one of the cores of the evil spirits. I can really replace it with the Xingyue sword pattern!" Qin Yun smiled slightly and said: "Plus my power of arrogance, with the Holy Power The power should be stronger."

The key singularity of the evil spirits is the kind of sacred pattern of the town, which belongs to the Ming pattern.

In general, the sacred sacred symbols are not complicated, only two singular patterns are formed.

The reason why it is more difficult is that the crepe of the dark lines and the sacred lines of the bright lines are hard to draw.

For most grotesque masters, it is necessary to describe these two kinds of singular patterns for a long time, and it is very difficult.

In addition, it is not powerful enough to make a perfect sacrament.

The emperor's realm is the transitional stage of the sacred sacred sacredness. In the immortal world, it began to cultivate the holy power, which is to transform the senile power into a holy force and cultivate a powerful and powerful holy body.

Qin Yun is only a triple of the emperor's territory. Among his absolute powers, Xian Li is the majority, and the Holy Power has some, and then implies a weak power.

Because he often gets the help of Xingshen, Qin Yun began to cultivate divine power very early. Nowadays, the practice of cultivation is also to cultivate the gods.

"In my absolute strength, the Holy Power is not too weak, and there is a weak power... The power of the blood soul that is condensed by the absolute force should be strong enough!" Qin Yun took out the clouds and prepared to start. try.

"Xiaoyun, you still have to add enough holy force better!" Ling Yun said: "This can make the holy character stronger!"

Qin Yun took out the Hua Dan Tian furnace and put in some Sheng Xuan Yin Jing.

He can refine the sacred silver crystal into a holy sacred gold crystal through the Huatian furnace.

Before, he taught them to the purple city, and used the Huatian furnace to refine the holy Xuan Jinjing.

A hundred copies of the holy Xuan Yinjing, in order to be refined into a holy Xuan Jinjing, consumption is relatively large.

There are not many Sheng Xuan Yinjing in Qin Yun’s hands, and there are still ten thousand jins. After he intends to use it, he will go to the strange grain mountain to take some.

They used the holy Xuan Jinjing before, and mainly made those holy papers.

Sheng Xuan Jin Jing is a small round bead that flashes with golden awns.

Qin Yun made the first evil sacred charm for the first time. This is a process of exploration, so the speed is relatively slow.

If he is proficient, he can engrave the Gemini mirror, and then through the Gemini mirror, you can quickly refine a lot.

"The evil spirits of the town are very good, and have a good effect on dealing with evil spirits!" Qin Yun said.

When Momo came out, the town's evil stature was transmitted to Qin Yun's memory in the form of spiritual transmission. As a result, Qin Yun could immediately grasp this strange pattern.

Otherwise, Qin Yun needs some time to fully remember.

After Momo passed the town's evil stature to Qin Yun, he went back.

Qin Yun uses the floating cloud **** needle to release the needle soul into the floating cloud **** needle, so that the floating cloud **** needle can depict the dragon dragon crepe.

"Xiaoyun, the strange pattern printed by your **** Wangtianyin seems to be very powerful!" Lingyun suddenly said: "Do you want to try it?"

Qin Yun remembers that when the gods and gods are still in the sky, they are printed on some things and can produce a strong defense.

Today is the **** of heaven, and what kind of effect will be there, Qin Yun has not tried.

The **** of heaven and seal is formed by the gods. Although it can be used as a weapon, he is worried that it will damage this precious god, so it is not used to fight.

"I will try it!" Qin Yun painted a dark line on a pale gold sacred paper, which is the star-moon sword.

The star-moon sword pattern is treated as a dark pattern, hidden in the holy paper, no one can see what is the strange pattern.

When the squadron fighters fight, he can quickly draw the stars and moons, not to mention the use of clouds.

Of course, the Xingyue sword pattern he painted now is stronger, because it is the dragon dragon pattern!

The Xingyue sword pattern was quickly completed, followed by the evil spirit of the town.

The core part of the town's evil stature is dark, and it needs to be closely combined with the moon and the moon.

The singularity of the weapon used in the previous sacred sacred symbol is an axe. Now it has become a star-moon sword pattern, but Qin Yun can still quickly find a perfect joint, which can make the core of the evil spirit and the star-shaped sword pattern. Integration.

This is his understanding, he can think of two complex ribbed cores together.

When carving the grotesque, he absorbed a lot of holy power from the sacred gold, and injected it into the power of his blood.

Of course, this kind of sacred power is not strong enough, far less than the sacred power of Zhang Shengxian.

Qin Yun does not know how much evil character he has made, and how strong it will eventually be.

After two or three days of tossing, Qin Yun finally made a good deed.

"It's still smooth!" Qin Yun wiped the sweat and looked at the evil character in his hand, revealing a smile full of accomplishment.

"Xiaoyun, this has to find the evil spirits to try to know the power!" Ling Yun said: "You go to ask Zhang Shengxian, Chuangtiancheng has not caught the evil spirits, use those evil ghosts to try test!"

Qin Yun shook his head and said: "Even if they do, they will not give me a try! It is very difficult for the evil spirits to catch, it is very precious for them, kill one less one!"

Zhang Shengxian also said before, because of the emergence of the evil dragon city, the original evil dragons without heads, now have a common super boss, so those evil ghosts are gathered in the evil dragon city.

Even if the evil spirits go out, they are all wearing strong equipment and going out in groups. It is very difficult to hunt.

Among the evil dragons, there are the Alliance Army, the Yilong, and the Jiuyang Palace.

"Also! There is only a chance to try again!" Ling Yun laughed.

Qin Yun walked out of the small stone house and took away the resources sent from the box. Even if it was not taken for a few days, it would accumulate in the box.

He had just taken the bottles from the outside of the box and felt that someone suddenly swept away.

Turning around, I saw a beautiful woman wearing a snow white palace dress, she was beautiful with a hint of resentment, said: "Qin Yun, yesterday bell ring, why didn't you go to collect?"

The woman is Situ Xiaoai.

"Ah? I didn't hear it!" Qin Yun was a little surprised and said: "Little love sister, yesterday bell ringing, is things important?"

Situ Xiaoai nodded and said: "The four great emperors and the four great goddesses of Chuangtianfu should lead the team to catch the evil ghosts for research!"

"Oh!" Qin Yun said: "This should be okay with me?"

Situ Xiaoai gently squatted, Jiao said: "How is it? You are a member of my team!"

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