Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1868: traitor

Qin Yun has not responded yet, and has been flying to the sky by Situ Xiaoai, flying fast, and there are several strong breaths behind him.

He did not expect those evil ghosts, actually know how to set a trap to catch people!

This is just like hunting in the wild!

And this time they are going out to catch the evil spirits. I didn’t expect the evil spirits to catch them.

"Little love sister, I can fly, I am not slow!" Qin Yun suddenly said.

Situ Xiaoai ignored him, speeding up and flying in the air.

Qin Yun looked at the back, could not see those evil ghosts, can only feel a few breaths coming from behind.

Situ Xiao Ai's face is full of seriousness, slightly stunned Liu Mei, holding a long sword in one hand, and grasping Qin Yun's wrist in one hand. The powerful nine-strong Emperor's power is steady and majestic, but gentle but full of power. Out, to increase the speed.

She is not only flying at high speed, but also preparing for the battle.

Qin Yun can now see that Situ Xiaoai has a very rich experience.

Before, Chuangtiancheng should always be hidden in the depths. Even if it is hidden, it will always face the evil spirits.

As a place where Chuangtianfu cultivates elite disciples, Chuangtian, one of the four great goddesses of Tiantianfu, is indeed extremely high in all aspects.

"Xiaoyun, this little love sister is really very powerful! She seems to be able to feel the trap, so I did not take a step forward, and then quickly reacted with you to leave the mountain forest!" Ling Yun said.

"Yes! Otherwise, we will certainly fall into a fight!" Qin Yun also praised the greatness of Situ Xiao's love. If it was him, he might have to be netted by the net.

It’s really hard to deal with being a human evil ghost.

Qin Yun felt that it was necessary to find Ximen Da Zhuang and let him teach the method of perceiving evil spirits.

At the beginning, the strange grain of the mountain came to the Yunlong Mountain Range. When the West Gate was strong and went out, it sensed the evil spirits. At that time, there were no evil ghosts nearby.

The power of Simon's greatness was also taught to him by Heaven.

"Little love sister, how do you know that there is an ambush?" Qin Yun asked, he felt that if he was to release a strong mental power, he might find it.

He just thinks that the evil spirits will not hide from the yin, nor will they set traps, so they will relax after entering the forest.

Situ Xiaoai did not answer Qin Yun, but continued to fly for a while, slowly landed in a mountain forest. The trees in this mountain forest, like a long gun, stood on the hill and peacefully.

"Perceive those hunters, we must master!" Situ Xiaoai came to this mountain forest and relaxed some, said.

"What is the method, can I learn?" Qin Yun's research on evil spirits is not enough.

"After going back, let Zhang Shengxian teach you! Now tell you, you can't master it quickly!" Situ Xiaoai said.

"It’s so dangerous when you leave the city!" Qin Yun was worried about Xiao Yuemei. He also looked at the chasing souls before. Their position is changing and they don’t know where to go.

Situ Xiaoai looked around with vigilance and whispered: "After the evil dragons of the evil dragon city broke down, the evil spirits are united, and they also have a direction, mainly to create a Sky City for us. Or catch some humans outside!"

Qin Yun frowned: "In the Yunlong Mountains, other Zongmen formed by human beings will not be the food of evil spirits?"

The evil spirits are very fond of eating people.

The evil spirits that have not become human form are to become human figures by eating people.

In the Yunlong Mountains, there are many large and small sects. If they are besieged by a large number of evil ghosts, it is dangerous.

"I don't know, in general, the Tianshen Palace sent people to contact those sects, and they can unite as much as possible!" Situ Xiaoai took out a jade card, which was used to perceive other companions.

The team has a total of five people, and Situ Xiaoai is now looking for three other players.

The three players left the Sky City earlier, and they were exploring the news outside. Situ Xiaoai had to draw them to the three players and they had to go to them.

Situ Xiaoai said: "We have to find other three companions soon. It will be safer to have them together!"

"Flying in the air is faster, why not fly?" Qin Yun followed Situ Xiaoai.

"Fast flight, there will be a lot of energy fluctuations, easy to be explored, try to fly less, can avoid being perceived by evil spirits!" Situ Xiaoai is also a convergence atmosphere.

Qin Yun closed her eyes and could not perceive Situ Xiaoai in the vicinity, but only smelled the faint aroma of her body, unless she used strong mental power to know that she was nearby.

Of course, if you release the gravity field, you can fully perceive it.

Qin Yun did not know if the strange grain of the mountain could follow, and Situ Xiaoai just flew with him.

Situ Xiaoai took Qin Yun. After more than an hour in this mountainous forest, such as a long gun, she suddenly stopped.

"There is a situation! It is not a wicked monster... Someone is nearby!" Situ Xiaoai whispered: "I don't know if it is a person who creates Sky City, Qin Yun, you hide first! Hide a little!"

“Why don’t you run?” Qin Yun said: “Flying in the air like before!”

"There are a lot of people in the vicinity. If you want to run, you can't run, you can only fight!" Situ Xiaoai urged: "You are hiding!"

Qin Yun Shi Jian wears Xuan Shen Tong and rushes to a big tree.

The trees and trunks here are very huge, and more than a dozen people can hold them together.

Qin Yun hides inside the big tree, can be temporarily blended with the tree totem and the tree, the atmosphere will be completely hidden by the tree, as long as it is not the kind of guy who is very against the sky, it is difficult to know that he is hiding in the big tree.

Situ Xiaoai saw Qin Yun able to get into the big tree, and her heart was very surprised. She could not sense the breath of Qin Yun.

Qin Yun just hid, and someone flew over. He was inside the big tree and could see the situation outside.

There are five people flying, three men and two women, all wearing a gray-black armor, all in a battle dress.

"I didn't expect that we actually met Situ Xiaoai, one of the four great goddesses!" A long-haired handsome man headed by him, his eyes flashed blue and the evil spirit smiled.

"Liu Chuanyu?" Situ Xiaoai recognized the handsome long-haired man and stunned: "Why didn't you go back to Sky City these years, we all thought you were missing!"

Next to Liu Chuanyu, a purple-haired fox woman leaned on Liu Chuanyu’s body and gently stroked Liu’s face, laughing with a rough voice: “Liu Chuanyu is a disciple of our Tianzongzong!”

Qin Yun heard the purple-haired fox woman making a man's voice, it is very certain that this woman is a man!

The two women who came with Liu Yufeng seemed to be men.

"Tianzong Zong is still the evil dragon city is the alliance! Evil Dragon City is the natural enemy of my creation of Tiancheng, Liu Chuanyu, you are betraying the Sky City!" Situ Xiaoai angered, pointing the sword with Liu Chuanyu.

Liu Chuanyu smiled and said: "Situ Xiaoai, Chuangtiancheng is about to die! I chose to join Tianshenzong as it was right... Hahaha, you may not know, there are many people who you think are missing, but they all joined Tiansongzong. !"

"Little sister, do you also join Tianshenzong? I will love you very much!" The purple-haired woman laughed with the voice of a man.

Another red-haired woman, whose voice is extremely wretched, is also the voice of a man. He smiled and said: "Small sister, we are here to love you so much that you can feel the love of our Tianzong!"

Situ Xiaoai was very calm and cold, and said: "Liu Chuanyu, how do you know that I am here? You seem to be coming here!"

Liu Chuanyu took out a jade card and smiled: "I sensed through this!"

In the case of Chuangtianfu, if their status is high enough, their identity jade card can perceive other disciples.

Qin Yun joined the Chuangtianfu because of the exemption from assessment, so he did not have such a real identity card for the creation of Tian Tianfu. The jade card in his hand is relatively ordinary.

"You are a thief!" Situ Xiaoai clenched his sword and smothered his face: "Chuangtiancheng treats you not thin, why do you want to create a heavenly city?"

Qin Yun can imagine that this Liu Chuanyu must have brought a lot of Tianzhao people to ambush other disciples of Tianfu.

"Situ Xiaoai, you are a good talent! You were also my goddess in the past, you are unattainable to me... and now, you will soon become our plaything!" Liu Chuanyu smiled and said: "In Chuangtiancheng Too much depression, I can't play with your arrogant women through powerful power, so I joined Tianshenzong!"

"Since joining Tiansongzong, I can do whatever I want, hahaha..."

Situ Xiao love bites her teeth, she wants to escape, but Qin Yun is still here.

"Little love sister, you run your, don't care for me!" Qin Yun suddenly gave Situ Xiaoai a voice, said: "The few guys are not good to deal with, and... there seems to be a lot of Tiansong in the vicinity. People!"

Situ Xiaoai also used mental power to convey to Qin Yun: "You hide, don't come out!"

At this time, Liu Chuanyu and others, all took out the weapons.

"Situ Xiaoai, I heard that Qin Yun entered the Sky Heaven, and your father cheated the big Shenyu Jinshi!" Liu Chuanyu said.

"Your message is really good!" Situ Xiaoai snorted.

"Chuangtiancheng is not a piece of iron, there are a lot of our eyeliners!" Liu Chuanyu said with a proud smile: "As long as you catch you, your father should use that piece of Shenyu Jinshi to exchange with me?"

"I wonder! I will not let you threaten my father if I die!" Situ Xiao Ai angered, she also took out a character and prepared to fight.

"Situ Xiaoai, I can tell you, Qin Yun this guy is not what Qin is honest! He was put together by your father and will definitely retaliate!" Liu Chuanyu said with a smile: "Qin Yun's father was killed by the evil dragon. Although the soul escaped, it is almost the same as death... Qin Yun will definitely find a way to use your power to create a heavenly city and avenge his father!"

Qin Yun, hiding inside the big tree, learned that his father was really killed by the Shenyu evil dragon, and suddenly he was very angry and took out the nine-day dragon and lion gun.

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