Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1899: Sun and moon

While the Emperor of the Magic is full of confidence, he secretly surprised Qin Yun’s strength. When he saw Qin Yun last time, Shen Yu evil dragon just came out of the evil dragon city, Qin Yun had to flee. and

At that time, Qin Yun, the strength was very low, and the repair was not as high as it is now.

It’s not been how long it’s been. Qin Yun’s strength is so strong that he once again kills a evil yang and destroys the evil dragon city. Qin

Looking at the magic fairy, the cloud can feel the dragon that is extremely incomparable in this old man.

The blood of the gods of the gods and evil dragons can actually make people suddenly become so strong!

Qin Yun also thought that he would become the Jiuzhong Emperor, and after absorbing the powerful body of Shenyu Purple, he could easily crush all the nine Emperors.

The magic fairy in front of you is very strong. Qin Yun only feels the momentum of the other side, there is a great pressure, it is not easy to deal with.

The Magic Immortal looked at the Hercules who couldn't see the distance. The Hercules was fighting a huge dragon, and it was very fierce. "

That thing is yours? "Magic Fairy sneer: "I have to say, you still have a little bit of it!" Therefore, I must destroy you today, and never suffer! ”

As soon as the voice fell, the power of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Immortal, accompanied by a powerful Longwei, suddenly burst out and shrouded Qin Yun to form a field.

Qin Yun’s body trembled, and the super-gravity was released, releasing his own gravity field!

The two fields collided, and the two violent energies slammed together, and a large piece of mud suddenly cracked and fiercely oscillated. Ground

The dirt on the surface is like a raging wave, ups and downs, and there is a wave of gas.

Qin Yun and the Emperor of the Immortal are separated by tens of meters. Both of them hold powerful weapons and face each other. The powerful areas released by the two sides overlap, which means that the power of the two violent Emperors is strangling.

People in the distance saw this scene and were shocked!

"That guy is the magic fairy!" After seeing the king of the beast, he frowned: "The cloud brother finally hit this guy again!"

"How did the Magic Immortal become so strong? When I saw this guy before, it was not so strong!" The fairy priest flew over, and some worried: "Can the cloud boy kill him?"

The battle around the tomb city gradually ended, and the evil forces were defeated and could not be united.

This war, for the time being, the Justice League has the upper hand. Big

The home is in the distance at the moment, watching the battle between Qin Yun and the Magic Immortal. Division

The elders said: "The magical emperor got the blood of the gods of the gods! But that is what many guys want!"

The night princess looked at the battle over Qin Yun, whispered: "Everyone, be careful! Shenyu evil dragons will attack!"

Shenyu evil dragon, with a lot of powerful subordinates, entered the tomb. with

The dragons fighting in Hercules are very strong! Want

I know that many of the Nine Emperors are as vulnerable as the clay figurine in front of Hercules. But the dragonfly can play with Hercules for so long, and has not been injured. dark

The night princess's perception is very strong. She just reminded everyone that the ground suddenly cracked and many monsters like humans emerged. that

Some monsters swelled with a dark red muscle, their heads were small, they had no eyes, only one mouth, and the mouth could spit out a tongue that was two or three meters long. "

Everyone is careful, this is the dragon scorpion of the sacred dragon, has a strong ability to swallow, and likes to **** blood! "Stuart boss shouted: "If you are entangled in your tongue, be sure to cut off their tongues quickly!" Qin

The cloud and the magic fairy have collided with the release field. No one will retreat. If it is a concession, it means fighting in the other's field and will be crushed. Place

Therefore, they are now also competing for the power of the field.

Those dragons and monsters that suddenly emerged are really terrible. They are nothing to be released by the gods and evil dragons. The speed is not so fast, the body is extremely strong, and it is also flexible.

Even if the sharp weapons are on them, they just fly them and cannot break their bodies. Do not

If you are careful, you will be hit by the tongue they spit out.

The tongue is like a flying arrow. It suddenly spits out and can easily penetrate the human body. If the armor is not strong enough, once the body is pierced, it will be sucked up.

"You all have to die!" The angry voice of Shenyu evil dragon suddenly came out of the tomb.

The evil sun in the sky is still delivering energy continuously, and the speed of transportation is getting faster and faster. Qin

Clouds gnawed at the Emperor of the Immortal, and the energy released by the evil yang was increasing, which meant that the sacred dragon was about to break the nine tombs.

Before that, he must kill the Emperor of the Immortals before he can take away the nine Tiens.

"Qin Yun, it’s not long before you reincarnate, it’s such a power, it’s really not easy, you are a rare genius!” The magic fairy also bit his teeth, sneer and sneer: "But you must die today in my hand. Here is your destiny!"

Shit fate! "Qin Yun whispered.

The field of the Great Immortal is a field of destruction, and the power of destruction is constantly destroying the supergravity he built. This

In the end, Qin Yun will be destroyed by the strange destruction power of the Magic Emperor, no matter how much super gravity is released. "

Xiaoyun, that guy is using Jiuyang to destroy the world, can destroy everything! "Ling Yuner said: "The speed and speed of the decision, can not let him brew that power of destruction to the peak! Qin

The cloud now also sees that the use of Jiuyang to destroy the World War by the Emperor of the Immortal, it takes a period of brewing to make the destructive power continue to increase. "

Magic Immortal, it is you who die today! "Qin Yun squinted and suddenly released a strong mental power wave. He

Through the thought of Yu Tianzhu, the power of painful magic is exerted!

After the attack of the Great Immortal, the dull snoring, it can be seen that he was very painful after he was hit, but he resisted. "

You can't beat me! "The magic fairy anger burst, the black gas on his body surged into a black giant skull.

Qin Yun was shocked and quickly controlled the moon into the meditation. "

Sun and moon with the same! ”

This trick, but Qin Yun's secret skills, he rarely used, because it is easy to expose the yang!

But now he can't take care of it, because the Magic Immortal has been desperate! day

As the moon shines together, Qin Yun’s meditation moon seems to blend together, and there is a strong golden light in his body.

Qin Yun’s whole body is covered by a large number of Ming Yang totems, while the soul is protected by the moon.

"The sky is gone, the sun sets!" Qin

The cloud stick in the hands of the cloud suddenly became longer, and the madness absorbed the power of the sun and the moon in Qin Yun.

In a short moment, the cloud stick completes the power and beats the front.

The long stick is shining, when it falls, it is like the setting sun, with an extremely shocking light wave!

The black skull released by the Magic Immortal, like a huge black star rushed to Qin Yun, but was broken by the floating cloud stick that shines with gold and silver.

Bang! shock

The screaming earth shattered, the broken black hoe, bursting out a lot of black stones!

A violent wind with a thick black air, accompanied by a large number of black stones sweeping all directions. Qin

The cloud looked at the black **** that exploded, feeling the terrible power of destruction, and the heart was even more surprised.

The gimmick that the Magic Immortal had just released was actually turned into a large number of strong stones like a huge star.

And those stones are all evil spirits. If the body is hit, it will definitely be seriously injured by the exploding stones.

Those who fight in the distance, feel the terrible destruction power of the Magic Immortal, are amazed again and again!

Qin Yun and the Magic Immortal, did not fight in the field, because it will not be good for them.

"Death!" The body of the Magic Immortal can be integrated into the violent black hurricane, and suddenly appeared on the side of Qin Yun. magic

The golden knife in the hands of Xian Dian squatted down and cut it on Qin Yun’s shoulder!

Qin Yun could not perceive the whereabouts of the Great Immortal, after all, the Magic Immortal and the Hurricane merged into one.

Fortunately, his defense is extremely strong, the use of Tianjian Dafa, as well as the Tianwei hegemonic shield, plus a layer of body dragons, the horrible knife of the sturdy!

You must know that when this knife was cut on Qin Yun's shoulder, the terrible anger that broke out broke through the earth and hit a pit that was hundreds of meters wide. The hurricane thunder that was full of destructive power exploded all around. magic

Every move of Immortal is as terrible as it is!

Qin Yun is now also teaching the annihilation of the Jiuyang dynasty!

The magic fairy was equally astonished in the heart, Qin Yun’s defense was so terrible that he was so horrible that he had eaten him with a knife and he seemed to have nothing to do.

After Qin Yun’s shoulder was smashed, the long stick in his hand swept out, and the mighty Tianwei was fierce and arrogant, accompanied by the power of the sun and the moon. day

The power can make the body sting, and the power of the moon is to attack the soul!

Qin Yun also mobilized a variety of exercises, the terrorist forces gathered together, burst out through the floating cloud stick, sweeping in the waist of the Magic Immortal, flashing a ray of light! thorn

The light of the eyes shrouds the world in an instant, purifying all the black hurricanes around.

The evil dragons on the ground, after being illuminated by this light, made a burst of painful roar.

The magic fairy was so painful that the body was swept out and hit the high wall of the tomb! Qin

The cloud sighed slightly. Just because the stick was too rushed, the power could only be like this. If he had enough time to consolidate the stronger power, he might kill the Magic Emperor. in

Those who deal with the dragons and monsters in the distance, have been shrouded in the glare of the stick, and can feel the kind of light that comes with the shock. Qin

The turbulent power of the cloud is terrible, and it can release the strong penetration through the shock.

The dragons on the ground are stunned by the shock, so it is very painful.

The magic fairy was screaming in the heart, and was shocked and angry, and even feared, because Qin Yun’s power was beyond his imagination.

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