Nine Sun God King

Chapter 195: Death totem

"I lose, I admit defeat..." Luo Yan yelled in pain, and if he was stepped on by Xiao Yuelan, he would die.

Luo’s gaze can kill people and glare at Xiao Yuelan.

After the flag array was withdrawn, an old man from Donggong also rushed into the contest and stood in front of Xiao Yuelan. This old man is the three elders of Donggong, Shu Yihui, Qin Yun remembers him.

"Old Luo, save your grandson first!" Shui Yihui protects Xiao Yuelan, Dao.

Luo Chang-ro screamed and hurriedly searched for Luo Yan’s injury. His look was very ugly and he said: "The inner yuan and the martial arts are all seriously damaged and almost broken!"

If Xiao Yuelan goes down again, even if he does not die, he must be abolished.

After all, Luo Chang is a strong martial art, and can stabilize Luo Yan’s injury in time.

"He just planned to kill me. Why, isn't it possible for me to beat him like this? What is the significance of this contest?"

Xiao Yuelan was not afraid. He said to Luo Changlao: "This kind of guy, there is no such thing, but it is very capable of loading, and it is the first time that the old man is the best in the world."

Luo Changchun suddenly thundered and angered: "Dead gimmick, you give me a shut up!"

Xiao Yang Long is also very angry, but he did not say anything. After all, Xiao Yuelan is Qin Yun's wife, Qin Long is also watching him on the side.

"Lao Luo, Xiao Yuelan, she is a martial art nine-dollar repair, your grandson is really far from her! Just now she is also considered to be merciful, otherwise your grandson has already died." Shui Yihui smiled.

Xiao Yuelan has already stepped into the martial arts ninefold!

Everyone is secretly smug, Xiao Yuelan is only seventeen or eight years old, on the martial arts nine, the talent is far more terrible than Yang Shiyue, maybe another one or two years, they will enter the martial arts.

The 20-year-old martial art, it is terrible to think about it!

Qin Yun looked incredulously at Xiao Yuelan. She didn't expect her to hide so deep, and she was worried that she would be crushed to death.

Xiao Yang Long is also an incredible look, with wide eyes watching Xiao Yuelan, his face is not sweating! Because Xiao Yuelan’s cultivation is going to catch up with him soon, he will definitely settle with him.

"You guys in the Blue Lingxing Palace, who are going to challenge me? If you win me, you will be able to marry me... If you can't win, you might die."

Xiao Yuelan's icy scorpion is full of murderousness and arrogance, scanning the young men in blue robes.

Xiao Yuelan has already got rid of the Tianxiao Empire. The elders of Donggong can also ignore Xiao Yanglong and others, and can protect Xiao Yuelan, so other Star Palaces can't be done now.

Other forces are secretly glad that they have nothing to lose.

The old elders of the West Palace, the loss is big, the first 450 million crystal coins were moved by Qin Yunkeng, and then his grandson was seriously injured, so that the other three star palaces are secretly succumbing to disaster.

Guo Cheng of the Tian Xuanwu Academy came out and said: "Since Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan’s marriage has been fixed, then we will say another thing!"

"Qin Yun was beaten into the sky and banned the land. Although it was an accident, he was together with the refining mad magic for many days. It is very likely to be appreciated by the refining madman and get the soul refining technique! That is very The evil spirits of the evil spirits!"

Emperor Tianqi also hurriedly said: "In those days, this refining soul was mad, but our Tianqi empire was almost destroyed. It was terrible! Although we are on the verge of martial arts, we are all decent martial arts people, carrying blue The Stars Palace, the lord of the martial arts, is here to solve this problem."

"What do you mean? Are you saying that my son is practicing sorcerer?" Qin Long sneered.

"He just has this suspicion!" Emperor Tianqi also feared Qin Long, because Qin Long had a dragon gun in his hand, but it was a terrible mystery.

Qin Long said: "Then wait for you to be sure, find evidence, and then say this, otherwise don't fart here!"

Shui Yihui said: "I have heard about the technique of refining the soul. From the legend, this is indeed a terrible sorcerer, but it is not a short-term mastery. Moreover, practicing this sorcerer You need a strong martial arts to do it yourself, and Qin Yun does not have Wuhun and Neiyuan at all, so you don't have to worry too much about it."

Qin Yun looked at Guo Cheng coldly, the vice president of the Tian Xuanwu Academy, but several times he was directed at him!

Xiao Yuelan also looked at Guo Cheng with a murderous look, which made Guo Cheng feel very angry. He was a martial art, and he was the vice president of the Xuan-class martial arts. Now he is threatened by two little ghosts.

Qin Long is here, if there is no conclusive evidence, I can’t do anything about Qin Yun.

"Qin Yun, are you willing to come to our Blue Ling Beigong? I can give you very rich conditions!"

An old man from the North Palace, smiled and walked over: "You just entered the Star Xuanwu Academy soon? You don't have to stay inside, go directly to the North Palace."

Although Lanling Nangong had a relationship with Ye Family before, and the relationship was excellent, they also valued Qin Yun’s Tiens Totem. An old woman came over and said: “Qin Yun, you come to our Nangong, we opened Conditions will definitely be better than the North Palace."

The West Palace also wants to grab people, but they have too much contradiction with Qin Yun. In any case, Qin Yun will not join them in the West Palace.

Luo Chang, from the West Palace, sneered at the side: "You are so anxious to say the conditions, is it sure that his Tiens Totem is alive? If it is dead? You regret it too late!"

He looked at Qin Yun, and his eyes were full of disgusting colors: "Although he can realize the totem martial arts from it, it does not mean that the Tiens Totem is alive, and it has to be checked."

The old woman of Nangong nodded quickly and said: "Right right, check first!"

Shui Yihui told Qin Yundao: "The totem inheritance, the most important thing is to look at the 'totem soul' inside the totem. If there is no totem soul, then this totem is dead. This is not a good thing, it will be great for you in the future. Impact! For example, it will devour the power of your soul, making it difficult for your soul to ascend."

Luo Changdao said: "If it is a death totem, you keep dropping this arm, you may become a soulless madman because of this death totem."

"How to check?" Qin Yun was also scared by Luo Chang's words, and quickly asked about Water Yihui.

“It’s very simple, use the soul stone!” Shui Yihui took out an octagonal transparent stone and attached it to the Tianshi totem on Qin Yun’s shoulder. He continued: “If you have a totem soul in your Tiens totem, the stone will Give a radiance."

After the octagonal crystal stone was attached for a long time, nothing happened.

Everyone stared at the stone, saw no response, and secretly surprised at the same time, it was a little happy, because Qin Yun’s Tiens Totem is not alive!

"No response! Hahaha, it is dead!" Luo Chang is very happy.

The old woman of Nangong also hurriedly took out an octagonal soul-measuring stone, which was attached to the Tianshi totem of Qin Yun’s arm and still did not respond.

Later, the old man of the North Palace also took out the soul stone to test it, and the result is the same.

"The Tiens Totem is dead." Shui Yihui frowned.

"This... Qin Yun, you still have to practice in the Xingxuanwuyuan! If you want to enter our Nangong, you have to pass the assessment." The old woman of Nangong, the tone is also a bit cold, and then away from Qin Yun .

"Qin Yun, I am really sorry, you can do it yourself." After the old man of the North Palace finished, he entered the crowd.

It was so enthusiasm just now, and it became so cold in the blink of an eye that Qin Yun’s heart was very unhappy.

Everyone also thinks this is normal, because the dead Tiens Totem is of little value, and even makes Qin Yun crazy, so the elders of Nangong and Beigong will immediately turn their faces.

"Qin Yun, you can come to our East Palace, but I can't open any good conditions for you." Shui Yihui said.

Qin Yun asked: "The elders of the water, I heard that you have a strange door in the East Palace, right? Can I enter the strange door?"

Hearing the strange door, the face of Shui Yihui has changed, and other people in the Blue Lingxing Palace are also slightly surprised.

Xiao Yuelan hurriedly said: "Qin Yun, do you want me to be a widow? You must not go to the strange door, it is too dangerous!"

Yang Shiyue also said: "The singular door of Donggong is called genius hell. Whoever goes to die? Although there are many wonderful singular inheritances in it, no one has passed the assessment for many years!"

Shui Yihui sighed: "It doesn't matter, the strange door of Donggong, now no one is there, and only one elder of the outer door is hard to defend, responsible for cleaning the gate of the strange door. If you want to enter the odd The grain door is not something I can decide. Even if you can enter the singular door through the assessment, no one can guide you to practice, because you can pass the assessment, which is the owner of the singular door, the only successor!"

Luo Changchang sneered: "The owner of the singular door, like the head of the fourth house, is also because of this reason, so many geniuses went forward to carry out the assessment, but after entering the gate of the singular door, they never came out again. ""

"Qin Yun, you don't think about it anymore, come to the East Palace honestly, I promise, no one in the East Palace dare to bully you!" Xiao Yuelan looked at Qin Yun with a harsh look.

People in the hall want to laugh, Qin Yun, a big man, is actually protected by his wife.

Qin Yun smiled reluctantly: "This is why... I plan to stay in the Star Xuanwu Court first! My current situation is more complicated, so I intend to learn the essence of spiritual martial arts first.

He didn't go to Donggong as a disciple. It was not a good thing to be looked at by Xiao Yuelan. He was a big man, and he couldn't make people feel that he was afraid of his wife and he was protected by his wife.

Shui Yihui said: "Qin Yun, you'd better solve the problem of the Tiens Totem before entering the martial arts! The martial arts main soul, when your Tiens Totem will have a great impact on you."

Xiao Yuelan suddenly said: "Qin Yun, you take me to a secret place, I will tell you the secret of the funeral figure!"

"Yue Lan, you..." Xiao Yang Long is very anxious, but there is no way, Xiao Yuelan married Qin Yun, he did not get any benefit.

If he marries the Blue Lingxing Palace and wins Junjie, he will be very rewarded, and he will no longer practice the cultivation of resources.

After Xiaoyang Long entered the martial arts, he stagnated. The higher the cultivation, the more resources he needed to cultivate, and he was a quick and profitable person. Therefore, in order to obtain resources, he had no choice.

After the Tianxiao Empire was in charge of him, the treasury’s crystal coins were removed and used to cultivate for himself.


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