Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2003: Door god

In the hands of Xian Rujing, the arrow of Zhenyang God, the coldness of the wind, the kind of cold makes Qin Yun feel a little tremble. Enter

After entering the holy gate, Qin Yun’s space was full of all kinds of tyrannical energy.

This kind of energy is sandwiched by the power of the gods, but it is not entirely the power of the gods, but also with a gentle force, after absorption can make people more adapt to the use of the Holy Power after the holy.

Qin Yun is absorbing insane at this time, because this power is easy to absorb refining, and is most useful for his current stage.

Although he has many Shenyu Jinshi, it can also be easily absorbed by the transformation of the Jiuyuan array.

However, the power of the gods contrasts with the energy of this space, but it is not suitable for Qin Yun who has just turned the holy. "

Ghostly bastard, get out of it! "Xian Rujing said coldly: "If you want to kill me, don't hide!" ”

She used to be the goddess of ice and snow. After entering this space, she also knows that the energy here is very suitable. She is absorbing while watching the situation around her. Qin

After the cloud successfully entered the holy gate, it was not too worried to see that it could absorb the energy inside. he

I feel that even if I have been trapped here for a long time, it is not bad. By absorbing the energy inside, he can become stronger faster. that

The person who spoke has not come out until now, and still hides.

Immortal cold eyes, watching the front, step by step, whispered: "Qin Yun, how can we leave this place? Tell me quickly!"

I am not too sure, in short, we will continue to move forward! Qin Yun said: "Attention, try to absorb the energy here!" ”

"I know!" The immortal walk in front of him suddenly felt a force coming from behind.

That is the power to attack Qin Yun! Fairy

If the silence suddenly flashed, after coming to Qin Yun, the nine-yin chilly Zhenyang God arrow in his hand, vigorously smashed. she was

The Zhenyang Shenjian in his hand, like the long gun of the same white jade ice, will attack the energy of Qin Yun and condense into a round ice mass after vigorously pricking it out.

Qin Yun turned to the past and saw that there were many golden fine needles inside the ice mass, and he knew that it was a very powerful hidden weapon. "

Thank you! Qin Yun said.

"You're welcome, I won't let you die here!" Xian Rujing said coldly: "No matter what, we all know each other!" Qin

In the heart of the cloud, I feel a little funny, because in the eyes of Xianrujing, it is still the weak Qinyun.

Xian Rujing knows that Qin Yun is not weak. She said that she only looked for opportunities to return the owed before. Qin

The cloud looked around and shouted: "What the **** are you? How can you hide like a mouse?"

"You guys are offensive, and the guy who is good at the holy gate is the mouse!" The voice finally spoke, and angered: "I am the gatekeeper who guards the holy gate. I don't want to shoot. It is because of your low weakness. The mouse is not worthy of my personal appearance!"

"What is the relationship between the Holy Gate and the Tianshen Palace?" Qin Yun asked. "

Hey, I didn’t expect you guys to know the Temple of Heaven! "The door **** sneered: "The holy gate is controlled by the God Temple, which is many years ago!" The current holy gate has been incorporated into the rules of the heavens, controlled by the rules of the heavens, and operated in accordance with the rules of the heavens! ”

Qin Yun secretly accidentally, he did not expect a set of rules system established by Jiuyang Tianyu, even incorporated into the rules.

That is to say, in the ancient heavenly palace of the gods, all the Jiuyang Tianyu has been handed over to the heavenly rules!

Qin Yun suddenly understood that why Jiuyang had many nirvana, and it is very possible that the Tianshen Palace could not protect Jiuyang. "

Less nonsense, get out, let me kill you! "Sin Rujing's cold voice, with murderousness, echoes in this space. Qin

The cloud is still absorbing the energy here. He has now become holy and become a saint. Enter

Entering the gates of the Holy Land and absorbing the energy inside can consolidate the realm of the saints and will greatly help the future advancement. ratio

For now, the Eucharist and the Holy Spirit in his body have not reached a perfect blending state. Want

Promoting the harmony of soul, body and pulse is also a sage to cultivate in the future.

After entering the gates of the Holy Land, the strange energy absorbed can make the saints pass the initial stage faster.

The voice of the door **** is not coming out!

Xian Rujing said coldly: "You are a timid bastard, you can only hide and say some scary words!"


A beast suddenly came.

A golden tiger, coming out of the golden fog, rushed to Qin Yun! "

dead! Fairy

Like a cold and cold drink, like lightning, she seems to be integrated with the Zhenyang God arrow in her hand. While flying out, an arrow pierces the body of the golden tiger.

After the tiger was pierced, the body suddenly turned into ice.

When the immortal jade hand waved, the tiger and the ice suddenly turned into ice crystals and flew into her body. This

Equivalent to her swallowing the tiger! Qin

In the heart of the cloud, he was shocked. He knew that Xian Rujing was the goddess of ice and snow, but he had never seen this kind of devouring. "

Qin Yun, you don't have to shoot here! "Xian Rujing said."

When necessary, I still have to shoot! Qin Yun smiled and said: "If you are a quiet sister, you are much stronger than I thought!" ”

"Just you have been watching me for a long time!" Xian Rujing said: "Qin Yun, don't think that you used to be the king of the gods, I feel that I am not as good as you!"

Although Jing is deprived of emotions, the innate arrogance in her heart is still there. Look

Seeing this cold and proud fairy like Jing, Qin Yun’s heart is somewhat happy, at least at this point, this is still his familiar fairy.

Qin Yun’s heart is also imagining how it will become if he is deprived of emotions... He thinks that he has no emotions, he will never miss Xiao Yuelan, they are very indifferent to them, and their hearts are very fearful.

He can only be thankful that the curse of the man who fell on him is not so cruel.

After entering the gate of the Holy Land, the space inside is very large, surrounded by golden fog, and nothing can be seen. Qin

Yun and Xian Rujing can only keep moving forward. door

Although God said a lot of rumors, but never appeared, just release some things from time to time. Qin

The cloud is also very puzzled, why the **** has been attacking him, not attacking Xian Rujing.

"Qin Yun, don't think that I protect you, I still have feelings for you, you don't want to be passionate!" Xian Rujing suddenly said, because she saw Qin Yun all smiled on the way.

"I never felt that way! I know very well about Heaven, and your emotions are completely deprived!" Qin Yun spread his hands and said.

"Hey! I think you must still think so!" "

Ok, my heart is a little bit of fantasy! Qin Yun sighed: "Like Jing Jing, no matter what, I will never give up on you!" ”

"Infatuation!" Xian Rujing said: "I have no emotions, it is not a punishment, but a godsend! Now, I am much stronger than before!"

Qin Yun stunned and said: "Is this really what you are after?"

As Jing said: "Yes! When I inherited the position of God, I was told by the inheritance that I can't have too much emotion, especially the feelings of men and women... otherwise it will limit my growth!"

I must not have a lover, which will lead me to lose the true core heritage of the goddess of ice. I was troubled by various emotions before, and now all the emotions are gone, I don't know how easy it is! ”

The door **** suddenly laughed: "Say well! To become a powerful god, you should not be bothered by annoying emotions!"

You know a fart! "Sin is like a quiet channel."

Woman, how was your goddess of ice and snow? I am now a door god, you are on my site, dare to be so arrogant! I will let you know the consequences! "The door screamed and yelled."

I am the goddess of ice and snow, you are a small door god, and dare to let go before me. If you dare to come out, I will destroy you directly! "Xian Rujing is in the sky, shouting coldly. Now

She is, indeed, like a goddess of ice and snow. Qin

The cloud suddenly felt that the current fairy is also really good.

"Damn woman, you give me a wait, I will let you know that I am amazing!" The door **** was furious.

Xian Rujing is not taking care of the door god, because for so long, the door gods did not show up, it is obvious that they dare not come out.

Qin Yun still quietly absorbs the energy here. He whispers: "If you are a quiet sister, you cultivate the Jiuyin Shengmai. Do you know how to use it?"

"I don't know, I don't need you to tell me!" Xian Rujing looked at Qin Yun and said: "Don't help me, I have to explore for myself!"

"That! I will explore it myself, and if I have problems and solve it myself, it will help you grow!" Qin Yun said.

Qin Yun knows a lot about the Jiuyin Shengmai, but it is very powerful.

Xian Rujing is also absorbing the energy here, and the absorption speed is not slower than Qin Yun. he

They have been here for a few days and have not gone out. "

Door God, I want to ask you, have you ever been a disciple of the God Temple, or a disciple of the Heavenly Domain? Qin Yun asked.

What do you ask for this? Said the door god.

"You should know something about the gods," Qin Yun asked. "

Of course! "The door **** said: "I am the door god, the gods are desolate the gates of many wasteland, they are all under my control! ""

A janitor! "Sin is quiet and cold."

Qin Yun smiled and said: "The door god, I used to be the king of the gods!"

The door **** said: "I know! But you are not now, can you go to the holy land or not, let alone go to the gods in the future! So, now you are in the eyes of my door, not even a fart! ”

"What about me?" Xian asked quietly. "

Why are you... the gift of heaven, the deprivation of emotions, and the return to the right track, and his day will surely become a strong **** of God's waste, so I can't say it! "The door **** laughed and said: "But the king of the gods... the **** is not! ”

Xian Rujing looked at Qin Yun, only to see Qin Yun look light, she frowned: "This guy said you, are you not angry?"

"Not angry, what is so angry?" Qin Yun smiled lightly.

"Hey, hey, idiot!" Xian Rujing said coldly.

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