Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2006: Time and space

Immortal silence is silent, she stares at Qin Yun coldly, and seems to be able to see all the sufferings he has suffered from Qin Yun’s firm and bright eyes.

She did not know what kind of bitterness Qin Yun had suffered, but she could feel a different kind of coldness from the calm tone of Qin Yun. Look

Up, Qin Yun seems to be completely accustomed to all kinds of suffering, so I think of those tortures, it has become so calm.

Xian Rujing was immersed in meditation. She was thinking about how much suffering a person suffered in the end, and she became accustomed to it.

She thought about it carefully and couldn’t help but be shocked! Qin

The cloud is a person who feels numb to all kinds of sufferings! "

What happens when you enter chaotic time and space? "Xian Rujing asked."

If it is just the chaotic time and space of the fairy space, then we can still smash the past! Qin Yun said: "If it is the chaotic time and space of the holy space, it will be difficult! ”

“How hard is it?” Xian Rujing took a deep breath and was ready.

“I don’t know!” Qin Yun said calmly: “But you can rest assured that I have the experience to cope. We are now absorbing the energy here, saving it in the body, waiting for us to go to the holy land and then refining!”

As quietly nodded, said: "Let's come to repair!" Qin

The cloud was a little surprised and laughed: "To repair the heart and the moon, you need to trust me very much! Are you still trusting me as before?"

"I don't know, do you want to give it a try?" said Xian Rujing. "

come on! Qin Yun smiled. With

After that, they both put their palms together and looked at each other's eyes. "

I am starting! "Xian Rujing's tone is indifferent. Qin

The cloud nodded. Fairy

If the static start to run the heart and the moon, the two entered the state of repair. miss you

To absorb the energy here faster, the repair is indeed the fastest.

Qin Yun Jiuyang Shengmai, Xianrujing has Jiuyin Shengmai, at this time yin and yang meet, absorb energy faster and faster. four

The golden energy of the week merged into two streams of springs, rushing to the back of Qin Yun and Xian Rujing.

Although Xian Rujing is cold, but the beauty is flashing with joy, she can appreciate the benefits of training with Qin Yun. "

It seems that you still trust me! Qin Yun said.

"That's because you never let me down!" Xian Rujing snorted: "I have to say, you are indeed a man worth relying on!"

Qin Yun smiled and said: "Like Jingjie, my Jiuyang Shengmai and your Jiuyin Shengmai are very harmonious now. It seems that this cultivation method can enable both of us to improve quickly!"

Let's save energy in the body first, don't practice it now! "Xian Rujing said: "In this case, I can't meditate!" ""

Yes! Qin Yun said.

"Jiuyin Shengmai is really good!" Xian Rujing said: "If I practiced earlier, we should have this powerful pulse early!"

"If it is earlier, we may not be together now!" Qin Yun sighed.

Xian Rujing did not speak. If she and Qin Yun cultivated the Holy Spirit earlier, then they might have become strangers. "

You have cultivated the spirit of the Shuangling Jiuyang! If you and Yuelan are in the third layer of the heart and the moon, you should be able to cultivate the Jiuyang Shengmai! "Xian Rujing said.

“It is indeed possible!” Qin Yun said with a smile: “There may be other accidents!”

It is reasonable to say that I should cultivate the Jiuyang Shengmai? Why is it Jiuyin Shengmai? "Xian Rujing is very confused about this and asked."

"This may be related to your temperament! You are the goddess of ice and snow, Jiuyin Shengmai should be more suitable for you!" Qin Yun said. "

I don't think so! "Xian Rujing said: "I have the eight-yang sacred pulse in my own life. Your pulse is very special, which led me to cultivate the Jiuyin sacred vein!" Qin

The cloud said: "How come?"

Xian Rujing said: "My eight-yang sacred vein is difficult to evolve into a nine-yang sacred vein. I was... when you were in the third tier with your heart and soul, you were in a semi-conscious state. I feel very much. Clear, is your special pulse, which led me to cultivate the Jiuyin Shengmai!"

It’s strange to say, the few days I stayed with you... Why am I in a semi-conscious state! "Qin Yun is also very confused."

How did you feel at the time? "Xian Rujing is also very curious.

"At the time? Very comfortable, very enjoyable... I don't feel anything about the evolution of my own veins, only the feeling that you give is very deep!" Qin Yun frowned, very serious. Fairy

If you are crying quietly: "It’s all this stuff! It’s so important to evolve your own body, don’t pay attention!”

Qin Yun was not talking, but looked at the face of Xian Rujing, which was cold and jade, and quietly admired it. Fairy

As Jing said: "I suspect that there are things related to Jiuyin's veins in your body, so it leads me to cultivate the Jiyin Shengmai!"

Is it the reason for Jiuyang Shenque? Qin Yun said.

"I don't know, you may know!" said Ruan Rujing: "When I see her, I will ask her!"

They are in a state of repair and absorb energy very quickly. Qin

The energy absorbed by the cloud is in his meditation, temporarily stored, and not refining. Combined

After a few days of repairing, they suddenly felt that the space around them was collapsing!

After the collapse, Qin Yun and Xian Rujing are like a violent force, inhaling a place. in

At that moment, the two of them quickly clenched each other's hands and then hugged them together.

Qin Yun displayed the Tianwei hegemony of Tianwei Daofa, and also released a strong shield to protect them.

It was dark all around, and the turbulence of the space was very violent, constantly hitting them.

Fortunately, Qin Yun responded promptly, and had the experience of coping, in order to avoid being devastated by tyrannical space.

In the dark chaos of time and space, Qin Yun’s body releases golden light and illuminates the surroundings. that

Some of the light was distorted and swallowed, and I felt that the light had a very embarrassing feeling. on

When Qin Yun wanted to release the floating cloud tower, suddenly, the body of Xian Rujing showed a red light! One

The brutal momentum of the stocks surged out! "

Such as Jingjie..." Qin Yun screamed, only feeling an incomparable stinging into the body, caused by the red light of Xianrujing."

what! "Xian Rujing also gave a painful cry. She

Although tightly held together with Qin Yun, but the body was covered with red light, it suddenly disappeared.

Qin Yun’s heart was anxious, and he quickly took out the chasing soul and tracked the direction of Xian Rujing! "

Xiaoyun, what happened? Lingyun asked in a hurry.

"She was locked by the power of the penalty and was sent away!" Qin Yun said coldly: "The power of the penalty is currently directed at her, and she must be sent to a place where she is punished!"

what? "Ling Yuner is also very anxious: "She won't have something? What kind of punishment will it be? ”

"In that place, the space inside will be distorted, the body will be twisted, it will be painful, but the body will not be damaged!" Qin Yun sighed: "I was imprisoned in that place for thousands of years. !"he

Take out the trespass! jump

Tissot became a small gourd, and he was pinched in his hand, releasing a space force that allowed him to sense the exact direction of space. through

With the space power released by Tissot, he can rush through the violent space.

After half an hour, he suddenly came to a red space. Fairy

If Jing is in this space, she is lying on the ground, her face is pale, and she can't say anything.

This red space is the place of punishment! Qin

After the cloud came in, it was also difficult, and the body was twisted into various shapes. that

A familiar pain appears!

He has been imprisoned in this place for thousands of years, so he has long been used to this pain. and

Immortal but can not bear, was tortured and painful. Qin

After the cloud rushed over, she released the Tianwei hegemony and protected the fairy like Jing, she could breathe a sigh of relief. this

Come, he wants to put Xianrujing into the Jiuyang shrine, but the space magic weapon is completely invalid here. float

The cloud tower is also a space type, even if it is released, it will not become bigger! This

It is the place of punishment for chaotic time and space. It is the most chaotic and violent place for space energy. All kinds of space magic weapons are invalid. Qin

The Tissot, which is controlled by the cloud hand, cannot grow bigger at all, and no space power can be released.

Immortal and cold body, feeling a warm surge, she opened her eyes and found a golden mask covering her. and

Qin Yun is next to her, the body is stretched and twisted!

She could see Qin Yun’s twisted and elongated face full of painful colors, but she endured the pain in silence and released all the power to protect her! Fairy

Such as the cold and ruthless heart, suddenly slightly moved, there is a strange and familiar feeling in her heart. that

The wonderful feeling of the silk lingered in her heart, so that her eyes could not help but be a little moist! she was

She felt the pain just now, and she didn't want to endure it anymore. but

Qin Yun was able to hold it down, and it was very smooth to deliver energy to her, so that she could feel Qin Yun's love for her.

She can guess that Qin Yun had been trapped in such a place, so she was very familiar with this pain, and could endure it. When she thought of this, her heart was not a taste, and the complicated heart was secretly hurting! "

Yuner, we teamed up to release the strongest power of the sun! "Qin Yun endured the pain and communicated with the spirits: "The power of the meditation can distort time and space. We can just leave the twisted time and space here and leave!" ”

"Good!" Ling Yuner immediately cooperated with Qin Yun.

Together they release the power of the sun, but the effect is not obvious, it takes a long time to have a little effect.

But now there is no other way. If they want to leave, they must suppress the twisted time and space here and find a passage to go out.

It's easy to come in, but it's hard to go out. After all, this is the place for punishment in time and space! Fairy

If Jing is protected by the power released by Qin Yun, she would like to do something, but she can't do anything. She can only watch Qin Yun suffer.

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