Nine Sun God King

Chapter 201: Warcraft

The sky suddenly burst into a bang, and the huge thunder shook the earth, and the face of Qin Yun and Du Geng changed.

Oh la la...

At night, the rainstorms suddenly, the sky was lightning, and it was very horrible.

Qin Yun and Du Gui had to go from the stairs in the tree hole to the higher places, the rain was very big, and many huge hail were fallen.

At the tree hole of more than ten meters high, Qin Yun looked at the treasure forest in the distance, and could not help but feel the hail. The hail suddenly fell, and some even fell like a small hill. After falling on the ground, many trees were cut off. .

In the middle of this huge Xingyang Baoshu, many large leaves were also fallen, and there were many huge ice cubes several meters high in the open space around the big trees.

Many houses in the Star Xuanwuyuan were destroyed by these huge ice cubes.

Du Ghost frowned and looked at the lightning-intensive sky. His face was heavy: "The big thing is not good. This phenomenon is very abnormal. It seems that there is something above the clouds. I use the spirit to explore and explore!"

"Teacher, isn't the enchantment yet open?" Qin Yun asked, so much so that the ice could fall into the Star Xuanwu Court, and the enchantment did not open at all.

Now the herd is coming, and if it does not open the enchantment, a powerful flying beast can destroy the entire martial art.

When the devil looked at the top of the clouds, he suddenly snorted and the old face was full of horror: "Sure enough, there is something on the clouds!"

At this time, the enchantment suddenly opened, and the rain and hail failed to fall into the martial arts.

However, there was still heavy rain outside, and the lake of Wanxing Lake had overflowed and gradually drowned the middle island.

Qin Yun hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? Are heavy rain and ice cubes made out of them?"

"It should be! I don't know what it is! It should be a kind of beast. It seems to have the atmosphere of ice martial arts and water martial arts, and the soul of the martial arts! The flying beasts have begun to us. It’s done.” Du Ghost, though full of surprise, did not feel afraid.

Qin Yun is secretly horrified, and there are animals that are powerful enough to call the wind and rain, and there is still some wisdom to know how to attack the fortress built by humans in this way.

Du Ghost looked at the sky and suddenly shouted: "Appears!"

Qin Yun has also been watching the dark clouds in the air. After the devil's shouting, the dark clouds are more crazy, and I saw a huge lizard flying, which was drilled from the dark clouds.

The black lizard has a pair of wings, the body is covered with black scales, and the eyes are purple, the forelimbs are slightly smaller, and the hind legs are two powerful legs with sharp claws.

"What is this?" Qin Yun’s voice was full of fear.

"I don't know!" Du Ghost shook his head and his face was very dignified.

The wings of the black lizard are twenty or thirty meters long, like the wings of a bat, vigorously fluttering, holding up the huge lizard body, suspended in the sky above the Xuanwuwu, a white chill in the air, a large number of The rain gathered together and merged into huge ice.

After the ice cubes fell on the enchantment of the Star Xuanwuyuan, they were decomposed and flew.

"Let the animals, give me a roll away!" A fierce snoring came out, in the middle of the Star Xuanwuyuan, flying a golden figure, a white-haired old woman, holding a golden long whip, rushing to the sky, across Enchantment, slamming the monster with a whip.


The sound of whipping was like thunder, and it made a loud noise. The earth shook and shook, and at the same time it flashed a golden light, illuminating the entire star Xuanwuyuan.

The flying monster in the air made a roar and was pumped out of more than a thousand meters. Then he fluttered his wings and fled.

"This grandmother is really amazing!" Qin Yun squinted and looked at the golden figure that slowly landed.

"She is our dean, it is really very powerful, and it is very strict! Even our teachers are often reprimanded by her." Du Ghost smiled, and now he is more assured.

The rain is getting smaller, the clouds are gone, and the sky once again appears in the sky, illuminating the Wanxing Lake.

The fear and haze that shrouded in the Star Xuanwuyuan also dissipated.

In the middle of the Xuanwu Academy, there is a tower with dozens of stories. The top of the tower shimmers with light. After the dugong sees it, Qin Yundao: "The dean is calling all the teachers, I am going to the meeting! You don't want to retreat next. Practice, wait for me to come back!"

Qin Yun nodded, then left the Baoshulin and came to the center of the Xingxuanwuyuan.

In the middle of the area, there are many public places, fighting martial arts, colleges, Xuandian stores, crystal shop, and various shops... so this is also a lively place.

Although I had just made a hail, it was not destroyed, because the heads of the shops were all strong, even if they flew out to explode the huge ice that fell.

The buildings in other areas were destroyed, most of them were student houses, so they are now running to the hotel inn here.

Qin Yun came to the center of the Xuanwu Academy and went to the entrance of the Xingxuan Academy. It is a nine-story square stone tower that is very strong at first sight.

There are many books in the academy. There is a special crystal near each bookcase. It can record the surrounding images. If someone destroys a book or steals a book, it will be immediately discovered and severely punished. In severe cases, it will be expelled. .

The academy is very large. There are nine floors in total. There are hundreds of long bookcases on each floor. Qin Yun came here and suddenly became a big man.

The staff still here are old people who are familiar with the areas where books are stored.

Qin Yun asked about it, learned the book where the Wushu knowledge related, and then ran to the third floor. After coming to the area, he found a bookcase with books on the knowledge of Wuhun.

Qin Yun quickly looked at him. He was very energetic. He could read a page at a glance, while searching for what he wanted to know, while remembering all the knowledge he had seen.

If he wants to master the skills of refining the soul, he also needs to master a lot of Wushu knowledge.

The Wu Hun books here record a variety of martial arts, as well as an in-depth description of various martial arts.

Qin Yun stayed in this area for a few days. He kept reading books around the clock and stayed in a very focused state. He did not find the passage of time.

He read the books of hundreds of martial arts knowledge here and took a breath.

"My mysterious martial art, called the martial arts soul of the yang, can release the mysterious dark inner force, which can decompose energy and absorb energy quickly! The dark inner force can also hide in the darkness... Besides The most powerful thing is that it can release a powerful fire of the sun, according to the most powerful part of the flame, can quickly dissolve everything!"

After Qin Yun has more understanding of his martial arts, it is also calmer, and this martial arts can bring great help to his refining equipment.

"The knowledge of the martial arts in the Xuanwu Academy is really rich. I also found the knowledge related to the martial arts of Yuemei. If she makes the mirror martial arts stronger, then she will have the ability to have a variety of martial arts in the future, and even It’s terrible to extract the martial arts from the mirror."

Qin Yun left the college and thought while walking on the road.

Returning to the Xingyang Baoshu, he saw Du Gui waiting in his tree hole.

"Where is this kid, where did you go? I said that you will wait for me to come back. Is it going to hook up the female student?" Du Ghost saw Qin Yun coming back and smiled.

Qin Yun didn't have a good voice: "No, I went to the academy and added some knowledge! Teacher, how is your meeting going?"

Du Ghost Road: "The herd has already appeared, because we have the protection of the Wanxing Lake, so the herd on the land can not come here! The sky is also flying around, afraid to pass here."

Qin Yun was slightly surprised. He didn't expect to see the book in the college for a few days. The herd appeared.

Du Ghou said again: "Our dean is well-informed. She tells us that the beasts that appear from the Yunlong Mountains are called Warcraft! They also include ghosts and evil beasts. If they are normal monsters, not all are ferocious. Some monsters are still very human, and they will not actively attack humans."

"Warcraft is fierce and incomparable, like human flesh, especially eating strong human beings, can make their strength stronger."

Qin Yun is in the college, but he did not go to see the books related to the beast. He nodded. "Some monsters can be adult-shaped through monasticism. Some monsters are very eager to become human beings. They are worried that murder will be punished. And in the future, when the people are robbed, if the killing is too heavy, the robbery will be stronger."

This is what Ding Tianjun told him.

Du Ghost was a little surprised, saying: "It seems that you still know more about the monsters! These knowledge, books will not describe too much, because most people are very resistant to the monsters."

"The animal tides that are now appearing are almost all of Warcraft! They are all coming from the magical wasteland. These Warcrafts were originally intended to enter the Wushu from the magical wasteland, but there are too many strong people in the Wushuang, they have to hide in the Yunlong Mountains. However, there are also many powerful monsters in the Yunlong Mountains. There is no space for them to live. If they do not eat human flesh, they will come to the edge of the land."

It turned out to be a herd from the devil's desert. After a long journey, I came here. Maybe I haven't eaten for many days, it will be even more ferocious.

"I am afraid that it is not as simple as eating human flesh. This large group of Warcraft has certain wisdom. It may be that there is something in the Yunlong Mountain Range to attract them." Qin Yun thinks that this may be related to the land of the funeral.

Du Ghost said: "There is also such a speculation! In short, if we want to go out now, we must be extra careful."

He took out a card made of crystal and handed it to Qin Yun. He said: "This is your mysterious crystal card. You can drop blood on it! Next, there will be a test of the beast! Star Xuanwuyuan Some of the old guys inside need a powerful World of Warcraft to study. You can go find a good partner, go out to hunt beasts, and get a certain black point."

Qin Yun took the crystal card to drop blood.

Du Gang said again: "The outside environment must have become very bad, so the martial arts will not let you out. You need to pass the assessment and get the pass token to get in and out freely."


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