Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2010: Holy Tiger Siege

Qin Yun also thought that this king of gods was to hide the sun species, and to absorb the power of the sun, and then sacrificed through the altar.

Now that he saw a powerful beast attacking the city, he suddenly understood that the powerful walls and enchantments built by the King of God were mainly to defend against the beast attack. "

Xiaoyun, when entering the city, it seems that there is something to explore the beasts of the human being! "Ling Yuner said: "It seems that there are a group of beasts, always want to attack the city! ”

Qin Yun nodded: "I will go out and see! These beasts should be directed at the sun!"

Insiders are upset because the movements outside are magnified.

When Qin Yun walked on the street, he saw many people with pale faces. They were mainly scared by the pressure from outside the city. God

The people among the kings, the immortals are mostly, they can't stand the pressure and it is normal.

Not to mention the immortal, even the saint, was scared not to approach the wall. whole

The Six Kings of the King of God have been trembled all the time, and the shocks of various bangs broke out one after another. Outside the walls of the thick and thick walls, there will be strong light rushing into the night sky from time to time. "

There are many beasts in the siege! Qin Yun was shocked: "Is these beasts guided by the sun, so come to the siege?" "God

The city gate of Wang Liucheng is closed, and it is not easy to go out.

People in the city are very worried that the six kings of the gods will be broken. Xu

Many people are walking towards the altar of the sun in the center of the city. only

Qin Yun and a few people rushed to the city wall.

Beside Qin Yun, there is a skinny old man. When the old man rushed to the city gate, his face was cold and calm.

The short old man in gray clothes noticed that Qin Yun was behind him. He saw Qin Yun not afraid of the momentum of the powerful beasts, and he was also shocked.

"Young people, you should go to the center of the city to hide!" said the gray-haired old man.

"Predecessors, what do you want to do when you run over?" Qin Yun asked with a smile. "

I just want to see, there is something to attack this six kings of God! "The old man in gray clothes smiled and said: "Young people, you look courageous, not even afraid! ""

I also want to see, the situation of those beasts siege, must be spectacular! Qin Yun smiled lightly, following the old man.

Not long after, Qin Yun and the old man jumped on the wall. he

When they came to the wall, they saw a large group of gold giant tigers, and they radiated a sun-like glow. This

The giant tigers are densely packed, with tens of thousands.

The foremost gold giant tigers are the largest, with a length of tens of meters and a large pointed corner. number

Hundreds of such huge gold giant tigers are using the giant horns above their heads to madly impact the city gates and the city walls.

The old man saw frowning: "It is the holy land of the gods and tigers. It can command so many tigers. It should be only the king of the tiger, but it is a strong yang beast!"

Wang Liucheng was attacked by the city. He could only close the gate and open the defensive enchantment. There was no way to drive away the tens of thousands of holy tigers. gray

The old man is very calm, watching the tens of thousands of giant tigers attacking the scene of the earthquake, against Qin Yundao: "The defense of this six kings of the gods is very strong, these tigers can not break, rest assured to see it!"

Qin Yun suddenly felt that there was a wave of space fluctuations in the huge sun altar in the center of the city. he

Turning around and seeing the sun, the altar of the sun is shining brightly, and a powerful power is being transported to the altar of the sun. Of course

Then pass the sun altar to enhance the big city!

The old man in gray clothing saw the sun altar release the power, and suddenly he was relieved. He smiled and said: "I have spent a few grains into the city. If I can't keep the city, then I can only go to other **** kings!"

Although the defense of the King of God is very strong, many people do not believe that the king of the gods can hold, so they are gathered near the altar of the sun. too

The power of the Yang altar is very strong, and that divine power is transmitted from the gods.

“There is no helper for the King of God?” Qin Yun said: “Don’t they want to repel this group of tigers?”

"Repulsing this group of tigers will be very serious!" The gray-haired old man shook his head and said: "Young people, you don't know, this group of tigers is not only difficult to kill, but also not afraid of death... because after these tigers die, the soul will immediately Enter the nine underworld, and then return to the Holy Land of the Holy Land by the special passage of the Nine Underworld!"

That's it! "Qin Yun’s heart is dark and happy, and the Nine Underworld can be associated with the Holy Land, which means that the Nether Emperor has begun to control the Nine Underworld.

Qin Yun looked at the door and smiled at the old man: "Predecessors, it is better for us to join hands and blow the door open, how?"

"Are you crazy?" The gray-haired old man snorted and smiled. "Young people, you are really joking!"

The cloud smiled slightly: "I am not kidding! There are more than a dozen strong sacred priests, holding the door, you take those big sacs, I am going to attack the door!"

The old man saw Qin Yun’s serious look and frowned. “Why are you doing this? Why am I crazy with you? What good is this for us?”

"Predecessors, don't you want to see the power of the altar of the gods?" Qin Yun said: "If you help me this, I will give you ten sun gods!"

"You look down on people too much, ten sun gods want to buy me?" The old man shook his head and smiled.

"Predecessors, should you be a hunter?" Qin Yun looked at the old man's gray coat, which was made of animal skin. There are many ornaments on the old man's body, all made of some animal teeth. Have

Some hunters like to make things like the powerful beasts they hunted. old

The person said: "Young people, can you see that I am a great saint? I am an old hunter, my occultity is very good!" Qin

The cloud suddenly took out a huge tooth that was several meters long and smiled. "What is this, you should know?"

The old man saw the huge golden dragon tooth, suddenly widened his eyes and shouted: "Dragon tooth!"

"You help me to open the door to the guy, this dragon tooth will give you!" Qin Yun finished, quickly put the dragon tooth away. God

Dragon tooth, for the holy people, is very precious. but

Qin Yun has many dragon teeth, so it is nothing to him. gray

The old man is a hunter. If he can get this kind of dragon tooth and make it into a weapon, it will be enough for him to have a good wind for many years.

"We signed the soul contract!" Although the old man did not know why Qin Yun wanted to open the door, he knew that as long as he helped Qin Yun, he could get the dragon tooth. to

What will happen to the Six Kings of God, he does not care at all, this city is not his. Qin

After the cloud signed a contract with the gray-haired old man, the gray-haired old man took out a mask and a light blue hunting bow. old

After wearing the cloak, they suddenly disappeared, and even the breath was hidden.

"This old hunter, really amazing!" Qin Yunxiao laughed.

The old man kept the distance with more than a dozen people who kept the door, then pulled the bow and shot more than a dozen energy-generating arrows. The arrows were like lightning, and they hit the guards of more than a dozen.

The dozens of people were very strong, and they immediately discovered the location of the old gray-haired man. They had only ten people rushing over and leaving four gatekeepers.

Qin Yun suddenly summoned the Tianyu Tiens! "

Xiao Ming, you may be killed... but you can be born again from the Nine Underworld, if you see the righteous father there, help me to greet him! Qin Yun said.

Although the strength of Tiens in the field is strong, it is not enough to deal with the four great saints.

Qin Yun is only a sage in the early stage. Unless he is a saint in the later period, he can cultivate three layers of sacred glory. that

After seeing the Tianshi Tiens, the four great saints immediately rushed to attack.

At this time, Qin Yun also took out nine days of dragon and lion guns!

There are two star artillery shells in the nine-day dragon and lion gun!

Bang! Two

The grained artillery shells hit the gates of the city, and the buildings that were close to the gates were all destroyed. God

Inside the interior of Wang Liucheng, there was a rush of hot air. that

The two star artillery shells are very powerful, destroying many buildings, but still can't break the door.

Qin Yun bit his teeth and controlled the nine-day dragon and lion gun to cool a little. He inserted the Zhenyang **** arrow into the nine-day dragon and lion gun.

Zhenyang Shenjian crazyly absorbed the power of Jiulong Shenyu, and suddenly swallowed it to a full state.

"Breaking!" Qin Yun suddenly felt at this time, there are many great saints rushing over, there are still a few days of holy. town

Yang Shenjian flew out and hit the door, the power of the Kowloon gods that swallowed up!


A strong and violent explosion broke out. The whole six kings of the gods seemed to suddenly rise and fall, and most of the buildings in the city were shocked at the moment. city

The door was shattered by the Zhenyang **** arrow, and most of the city walls were bombarded.

The guardian city of the Six Kings of the King of God is integrated with the city wall. After the wall is crushed from the inside, the large array temporarily expires!

Qin Yun took back the Zhenyang God Arrow and used it to cast a light and rush out of the city. that

The great sage that the group was rushing over, and when they saw the big squad of the moat being smashed, they were so scared that they immediately turned and flew to the altar of the gods.

At this time, the tigers burst into flames, and tens of thousands of holy tigers rushed to the altar of the gods! God

Wang Liucheng was actually broken! Shou

The people who protect this city are from the nine Yangzong gates. They know very well why the city was attacked because some people attacked the gate from the inside and used a very powerful force! Qin

The cloud is far from the six kingdoms of the gods. In a mountain forest outside the city, standing on a high rock on the top of a mountain, watching the six kings of the gods in the distance.

There are many wars in the six kings of the gods. Many people have fled again and again. It has to be said that the holy tiger from the holy land of the gods and tigers is extremely terrible, and the great sanctification of human beings cannot resist. Qin

After the cloud, suddenly a gray old man appeared.

"I am a very good hunter, I know that I am here!" Qin Yun turned to look at the old man, smiled. "

You are even better, actually actually piercing the door! The things in your hands are terrible! "The gray-clothed old man just took the big saints and it didn't take long for the whole city to fall. Qin

The cloud took out the dragon tooth and gave it to him. He smiled and said: "Happy cooperation!"

At the top of the huge altar in the distance, a golden cloud suddenly appeared, and Qin Yun felt the familiar atmosphere coming! Tianwei is here! day

Dao Shenyu dispatched their Tianwei defending army!

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