Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2017: Missing mountain

The six kings of the gods have just been rebuilt, and there is a strong pillar protection that has fallen from the gods, but they cannot protect the entire city. This

The giant city cracked in the continuous tremor, and the newly built building suddenly collapsed.

After a large number of buildings collapsed, a burst of dust was raised!

The most surprising thing is that this time the huge altar did not release energy protection and disappeared.

The mighty Altar of the King of God, in the minds of all, is the most invincible existence of the Holy Land, and now suddenly disappears, causing panic among many people! special

Don't be powerful forces that are very close to the Temple of God. If the Temple of God can't stop the mysterious attack, they can't stop it. for

To appease the people, the group of people from the Tiandao Shenyu released a message saying that the altar of the gods is only returning to the gods, so that everyone does not have to panic.

In fact, everyone in the Tiandao Divine knows that there is a strong ban on the altar under the altar. whole

The reason why the six kings of the king of the gods were destroyed again was the ghost that the **** of heaven was forbidden. Correct

In this matter, the heavenly people of the Tiandao Sanctuary are not talking about it, because this involves the Yang species! Such as

Today, those celestial beings can only report this matter to the Tiandao Shenyu to send more seniors to investigate. because

For the presence of the heavenly people, after a simple review, it is initially determined that the Yang is no longer underground!

Nine positive species, suddenly one disappeared, this sensational whole heaven and earth! that

The group of people on the scene, also felt a very powerful space energy. day

People's knowledge is also extremely rich, can be associated with the space Xuan ants, that the space power comes from the space Xuan ants. Yang

It is a very strong source of energy, and it is normal to be stared by the space ants, but they don’t understand why space ants are going to get rid of their altar! Qin

After the cloud took down the altar, he did not leave these days, but walked around the six kings of the gods and inquired about various news.

After a few days of inquiries, what surprised him was that Tiandao Shenyu actually denied that the altar was taken away, but declared that the altar returned to the gods!

Then a large altar suddenly disappears. If the holy people know that the altar is full of things, the majesty of the entire temple of God will be affected. Qin

I feel funny in the heart of the cloud, because the Heavenly Divine domain has not yet known what is going on! Qin

The cloud took out a message and contacted the old hunter Kong Cheng. hole

Cheng is the person of the Holy Palace. He went to help Qin Yun to inquire about the whereabouts of the strange mountain. "

Kong Lao, do you find the strange mountain that will move? Qin Yun asked, he would like to know where the strange grain mountain went.

If Jing Jing knew that the Six Kings of the Kings had been broken, he immediately rushed to find him and found it. he

I feel that the people in the strange mountains and mountains will know the situation of the six kings of the gods. They should come to him.

"I heard a little news, but I am still not sure!" Kong Cheng’s voice was transmitted to Qin Yun’s mind through the message.

"Speak the news you heard!" Qin Yun said.

"This is the case. I heard the strange mountain that will move. This mountain prefers to devour the sun **** stone! This strange mountain has been very close to the dragon people!" Kong Cheng said: "I learned the news. The dragons have a group of dragons, stayed with this strange mountain for a while, and then they all disappeared together!"

"A group of dragons of the dragon family, and the strange mountains are missing?" Qin Yun surprised, the strange grain of the mountain and the dragon's dragon mixed together, this is very normal.

Because there are several celestial dragons in the grotesque mountain, there are also the black scorpion, the basaltic god, and several powerful singular beasts.

However, it is clear that there is such a powerful force, but it suddenly disappears, which is very problematic! hole

Cheng said: "I learned from the dragons that they are also looking for the missing mountain and the children of their dragons!"

Qin Yun frowned: "In addition to these, what other news do you have?"

Cheng said: "A friend of my dragon family told me that the dragons suspected that the group of dragons they were missing were taken away by the Dark Royal Family!"

"Why do the dragons have such doubts?" Qin Yun felt that it was possible because the strange mountains were strong and could become a strong fighting force.

Hercules is very active in many battlefields, it is very eye-catching, plus the old nest of the strange door, so it is normal to be stared by the Dark Royals. "

Any other news? Qin Yun asked.

"For the time being, I will continue to inquire!" Kong Cheng said: "Feiyun Xiaoge, I heard that there are many things in the Six Kings of God. Can you talk to me?"

Qin Yun told Kong Cheng about the situation of the six kings of the gods. Of course, he did not tell Kong Cheng what he had taken away from the altar and the sun. only

It is said that the altar is not seen, and there is a very powerful energy bursting out in the underground of the Six Kings. "

Feiyun Xiao Ge, what do you think about this incident? "Cheng Cheng said."

Kong Lao, I learned that a gossip is not necessarily true. Do you want to listen? "Qin Yun passed the message, and laughed."

"Speak to listen!" Kong Cheng is also very curious. "

Under the six kings of the gods, there is a hidden treasure, so the holy tiger holy land wants to attack the city! Today, there is a problem with the treasures under the six kings of the gods, so the altar disappears! Qin Yun said: "The altar, there is no return to the gods! ”

Kong Cheng was shocked and said: "Feiyun Xiao Ge, how did you get this news? I have heard from an old man in the Great Palace that there are hidden things under the nine kings of God!"

"I used to help the Tigers to attack the door, so I contacted them and learned from them!" Qin Yun said.

"This is a very good news. It seems that I have to spread it!" Kong Chengxiao smiled.

"That's good, what do we find and then contact... Yes, I am going to go to the Holy Palace!" Qin Yun said.

"Well, you first come to the very holy city near the Holy Palace. After we go, we will contact again!" Kong Cheng finished, and then told Qin Yun a direction, let him find it. hole

Cheng is also anxious to get the news from Qin Yun that spread out.

He has a big news network. He provides such news and can gain certain prestige. As a result, others are more willing to provide some information to him.

Although the six kings of the gods were destroyed again, many people wandered around and had not left. They mainly wanted to know what would happen to the six kings of the gods. Qin

The cloud is to go to the very holy city.

On the way to go, he stopped and entered the tower.

He tried to contact the Star God but he did not succeed. God

The new king of the gods appeared in the wild. He wanted to contact the star god, just to ask the new king. "

Can not be done! Qin Yun looked at the altar of the star **** and shook his head: "It seems that the connection channels of other gods and holy places are blocked. Only love gods and holy places can communicate!" ”

Ling Yun said: "Xiaoyun, have you just got the altar of the gods? You can use it to transform into the altar of the gods!"

This is OK, but it is a little difficult! Qin Yun said: "I must first control the altar of the gods, at least to get smaller!" ”

Qin Yun is now beginning to think about how to use the altar of the gods. he

Inject your own strong spiritual power into the Jiuyang gods to explore the altar. Festival

The altar was placed inside the Jiuyang gods and was also sealed by the Jiuyuan array in Kowloon. As a result, the altar could not sense the altar.

After Qin Yun probed the altar for a whole day, he finally found many crack points.

What he has to do now is to first lift the consciousness of the heavenly domain to control the altar. This is crucial.

If it is smooth, then he can control the altar and make the altar small, so that it can be easily dismantled and studied.

Inside the altar of the altar, there is a strong consciousness. This consciousness becomes very arrogant because it is connected with God.

Qin Yun had to release the moon, let the moon enter the altar, and erase this consciousness a little bit.

This incident is not easy. It took Qin Yun several days to erase the consciousness inside the new altar. that

Because of the inability to communicate with God, the stock consciousness is a blank consciousness, but it has strong resistance.

Fortunately, Qin Yun has a strong moon, and he has a wealth of experience in refining the soul, so he can erase the consciousness of turning into a soul. "

nailed it! Qin Yun can now control the new altar to become smaller.

The new altar has been reduced to a minimum of more than ten meters.

Unlike the previous altar, it can be turned into a small table. Qin

The cloud can only come to the warehouse of Yuetiansuo, release the new altar and begin the dismantling study. Correct

Qin Yun is very interested in all kinds of complicated strange patterns. he

Originally, it was a very talented singularist, let alone the rich grotesque knowledge in the memory of his previous Jiuyang Dianwang.

Whether it is the King of the Clouds or the King of the Gods, it is very research on the strange patterns.

So when he studied the new altar, he found many important things. "

I don't need to make a change. I just need to dock the original altar of the gods and the altar. Maybe I can contact the star **** sister! "Qin Yun immediately took out the star **** altar of the floating cloud tower. Star

After the altar of God became small, it was only as big as a table. and

The new altar is a hill more than ten meters high.

Qin Yun placed the altar of the gods on top of the new altar and took out some dragons. he

Many complex grotesque patterns are engraved inside the dragon's ribs for simple connection between the two altars.

After ten days of tossing, Qin Yun finally connected the two altars and then released the Jiuyuan array. most

After that, let the little ant come out and release the space power, urging the two altars to open, to connect with the gods of the gods, and to contact the gods.

This can be done mainly because Qin Yun has been involved in refining the gods and knowing the space well, so it can be done. only

It was not long before a charming woman wearing a red armor appeared on the altar of the Star God.

The star **** appeared, in a battle suit, the charming Yu Yu is a bit embarrassed, her look is very serious! "

Star God sister, what happened to you? Qin Yun was shocked: "You should not be in a retreat?" ”

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