Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2026: Chaos nine yuan power

Qin Yun did not use the creation of the soul of Tianding, did not know the need for chaotic nine yuan force, which caught him by surprise. he

I have a lot of energy in my hands, Shenyu Jinshi, Shenyu Amethyst and Sun Shenjing have everything, and there is also Jiuyuan Tianyuan array. Place

He does not need to worry about the energy source he believes to create a soul. Such as

Now he knows that he needs the legendary energy of the chaotic nine-yuan force.

Qin Yun released the Jiuyuan array in Jiulong, and there were storage spaces in the nine dragon-shaped knives. Now the star soul is placed. that

Some of the star souls were collected by Yu Shutian in the same year, and two of them were placed in the nine dragon-shaped knives. "

let's start! "Qin Yun is in the Jiuyuan array in Kowloon, controlling the large array of operations.

After the array is running, the energy of the Shenyu Jinshi is mobilized to match the energy fusion of the star soul, and then introduced into the creation of the soul.

"Yue, you ask the Ding Elves, how is the situation now!" Qin Yun said.

"I am communicating with her, she did not answer me for the time being!" Ling Yun said with a smile: "I may have an effect, so she did not answer me!" Qin

After waiting patiently for a while, Yun Yuner said: "She answered me, saying that the energy is useful, but it takes a lot of it!"

“Useful!” Qin Yun said with a sigh of relief, “Tell me again, can you make Wu Dasheng’s soul stronger!”

Qin Yun can't control the soul-making Tianding now, only through the Ding Elves.

He suspects that the reason why the creation of the soul of Tian Ding will be sealed in the Tiandao **** shop, most likely because of the loss of control.

Chuangling Tianding used his own consciousness and did not want to be controlled by people, so he was out of control.

Qin Yun did not dare to force the control of the soul of Tianding, so as not to cause the creation of the soul Tianding to run away.

"She said yes, it just takes a little time!" Ling Yun said with a smile: "There is finally an effect!"

Yes! "Qin Yun smiled slightly: "Or else, I really don't face Kong Lao! For the rhyme, you ask the Ding Elf, the energy she absorbs now, and the chaotic nine-yuan force is different! "spirit

After the rhyme asked, she said: "She said that the difference is relatively large, and the energy absorbed today is accompanied by a little bit of chaotic nine-yuan force!"

Sure enough, the ultimate goal of Jiulong Tianyuan array is to release the chaotic nine yuan force! "Qin Yun thought: "If I make nine chaotic gods, this is the energy that drives the Jiuyuan source array, and I can condense a strong chaotic nine-yuan force!" ”

"Xiaoyun, take it easy! You first collect Shenyu Dragon Ball, and use Dragon Ball to create a Jiulong Tianyuan array!" Lingyun laughed. "

I only have two dragon **** in my hand, and I still have seven! Qin Yun shook his head and sighed: "Large!" ”

Qin Yun also squats now, let Ling Yuner and Ding Elves talk, ask Ding Elves some things, and further understand the creation of the soul of Tian Ding. ...


Outside the secret room, Kong Cheng was anxiously walking around because he was worried that Qin Yun failed, leading his master to return to heaven.

Of course, he also made the worst plan, even if Qin Yun failed, he would not blame Qin Yun. because

For the original intention of Qin Yun, it is also good for his master. Moreover, his master Wu Dasheng also volunteered to Qin Yun. before

When Jing Cheng was anxiously waiting, Ji Jingshi rushed over. "

Kong old man, what are you doing here? Why don't you go in and see the master? "Ji Jingshi cold and cold, the eyes are full of chill.

"The master is retreating, let me protect the law outside!" Kong Cheng said. "

I want to see the master! Ji Jingshi said: "I learned that you came to see the master with a person. That guy is the **** who killed me before, right?" ”

Kong Cheng cold channel: "The master is retreating inside, let me look outside! If you want to be hard, then I can only fight with you!"

"Confucius old man, the guy who beat the master before came again! They are very arrogant, I came to ask the master to fight!" Ji Jingshi said: "I am for the honor of our entire division, you quickly let go!"

"What state is the master now, you will not know? I want him to go out, you want him to die soon, is it?" Kong Cheng’s voice is getting colder and colder, and the cold murder is slowly coming out. "

What is your friend doing inside? You shouldn’t be collaborating with the guy to start with the master! "Ji Jingshi is very anxious about this matter."

Kong Cheng coldly said: "I don't know, the master said that there is something to talk to my friend, and my friend is also helping the master to heal ... Yes, my dragon tooth is my friend!"

Your dragon tooth is the bastard? What is the bastard? In the eyes of Ji Jingshi, suddenly he was full of sorrow and greed.

It can be seen that he is very dizzy and earns a sacred tooth, so he reveals a greedy gaze, as if he wants to **** it.

"My friend is very versatile, and he is a low-key person. He is the one who comes to the head. I said you don't know it! After all, you guys who are in the middle of no doubt are definitely ignorant!" Kong Chengxiao said with a smile: "My friend is a singer." , still very strong!"

Ji Jingshi also recalled that Qin Yun was wearing the blue robes with many strange lines on it.

He just didn't think that a guy in the late stage of the saint had a dragon tooth, and he gave it to others casually!

He really looked away!

"Confucius old man, if the master has three long and two short, you will give me a walk!" Ji Jingshi resented and sighed, then turned and left.

Kong Chengyin smiled coldly: "Ji Jingshi, you care about the master, do you want to get him?"

Suddenly, I stopped and stepped back to Kong Cheng. The voice was very cold and said: "The old man, you don't think too much, otherwise you will not live the day when the sun falls!"

Are you threatening me? You and you, what the abacus is playing? "Kong Cheng has already determined that Ji Jingshi really has any purpose, only to worship Wu Dasheng as a teacher.

"Confucius, you don't even know what the master has. You, the former master, have failed too much, hahaha..." Ji Jingshi said with a smile: "The old man said that his inheritance after death, Only passed to the big disciple, and I am a big disciple!"

After the shock was over, he quickly left.

Kong Cheng blinked and killed the light. If

It’s not that Ji Jing’s journey is fast, and Kong Cheng may have already shot.

"Ji Jingshi, you give me a wait!" Kong Cheng only hopes that his master can live a little longer, so that Ji will not succeed in the world. ...


Although the cloud is in the secret room, it can hear the sound outside. This is the same as his previous speculation. Ji Jingshi really had a plot to worship Wu Dasheng as a teacher.

The soul of Wu Dasheng is in the heart of the creation of the soul, is accepting the energy quenching released by the creation of the soul. Invasive

Soul Tianding absorbs the energy of the Jiuyuan source array in order to quench the soul. because

There is no real chaotic nine-yuan force, so the progress is slower. "

Xiaoyun, Wu Dasheng should be in a state of sleep now! "Ling Yuner said: "After he woke up, ask him about the situation of the world! ""

Well, Wu Dasheng must know the mind of Ji Jingshi! Qin Yun suddenly didn't worry much, because he had seen Wu Dasheng, he knew that this person was not so good.

The soul of Tianding repaired the soul and stepped on the right track, and the speed gradually increased.

At first, Qin Yun only intended to enhance the remaining soul of Wu Dasheng, but later discovered that the soul actually gave birth to a glimpse!

"According to this, his other eight souls and gossips will be born again!" Qin Yun stunned: "This is the soul of Tianding is really against the sky! Let the missing souls reborn!"

Your dad said it long ago, can copy the nine souls and nine scorpions, create soul martial arts or something! "Ling Yuner laughed: "If you master the chaotic nine-yuan force, then it is invincible! ”

The progress is very smooth, it only takes a long time and consumes a lot of energy. "

It seems that you need to consume nine pieces of Shenyu Jinshi! "Qin Yun checked the Shenyu Jinshi inside the dragon knives and estimated it."

"This is an attempt after all, let us see the power of the soul-making Tianding!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "The loss of these gods and gold stones is also worth it!"

Yuner said: "Xiaoyun, the creation of the soul of Tianding should have a variety of purposes, but we have not found it!" Qin

Cloud nodded: "Unfortunately, the creation of the soul Tianding needs to absorb a lot of chaotic nine-yuan force, or else I can study frequently!"

In the eyes, three days have passed, and Qin Yun is still in the secret room!

Ji Jingshi came again and shouted: "The old man, the master has not come out yet?"

Don't worry, the master can't die! Kong Cheng sneered: "Yes, you are not saying that someone is going to challenge the master?" You are a big disciple, why don't you play? ”

"I think too, but people are strange fighters, and I am not, how do I fight with others?" Ji Jingshi said: "The master will soon return to heaven, but now he is retiring with your unidentified friends. Doesn't the guy kill the master?"

Cheng said: "My friend wants to help the master to continue, what do you say?"

Ji Jingshi sneered and said: "Don't fart, your friend is the incarnation of Heavenly Way? Can help people who have already done their best!"

You can wait and see! "Kong Cheng closed his eyes and ignored the story.

It’s impossible to be shocked because he knows very well that if he wants to break in, Kong Cheng will definitely work hard with him. spell

Kong Cheng, who lives, is also not good.

Qin Yun spent ten days in the secret room. He checked the inside of the soul-making Tianding and found that the nine souls and nine dragons inside were complete! "

Very smooth! Qin Yun smiled, he opened the cover of the creation of the soul, and introduced the soul of Wu Dasheng into the body.

After returning to the body, Wu Dasheng immediately woke up, and the eyes suddenly became golden and full of vitality.

Just in the blink of an eye, Wu Dasheng’s white hair is black, and he looks like a “resurrection” and his vitality is very strong. Wu

The body of Dasheng was wrapped in the Holy Power. He was the late stage of the Great Holy Land. There were only six layers of Shenghui, but at this moment, the seventh layer of Shenghui gradually emerged! soul

After the completion of the slogan, the repair of Wu Dasheng was also able to break through and enter the beginning of the heavenly sacred scene!

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