Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2038: Ice people

Hercules had just got out of trouble and was immediately attacked by a large number of ice arrows. although

There are basaltic arrays of protection, but the ice is very strange, can devour energy, and then condense more ice. Condensate

The ice that came out was very strong, and before the Hercules was frozen, the ice could not move.

When Qin Yun came over, he carefully examined the situation around him and found no other people or beasts.

But he was still ambushed.

Qin Yun, who was sealed inside a huge ice hockey, released the fire of the meditation to dissolve the surrounding ice.

"These ices are much weaker in the daytime. If it is at night, then I want to go out. It is very difficult!" Qin Yun came to this time and had some understanding of the strange ice of the sun. he

The release of the fire of the sun can melt those strange ice.

Inside the huge ice hockey, Qin Yun burned a big hole. After he got out of the hole, he immediately fled the light. fly

After far, Qin Yun quickly hid himself. Big

The appearance of Lishen was once again wrapped in a thick layer of white ice.

After Qin Yun’s stealth, he sealed the energy in his body to avoid being touched by those cold. This

In the past few days, he has also studied the kind of chill.

The strange chill is very sensitive to fluctuations in energy. As long as there is a little energy fluctuation, a lot of cold will gather. sly

Once the different colds are gathered together, they devour energy madly, and then condense thick thick ice. special

When it's night, the thick ice is the most terrible, and the chilling power is stronger.

Qin Yun, who was invisible, squatted on the ground with a flower and grass, looking at the direction in which the ice arrow flew over.

"What is it that is attacking me?" Qin Yun looked over there and released his mental strength.

Spirit is not energy, so it won't be swallowed by that strange ice. Big

Lishen is motionless in place!

Qin Yun is a little closer to Hercules, he wants to enter.

The kind of ice arrow has no target, so it doesn't appear again.

After Qin Yun approached Hercules, he quickly broke the ice above and then entered the strange mountain. Enter

After going there, Qin Yun saw no serious problems inside. Xiao Hua did not have anything, and he was relieved. "

Boss, you finally came to the holy land! "Ximen Da Zhuang laughed: "I know you will come!" ”

Xiao Hua was a little surprised and said: "Boss, your cultivation is quite high, when did you come to the holy land?"

"It didn't take long!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "Are you all right?"

The black scorpion walked over and used his head to lick the waist of Qin Yun and said: "Boss, are you the late Sage?"

Yes, it’s almost a breakthrough, and it will soon be a great holy! Qin Yun said, seeing nothing inside the strange grain mountain, he has nothing to worry about.

Ye Xiaosong said: "Teaching, how did you find this place? We took a lot of effort to come in!"

At this time, the people of the strange door and the strange beasts were talking about the situation they came in.

After Qin Yun listened, he was secretly surprised.

The entrance to the strange-grained mountain is not the one Qin Yun came in, but the one where Qinglong went.

The entrance is below the sea floor. It is going through a submarine vortex passage to a space on the sea floor, and there is a space passage in that space.

The resistance of the space channel is very large, and it consumes a lot of energy when it passes. he

The reason why we can find the entrance is because the strange animal can perceive that there is a passage there! black

Rats, Bai Ze and Qing Long, these powerful strange beasts, can perceive a strange soul wave in one direction, so they went to find the entrance. Qin

After listening to the story of their coming in, the cloud also sighed and said, "What guys have you met here? They have become ice!"

God said: "The guys we met were the ice people, these wretched guys, hiding them and putting them in the dark arrows, and we didn't know what they were doing!"

That group of **** is abhorrent, and we have been playing around for us all day long! They just iced us up and waited for us to break the ice and continue to ice us! Speaking of this, Xiao Hua is also very angry.

The cow demon said: "Our repairs are too low, and they will definitely not beat them out! And they will become ice!"

"Ice people? Is this human being in the sun holy land?" Qin Yun slightly frowned. "

what? Is this a sun holy place? "Fire unicorn surprised and said: "We are inside a sun holy land? Xiao

They are no strangers to the sun's holy land, which is a mysterious place in the wilderness.

Every sun shrine is different.

Knowing that they are in a sun sanctuary, Xiao Hua they all sighed again and again, they also understand why this ghost place is so dangerous.

"Boss, what do you want to do?" Ximen said: "We are trapped here!" Qin

The cloud looks at the mountain **** and says: "Laoshan, I will wait for the ice to be broken. After getting out of the trap, I will open the big invisible and become smaller! Remember, don't spill the energy. The ice is mainly devour energy. of!"

Later, Qin Yun said his research on the ice.

Xiao Hua was amazed after they heard it, because they were always trapped inside, so they didn't know much about the outside situation. just

Only then, Qin Yun broke through the ice of Hercules' appearance, and the mountain **** and the little black scorpion spurred a large array, releasing a very strong energy, so the surface of Hercules immediately condensed a thick layer of ice. Qin

After the cloud and they said it, they immediately went outside the strange mountain and used the floating cloud stick to quickly break the thick ice.

After the thick ice was broken, Hercules immediately became small and disappeared invisibly.

There is a stealth array in the sacred mountain, which makes the whole singular mountain completely invisible.

According to Qin Yun, the mountain **** did not let the energy overflow, and immediately ran after getting out of trouble.

Qin Yun quickly took out the nine-day dragon and lion guns and shot a gun in one direction!

The gun condensed a lot of energy, and when it flew out, there was a burst of violent flames.

It was a cannonball made of holy oil and holy crystal.

After a burst of strong energy, a large number of ice arrows immediately chased the shells.

The speed of the ice arrow is very fast, but it can't catch up with the gun and arrow, and can only fly with one strength. Qin

After the cloud hit the shot, it was hidden.

Just now, he also saw where the ice arrows flew out.

Here is a mountain forest, the ice arrows are flying from a mountain full of dense trees. he

Immediately close to the mountain!

When Qin Yun used to, he shot another shot in another direction!

Suddenly, a large number of ice arrows whistled with the cold wind, chasing the powerful cannonball. "

It’s amazing, those ice seem to like the energy of the flame! "Qin Yun’s heart is secretly amazed. Fire

It melts ice, but the ice here likes the energy of absorbing flames.

He has determined that the ice people are in the mountains ahead.

Qin Yun, who was invisible, entered the mountain and felt a cold breath! "

On the tree! Qin Yun looked at the big tree in the mountain and saw a big branch, standing with a child of seven or eight years old.

After careful observation, I found that some of the big trees had children standing on them, and they had something like a white piccolo in their hands, which seemed to be a thing like a blower. "

Those ice arrows are all played by the little boy here? Qin Yun was shocked. He held a nine-day dragon and lion gun that turned into a flute in his hand and shot a gun in the air.

After the shells reached the air, they burst into a strong energy.

"Appears again, **** and suck!" A child shouted happily: "This is a big fire candy!"

A large group of bear children, through the white round tube, blows out many ice arrows.

Qin Yun saw this scene and was shocked. Because these bear children blew, there were several consecutive ice arrows flying out.

Those ice arrows can devour the energy of the shells, and then the bear children can get the energy they swallow.

"It turns out that they use the flame as food!" Qin Yun said. "

Xiaoyun, is it that the ice people are small children? "Ling Yuner laughed: "Xiao Lao, they know that they have been playing with a group of bear children for so long, I don't know if I will vomit blood!" ”

He had asked Xiao Hua before, what are the ice people, Xiao Hua, they have not seen the ice people, just heard a voice, saying that they are ice. Xiao

They didn’t even know that they had been playing with them all the girls, and they were frozen, mainly to absorb energy.

Qin Yun secretly counted, there are more than twenty bear children here, they continue to blow arrows, can blow a large piece, just as fast as blowing bubbles.

He is also trying to find a way to deal with this group of bear children. just

The three rounds that were fired out were all wrapped up by those ice arrows, and then swallowed by the power of the ice to enter these bear children.

At this point, a little boy said: "The stone man is gone, and there is no big fire candy to eat. Should we go back?"

We rarely run out to play, what are we going to do? Those adults hate to die, let us do it all day, we hate it! "There was a slightly older boy who said that he seems to be the head of this group of bear children. This

After the child king said this, many children immediately agreed, and then they denounced how strict their parents were, and often hit their ass.

"When my dad hits my ass, I can play hundreds of times in a flash!" A slightly fat little boy smiled: "Of course, my **** is not a vegetarian, his shoes are my shares. Melons have been bad!"

Other children suddenly laughed. Qin

The cloud also knows at this time that this is a group of real children. Such as

If it's just a child, it's easy to deal with. "

It is not good for children to run around. I have to send them home! Qin Yun also thought of a way.

He floated the king of the king, but he was a flickering king, flicking a lot of old foxes. Qin

After thinking about the good way, the cloud immediately appeared and shouted: "Selling the fire sugar, selling the fire sugar..."

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