Nine Sun God King

Chapter 204: set off

"Qin Yuntong... passed the assessment and obtained the pass." The old man in charge of the ruling said with surprise.

However, Qin Yun’s face is not happy!

"This teacher, I... I accidentally smashed this clock, do you want to pay? I am poor, can't afford it!" Qin Yun asked with a worried look.

If you accidentally, you can smash the big clock that tests the power, making everyone laugh and cry!

Of course, everyone secretly despised him. Everyone knows that he has cheated more than 400 million crystal coins in the Tianqin Hall. I don’t think many of the students in the Star Xuanwuyuan have much of them.

"You don't have to pay, because there have been similar things happening before, so we have spare clocks!" The old man said: "But they are all beaten by the martial arts students. This big clock is still the first time. The students who were heavily martial arts were smashed."

Qin Yun sighed with relief, and then received the pass token in the past. After the blood was dropped on it, the assessment was completed.

Meng Fei Ling smiled and said: "Xiao Yundi, you really did not let your sister down, let my sister squeeze, giggling..."

This charming fairy, gently flew past, stretched out the slippery jade hand, licking the face of Qin Yun that Zhang Junjun, seeing everyone envy... Of course, they are envious of Qin Yun, can be Mengfei Ling this fairy Double soft hands pinch the face, which also shows that the relationship between Meng Feiling and Qin Yun is very close.

An old man asked: "Qin Yun, you just played a strong purple gold firepower! You are not without martial arts? And your Tiens arm is a fire attribute, the Tiens totem pattern has no soul, then why are you? Can you play such a powerful attribute?"

"Well, my Tiens' arm has changed. Suddenly there is the power of lightning properties. I don't know what is going on!" Qin Yun laughed.

Many people don't know about the Tiens Totem, so he can say anything. Even the old man of the Blue Lingxing Palace, they don't know much about the totem pattern. Otherwise, they will not be so convinced that Qin Yun's totem pattern will be abolished. .

The students here have just seen Qin Yun use the arm of Tiens to make a strong force, but they are not envious. Because everyone knows, Qin Yun will be dragged by the arm of Tiens.

The Tiens Totem has no soul, but after being powerful, it will engulf the host's soul and make the host a fool without soul!

"Well, anyway, Dudu is your teacher. You should be able to master your situation, and we don't need to worry about it. When you go out, be careful." The old man said that his attitude toward Qin Yun is also very good. Many people are secretly unhappy because the old people are cold and very strict with them.

Meng Feiling took Qin Yun’s hand and smiled and left the square, and Li and his brother went to the Xuandian store.

Yu Zhen and a group of students who could not pass the assessment were full of eyes, watching the back of Qin Yun and secretly gnashing his teeth. What made him most angry was that Qin Yun didn't look at him just now, which made him feel a contempt.

"Yu, we drink alcohol, don't get drunk, can't pass, and come back next year, it's not a big deal."

"Go and go, drink, drink!"

In this way, Yu Zhen and a group of friends, friends comforted to go to the restaurant, drunk!


On the way, Big Brother Li asked: "Cloud brother, can you refine a storage spirit for our husband and wife? We can earn you a sneak point as a reward. Feilin just said, you are short of a mystery. ”

Both Li Da and Li Dazhao are both in their 30s, but they still have no storage.

"Xiaoyun... Is it difficult for you? After all, your inner yuan has a problem, and it is rumored that you can't refine the instrument." Li Dazhao blamed Li Brother for some blame.

"This is a bit of a problem, but I am not unable to refine the equipment. It is only difficult to refine it. It needs the help of an external flame." Qin Yun said with a smile: "Since the big brother is a person trusted by Fei Lingjie, then I will Give me the two storage bags here."

He took out two very beautiful white storage bags, which were made from animal skins. The process was very simple, and he could hold a total of one hundred elephants.

Big Brother Li and Li Dazhao didn't think that Qin Yun would be so refreshing, first gave them the storage spirit, and they still gave it to the street.

After they dripped blood, they saw a lot of space inside, and they were very excited. They thanked Qin Yun.

Qin Yun smiled and said: "Big brother, what are your plans to earn for me? We are discussing a number that both parties are satisfied with!"

"200 million! But certainly not in a short time, we must first look at the Xuan point task released by Xuandian store, in order to know a specific time." Li Da Ge's repair is also close to the martial arts eight, and often go out to kill The evil beast has a very rich experience.

Meng Fei Lingdao: "The big brothers have a total of 300 million points, but they are all earned for others, mainly for the exchange of spirits or drugs."

Some things are not in the store, so it is allowed to exchange in this way privately. In fact, they help the employer to complete the task, and then let the employer hand over the task.

Qin Yun nodded: "We go to the Xuandian store first, I will look at the catalogue by the way!"

Xuandian store is very large, a total of one floor, is a huge stone brick square house, width and length of more than 100 meters.

After entering, it is a very spacious task hall with many huge square columns. There are four counters around the square column. The old people are sitting in the counter and handling the task handover.

There is no merchandise display in the Xuandian store, but there is a row of bookcases on the wall with a lot of catalogues.

Qin Yun picked up a book and opened it and saw many things that surprised him.

"There is a sale of Xuan Dan, which requires one billion Xuan points and one hundred million crystal coins!" Qin Yun could not help but be surprised.

"There are also storage spirits for sale, which requires 500 million Xuan points and 5 million crystal coins!" Li Daxiao said with a smile: "No matter whether it is a crystal coin or a black point, it is very difficult to get it!"

To draw, they have two couples, need a billion points to get a storage spirit! Qin Yun gave them the storage bags first, which made them very surprised.

Qin Yun looked through the catalogue of Xuan points and found that many precious medicinal herbs require a lot of mysterious points to obtain, while the crystal coins are the second.

If you want to get the mysterious point, you have to help the Star Xuanwu Academy to complete a lot of chores, and you have to constantly improve your strength, so that you can get more and more things.

In this process, only those geniuses with very good qualifications can get a lot of mysterious points on their own, otherwise they have to rely on the forces behind them to help.

Qin Yun also discovered that many rare medicinal herbs are not sold, and must be obtained with Xuan points. This allows many students to complete many things for the martial arts, indirectly earning a large number of crystal coins to maintain the operation of the martial arts.

In this hall, suddenly came into a white robe old man, white short hair, making him look very energetic, a pair of scorpions revealing cold light, is a very strict old man.

"This is the new deputy dean of our martial arts, Xia Yuan!" Li said: "He should have an important announcement."

The people in the hall immediately quieted down and watched Xia Yuan walk to the middle of the mission hall.

Xia Yuan loudly said: "According to the discussion of the meeting, our Star Xuanwu Court decided to purchase a large number of magic crystal cores in the World of Warcraft for research!"

"Where, the 7th-order Warcraft's magic crystal nucleus can be exchanged for 100,000 Xuan points, the 8th-order magic crystal nucleus can be exchanged for a million Xuan points, the 9th-order magic crystal nucleus can be exchanged for 5 million Xuan points, the spirit of Warcraft... is also the spirit beast level, Four equals and martial arts of Warcraft, this kind of magical Warcraft's magic crystal nucleus, can be exchanged for 50 million Xuan points."

"In addition, any Warcraft crystal egg can also be exchanged for 50 million points!"

The students who had already got the pass token in the hall of the mission, after hearing the announcement, all talked about it, making the hall very noisy.

"We only accept the nucleus, and the rest of the Warcraft body is not collected." Xia Yuan added loudly, and the hall became quiet.

He glanced at the students who were full of eyes and said: "When you go out, you should be careful. The spirit of Warcraft is generally the leader of the herd, and has its own territory. In the territory, all kinds of seven steps. The Warcraft, there are dozens of heads, the other is the five or six-order World of Warcraft, although there are many, there is no magic crystal core, so it is of little value to us."

"What you need to pay attention to is, try not to enter the territory of the World of Warcraft. If you enter the periphery of the territory, there will be a large number of low-level Warcraft, you have to retreat immediately."

The core of the territory is the powerful spiritual World of Warcraft. Even if there is a martial arts practice, it may not be able to play.

Later, Xia Yuan also told a lot about Warcraft, everyone is in mind.

Because the martial arts are acquired in large quantities, there is no need to go to collect the mission. Just go out and hunt for Warcraft, and get the magic crystal core to get it back.

Qin Yun, their four-person team, decided to set off after consultation.

Like many students, they flocked to the door.

The door was closed, leaving only a small door for the students to go out.

After Qin Yun went out, they looked at the dark and calm lake and felt that the beautiful lake in the night suddenly became very scary.

There is no World of Warcraft in the lake. No one knows. Fortunately, there are several martial arts teachers who use the flying spirits to carry the students out of the center of the island and go to the shore of the lake.

The World of Warcraft on the lakeshore was cleaned up by the teachers of the Star Xuanwu Academy, making World of Warcraft afraid to approach. In the Xing Xuanwuyuan, there are also many old people who retired from the old age. Because of the emergence of the World of Warcraft, they all went out and were also responsible for visiting the Wanxing Lake.

Qin Yun has only seen the power of the Xuan-class martial arts, and there are so many warriors in the martial arts! I also understand why these martial arts can not fear any empire.

"There are many resources in the Yunlong Mountains. Resources that are not discovered by humans. If they are discovered by the World of Warcraft, they must become their territory, so we should not enter the Yunlong Mountains." After Li Dage came to the revetment, he looked at Yunlong. Said in the direction of the mountain range.


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