Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2041: Big river worm

Qin Yun took out the floating cloud stick and suspended it in the air on the river bank. After taking a deep breath, he looked at the other side and used the sacred light!

Huaguang Shengsheng shot two glare and illuminate the other side.

Qin Yun’s body also flew in the blink of an eye with the two lights.

Dajiang suddenly had a violent wind, and the waves were raging, and a burst of screams of madness was very scary.

Although Qin Yun came to the other side, he felt that under the river, there was something fierce to come out. sense

He felt that the situation was not right. He immediately ran wildly and continued to use the sacred light, away from the river bank.

Fortunately, it is daytime, and even if he is flying in the air, he will not be disturbed by the strange cold.

He suddenly stayed away from the river bank, and when he thought it was okay, he suddenly felt the rapids of the rear. Twist

At first glance, I saw that there was a black flood that was rushing to him! "

Hell, what is this? When Qin Yun saw the black floods, he knew that it was the big river.

This Dajiang actually ran out and chased him. most

The terrible thing is that when the river turned into a flood, the speed was very fast. The road rushed over and the river did not penetrate the ground.

The torrent of the river has a strong impact, and many mountains are washed down along the way! Qin

The cloud can only fly to the heights. He turned his head to look at the ground behind him, and took a cold breath.

The black river is like a long black worm, and it is very fierce to chase him. in

Before figuring out what was going on, Qin Yun did not intend to go close to investigate, and the ghost knew if he would trap him.

Qin Yun now has a very important thing to do, is to quickly find the Dragon Ball. because

For Xian Rujing, he is also looking for the Dragon Ball. He does not want Xianrujing to be affected by the curse of Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball. "

What the **** is this? "Qin Yun’s heart is full of doubts."

Wait until the night... I can't fly so easily in the air! Qin Yun looked at the sky. In

At night, this sun sanctuary is filled with strange and chilling forces. Qin

Clouds flying in the air need to release a lot of energy, which will lead to a lot of strange and icy forces gathering, he will be frozen.

Ling Yun said: "Xiaoyun, maybe you don't have to worry like Jingjie! She won't have anything to do with Dragon Ball first!"

Shenyu Ice Dragon must have been cursed for punishment, so he gave up his Dragon Ball! Qin Yun said: "The power of cursing the punishment of heaven should be within the Dragon Ball, so whoever gets Dragon Ball will be unlucky!" "miss you

At this point, Qin Yun will speed up the road, he must hurry and try to open the ghost river that chased him before dark.

Qin Yun, who has experienced many reincarnations, has seen many strange things and experienced many strange things.

But in his memory, it was the first time that he was chased by a big river. it is good

He is a person who has experienced the storm and can adapt to this strange thing very quickly. "

Xiaoyun, the sky is getting dark! "Ling Yuner said: "That big river is still chasing you, what the **** is this? ”

"I don't know!" Qin Yun whispered: "This thing is like a bug! Maybe there is no big river, it is a giant worm that liquidizes, I see it passing, and it runs so fast. I am not chasing me!"

In this world, what kind of things appear, Qin Yun will not be surprised. end

Yes, night!

Qin Yun has not opened the strange black big river worm!

"This big river worm is really persistent. Does it chase me what I want to do?" Qin Yun is speechless. He is flying in the air at this time, and he feels cold and translucent. he

Can only take out the Scorpio to wear. it is good

There are a lot of scorpions in his hands that can be supported by Scorpio for a while.

After wearing a Scorpio flight for a period of time, Scorpio will be known to crack and damage, he can only take one more to exchange. which is

At night, the black big river worm still flows quickly, rambling on the ground, flowing out a large sink, and chasing Qin Yun along the way.

Qin Yunxiao passed the night, and when it was dawn, he was very tired.

He didn't know what would happen if he was caught up with the big river worm, and he didn't dare to try it, worried that he would be trapped! "

No, only the little ants can help! "Qin Yun took out the Tissot during the day.

He entered the trespassing Tissot and took out two sacred gold stones to feed the little ants.

At the same time of the high-speed flight, the small ant also released a strong space energy in the Tissot.

"Go, stay away from the big river worm!" Qin Yun shouted.

After the little ant passed through the spirit, she could know what direction to go. She released a strong space and opened a space channel to shuttle forward. blink

In the eyes, Qin Yun is far from the big river worm, and the small ants are also very expensive. It takes a while to continue the shuttle.

"Finally got rid of that stuff!" Qin Yun took a long breath and then looked at the back. he

After being chased for so long, there are some shadows. I am worried that when I turn around and look down, there will be a big river worm roaring.

"Xiaoyun, this sun holy place is really not simple, and breeds a variety of powerful creatures!" Lingyun laughed: "The ice family is very powerful, and the big river worm is also very yin, disguised as a big river, if I don't know, I will fly over the big river slowly, and I will be eaten in all likelihood!"

It’s also a worry when the cloud thinks back.

"Yeah, this is the sun's holy land after all. It is normal to breed all kinds of creatures!" Qin Yun can now hurry.

From time to time, he took out the chasing soul of Xian Rujing and went to see the direction of Xian Rujing.

The land that Yin Rujing wants to find is in this sun holy land, and it is very likely that it is the location of the mother month, but she did not go, but went to find Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball. "

If Jingjie should be able to perceive the existence of Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball, it is only to find Dragon Ball! Qin Yun only hopes that he can catch the place where Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball is located before Xian Rujing.

Qin Yun flew in the air during the day, watching the three suns and the blue sky, the heart is especially assured.

In this sun shrine, he hates the night most. because

In the night, he can only run on the ground. If he is flying in the air, he needs to change the sky to resist the strange cold energy.傍

Late, the night is coming!

Qin Yun just wanted to land, but saw a round black lake in the distance, the lake is several kilometers wide. in

Under the setting sun, the black lakes of the lake are even darker.

Seeing that kind of black liquid, Qin Yun immediately thought of the big river worm! on

When he was about to circumvent it, the chasing soul in his hand had a big reaction, which meant that Xianrujing was nearby!

"If Jingjie is here!" Qin Yun passed the chasing soul, sensing the direction of Xianrujing, and immediately rushed over. Do not

How long did he see a cold white light in the air, a fairy flying in the air, dragging a long ice crystal tail, looks very beautiful. Qin

The cloud saw the beautiful cold face of Xian Rujing, and her eyes stared at the black lake. Fairy

If Jing does not know that Qin Yun is nearby, she has not seen Qin Yun’s chasing soul after she came here. because

For her, this is the place to the yin, Qin Yun can not come here!

Just as she flew to the black lake, Qin Yun chased the past and shouted: "Like Jingjie!"

If you hear the voice of Qin Yun, stop immediately and look at Qin Yun who is flying over.

Seeing Qin Yun, she became very vigilant.

When Xian is quiet and alert, the glamorous and beautiful face is covered with a touch of murderousness. She holds the chilly Zhenyang God Arrow and looks at Qin Yun who is flying over!

In the past, Qin Yun felt the murderousness of Xian Rujing, and he was secretly surprised and worried. he

I was worried that Xian Rujing had forgotten him, because Xian Rujing was cursed by the curse and has been deprived of emotion. "

who are you? "Xian Rujing saw Qin Yun coming over, and gave a cold drink, the white arrow in the hands of the Zhenyang God arrow, overflowing the cold cold.

"I am Qin Yun!" Qin Yun shouted: "If you are like Jingjie, what happened to you?"

"Qin Yun? You can't be Qin Yun, this is the place to the yin, the man can't come in!" Xian Rujing said: "Are you an illusion?"

"Like Jingjie, this is not the land of yin! This is the holy sun of the holy land!" Qin Yun felt relieved in his heart. Xian Rujing did not forget him, but he was too vigilant.

Xian Rujing frowned and stared at Qin Yun and said, "Are you really Qin Yun?" Qin

The cloud took out the chasing soul and said, "Do you have my chasing soul?"

If Jing took out the chasing soul, he also determined that Qin Yun is really Qin Yun.

Qin Yun quickly took out the floating cloud tower and put it on the ground. He said: "The sky is getting dark, let's hide and say!"

Such as Jing is also a fog, because she still does not know how Qin Yun came here.

After Qin Yun entered the floating cloud tower, she said: "You look tired... Are you chasing me all the way?"

Xian Rujing doubts that Qin Yun has been using her secret method to track her, so she came here. Qin

The cloud is really in the hope of catching up in front of Xianrujing, so it is very tired to catch up at night.

"I didn't follow you... I didn't expect that we would meet here!" Qin Yun leaned on the chair and looked tired. He said that he met Wu Dasheng at Dashengfeng and then found it through the Zhenyang God Arrow. The thing about this place.

Xian Rujing listened carefully and knew why Qin Yun was here. She was also surprised, but the surface was cold.

"You are tired, go take a shower first!" Xian Rujing said: "I will help you back!"

This..." Qin Yun stunned, looking at the immortal scorpion, such as the cold and beautiful, did not dare to refuse, nodded and said: "Okay! ”

At night, the outside wind whistling, the bath in the floating cloud tower, warm and soft.

Although the beauty is cold, it is full of warmth.

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