Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2045: Goddess totem

The heavenly man inside the altar yelled: "The **** ice family, you are right with the gods and gods, there will be no end!"

Although there are only a dozen people in the royal family, they are very strong, and they can also mobilize the coldness around them. he

We are going to freeze the altar!

Qin Yun used the eyes of the sky and suddenly rushed to the huge dragon ball there.

After being close to the Dragon Ball, Qin Yun Shi Jian wears Xuan Shen Tong.

"Take me!" Xian Rujing clung to Qin Yun's hand and said. Qin

The cloud pulls the fairy like Jing, enters the big dragon ball, and his other hand holds the Jiuyang Shen hammer. blink

In the eyes, they enter the Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball!

At the moment of entering, Qin Yun only felt the cold, and there was a violent evil.

Fortunately, Xian Rujing urged her Jiuyin Shengli, and used the method of the Sun and Moon Heart Sutra to inject the Jiuyin Holy Power into Qin Yun. This

Only let Qin Yun resist the chill.

Qin Yun released a sigh of anger and purified the violent konjac.

Within the Dragon Ball, Qin Yun saw the Demon Demon, who was a person with a black solution and had a pair of red eyes. day

The demon felt that when someone came in, he screamed constantly.

When he saw Qin Yun, the screams stopped abruptly, and he trembled: "The temple... the king of the palace?"

Do you recognize me? Qin Yun was surprised.

"You...have you been killed yet?" The demon demon saw the Jiuyang Shen hammer in Qin Yun’s hand, and it was hard to burn by the power of the sun. "

I was almost killed a few times, but I was lucky enough to survive! Qin Yun smiled and smiled.

"I can't be lucky!" The power of the demon of the demon demon is very strong. He screamed and said, "Let me kill you, and the godmother will reward me!"

Go dreaming! The group of gods in Heaven and God, you and I know... You are in their eyes, but it is a tool. After you finish using it, you will re-burn it into energy! Qin Yun sneered, the hammer in his hand bombarded the past.

When playing in the past, Qin Yun controls the integration of the sun and the moon in the body, releasing the power of the sun and the moon! This

The most powerful kind of power, both strong and fierce yang power, but also the power of the yin and moon that is extremely harmful to the soul.

Then through the Jiuyang Shen hammer to increase the number of bursts, the power is fierce and violent! boom


Qin Yun holds the hammer with one hand, facing the demon demon is a slamming hammer, and instantly hits dozens of hammers. Each hammer is a move that uses the "Tianjiu Nine Style". most

The terrible thing is that Qin Yun used the power of the Ming Yang totem! day

Although the demon is practicing the flesh, the strongest is the soul.

Qin Yun's dealing with this evil soul is very easy. At the same time as the beating, the fire of the meditation is also erupted, and the demon is melted.

The soul of the demon demon is broken by the force of the sun and the moon! "

This thing is really weak! After Qin Yun killed the demon demon, he grabbed an ice ball from the body of the demon demon, that is the dragon ball of Shenyu Ice Dragon.

After the Dragon Ball, the ice and cold force contained in the huge ice hockey immediately poured into the Shenlong Ice Dragon Ball.

The demon demon has been purified by Qin Yun, and it has been turned into pure energy, and it has also been absorbed by Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball. nine

The energy consumed by the Yangshen hammer is very large, the energy of the core crystal has been used up, and it needs energy storage to be reused. Qin

The cloud will hammer up the gods, and Xian Rujing also pulls Qin Yun and rushes to the distance. ice

The royal family is still besieging the altar!

When they saw Qin Yun succeeded, they all rejoiced and quickly retreated. Fairy

If you take Qin Yun with you, leave with the people of the Ice King. he

After they left, there was a roar of noise inside the altar, because the group of heavens did not know what was going on outside. only

Know that they were besieged by the Ice King. Wait

They became even more angry after they understood the situation outside.

Because the demon demon was killed, Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball was taken away. Festival

The altar broke through the thick ice and flew out a few old men. its

One of the old men, wearing a robe engraved with a star of the stars, is the very high status of Ping Lao. "

Ping Lao, what is going on? Someone can kill the demon demon, and will take the dragon ball away! "A man looks at the black lake."

"There is a strong force of the sun!" Ping Lao closed his eyes and carefully sensed it. He said slowly: "The people of the Ice King can't have this kind of power to the sun!"

The man’s face sank and said: “Is there anyone else entering this sun holy land? No, the entrance is that we are guarding, and when someone comes in, we will know!”

"When you come here, your goddess comes, maybe she knows what is going on!" Ping Lao said. "

I have to destroy them in this group of ice kings! "The heavenly man is angry....


Qin Yun and Xian Rujing, followed the people of the Ice King, came to a mountain forest.

When it came, the sky was already bright.

The big trees in this mountain forest have many tree holes, which are the places where the ice kings live.

Qin Yun had been to the village of Wang Cunchang before, and the ice people there were also so concentrated.

The two of them were taken to a cave in a big tree.

"Two, wait for our clan to come back and say! Before that, you must not leave our village!" The old man said: "You have Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball in your hand. Although our Ice King does not want Dragon Ball, it must Discuss this!"

it is good! Qin Yun nodded, and he also wanted to see the king.

He couldn't remember how he could have had an ice family. "

Is the ice family too weak, so I have never noticed? "Qin Yun took out the trespass in the tree hole."

After Xiang Rujing followed Qin Yun and entered Yuetiansuo, he said: "When you were the King of Jiuyang Temple, the main energy should be on the side of the Heavenly Gods, and naturally did not notice other ethnic groups!"

"Maybe it!" Qin Yun laughed, and then took out the Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball. he

Hand the dragon ball to Xian Rujing. Fairy

If you look over it, you can see: "My goddess of ice and snow has emerged!"

Qin Yun looked at her white hand back, and it really appeared a faint white totem pattern.

"Dragon Ball also has a totem!" Qin Yun said: "The inside of this small bead, there is the inheritance of the ice dragon totem!"

Blending with my Snow Goddess Totem! "Xian Rujing is looking forward to watching Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball, whispering: "I don't know what will happen after I integrate the Ice Dragon Totem! "Say

In the words, she vigorously pulled a few pieces of clothes on her body and did not mind Qin Yun. Fairy

As for the perfect body, there are many totem patterns, and they are still flowing!

Surprisingly, the ice dragon totem above the Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball, like the ant moving, enters Xianrujing a little bit.

Xianrujing brows a wrinkle, Shen Sheng: "It's very cold... The totem of Shenyu Ice Dragon is really amazing!"

Her body suddenly burst into a chill.

"Do you want me to help?" Qin Yun asked. "

come on! "Xian Rujing said: "I need your Jiuyang Shengmai to help! Let's practice the third layer of the Sun and Moon Hearts! ”

Although Xian Rujing is still cold to Qin Yun, she has already recognized that Qin Yun is her man, so the two are also very close. Two

At this time, people practiced together and there was a very strange situation.

The body of Xian Rujing is extremely hot, but Qin Yun’s body is very cold. This

The power is caused by the ice dragon totem of the Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball.

Xian Rujing has already won the Ice Dragon Totem, but it has not yet fully integrated.

Although Qin Yun is a singularist, but this kind of totem fusion, he can do nothing, because this is beyond the scope of his cognition. Do not

How long has it been, the situation of Xian Rujing and Qin Yun has stabilized. Fairy

The static totem seems to have evolved, and she has become extremely spiritual.

Qin Yun was a bit tired, but he was very happy to see that Xian Rujing had such a huge harvest.

"Like Jingjie, how is your situation now?" Qin Yun slightly stunned the beautiful and fragrant beauty. Fairy

Such as the calm face with a delicate face, relying on Qin Yun's chest, whispered: "I don't know, I also seem to master the ability of the ice people!"

This is very good! "Qin Yun laughed."

um. Thank you! "Xian Rujing whispered, then looked at Qin Yun."

Qin Yun smiled slightly, then kissed the beauty of the lips, the two sweet nights.

Early the next morning.

Xian Rujing elegantly dressed in a dress, scornful and exquisite, asked: "Qin Yun, you guys who say the Ice King, would you want to take away the Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball?"

"They don't want to take it away, it's not that easy!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "We have to go, we can go at any time, I just want to ask some of their kings!"

Xian Rujing wears a plain white dress. After the evolution of her goddess of ice and snow, the momentum is even colder.

However, in the eyes of Qin Yun, she seems to be a lot more gentle. Qin

The cloud looked at the Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball in his hand and said: "I thought that through this Dragon Ball, I could contact the Shenyu Ice Dragon, but it did not succeed!"

Maybe the method is wrong! "Xian Rujing said.

"So I have to ask the king of the ice king!" Qin Yun put the dragon ball away, went to Xian Rujing, caress her beautiful face, smiled: "Like Jingjie, your emotions seem to gradually recover!" ""

I do not know! "Xian Rujing quietly sighed: "I just think that with you, there is a very comfortable feeling, I don't know what it feels like! ""

That is called happiness, called happy! Qin Yun kissed her lips and smiled. "You will be able to recover completely in the future!" ""

But... I don't want to have this feeling, this feeling will make me very tired! "Shen Rujing finished, his face suddenly became cold."

Nothing, a little bit, you will adapt! Qin Yun said: "When you see them, your emotions will definitely recover faster!" ”

At this time, a sound came from outside the sky.

"Qin Yun Xiaoyou, we have a family to see you!" The old captain of the ice king. Qin

The cloud thought about it, sorted out the dress, and left Yu Tiansuo with Xian Rujing.

"What happened to your old family who saw me?" Qin Yun asked. "

I don't know, he said that there are important things! Said the old man.

Qin Yun took up the trespass, and left the tree hole with Xian Rujing.

When they walked out of the tree hole, they saw a big nose with a gloomy old man outside the tree hole.

"Chen is old, how come you?" said the old captain. "

I will not come again, we will be destroyed! "The Chen family looked coldly at Qin Yun, Shen Sheng said: "This person will bring us the disaster of extermination! ”

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