Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2047: Guardian of the ice dragon

After Yue Tiansuo flew over, he saw a large golden fog. see

To those fogs, Qin Yun’s face was more dignified and whispered: “I hope the Ice King can hold it!”

"Is the King of Heaven really so powerful? The strength of the Ice King is already very strong, and in this sun holy land, the environment is also beneficial to him!" Xian Rujing saw Qin Yun look worried, but he himself I feel that the Ice King can fight against the Mother of God.

Qin Yun shook his head and said: "It's hard to say that if the ice king can't stand it, maybe the ice dragon will shoot!"

Shenyu Ice Dragon has been integrated into this sun shrine, and through the entire sun shrine, ingest a large amount of the power of the nine Yang. Place

According to Qin Yun, if Shenyu Ice Dragon is shot, it will definitely be able to repel the King of Heaven.

What he is most worried about is that Shenyu Ice Dragon can't shoot at that time.

Yue Tiansuo flies in the thick golden fog. that

The gold fog has a strong resistance, causing the trespass to fly very slowly. "

What did the group of heavens do, why are these golden fog so powerful? "Xin Rujing saw the speed of the flight of the trespassing whistle suddenly slowed down, surprised.

"This is an enchantment!" Qin Yun said: "They released a big enchantment, it should be to resist other powerful energy coming in. It seems that the group of heavenly people are well prepared!"

Suddenly, there are two huge figures in front! Yes

Giant days defend! Qin

The cloud immediately controlled the trespassing Tissot to hide, not releasing a little breath.

After the stealth, the Tissot, hidden in this golden fog, is hard to find. in

The patrols in this area are only those giant days to defend. Their mental strength is limited, and it is difficult to detect the existence of Yuetiansuo! "

"The strength of these guys, should there be a level of heaven?" Xian Rujing said: "These days of defending, are they from the creation pool?" Qin

Cloud nodded: "It comes out of the creation pool, but it also needs the mother to go to the creation pool to extract it... In short, when the mother needs it, go to the creation pool, like water, take these days. Come out, they also need to consume some energy!"

The Heavenly Domain is an independent world, and there are also their cumbersome rules inside, and they are also factions! ”

"These guys, with so many good equipment, are powerful enough, it's really difficult to deal with!" "

After all, it is a heavenly domain. This is the **** of the gods, mainly to manage the operation of the heavens! Qin Yun began to control the trespass, flying slowly in the golden fog.

In flight, Yuesuo will release many energy fluctuations more or less, so it will be sensed by those heavenly people. Qin

The cloud has a celestial eye, so you can see through the thick golden fog, and you will know that there is a day to defend, and then hide it in time. Such as

This stop and go, Qin Yun took some time to pass through the golden fog. that

The golden fog is like a layer of barrier. After passing through, you will see the tribe of the Ice King.

The Ice King tribe is in a mountain forest, and the mountain forest is now covered with a thin white mist. At first glance, it is known that it is a very powerful cold force. "

Is it Shenyu Ice Dragon? "Qin Yun saw the Ice King tribe, protected by a strong energy envelope, the doubtful way.

Shenyu Ice Dragon has been integrated into the sun's holy land to control the energy in the sun's holy land.

Xian Rujing looked at the dense group of heavenly people in the distance and exclaimed: "This is the battle of the King of Heavenly Kings? The field is really big!"

In the distance, there are tens of thousands of powerful heavenly people, all wearing the heavens and holding the gods weapons.

This group of heavens and people are very strong, at least the great sacred place, and the number of heavenly places is also quite a lot.

Among the tens of thousands of people, there is a palace.

The palace is on a giant eagle with hundreds of meters of wings. and

Around the palace, there are several mighty golden dragons.

On the back or faucet of Jinlong, they stand in the sky of purple gold scorpio and hand-held purple gold **** sword! that

Group of people, are the core strength! "

Mother of the Holy King, just inside the palace, can't she come out? "Xian Rujing stared at the palace and only felt that there was a stock pressure coming over."

Mother is in it, can't see what it is! Qin Yun smiled and said: "I only saw the scene of the mother-in-law travel a few times!" Of course, the few times I have seen are in the god-level space, far more spectacular than the holy space! Fairy

As Jing said: "You have never seen a mother who is like... Is there a legend about the goddess? Is it good looking?"

Qin Yun shook his head and smiled: "I have never seen it. If you look at something, you must be decent. After all, Tianmu can change his appearance and will definitely make himself the most beautiful in his heart!"

"Tianmu did not attack the Ice King!" Xian Rujing said: "Or, they can't break the enchantment of the Ice King?"

The ice king's enchantment is very strong, revealing a very uncomfortable cold.

Even if Qin Yun is in the Tissot, he feels the uncomfortable coldness.

Xian Rujing is nothing, but she knows that Qin Yun is very uncomfortable. She quickly got up and sat in a chair with Qin Yun, and then grabbed Qin Yun’s waist. Be

Qin Yun, who was so uncomfortable with cold feelings, was now very comfortable with the glamorous jade, and he was able to **** the strange and strange fragrance of the beauty.

There is a tall man standing on the faucet, shouting: "Ice Queen, listen, and quickly hand over the Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball!"

"What is the relationship between Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball and you? Why do you want it for you?" The cold voice of the Ice King, overlapped and spread from the mountain. "

Shenyu Ice Dragon is created by my heavenly domain, you don't pretend not to know! "The heavenly man angered: "The goddess personally came forward, you don't hand over the dragon ball, then you only have one dead road!" "another

An old man outside the cold voice: "Ice, in the past is only a weak and small ethnic group, now can grow to such a point is not easy, can be said to be a great family of holy space! You have to cherish the present day !""

Are you threatening our Ice King? "Ice King sneered and said: "I am not afraid of you! If you have a species, you can attack it! ""

Toasting, not eating and drinking! "The old man angered: "You are in our eyes, it is completely vulnerable! As the most powerful existence of the holy space, in the other heavens, we are worshipped by countless powerful people, and your ignorant weak family is in front of us! "ice

The king Wang laughed and said: "How strong can you be, you are so powerful, you have already got Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball!"

At that time, the huge altar of the sun appeared. Festival

After the altar appeared, the top condensed a strong energy.

boom! Festival

The energy group that was condensed at the top of the altar suddenly rushed to the thin layer of fog in the forest ahead. Flush

When it hit the top, a strong wave of air erupted, and the earthquake shook the earth. "

This altar of the sun is really powerful..." Qin Yun’s leaping Tissot, at this time, was also blown away by the bursting out of the air.

Although the attack on the altar of the sun is powerful, the defense of the Ice King tribe has nothing to do!

"Do you have this ability?" Ice King Wang Xiao said with a smile: "You continue to attack, I am not afraid of you!"

"Ice King, if you are not interested, we are going to destroy, but it is not your ice king, but the entire sun holy place!" The old man said with a smile: "You ice family can only be in this sun." There is such a powerful force among the holy places. If you run out, you will not live for a long time!"

Another heavenly man said: "As long as the sun is destroyed, then you are a group of weaker creatures!"

When others say that they want to destroy the sun's holy land, the Ice King will certainly not believe it.

But if it is said by a sacred king of heaven and earth, it is still possible. Fairy

If Jing and Qin Yun are sitting on a chair, the two are holding together, in the main control room, watching what happened in front of them. "

Qin Yun, those guys can really destroy the sun holy land? "Xian Rujing asked."

If they are willing to pay a price, they can do it! However, they will never go to destroy the sun holy land for no reason, because it is not good for them! Qin Yun said.

Those heavenly people do not know that Dragon Ball is not in the hands of the Ice King. ice

The king did not say who was in his hands, obviously it was to protect Qin Yun.

From this point of view, Qin Yun’s heart is very grateful to the Ice King. "

Then you will destroy the sun holy land! "Ice King Wang laughed and said: "Who is afraid of who, our ice people are very weak, but they can be passed down for so many years, already satisfied, die!" "boom

! Festival

The altar attacked again! If

It is a continuous attack, and the enchantment is likely to be broken.

In the ice king tribe, inside the tree hole of a big tree, the Chen family said: "The king, the dragon ball is not in our hands!"

In the hands of the guy named Qin! Xiaoren Wang added that he was very dissatisfied with this and said: "Dragon Ball is not in our hands, but let us back!" Chen

The old man shook his head and sighed: "The boy named Qin is really a disaster star!"

The king of the ice king: "Dragon Ball must not fall into the hands of the gods! If the Dragon Ball falls into their hands, then our ice people will be indirectly controlled by them! At that time, the Ice and Shenyu Ice Dragons will become their slaves. !""

Father, is this true? This kind of legend should only scare us? Said the little king.

"This is true!" The old face of the Chen family is very dignified: "The strength of our body comes from the Shenyu Ice Dragon! If we leave this sun holy land, we can go outside and cannot call the powerful Shenyu Ice Dragon. Power!"

The ice king smiled and said: "The Chen family is old. Fortunately, before you drove the kid away, or else he stayed here, then the Dragon Ball really might fall into the hands of the guys!"

"I..." The Chen family wanted to stop, because he drove Qin Yun away, because of the instructions of the ice dragon.

He thought carefully and suddenly felt that Qin Yun was driven away by Shenyu Ice Dragon. It was Shenyu Ice Dragon who didn't want Qin Yun to fall into the hands of heaven and man.

Thinking of this, he immediately understood that Qin Yun is not a disaster star!

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