Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2058: by coincidence

"Dian Wang, you are really a noble person to forget things! We have seen it a few times, you really don't remember?" Shenyu Binglong snorted, and he was annoyed with the things he had been forgotten by Qin Yun.

Qin Yun looked outside and smiled: "There are your guests outside, you will entertain your guests first, let's talk back!"

Shenyu Ice Dragon is born again, but Qin Yun feels that his strength is not too strong, but also the peak of the heavenly environment. because

For the gods of the year, the ice dragon is also a tyrant in the wilderness. God

Although Yu Binglong did not have the strength of the year, he was a **** ice dragon after all, and suddenly vacated and flew into the air. in

When he flew up, he was overflowing with a burst of ice and cold power. which is

It was Qin Yun, who was all affected by the cold force and could not help but shudder.

"The heavenly mothers from the heavenly domain of God, my **** Yulong owes the heavens to the heavens, I have already paid off, I have already cut with the heavens, so my Shenyu ice dragon no longer obeys the command of the heavenly domain!" Shenyu ice dragon cold voice Tens of thousands of people surrounded by cold winds.

The chill that broke into the bone marrow made the group of heavenly people unable to tremble!

Shenyu Binglong has secretly demonstrated his strength during the speech. he

It is very strong, but it is not invincible. If you really face two heavenly mothers and the celestial beings under them, then after the outbreak of the war, the entire Ice King will be dragged down. "

Shenyu Ice Dragon, Yang is here, and you once integrated into the earth, you must know where the sun is! "Blue Pearl God's cold voice came, it seems that she is not afraid of Shenyu Ice Dragon.

"I really don't know where the sun is! If you don't believe it, then I can't do it!" Shenyu Binglong said: "You don't think you can do whatever you want in the sun. You don't want to say that there is a semi-god strong here. You have been half-god-level yin, you still have to work hard to deal with them!"

The existence of God level!

This time, tens of thousands of people are moving and screaming! Qin

Before entering the sun holy land, the cloud saw the space of this holy land, which can withstand the half-god strong!

The words of Shenyu Binglong are very clear. If you fight both in this place, it will be of no benefit to them! "

Shenyu Ice Dragon, although you are out of the heavens and gods, but our heavenly domain does not owe you anything! In the search for positive seeds, we can cooperate! "The white wind Tianmu said."

Different times in the past, you have just reborn, you must strengthen your foundation, and we can provide you with enough resources! "Blue Pearl Tianmu said.

Those goddesses are also interesting, knowing that they can't be hard-hitting with Shenyu Ice Dragon, they use this means of buying.

"I really don't know where the sun is!" Shenyu Binglong said: "I was born again through the sun, but after the seeds helped me to be born again, I went to the ground and my whereabouts are unknown!"

In the past, Qin Yun used the sacred symbol of the Yuyin Tianmu to try to sense it, and found that it could not sense the sun under the small holy lake.

"Shenyu Ice Dragon, we will give you three days to consider! After three days, we will come again!" said the Blue Beads, they have already insisted that Shenyu Ice Dragon knows the whereabouts of the Yang. that

Both the Mother of God and the Heavenly Man are gone. God

Yu Binglong's eyes are cold and he looks at the heavens.

Wu Dasheng and the Ice King, who can see the Shenyu Ice Dragon again, are also very happy, but they are all nervous at the moment, and they must be alert to the sudden attack of the group of heavenly people.

Not long after, the sky was quiet!

The two goddesses have taken people away.

Wu Dasheng and the Ice King, quickly flew to the Shenyu Ice Dragon. God

Yu Binglong saw both of them, his face eased a lot, and he also showed a smile, saying: "I didn't expect to see you again.

Especially Xiaowu... You are born with the sacred sacredness to give the wilderness, but at the same time it is deprived of the nine sacred by the heavens, but I did not expect it to live to this time! "he

Looked at the sky, and said: "This era is a resurrection of Nirvana, you are born at that time, and then, the holy drought will be Nirvana again!"

Speaking of these things, they are also very emotional. Wu

Dasheng also talked about his own affairs to Shenyu Ice Dragon. He learned that the resurrection of Wu Dasheng and Jiuyi was helped by Qin Yun, and Shenyu Ice Dragon was surprised. God

Yu Binglong looked at Qin Yun next to Xiaosheng Lake and flew over.

"Dianwang, let's take a step and talk with me!" Shenyu Ice Dragon flew to the tree hole above a giant tree. Qin

After the cloud followed, there was doubt in my heart, but I did not say much.

Wu Dasheng and the Ice King, at the moment, are also discussing how to strengthen the tribal enchantment. It

In the past, Wu Dasheng was within the strange mountain of Qi, and it was quite rewarding to communicate with Xiao Hua and their singularity masters. He now invites Xiao Hua to come and help arrange the big battle. Qin

The cloud followed the Shenyu Ice Dragon and came to the tree hole.

"Dian Wang, you have two kinds of positive seeds in your hand, yes!" asked Shenyu Binglong.

"How do you know?" Qin Yun was very surprised, but his face looked dull.

"Yang Yang told me!" Shen Yu Binglong spread his palm and showed a round crystal like white ice. Qin

When the cloud looks at it, I know that it is a positive species, and it is different from the two he got before!

Now he finally knows that the seeds are different!

This kind of yang in front of you belongs to Shenyu Binglong himself.

"Yang is originally in your hands!" Qin Yun laughed. "

The things of the sun are very complicated. Although I get the help from the Yang, I don’t know how to use it! "Shenyu Ice Dragon looks at the Yang seed and looks confused."

No hurry, this kind of thing naturally takes time to delve into! Qin Yun said: "I am also this life, only to start to contact the Yang species! ”

Shenyu Ice Dragon coldly said: "Dang Wang, do you really remember me?" Qin

The cloud brow was locked, and he thought about it again carefully, then shook his head and said: "I don't remember anything that I met with Shenyu Ice Dragon!"

"I was an old man. I talked to you on several occasions and asked about the suppression of the demon demon..." Shenyu Binglong looked at Qin Yun, and his face was slightly resentful. He said: "You can have an impression now. ?"

Qin Yun suddenly remembered that there was indeed an old man who discussed with him the suppression of the demon.

He promised the old man at the time, saying that he would help refine the magical charm of suppressing the demon demon... but that time he had too many things, so he threw it behind his head. "

It turns out that the old man is Shenyu Ice Dragon! "Qin Yun looked awkwardly: "I really can't help it. I had too many things at the time, and I forgot to help you refine the charm!" "God

Yu Binglong said: "I was in a special status and had to hide my identity to find you! And you are the enemy of Heaven. If you encounter Shenyulong, you will definitely be wary of this!"

If I refine the rune for you in the past, what will happen now? Qin Yun asked.

"I don't know... because I can't get rid of the demon in the Dragon Ball, I am flying aimlessly in the wilderness, I am already disheartened!"

Suddenly inhaled into this sun holy land, and saw an old man, the old man told me something, and let me turn this land into a chilly land! ""

The old man also said that as long as he said what he said and succeeded, I would be able to get rid of the demon and demon, and be no longer controlled by the heavens! ”

Shenyu Binglong recalled the past events of the past, and his face was still full of surprises.

"An old man?" Qin Yun frowned. God

Yu Binglong nodded: "After many years, I still remember the old man's words clearly! I only thought that he was very powerful, and then he did what he said and began to turn this place into a chilly land!" "

Now, you get rid of the heavens and control, and get the sun, he also fulfills his promise! Qin Yun smiled: "It is obvious that the old man is an expert!" "God

Yu Binglong looked at Qin Yun and said with a serious face: "The demon demon was killed by you, and I was born again, because that is something that will always be entangled with my soul!

The conditions for my rebirth are very harsh. First, I need the demon to be destroyed. I need the sun to be close to the holy land. I need the help of the sun. All this happens naturally, and the old man has never appeared. It is natural and concurrent. This... What is the reason for this?

He looked at Qin Yun and hoped that Qin Yun, the king of the temple, could answer!

Qin Yun looked at the Shenyu Ice Dragon, and from his cold eyes, he could see the deep fear.

Shenyu Ice Dragon is in fear of the mysterious old man!

Because the mysterious old man seems to control everything! This

Let Shenyu Binglong feel that he has just jumped out of the heavens and jumped into another person who can control his fate! Qin

The cloud did not answer because he could not answer! Correct

In this arrangement, he is not without fear in his heart.

Because of all this, let him feel that he and everyone else are chess pieces, some people are playing chess step by step, the game looks disorganized, but it gradually forms a complete overall situation.

"I don't know!" Qin Yun was silent for a long time and sighed. "

You are the king of the temple. Have you not seen through your experience for many years? "Shenyu ice dragon voice is slightly excited, but in reality it is fear.

He has just been born again, but he doesn't want to be manipulated by others! because

For him to be born again, it seems to be the result of a variety of coincidence collisions, you can think carefully, and feel that there is a mysterious force in the dark to promote this "coincidental coincidence." This

The kind of "coincidence" is very natural, which makes Shenyu Binglong fear, worrying that he will be controlled by this "coincidence" force, pushing him to go and indirectly controlling his fate.

This kind of power can control his life and death, and he is ignorant of it. It is more and more horrible than the heavenly way of controlling the heavenly domain.

"Let it be natural, since you and I are still alive, you should take the courage to live and find the answer!" Qin Yun smiled faintly: "In any case, you get the kind of sun that God’s mother is trying to find, which is always a good thing. !"

"Dianwang, the most important goal of those heavenly angels coming to this sun holy land is not to find the sun species! Do you know what they are looking for?" Shenyu Ice Dragon puts down the fear in his heart, and now he can only live with peace of mind. Get up to find the answer. Qin

The cloud knows from the Goddess of the Royal Voice that the Heavenly Mother can borrow the altar, which is conditional, that is, to help the top of the Tiandao Divine to find something. "

you know? Qin Yun also wanted to figure out this.

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