Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2070: Spooky cold

Even Qin Yun, the pressure at this moment is very big, because only he can play alone! God

Yu Binglong and Wu Dasheng, although they are not weak, can face the semi-god, but still not enough.

After Qin Yun went out, he had to face more than a dozen semi-god-class chaotic people, dozens of semi-god-class chaotic beasts!

When everyone thought of this, they secretly sweated for Qin Yun!

Qin Yun is confident that even if he can't beat it, he can run away, so he dares to go out, but other people will not do it! day

Those chaotic people are empty, and they also see Qin Yun coming out, and they are surrounded by Shenyu Ice Dragon and Ice King. It

The former chaotic tribe, who swallowed the goddess, almost killed the Shenyu ice dragon. He remembered Qin Yun and was very impressed with Qin Yun.

Because at that time, Qin Yun reminded Shenyu Ice Dragon to dodge, and Qin Yun had a strong Kowloon Tianyuan array. that

The chaotic people of a year ago pointed to Qin Yundao: "It is this guy who has a strong Kowloon Tianyuan array!"

Who owns the Kowloon Tianyuan array? Why is he here? Such people are generally very honorable and will be in such a broken place! "A middle-aged person with doubts, looking at Qin Yun below.

"He has not yet entered the semi-god stage, but the Kowloon Tianyuan array in his hand is very strong, we must be on guard!" The young chaotic people whispered. "

This is not to be afraid, although the Jiuyuan array is strong, it is not enough to kill us! "The middle-aged sneer sneered: "Look at him, seems to want to attack us?" Really not afraid of death! ”

Qin Yun has been watching the air, his mental strength is very strong, just heard the conversation between the two people in the air! he

The heart was secretly surprised. This group of chaotic people knew the things of Jiulong Tianyuan, and said that the people who have the Jiuyuan array in Kowloon are very honorable!

This made him wonder, because the Chaos people must have a memory of inheritance. In their heritage memories, the Kowloon Tianyuan array definitely impressed them! also

There is, the Chaos people must have suffered from the loss of Jiuyuan Tianyuan. Qin

The cloud calls out the cloud stick.

Jiulong Tianyuan Array is within the cloud stick and is ready to attack.

He also placed the Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball in the middle of the Jiuyuan array in Kowloon. nine

Long Tianyuan array can extract the ice cold power of Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball, and then through the transformation of large arrays, and with the power of those gods, it can become stronger.

Because of this, Qin Yun has the confidence to dare to go out against the semi-god.

Just as he observed the surrounding conditions, Shenyu Binglong said: "Don't do this, we must first find a way to use the ice cold power to hit a chaotic guy! Let's take a look at those cold forces. How much damage to them!"

Qin Yun nodded.

The Shenyu Ice Dragon and the Ice King, as well as the powerful old men of the ice family, once again gathered together.

"I entered the strange mountain, controlled the big array, tried to fix a guy, and then you seize the opportunity to attack!" After Qin Yun finished, he flew into the strange mountain of not far away.

He entered the strange mountain of the strange, immediately commanding the mountain **** and Xiao Hua, ready to attack.

There are various large arrays within the strange mountains, and there are many ways to attack the strange mountains.

At this time, the strange grain mountain appeared a long stone arm and quickly reached the air.

The palm of the stone arm is large, and it can pinch a beast inside, and when it sticks out, it grabs a gray tiger.

After all, the chaotic beast is not human, and the action is slow. When you see the huge stone arm, you rush to avoid it.

The stone arm had a suction, which slowed the speed of the gray tiger.

Although the gray tiger ducked, it was still caught.

At the moment when the tiger was caught, Shenyu Binglong and other old people of the ice family quickly put together a group of ice cold forces and blasted into the air.

The strange ice-cold force hit the air and hit the gray tiger.

The white icy power turns into a cloud of mist and wraps the gray tiger.

The gray tiger is madly struggling inside. its

His chaotic people saw this and did not help in the past.

If they attack, they will kill the tiger, but they will not attack, and they do not know how to help the tiger get rid of it. Mixed

The chamons are indeed afraid of the strange ice and cold power. Qin

The heart of the cloud was secretly surprised. The force of the cold was consuming the power of the tiger, and then the tiger was condensed into ice.

The strange ice and cold power, like to swallow the burning energy, can freeze the flame!

This strange ice-cold power is based on the mysterious old man, based on the entire sun shrine, and has been deployed for many years.

Therefore, Shenyu Binglong and the ice people have cultivated to master this strange ice cold power. Rear

Come, because the reason for the rebirth of the ice dragon, coupled with the formation of the land to the yin, so that the big array is gradually dissipated, and can not be re-arranged. that

After the gray tiger was frozen, it fell and hit the enchantment and broke into many ice cubes! that

The ice cubes are turned into energy and return to the Ice King tribe within the enchantment!

The ice people are happy, because their icy power can restrain these chaotic people. air

The chaotic people in the chaos are one by one.

They are very clear that the strange cold ice power released by the ice family can restrain them!

Qin Yun had studied the power of the strange cold and ice, mainly to devour energy, and most like to devour the burning energy.

Encountering the power of burning, the fastest swallowing, can quickly seal the flame. Qin

The cloud vaguely feels that the ice family here is specially cultivated and specially used to fight the Chaos. If

It is the ice people who can step into the gods, and it will be easier to deal with the chaos. "

Don't think that with this power, you can restrain us! "A middle-aged chaotic family in the air, coldly sneered: "You just killed, but the worst animal in our family, nothing to be happy! ”

"If you have something, send someone out! You just joined forces to kill our weakest tiger, but can you deal with us?" a young man sneered. Yes

If Qin Yun and Shenyu Ice Dragon were together, they could not hit the tiger on the ground.

Because of the chaotic people and beasts, the speed is very fast.

"Dian Wang, be careful, if you can't beat it, you will run as soon as possible!" Shen Yu Binglong said. "

King of the Temple, they are so many, they will definitely besiege you! "Yuyin Tianmu is somewhat worried. Qin

The cloud nodded and said: "I have my own size. If I don't kill them, they will break the enchantment sooner or later, then we will be trapped here!"

Shenyu Ice Dragon has already discussed with the ice people. At the same time, they exerted their strength and played a group of white ice cold fog in the air.

Just in a blink of an eye, the air is full of intense cold and cold fog. Qin

Before the cloud, I learned to pass Dragon Ball from Xian Rujing, which was used to defend the strange ice and cold force, so it would not affect him. air

The middle is full of dense fog, Qin Yun also suddenly flies out, through the enchantment, to the sky.

The dozens of chaotic people are not stupid, knowing that the ice family is covering Qin Yun.

They quickly made a burst of violent waves, turned into a gust of wind, and blown away those fogs.

When Qin Yun came into the air, he quickly disappeared. he

Holding the cloud stick in his hand, he has already mobilized the internal Jiuyuan Tianyuan array to extract the energy of Shenyu Ice Dragon Ball, which is accumulating. float

The cloud stick can explode the accumulated energy, and the power is very powerful! Qin

When the clouds came into the air and felt that they were being searched by more than a dozen semi-god-level people, the pressure suddenly felt great. only

After leaving the enchantment, he realized profoundly how strong the half gods of these chaotic people were.

"If it is a half-god ordinary human, or a beast, I may be able to deal with it, but these chaotic people... it is terrible!" Qin Yunxiao recalled his own experience in the ancient times. when

In the year he was the king of Jiuyang Temple, standing at the apex of the ancient wasteland, but a large group of people suddenly appeared, only a child, he was seriously injured.

At that time, he was beaten to fight back! to

It has been many years since, but this fear is still fresh in memory. "

Anyway, I will face them sooner or later! "Qin Yun fixed the god, pressed the fear in the heart, through the eyes of the sky, using the sacred light and the electric lock."

Light saints and electric locks are used at the same time.

Lightning flew past, locked the middle-aged trap of a chaotic family, causing the middle-aged to be disturbed in a short period of time, unable to fight back or dodge in time.

Qin Yun's electric lock is exerted through the eyes of the sky, and its power is even stronger. However, it is not useful at all, but it can make the other side paralyzed.

The moment when the other party is paralyzed is enough for Qin Yun! One

In an instant, he has already come to the middle-aged body, and the floating cloud stick in his hand is fierce!

The icy force that condensed within the cloud stick broke out, and suddenly a horrible ice-cold frenzy suddenly caused the chaotic people who came to support and were blown back and forth.

The middle-aged chaotic family, after being smashed by this stick, was filled with the kind of icy force in the body and instantly condensed. body

When the body has just condensed ice, it becomes a piece of finely divided ice particles that float like sand.

The semi-god of the Chaos family was broken by Qin Yun’s stick!

After everyone saw it, they all cheered!

While they were pleasantly surprised, they also secretly feared the terrible power of Qin Yun. that

More than a dozen chaotic people are terrified! Qin

Yunben thought that he would be besieged, but what surprised him was that the chaotic people actually flew away with a group of beasts! "

gone? "Qin Yun did not chase after, worried that there would be an ambush.

Although he killed a middle-aged chaotic family, he still had some fear in his heart.

Similarly, the Chaos people were just full of fear, so when they saw that their companions were killed, they immediately retreated. "

The Dragon Ball of Shenyu Ice Dragon must be transformed by the large array of mysterious old people to restrain the Chaos! Qin Yun wanted to find the mysterious old man who pointed to the **** ice dragon.

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