Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2073: Unnamed old man

The old man looked awkward, with some wrinkles on his face, his eyes wide, his tall and thin body standing upright, and his hand holding a short sword.

Seeing this old man, Qin Yun suddenly thought of the mysterious old man that Shenyu Ice Dragon had seen in the past!

But he didn't think so, because the old man must be very old, but the old man in front of him can give him the feeling of spirit and full of vitality.

The old man’s fierce eyes, with a hint of coldness, stared at Qin Yun. Qin

The cloud took a deep breath and let yourself calm down.

"Predecessors, what is it?" Qin Yun asked. "

Nothing, that is, I have not seen the nine wild people for many years! And there is such a fun thing! The cold color of the old man in the white robe suddenly disappeared and turned into an old face with a gentle smile. Qin

Yunxiao said: "Predecessors, the short sword in your hand, looks very dangerous, can you close it up?"

"You don't have weapons in your hand, and I shouldn't show weapons!" The old man smiled, his palm turned over, and the short sword flickered. Qin

The heart of the cloud is relieved. This old man seems to be a good communication. He is still unable to determine the old man in front of him. Is it the mysterious old man that Shenyu Ice Dragon has encountered?

He could not see the cultivation of this old man, and could not sense the breath and spiritual fluctuations in him.

From this point, it can be seen that the strength of this old man is certainly not weak. "

Qin Yun, the boy, do not know the name of the predecessor? Qin Yun asked.

"I don't have a name, just call me an unknown old man! Little brother, do you have anything to do here? This area, but extremely dangerous, with your strength, can not live here for a long time!" The old man laughed. "

I have important things to do here! In this area, there is a chaotic god. In the chaos of the sun, there should be chaotic creatures. I have to come here to explore! "Qin Yun opened the door and directly explained the intention."

Chaos Shenyang is very dangerous... and those chaotic creatures that have just been born are very ferocious! "The old man still has a smile on his face.

"I know!" Qin Yun nodded, then looked in one direction, where is the place where Chaoyang Shenyang is located. he

Going to see Chaoyang, this will make him more aware of Chaoyang.

For the danger of Chaoyang, Yang Yun is very clear. "

If you want to see it, then I will take you to see it! The unknown old man smiled and his body floated gently and flew in one direction.

"Predecessors, when did you point out that Shenyu Ice Dragon is here?" Qin Yun will slam the Tissot and ask. no

The old man looked ahead and did not answer immediately. Qin

The cloud waited for a while, and the unknown old man began to say: "I pointed him out! But then there was an accident, which led to Chaos Shenyang out of control!"

"Out of control?" Qin Yun whispered. "

Chaos Shenyang was originally in the land of Yin, but suddenly ran out! Otherwise, we can now see the wonders of Chaos Shenyang and Chaos God and Moon! "The old man is very sorry."

"Predecessors, if it is the integration of Shenyang and the gods, what will happen?" Qin Yun was shocked and asked quickly. "

I don't know, in short, I waited for a long time for that day! But I am finally wrong! The old man sighed.

Qin Yun’s heart was even more shocked. The old man spent so many years, just to see the chaotic gods and the chaotic gods and moons. "

So how strong will Chaos God and Moon? "Qin Yun looked at the huge mother-moon in another direction, and the mother-moon is still evolving."

I don't know, there are so many different kinds of gods and moons, each with its own unique features! Chaos Shenyang is fixed! "The unknown old man said again. Qin

The cloud is more curious about the identity of this old man, and he is very familiar with the things of Chaoyang and Chaos. "

Why does Chaos Shenyang run out by himself? Qin Yun looked at the unknown old man in front. Although he did not sense the chaos of the sun, but the body of the sun, suddenly trembled.

fear! deep

Yang is in fear!

Chaos Shenyang is really terrible, and it can make Jingyang so fearful.

"I don't know yet!" The old man shook his head and said: "I will check it out. In short, this is definitely something that is undermined!"

The cloud thought that Chaoyang was ran out of itself, but the unknown old man thought that some people had caused damage. night

Late, Qin Yun followed the unknown old man and flew in the night sky. in

On the way, Qin Yun asked a lot of unnamed old men, such as he did not know the heavens and gods, and the situation of the group of heavenly mothers.

The unknown old man just said that the heavens are illusory and have no consciousness. They also say that the so-called heaven is just a self-proclaimed heaven. "

Seniors, where are you from? "Qin Yun thinks that this unnamed old man cannot be Jiuyang Tianyu."

I am from Jiuyang! "The unknown old man smiled and said: "In the nine yang, there is a world! And my current home has been destroyed, so I can only go out and stroll! ”

Qin Yun knew that there was a lot of space inside Jiuyang. When he was the king of the gods, he entered the sun.

However, he has not entered the most center.

The sun is a big one, and the internal structure is very complicated. He knows nothing about it. he

The only certainty is that Jiuyang has been nurtured the land of nine wilderness for many years, and has also tried to help the creatures of the nine wasteland.

Half an hour passed, and the unknown old man suddenly hovered in the air. Qin

The cloud also stopped.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yun asked. "

Chaos Shenyang is here, have you seen it? Asked the old man.

"What? Chaos Shenyang is here?" Qin Yun was very vigilant on the way, always paying attention to the situation around him.

The place where he was at this time was a desolate and flat land.

Below is a flat land, and there are no hills in the distance, no grass.

Even if he uses the eyes of the sky, he can't see anything. "

I... I can't see it! Qin Yun looked around carefully and shook his head.

However, he can feel his own yang, as before, has been trembling in fear. no

The old man pointed to the air in front and said: "Chaos is in the sun!" Qin

The cloud looked into the air in front, and looked at it with great care, but nothing was seen, it was a piece of black paint.

At this time, he suddenly realized what!

When he came to this area, he could not see the starlight.

The sky is very dark, a star can't be seen, only the mother's moon is not far away.

"This... what is going on?" Qin Yun said with amazement: "Can't see the stars!"

We have entered the field of Chaoyang Shenyang! "The old man looked at the front and said: "Chaos is in front of you, you can't see it, it's because you are not enough!" Qin

The cloud is incredible in front of a powerful chaotic god! "

How can I see it! "Qin Yundong Zhang Xiwang."

"Give your most powerful strength to your eyes and try it!" The old man said: "Chaos is very strange, the weak is invisible, and you can't feel the power of Chaoyang. This is very big with Jiuyang. Different!" Qin

The cloud quickly spurred the power of the whole body and condensed in both eyes.

His eyes turned red and he opened his eyes completely.

The unknown old man saw his eyes, and he was not surprised. He just looked at Qin Yun quietly.

Qin Yun condensed a powerful force in his eyes, suddenly saw a golden red thing in front!

The golden red air mass is very strange, the light shining out is gray, and it seems to be releasing a turbid but powerful energy. he

It can be seen at the moment, surrounded by all kinds of gray energy.

This is the same strength as the chaotic people he has seen before! This

The gray energy is very strong, and there is no smell at all, which is difficult to sense.

"I saw it! Is that chaotic yang?" Qin Yun finally saw the chaos of the sun, but still could not sense the energy of the state. "

That is Chaos Shenyang, it was a very beautiful thing! However, under the beauty, there is a hidden power! "The unknown old man said: "This chaotic god, it is abolished! ”

"What? Abandoned?" Qin Yun stunned: "Predecessors, what do you want to do with this chaotic god?"

destroy! "The old man with no name is cold."

This... Is this what you created? "Qin Yun is difficult to understand, why should destroy the Chaoyang Shenyang."

I created it! But I am out of control, I can't control Chaoyang, but Chaoyang is ingesting a lot of energy. It is growing rapidly, and I will soon be unable to control it! "The old man said.

The unknown old man is very strong and mysterious. He has a very powerful force. Even he can't control the Chaos, it is really terrible.

"When the Chaos Shenyang is destroyed, what about this sun holy land?" Qin Yun looked at the mother month and said: "My friend is in the mother month!"

The unnamed old man took out a character. that

Zhang Fu was thrown into the air by him, and suddenly it became very big, as big as a bed, with a faint blue-white color, overflowing with a very special kind of ice cold power.

It’s the kind of weird ice cold power, they are much stronger than Shenyu Ice Dragon! "

Don't worry, it won't spread to the moon! "The unknown old man said: "Chaotic Shenyang will be frozen, and then as time goes by, the energy will be a little bit scattered!" "Say

Then, the character suddenly flew forward.

In the air in front, there was a light blue glow, and then a huge ice hockey appeared. that

A huge ice hockey fell on the ground, pulled out a large deep pit, and then sank into the ground.

The deep pits on the ground, at this moment, are also covered with thick ice layers, and the bursts of strange and chilling forces make Qin Yun tremble. "

Chaos Shenyang suddenly becomes stronger, is it related to Yang species? Qin Yun said that there are still a few positive species here.

"Maybe! In the past, the Yang species only allowed the Chaos Shenyang to derive a small chaotic Shenyang. I didn't expect the Chaoyang Shenyang to devour the Yang species to enhance it!" The unknown old man sighed again, and he was very sad. That chaos is holy.

"What about chaotic creatures?" Qin Yun looked around, chaotic Shenyang was frozen, but chaotic creatures did not appear. Qin

The clouds can't help but worry, those chaotic creatures will come to work hard.

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