Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2079: Altar return

Qin Yun took out the **** Wang Tianyin and walked to an entrance. He touched the outer wall of the altar with the **** Wang Tianyin and opened a door. "

Let's go, let's go in and see! Qin Yun said: "Light Yu, you and I said, why Yunyun City will be broken!" ”

Lu Guangyu nodded and followed Qin Yun.

Qin Yun believes that the reason why the floating cloud city will be broken is definitely caused by someone’s special attack. float

Yuncheng was built by him, and even in the past many years, the defense was strong.

Lu Qingyu followed the Qin Yun and entered the altar.

She has lived for a long time near the altar, but she has never entered the altar and it is difficult to open. Qin

The cloud touched the outer wall casually, and the altar opened a door, which made Lu Xiaoyu somewhat shocked.

Lu Xueyu slowly talked about these years, what happened in this city, Qin Yun listened patiently, which helps to understand the situation of the Nine Underworld and the idea of ​​who is playing this altar. ...


Before the Qin Yun incident, the young people in Lujiashan Villa also made some anecdotes, but this did not affect their continued hosting of the dinner.

The young Junjie here is to take over the four major sects in the future, as well as this super-Xuanhai City, and will deal with each other for a long time. on

At this time, suddenly a middle-aged came over, his face was quite heavy, and Lu Shaoke said: "Lu Shao, the altar was opened a door! Lu Qingyu and the guy named Qin entered the altar!"

what? The altar has not been opened for many years. How can it be opened now? Lu Shaoke heard about this, biting his teeth: "It must be Lu Guangyu... She and Lu Haikang should know how to open, they have not opened!" ”

The altar of Chao Xuanhai City has a great significance and is regarded as the town of Chao Xuanhai City.

Because the altar is very powerful, even the four major sects have an idea about it.

The four main gates in this area of ​​the Nine Underworld are Ziyun Mountain Villa, Panxian Palace, Xulong Sword School, and Mingxian.

Today, the future of these four major sects, the youngest and strongest disciples are here. he

We must have a good relationship with Lujia, and we want to find out the secrets of the altar. ratio

Such as Bai Fumei, she is Ziyun Villa, and is still a white family, she and Lu Shaoke, is also an altar of the Lujia Villa. and

Bai Kunjie wants to pursue Lu Guangyu, and the big reason is also because of the altar. Of course, Lu Guangyu’s own charm is also great, and it is a rare and powerful woman.

Lu Shaoke is a member of Lujia Mountain Villa, and is also known as the Shaocheng Lord and disciple of Panshan Palace, so many people think that he will get the altar.

However, the people of Lujia are very clear. After Lu Haikang’s death, only Lu Qingyu can enter the enchantment of the altar. when

The first enchantment was arranged by the geeks of Zhuge Qingxiong, and only they could enter and exit the enchantment. "

What is the boy named Qin? Why does Xiaoyu pay so much attention to him? "Bai Kunjie looks at Lu Shaoke."

I really do not know! Lu Shaoke shook his head and his face was dignified. He said: "No matter what, we must master the altar as soon as possible!" ”

Bai Fumei exposed cold light, whispered: "As long as we unite, we can make Lu Yuyu give way! The altar is very important to our super-Xuanhai City, as well as the four major sects, and must not let her this moody woman take control! ""

Then we will meet, and we will go to the elders! Bai Fumei said: "The enemy is about to attack the city. At that time, we can threaten Lu Yuyu and force her to hand over the power to enter the altar!" ”

Many young talents have nodded. he

They are the successors of the major forces in the city, and there are many from the four major sects. If they do not shoot and do not resist the evil forces of siege, then the ultra-Xuanhai City will certainly be broken.

The evil forces that attack the city are also directed at the altar.

With Lu Qianyu’s own strength, he could not hold the altar. When Lu Yuyu is sure to ask for help.

They have their own calculations and then rushed to the meeting. ...


Qin Yun and Lu Yuyu are within the altar. Qin

After listening to Lu Guangyu’s remarks, the cloud sighed: “I didn’t expect that this altar, I actually caused so many incidents!”

Before the Yunyun City was attacked by several sects, it was finally broken. Rear

It was the tiger turtle with a large group of powerful beasts that only repelled the group. Later, Lu Haikang and Laolong came over and started building a city.

Although the altar has not been opened, there is a natural source of energy below the altar. that

The source of energy can provide energy for the entire city.

At the beginning, the enchantment of the floating cloud city, the main energy comes from that energy source.

Qin Yun built the Yunyun City in this place and laid the enchantment to extract energy from the energy source to maintain the operation of the floating cloud city. that

The source of energy is hidden deep, and the energy is difficult to extract, so it is difficult to find.

Over time, the people of this ultra-Xuanhai City thought that the energy provided by the city came from the huge and magnificent ancient altar. Enter

When entering the Xuanhai City to practice, the speed of breakthrough will be significantly improved, and all aspects can be enhanced.

The four main sects of the sects have repeatedly entered the city to conduct investigations, and they have further recognized that all kinds of rich energy in the city come from the altar.

"Qin Da Ge, this area has a very strong energy flow, is it really the reason for the altar?" Lu Qingyu asked, she did not know about it. Qin

Cloud smiled and shook his head: "Of course not! This altar does not work... and it is not so easy to run this altar!"

After that, Qin Yun told Lu Xiaoyu about the source of energy in the ground.

After Lu Xiaoyu finished listening, I realized that this altar was very quiet here for many years. "

Light Yu, I want to take away this altar! Qin Yun said: "But you can rest assured that after the altar is taken away, Chao Xuan Haicheng still has energy! ”

Lu Qingyu said: "It seems that Zhuge Master knew the source of energy below the deep ground. The large array of Chao Xuan Haicheng was arranged by him. The energy must be taken from the energy source under the deep ground!"

"Yes! This big array is very good, but it has been running for too long and has not been maintained!" Qin Yun said: "I can help with the transformation!"

Lu Guangyu bit his teeth and said: "Don brother Qin, don't worry about this city... After you take the altar, let's go straight!"

"Why? This city should be your hard work!" Qin Yun doubted. "

It used to be, but it is not now! Lu Guangyu sighed: "The major families of this city have been infiltrated by the four major sects. Even the real power figures of Lujia Mountain Villa have four major sects! Qin

As soon as the cloud heard it, I probably understood it. This

The city was originally built by Lu Haikang and Zhuge Qingxiong, who were used to gather people in the ultra-historic sea. but

Yes, the altar of the four major thresholds is not easy to **** with hard methods, so it penetrates the major families a little bit. city

The major families in the world, the earliest people have gone, died, and the younger generation, who are tempted by the four sects, do not defend the city, just want to take the altar for their sect.

"Although I rarely go out and do not touch with them, but they want to do something, I am clear!" Lu Guangyu suddenly fell cold and said: "So, I have been working hard to practice, With strong power, you can protect this altar!"

That being the case, then I take the altar and take you out of here! Then go find those evil forces and avenge them for Lu Lao! "Qin Yun held Lu Xiaoyu's hand."

Big Brother Qin, although your strength is strong, but...the evil forces are still very strong, and after taking the altar, it will definitely be besieged by many forces in the city. If you get the altar, let it go. The rest, I will deal with it. ! "Liang Yuyu said."

Fool, your Qin brother is very strong, and those guys are united, not my opponent! Qin Yun smiled.

"But..." Lu Guangyu knows that Qin Yun is very strong, but he can't see what Qin Yun is doing. He even thinks that Qin Yun is already the peak of Tiansheng. "

Light Yu, or else, I take the altar! Then you said that you took it, and then see how they react! You have to understand that you are the master of this city. If they object, you will go straight back and have everything! "Qin Yun laughed."

No, this city is the big brother of Qin! The altar is yours, the floating cloud city is also yours, and it is still laid by your subordinate tiger turtle! "Lu Qingyu smiled."

Light Yu, then, let's see what they are all about! Qin Yun smiled.

"The evil forces are going to be attacked... Qin Da, can you really deal with them?" Lu Qingyu is still worried. "

Light Yu, what weapons are you using now? Qin Yun asked.

"I am using a sword now!" Lu said. Qin

The cloud took out a purple gold **** sword, and a set of purple gold scorpio, smiled: "Look!"

In the past few years, she has learned a lot about the weapons and weapons. She knew that this was a very powerful weapon and protective gear.

"It's very strong... Is this holy?" Lu Xiaoyu was shocked. "

God level! But, there is a certain life! The internal energy consumption is gone! "Qin Yunsai said: "It can be used for a while now! ""

This is very precious! "Lu Guangyu does not dare to."

Not precious! Qin Yun smiled and laughed. This is what he got from the celestial beings, and there are a lot of hands in the voice of Tianyin. He gave him some.

Seeing these equipments, Lu Xiaoyu knows that Qin Yun’s hand is definitely stronger, and he will accept it with confidence. "

Big Brother Qin, you take away the altar! Lu Guangyu said.

Qin Yun nodded and then took her out of the altar.

When I came outside, Qin Yun thought about it, and the altar was earned by him.

This ninth altar finally returned to Qin Yun’s hand and belonged to his altar. in

The huge altar in the middle, the golden altar, suddenly disappeared. Festival

Not long after the altar disappeared, the city burst into exclamation, and the whole city was sensational and panicked.

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