Nine Sun God King

Chapter 212: Spirit King Cannon

Yin Sheng was aware that his body could not move, and suddenly remembered that Qin Yun was a singularist, and he mastered a variety of top quality, and now he is the power of the fixed body.

When he saw the separation of Prince Taiyuan's body and he couldn't move, he screamed: "Don't kill me!"

Qin Yun looked at the face of desperate Yin Sheng, he sneered: "You have to kill us three times and five times, I was almost killed by you, how could you let you go?"

After the words are finished, Ling Jing Bao knife flies over and will kill Yin Sheng!

Qin Yun took the storage artifacts of Yin Sheng and Ling Yuan, took out a few fire charms, hit two bodies, and then hurriedly left the scene.

Just after he left, there was a veteran of the martial arts who came over and put out the flames. He saw the bodies of Yin Sheng and Ling Yuan, and made him screaming loudly...


Qin Yun was very open and away from the fierce battlefield, but still heard the angry roar from the distance.

After a sigh of relief, he secretly said: "Fortunately, I ran fast!"

The sky was bright, and Qin Yun ran for several hours and entered the second district of the first town.

Entering the second district, he sensed that the atmosphere here was terrible, and there was a breath of soulful warcraft from time to time.

The most terrifying thing is that there are occasional flying World of Warcraft in the air!

Before dawn, Qin Yun entered a collapsed stone building and went to the basement to hide.

"The second district is terrible! Warcraft is getting more and more, and I don't know if there are humans in this area." Qin Yun closed his eyes and took the nine-yang aura to conserve the inner yuan and restore consumption.

The aura of the second district is very rich, so in the first district and the second district, there are many powerful warriors gathered. It is said that there are many martial arts.

The first town is not bound by the various empires, and it is not so simple to see.

You know, many famous families in the empire have big enemies hiding in the first town.

However, these martial arts families do not dare to avenge in the first town.

"Before Big Brother Li said that some people have sinned against the Blue Lingxing Palace, and they have also come here to hide, and the Blue Lingxing Palace has no way to take the first town!"

Qin Yun suddenly felt that the first town was not so simple, especially in the first district of the center, it seems to hide something.

After he had rested, he took out the storage bags of Yin Sheng and Ling Yuan.

These two storage bags have no blood-strip, and others can take away the things at will.

"There are a lot of ** order magic crystal nucleus, add up to more than 100 million Xuan points! It should be that they harvest in the first town for many days!" Qin Yun saw the magic crystal nucleus inside the storage bag, secretly happy.

The magic crystal nucleus on his body plus these can be exchanged for one hundred and five million, and the difference is 50 million, which can be exchanged for a bottle of King Kong spirit.

He took out the tools and started the game.

The predecessor he used before has a remarkable effect, and it is not a problem to deal with a warrior with a martial arts.

Today, in the second district, he has a lot of Warcraft, but he doesn't have the kind of charm, which makes him feel insecure.

At this point, he had to rush to make the top grade.

"At least in a critical time, play a certain role!" Qin Yun eager to get the magic crystal core to exchange the Xuan point, so I thought about entering the depths of the first town.

He still doesn't know the situation in the second district and the first district, but he wants to come in and see, first figure out the situation, and next time you have enough preparations to come in again, there will be better convenience.

After a whole day, Qin Yun finally made a top-grade animal skin charm.

However, just as he was resting, he suddenly noticed the outside of the basement, and there was a slight movement!

"What is outside? Is there Warcraft to find me?" After Qin Yun was surprised, he released a spiritual force to explore the things outside the door.

"Someone is outside the door!"

He thinks this is even more scary than Warcraft.

Sometimes, people are much more terrible than Warcraft, such as Yin Sheng.


The people outside the stone door in the basement knocked on the stone door.

Qin Yun clenched a fixed body and was thinking about it in a hurry. The people outside the door have a sturdy atmosphere, and even if there is a fixed body, it is not so easy to deal with.

"Is there someone inside? I am not malicious! We are a squad that kills Warcraft. Everyone else is outside. When we passed here, we learned that there are people below, so we came to see it. We lack a team member, we are sincere. Invite you to join our team."

The voice of talking outside the door is not anxious or slow, it sounds like a very kind old voice.

"How can I trust you?" Qin Yun bit his teeth and asked in a deep voice, his voice full of vigilance.

"I have the repair of the martial arts nine-fold peak. If I am really malicious to you, do you think this stone door can stop me?" The voice laughed.

He knocked at the door and could hear his attitude from the tone.

Qin Yun was stunned and opened the stone door with his mental power to keep a distance from the door.

After the stone door was opened, a thin old man in a white shirt, carrying his hands, smiled and stood there.

"Young people, your mental strength seems to be good? Hello, I am Lao Tan!" The old man came over and arched Qin Yun.

"I am Ayun!" Qin Yun did not say his name, still diverted to the other side.

Lao Tan can also see that Qin Yun is alerting him.

He smiled slightly and said to Qin Yundao: "I just said my intention outside the door! Now, I will tell you the details. Our team originally had five people, but one of them suddenly quit, bringing us the team. Very difficult problems that make us unable to cooperate."

He saw Qin Yun listening carefully and said: "Our team is all martial arts. I don't know what the little brother is doing?"

This is the second region. Without a certain strength, I dare not go alone, so Lao Tan did not despise the youngsters at hand.

"The martial arts is seven!" Qin Yun said: "My team and I are gone!"

Old Tan nodded and didn't talk anymore. He is thinking about whether or not Qin Yun will join their team.

Qin Yuncai’s martial arts are seven-fold, and Lao Tan’s squad are all martial arts, and the difference is somewhat large.

After careful consideration, Lao Tan said: "Can you wait here? I went up to discuss with my companions. This is not because I look down on you, but because of your cultivation, joining our team is dangerous. You should be clear about yourself."

Qin Yun thinks that if the other person is not bad, there is no problem in joining them, and they can understand a little about this.

He saw Lao Tan coming out of Shimen and hurriedly chased him. "Old Tan, I will go up with you!"

In this underground stone room, it is not convenient to escape. If you go to the top, it will be different.

"Good!" Lao Tan smiled and walked up.

Out of the basement, they came to the first floor of the collapsed stone building. Although the top collapsed, the first floor of the hall was not covered by boulder.

After Qin Yun went up, he saw two middle-aged men and a tall and thin old man.

They are dressed like the old Tan, they are all white shirts.

Two middle-aged men, who are similar in appearance, are thick-eyed, handsome, and burly, and should be brothers.

The thin old man, the eyebrows are somewhat similar to the two big men. At first glance, they know that they are the fathers of the two middle-aged men.

Lao Tan briefed Qin Yun on the situation of the father and son, and they all nodded.

After the negotiation, Lao Tan also showed a satisfied smile. He walked to Qin Yun and smiled. "Ayun, this is Zhou Lao, the two are his son, Zhou Dahe and Tuesday. Both are martial arts and nine, and Zhou The old is very close to the martial arts. It is the strongest of the four of us. Are you willing to join our team?"

"Well, I will join!" Qin Yun can only plan this first, this is also a good opportunity.

Lao Tan, their four-person team is very strong. If you want to deal with him, you must have already started it. You will not talk so calmly.

"Under the next Ayun!" Qin Yun walked over and arched the father and son of Zhou Jia: "Zhou Lao, Zhou Da Ge, Tuesday brother, hello! Please take care!"

Zhou Lao smiled: "You join us, it is our companion, of course we will take care of you!"

Zhou Da also laughed: "You can rest assured that you are a teenager! Although our team does not have a martial arts warrior, but we have killed the soul of Warcraft!"

On Tuesday, he smiled: "Ayun, you are lucky, you can meet our team, as long as you follow us, you will definitely have a lot of gains."

With only four of them, you can kill the World of Warcraft, this strength is indeed very strong.

Qin Yun nodded and then took out some food to share with them.

Lao Tan and Zhou Jia and his son are not very concerned about Qin Yun. They are all martial arts, and they don’t need to be afraid of a seven-strong boy.

And they saw that Qin Yun had a storage instrument and secretly doubted his identity, but did not ask.

Here, everyone is very tacit, did not say their name.

The people in the first town have always been such a hidden name.

"You seniors, you are all martial arts, why do you let me join the martial arts seven? Are you afraid of dragging your hind legs?"

Qin Yun was very confused about this. He saw that Lao Tan was a bold person and asked him boldly.

Lao Tan and Zhou Lao could not help but laugh.

Zhou Laoxiao said: "Ayun, you join us, but you have to take on a very difficult task. But you can rest assured that it is not a dangerous thing."

After that, he gave Lao Tan a wink.

Lao Tan took out a cylindrical thing that was more than one meter long. The inside was hollow, and the whole body was black. The ends of the cylinder had gold rings on both ends. The outside of the cylinder was engraved with a spiritual pattern. Can be stuffed into a big fist, there is also a spiritual pattern in the wall.

When Qin Yunyi saw it, he knew that this thing was a bad tool. He couldn’t help but be shocked. He said: "Is this at least Wang Pinling?"

Zhou Lao was slightly surprised and smiled: "Good eyes, this is indeed the Wang Pinling, named Lingwang Cannon! The filled shells are made from the 9th-order magic crystal nucleus. After playing out, it can make a huge impact to the soul of Warcraft. hurt."

Lao Tan’s face is serious: “Ayun, this thing is for you! It is also the key to our defeat of the soul of Warcraft! The mental strength is strong enough to control the aim!”


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