Nine Sun God King

Chapter 216: Make meritorious

Hundreds of Warcraft suddenly stunned and shook the earth. The fierce World of Warcraft atmosphere, formed a violent wind, whistling out of the villa, blowing many collapsed bricks and stones, suddenly dusty days.

Rushing in front of the old Tan and Dashan, throwing out several high-quality storms, blowing the smoke away, to ensure a clear view.

Qin Yun was on the building, through the Lingwang cannon, and saw the red shadows flying from the walls of the villa. These Warcrafts were agile and fast.

After he looked carefully, he was secretly surprised. It was a gorilla up to two meters!

The gorilla has red hair, a six-inch long pointed head, a sharp mouth with a big mouth, a stiff red scale, and a very large and long arm. The fist is made of steel and shines with metal.

"These Warcraft are really terrible. It seems that they should be of the melee type. The physical defense is very strong." Qin Yun no longer went to see the gorillas and focused on the blue phoenix.

When the blue phoenix sprints, he throws a flying knife from time to time, and the energy of the martial arts is condensed on it. It is very easy to pierce the body of a violent orangutan.


In the villa, suddenly there was a terrible scream. The snoring of this orangutan is as terrible as a beast.

Lao Tan, they are dealing with the Warcraft group, the seven or eight steps of Warcraft is quite easy to deal with, and only when the nine-order Warcraft is close, only those fixed characters are used.

The blue phoenix flies and flies, and soon enters the mountain!

Suddenly, a dark-bellied gorilla climbed up to the top of the low mountain, and his hands were so afraid of hitting the chest, swaying a wave of gas, covering the entire villa.

"This is the Spirit of Warcraft? It seems that there is no injury!" Qin Yun immediately controlled the Lingwang cannon, aiming at the gorilla a few meters high.


The King of the Kings trembled slightly, and two shells flew out, and instantly fell on the head of the gorilla, bursting with a wave of anger, and the gorilla was slammed down the mountain and landed heavily on the ground.

At the same time, another huge orangutan appeared, his body was blood red, and it looked even more ferocious.

The blue phoenix saw the gorilla on the top of the mountain being beaten, and his heart was relieved. A soulful Warcraft had been killed, and the rest of the head was her.

After the red orangutan appeared, it rushed to the blue phoenix!

The blue phoenix jumped up and floated in the air, taking out a giant axe!

Her giant axe shines, the sharp blade of the axe is half a meter long, and the axe handle is more than one meter long. The whole axe is violently jumping with a wire, which looks like a very high-level spirit.

Just when Qin Yun planned to watch the battle, he suddenly discovered that the black gorilla that had been bombarded by him had climbed to the top!

The black gorilla, whose head was blown up and flew, kept blood, and did not die!

The gorilla screamed in anger, and the anger of the anger made Blue Phoenix and Lao Tan secretly scared!

Especially Lao Tan and Dashan, they all thought that the Lingwang cannon had killed the black gorilla, but did not expect it, even wake up!

"This guy is not dead!" Qin Yun also had two shells. He immediately used the Lingwang gun to aim and hit it again.


The head of the black gorilla was crushed after being hit, and the body rolled down from the top of the low mountain. This time it completely died.

Everyone was relieved, and Lan Fengqi was also relieved to fight the blood red gorilla!

After the black gorilla died, the red gorilla was even more angry. Crazy as crazy, the long angle of the head, suddenly shot a red beam of light, hit the blue phoenix!

Blue Phoenix is ​​stunned to avoid the red beam. If it is hit, it will be seriously injured!


The red gorilla’s red beam from the corner of the head fell on the ground and blasted a pit of more than a dozen meters, which was terrible.

Lan Fengqi also cut a few axe on the gorilla, and it was deep, but the gorilla did not fall.

Qin Yun also looked anxious, he was somewhat worried that other World of Warcraft will come over, the movement is so big, it is very likely to alarm the distant World of Warcraft.

The villa was in a mess, and at this time there was a fierce battle, the walls were completely collapsed, and the buildings that were turned into ruins were blown by a wave of gas.

This area of ​​fierce battle, covered with booming, is very terrible!

Qin Yun is in the distance, watching the battle of Lan Fengqi, I feel that this red gorilla should be blasted just now, because the red gorilla is too strong, and he has been cut so many axe and full of energy.

"The bones are very hard! The blue sister's axe is basically cutting the bones, but it is just cutting the flesh." After Qin Yun discovered it, he secretly worried about the safety of Lanfeng.


Suddenly the muffled sound that made everyone shocked!

A small mountain inside the villa suddenly split, a black gorilla, broke out of the mountains, rushed to the blue phoenix!

After seeing Lao Tan, he quickly said: "Dashan, you are not saying that there are only two spirits of Warcraft? How is it now three?"

"I can't help it, we didn't explore it clearly!" The mountains are awkward, and now they face the ** order of Warcraft, which is much more than expected.

Lao Tan, they are fighting with a large group of gorillas, they are unable to retreat, and it is difficult to retreat. For a time, they are in a difficult battle.

Qin Yun saw that the situation in front of him was so severe, he made his own claim and rushed to the old Tan on the fire.

"Old Tan, is there a shell?" Qin Yun asked.

"Nothing!" Lao Tan saw Qin Yun coming over, very anxious: "What are you doing here?"

Qin Yun bit his teeth, took out two bones, and threw them at Lao Tan and Dashan, and set the violent blood orangutans who attacked them. They won time for them and could seriously hurt the two gorillas.

The ninth-order gorilla has more than twenty heads, which is what the Raptors squad did not expect.

The pressure of Lao Tan and Dashan has been reduced a lot and can help other players. In this case, even if they want to retreat, it is not so difficult.

They suddenly discovered that Qin Yun is not only able to control, but also good in terms of strength. The players were in danger, and he did not shrink together, bravely rushed to the rescue.

"I am going to take the Warcraft crystal egg, once we get the Warcraft crystal egg, we immediately retreat!" Qin Yun finished, and quickly rushed to the villa.

If it is not fast, Lan Fengqi can't support it, she is now facing two souls of Warcraft!

Before Qin Yun was in the distant building, he observed the villa very carefully, guessing that the Warcraft crystal egg was in the low mountain, otherwise there would be no spiritual level of Warcraft coming out from it.

The gorilla that had been killed before climbed to the top of the mountain just to protect the low mountain.

When Qin Yun rushed into the villa, Lan Fengqi knew his intention and shouted to him: "Qin Yun, look at you!"

"Blue sister, you will hold it for a while!" Qin Yun walked in the void, rushing to the low mountain, nervous to the extreme.

Soon, he came over the low mountains, holding a top-notch in his hand, and then jumped out of the big hole.

After coming to the bottom, the dangerous atmosphere suddenly shrouded!

It is two nine-order Warcraft!

Although Qin Yun’s heart was horrified to the extreme, he was very calm and hurriedly threw the fixed body in his hand and set the two nine-order Warcraft!

After the 9th-order Warcraft was settled, he took out the Giant Spirit Hammer, inspiring the internal martial arts soul, making the Giant King Hammer become very big, and then urging the internal violent lines, making the power of Wang Hammer to go out. Got violent.

He used the arm of Tiens to hold the giant spirit hammer, and then cooperated with the power of the inner Yang and the inner yuan of the sinister Yang to cast the star-shaped style in the six styles of the forging dragon!


The sledgehammer fell on the head of a blood red gorilla and knocked it into a fire!


The giant spirit hammer lifted up and landed on the head of another gorilla, hitting a flame!

After the two-stage nine-order Warcraft was fixed, he was killed in a few short moments.

At this time, he saw the body of the mountain, there are a large number of human bodies, piled up all over the wall, emitting a stench.

Qin Yun killed two nine-step gorillas and was evacuated by 80% of the internal forces. Fortunately, his mental strength is still full.

As soon as his mental strength is released, he covers the mountain and locks in a place where energy gathers.

He collected the bodies of the two gorillas and rushed to the place where the energy gathered. He saw that there were more than a dozen and a half meters of red giant eggs, like a red crystal ball!

"This is the Warcraft Crystal Egg? There are sixteen!" Qin Yun's heart was a surprise, just to take it away, but suddenly it was unable to move forward by a whirlwind.

He looked back and saw that a large piece of rock was sucked away, and behind it was empty, and he could clearly see the black gorilla, which was swallowing a huge mouth.

Qin Yun immediately applied the gods to control the Warcraft crystal egg flying over.

After the Warcraft crystal egg approached, he was included in the storage space.


The blue phoenix suddenly swooped down from the air, vigorously cutting an axe on the head of the black gorilla, preventing swallowing.

Qin Yun hurriedly stepped on the fire and shouted: "I got it!"

Then, he used his spirit to cover the body of a spiritual gorilla, suspended it, and then retired it into a large storage bag.

He came to the air and saw that the red gorilla was killed by the blue phoenix.

Lan Fengqi hurriedly retreated, and by the way took away the body of the red gorilla.

There are also twenty or thirty ninth-order gorillas who have not been killed. They are not a pity, and they retreat very decisively and leave the battlefield.


After two hours of running, they finally stopped and rested in a street shop.

Qin Yun took out ten Warcraft crystal eggs, and the body of the spiritual gorilla, the things in his hand are the most expensive.

"There are actually ten Warcraft crystal eggs!" The mountain was a surprise.

"You know now, no Ayun, we can't get the Warcraft crystal egg!" Lao Tan laughed.

The two sons of Dashan did not speak, and they were very clear. In the previous situation, there was no force and bones help from Qin Yun, let alone the Warcraft crystal egg, they may not even get the body of the 9th-order Warcraft.

"How do you divide it?" said Lan Fengqi, then he took a look at Qin Yun, and he didn't have any deep feelings in his eyes.

Qin Yun’s heart trembled a little. He swallowed six eggs and seemed to be discovered by Lan Fengqi. He remembered that at that time, it was the blue phoenix that swooped down from the sky and slashed the gorilla. It is very likely to see the specific number of Warcraft crystal eggs.


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