Nine Sun God King

Chapter 218: Wang Pinling

Qin Yun did not immediately agree, but first asked: "Where to help, let me talk about it, let me do it!"

Lan Fengqi looked around and then pulled Qin Yun into a warehouse.

There was a lot of wine in the warehouse. The blue phoenix sat on a big tank, took out a slate, placed it on his own wheat-colored lap, and then hooked his finger at Qin Yun, indicating him.

After Qin Yun passed, he saw many strange lines on the stone plate.

"This is a set of strange lines!" Lan Feng said.

"If this is a set of strange lines, it is very close to the mysterious pattern, it should be the best spirit, or Wang Pinling!" Qin Yun squatted down, put his head together, and looked carefully.

Lan Fengqi smiled slightly: "Good eyesight, this is the Wang Pinling pattern! Both the grain and the dark lines are there. I want you to help me. I will make this group of spirits into a character. I will provide you with the spirit skin." ”

The beast, that is the powerful beast above the 9th-order monster, as powerful as the Warcraft. It is said that the spirit beast can speak human language, wisdom is the same as human beings, and only the martial arts can deal with the spirit beast.

Qin Yun is also a little excited, said: "Blue sister, can you tell me what is this spiritual pattern? It is not difficult to make a spirit, but there is no guarantee that you will be satisfied! I can only engrave a set of spirits on top, top More is just the best charm, can not reach the Wang Pin Ling."

The judgment of the spirit level is based on the power and the difficulty of production. The most intuitive is the number of engravings. In general, the more the number of groups, the stronger the power of the charm, and the higher the material requirements.

Qin Yun's refining of the middle-aged body is very close to the top-grade charm. If you re-engraving a set of fixed-body tattoos, it is the top-grade charm, but the difficulty will be much greater.

Lan Fengqi chuckled and said: "I can't tell you what the spirit is. I just need to help me make a character! After you succeed, I will give you my Warcraft crystal egg as a reward."

"You have given me the dark lines, even if you don't say it, I can try it out later." Qin Yun picked up the slate and smiled.

Lan Fengqi smiled and said: "Without the special papers I provided, you can't use these spirits to make a character! This group of spirits is mainly used for layout and can not be used for refining. Instrument."

"For the Warcraft Crystal Egg, I will help you refine it!" Qin Yun no longer asks, anyway, I have this set of Ling Wen, I will definitely try it out later.

Lan Feng Xiao Jiao smiled and said: "You should not be discouraged. If there is a chance in the future, I will tell you the role of this group of spirits."

Qin Yun took out a piece of animal skin and began to engrave it on the animal skin with a carving knife. This is to familiarize with the group of Wang Pin Ling, and then familiarize himself before he can formally make it.

"You want to make it here?" asked Lan Fengqi.

"Yeah!" Qin Yun nodded. He got the volume of thirty-six spirits. The complexity of the spirits inside was only the top quality, and the best spirits and Wang Pin Ling, none of them.

He is very excited to be able to get in touch with Wang Pin Ling.

Learning to master the best spirit and Wang Pin Ling is a very important stage. Only when you master it, you can be comfortable when you learn the mystery.

Qin Yun only has the martial arts seven-fold cultivation, and learning the mysterious lines requires the martial arts to be repaired.

Now, he has mastered the top quality of the pattern. The best spirits and Wang Pin Ling are very rare. At this time, you can meet, but it is a very rare learning opportunity.

Lan Fengqi whispered: "You can't do it here. This is the second district. There are many souls of Warcraft. We will leave the first town and say, you are familiar with this group of spirits."

"Blue sister, what the **** are you coming to? There is Wang Pinling, are you the sacred temple?" Qin Yun asked, in his cognition, only the singular hall and the blue singer palace have this kind of Levels of Spirit are present.

"No, don't ask too much!" Lan Fengqi smiled and smiled, hitting Qin Yun sitting on the ground with his knees.

Qin Yun licked his mouth, and did not know what nerves to send, to pinch a blue phoenix thigh.

"Oh, you stink!" Lan Fengqi giggled and said: "You are not honest!"

She laughed and rubbed Qin Yun's cheek with her thighs.

"Blue sister, you tease me like this, I can't settle down to familiarize myself with the spiritual pattern." Qin Yun lamented, although Meng Feiling is a charming fairy, but usually it is very convergent.

In front of the blue phoenix, wearing a hot sexy, revealing two long legs and navel eyes, looks strong but a bit charming. What Qin Yun did not expect was that this charming and beautiful person was still very coquettish.

"Little devil, don't think I don't know, you always stare at my thigh!" Lan Feng said with a smile.

"The main thing is that you are too bold. Do you usually do this?" Qin Yun sat on the ground and leaned against a wine tank. Lan Fengqi was sitting on the tank next to him, swaying the length of the hook. leg.

Lan Fengqi looked at Qin Yun seriously engraved with the spirit pattern, and smiled: "That is not, I only wear it when I come out to play! Saying, Xiao Yuelan is such a beautiful woman, but your wife is not honest. Point, there are such beautiful people in the family, but also remember other."

Qin Yun sighed: "Blue sister, I have seen a lot of beautiful people, but there are not so many attractive people like you. You have a sinful atmosphere in your body. It is really terrible to wear it like this!"

After hearing the blue phoenix, he issued a series of refreshing and charming laughs. "There are a lot of people who have been working on my hands, so I am going to kill them... this is really terrible!"

"Little devil, what is your feelings for Yang Shiyue? She is also a beautiful woman, you can't be heartless." Lan Fengqi also like Lan Feilin, hooking his handsome face.

A handsome and capable teenager like Qin Yun is very popular among women. Especially the blue-frozen woman, who is unrestrained and unrestrained, will certainly not let go of the opportunity to tease and tease.

"She is my teacher, I respect her!" Qin Yun was touched, and felt that he suffered a loss and secretly sweared a few words.

"Smelly kid! I don't believe you!" Lan Fengxiao smiled and shook his hand and said: "Well, I am not teasing you, concentrate on doing your business!"

In order to concentrate on it, Qin Yun took out the skin and slate, went to a corner, and carefully carved.

Lan Feng said: "Qin Yun, Yang Shiyue has stepped into the martial arts. On the talent, she is similar to me. Now, she is the fiancee of Xiao Yanglong, you and Xiaoyang Long have hatred, what are you going to do?"

I heard that Yang Shiyue stepped into the martial arts. Qin Yun was silent for a few seconds, and his heart was secretly happy. He said: "I can only work hard to improve my strength and master the power to change everything!"

"Really, only strong, can fight against Xiaoyang Long, a disgusting guy. He is in the Blue Lingxi Palace, but he has done a lot of disgusting things. He is a very vicious guy, but he even his father. It’s all right, there’s nothing he can’t do.” Lan Fengyu talked about Xiao Yanglong, his disgusting look

Qin Yun can be sure that Lan Fengqi is the person of the Lan Lingxing Palace.

He asked: "Blue sister, are you in that palace? Nangong, Donggong, Beigong, or Xigong?"

Lan Fengxiao smiled and shook his head: "No, I am the Holy Palace! Do you want to enter the Blue Lingxing Palace, Donggong is very welcome to join, when you perform well, I can recommend you to enter the Holy Palace and become a saint !"

"The Holy Palace is really powerful!" Qin Yun exclaimed.

"Yang Shiyue and your wife Xiao Yuelan have joined the Holy Palace! They are my sisters, and I am the same master!" Lan Fengxi smiled very happy.

Qin Yun couldn't help but look old, and hurriedly said: "Blue sister, you don't talk in front of Teacher Yang, it will be very embarrassing!"

Lan Fengqi giggled and said: "Reassured, I will never talk to her, see your guilty!"

Qin Yun snorted and asked: "Blue sister, Xie Laoda also entered the Holy Palace. Have you heard of him? Xie Wufeng, a sword repair!"

He mentioned Xie Wufeng, and the smile on the face of Lan Fengqi disappeared. He said seriously: "I don't know if he is difficult. This guy... I don't know whether to call him a sword or a sword, it is terrible. It is said to be in St. In the palace, under the martial arts, but the strength of one of the best, if he stepped into the martial arts, he could not imagine his strength."

After Qin Yun heard it, he was secretly happy for Xie Wufeng, and then he was silent. He carefully painted the spiritual pattern. He did not know when he would enter the martial arts.

Lan Fengqi also seems to see what Qin Yun is thinking, whispering: "Qin Yun, if you enter the East Palace, with your ability, you can definitely make rapid progress, you stay in the Star Xuanwuyuan, it is a waste of time."

Qin Yun did not speak. He stayed at the Star Xuanwuyuan, but had other plans. He firmly believes that in the Star Xuanwu Court, some inheritance of the Blue Dragon King is definitely hidden, but it has not yet been found.

This time he made a lot of mysterious points and decided to inquire about the secrets and legends of the Star Xuanwuyuan.

After two days, Qin Yun was also familiar with the group of Wang Pin Ling, confident that he could use this group of spirits to make a charm.

The above also became quiet, and the breath of the soul of Warcraft has dispersed. Lao Tan, they bid farewell to Qin Yun, decided to go to the shelter in the first district, where they joined a stronger team.

Lan Fengqi and Qin Yun left the first town, they did not belong to the first town. After they separated from Lao Tan, they rushed to the road and left the first town.

They came to a mountain forest a few hundred miles away from the first town and entered a cave.

Qin Yun began to use the group of mysterious Wang Pinling, which is provided by Lan Fengqi. It is indeed very special.

When he was portraying the spirit, he could vaguely feel the power of a suppressed star in the paper.

Lan Fengqi guards by his side, which allows him to be more assured of the system.

A few days later, Qin Yun took a deep breath and finally refining this top character.

"It's so tired! Is this character useful?" He only felt that his arm was heavy. After lifting the carving knife, he lay on the ground and closed his eyes and gasped.


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